HomeMy WebLinkAbout57- Pacific Easement ~2M--4-6,-pjpe Line-Sheet 1. . 4/17/57 Cont. 8814 PIPE LINE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this the 28 day of !Jlay ,19 57 , by and between CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND P,AqFJ,c RAILRo,'{\P,~9MPANY. a VYisconsin Corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Railroad," and TH.t:.. G.1. ry V.i' l^,'iJt.:.f,~".IllN, a munJ. cipal corporation of the State of Montana , , hereinafter called the "Licensee," (if more than one licensee, said term and all language herein referring thereto shall be interpreted in the plural and refers jointly and severally to such licensees) . WITNESSETH That WHEREAS, the licensee desires the right to install, maintain and operate a certain pipe along and under the Railroad's premises at or near Boz eman Gallatin County Montana to be used for the purpose hereinafter set forth. upon, NOW, THEREFORE, the parties mutually agree as follows: 1. The Railroad, for and in consideration of the payments and covenants hereinafter mentioned to bf: made, kept and performed by the Licensee, does hereby license and permit said Licensee to construct, install, and thereafter during the term hereof to maintain and operate under, along and across the Railroad's property in the manner and subject to the terms and conditions herein provided, a certain pipe to be used only for the purpose of city water supply , in the location or locations shown by the yellow line between points lettered A-B upon the map attached hereto, marked "Exhibit X", dated 2/13/57 , numbered 8040 and made a part hereof. The boundaries of the railroad right of way are located as shown by the heavy dash and two dot lines. , 2. The said pipe shall be of cast iron, Class 150 and have a diameter of not to exceed 24 inches. At all points where said pipe passes beneath the roadbed or tracks the same shall be installed and maintained at such depth that the top of said pipe, or any casing which may contain it, shall be not less than 4.5 feet, measured vertically, below the base of the rails of any such track . The 24-1nch steel pipe shall conform to American 3tandnrds Asso- ciation Specification A 21.2-1939. ~ ~~ 3. The word "pipe" wherever used herein, not otherwise herein modified, shall be construed to mean all of the pipes above described and the casings and other coverings and all appurtenances thereof. 4. This agreement shall be effective from and after the date hereof and shall continue in full force and etIect uritil terminated in some one of the ways hereinafter provided. 5, The Licensee shall pay to the Railroad upon execution of this agreement the sum c'lf Twenty-five I>allal's ($25.00) to cover the cost of preparation thereof. The Licensee shall pay all assessments or taxes which may be assessed or levied against or on account of said pipe, or the use thereof and shall indemnify and save harmless the Railroad and the Railroad's property from and against any and all liens or claims on account of any such assessments or taxes. #"" 'adld pp~s JO uonon.:qsUO;) JO aWll aqllu ul StUn l! SB UompUOo pOO~ sn 0:]. AB1\\. ]:0 lq~F P1BS a'llluapualupadns s,pnO.lUBl:! am JO UOnOB]:SnBS a'll ol a.lolsa.1 nBqs pUB 'S){ou.:q .to paqpno.l a'll Aq paldn;);)o lOU PBO.lTWlI aqt ]:0 AB1\\. JO lq<Jl.1 a'll JO uon.tod luql wo.tJ aasu;:J;:l1'1 a'll JO Apado.td un aAoma.t UBqs aasuao1'1 a'll lUawaa.t:;lu slql JO uonBulUl.tal AUB .lanB SABp uat U!ql!A\ 'a;:lnOU lno'lW1<\ asua;)H S!ql a){OAa.l oS!Ma){H ABUl pnO.lUBl:! a'll 's.lnoq .moJ-AlUa1\\.t JO popd snonuHuo;) Aue .10]: 'pBo.lHnH am ]:0 luaUljjpn~ a'll U! UOmpUO;) .10 .lap.lo pnq U! aq Ol pan!w.lad aq ad!d pres PTnoqs 'ola.taq aasu;:);)!'I al{l JO a.tnlnu:iJ!S a'll MOlaq palOU SSa.lppB <I'll re aasua;:l!'I a'll Ol panBUl '<JUnpM U! a;)Hou ,SABP AP!l{l <JU1A!~ Aq asua;)H S!ql atnUltlUal pun a){OAa.t asnn;) lnoql!M ospa AeUl peo.rlWH aq,L '.rnaA auo ]:0 popad B .ro]: awns allJ asn 0:]. UBJ .10 adld p!es ]:0 asn aql.uopuuqu Unqs aasua;)!'I aSB;> U! areuluuat oSll~ neqs aasua;)!'I <lql ]:0 sl'l~P aq,L 'q;)ea.rq a.rntnJ AUB JO .laA!B1\\. 13 alnlHsuo;) lOU neqs q;)ea.lq q;)ns Aun .loJ alBU!w.r<ll ol a.rnne.f 'q;:lBa.1q 'l;)ns ]:0 uosea.1 Aq :iJU!SPU Allnba U! .ro 1\\.BT lB slq:iJP .Iaqlo Aue ol uomppe U! S! lq~P S!ql pUB 'aasua;)!'I aql Aq paw.ropad aq Ol pau!uluo;) u!a.ra'l slUaWaa.l<Jn .10 slUnUaAO;) a'll ]:0 AUU JO lpua.lq Aun .IoJ qE1\\.q:poJ pBO.1HulI allJ Aq palnulw,lal aq ABUl asua;)H S!q,L T1 'ad!d P!BS JO TnAOUla.l .to 0sn 'TB1\\.aua.t '.l!Bda.r 'UOnB.lado 'Uo!l!puoa 'aoueualulew 'U01pn.llsuo;) 'a;)uasa.td 'a;)U0lS!Xa aljJ Aq 01 palnqpluo;) .10 pasrHJ;) .to ]:0 lno <JU1SPB .lauuuw Aue ul 'ola.laq san.tud 0ql :iJu!pnpu! '.raAaoswol{M Aped AUB JO Apado.1d ]:0 uO!pn.llsap .10 0:]. ai3uUlnp JO lno jj'U!SPU .10 .10]: .10 .Ii'JAaOsulOqM uos.lad AUE Aq pa.la;yns 'qreap :au!pnpu! 'sap:n~u! lBuos.lad .10]: .ro 'acTId P!BS JO IUAoUla.l .l0 IE1\\.aua.r '.l!Eda.I 'a;)uBualU!EW 'uonB.lado 'UOn;)n.rlsuoa am 'Ill1\\. uo!pauuo;) U! sasjw<l.ld S,pBO.1I!1311 al{l uodn anq1\\. .laAa -OSUlOq1\\. uos.wd AUU Aq p3.ra;yns 'asnB;) JO s8aTP.1e)'ia.r 'l.JlB,~P ilUlpnpuj 'sapn~u! leuos.tad .IoJ SUl!BP puu SUOn;)B 'asuadxa 'a:iJBUlBp 'lSO;) 'SSOI 'Al!EqBH He pUB AUU lSUjBiJB pun UlO:q 'saAOldUla pUU SlU;:liJB 's.ra;)lYO Sl! 'pBO.InUH a'll SSalW.IBq aAUS pUB AJluwapUj 'aseala.r 'saop Aqa.raq pu;:; 'Ol saa.l;Je aasua;)!'I ;olln 'aLUBs OlUj .lalua lOU Plno1\\. PUO.l -nel:! a'll qajqMlnoql11\\. pue 'luaUlaa.rflB Sjql OlU[ iJupalua ,1OJ PBo.tI!UH a'll Ol uonu.rap1suo;) IBpaluUl 13 sV '01 , 'aalsn.lJ, '){UBS: S<JU1ABS pUB lsn.l,L spJ:eH Ot Auudwo;J pBO.lgBH ;)ypBd PUE lnud 'lS 'a,qnB1\\.UW 'o:ae;)jq;::> Aq paJaA1PP pue paln;:laxa 'tt61 '1 A.rt:nuer JO SB parep ai3e:3pow le.lauaD a'll JO uaH a'll Ot pUB 'aalsn.1J, 'O:3B;)jq;::> JO AUBdwO;J lsnJ:,L pUU :l{UBS: IeUO!lUN sl(mHU IUluauHuo;J Ol AUBdUlO;J p\W.tUBl:! ;)YPUd pUB InBd "lS 'aa}{nB1\\.gW 'O:3B;)!q;::> Aq pa.l;:lAnap pUB p0ln;:l,)X0 'tv61 '( J:.1UnuBr JO SB palBp a~e2pow lS.l!.f a'll JO uan ~u!nu!luo;) aq:]. Ol alBU!p.roqns pUB pa~qns aq neqs lU0Uln.qsul slql Aq parea.l;) lUBdwo;J PBO.lgl3H ;)ypBd pUB TnBd 'lS 'tla}{nBMUW '0:3e01q;::> tlql JO Al.ltldO.ld 01jJ U! lS0J:alUl .W :].l[:5p aqJ, 'a0SUCl;)!'I all:l JO SUllBP .ro slq~P Ue JO .luap pUt: aa.l}: 'su:.31SSU pUB S.lOssa;);)ns sll 'pUO.IlreH a'H uI ul1Jrua.I UBqS ann q;)ns 'palU'8J::3 Aqtl.laq asua:>ll a'll JO uonuulw.lal AUB uodn .ro ptlzpoq:].nu Aqa.18l.{ asn a'll JO luaruuopunqn Aue uodn pUB 'S.lossa;):>ns Sll .10 PUO.II!Bl:! aq:]. JO ann aq:]. Ol 0S.IaApn Apado.rd P!BS :;:0 Aun ol a[m JO UllBP JO arm AUt: passe .TO 0.l!nb;)e palUlV::l Aqa.ra'l asutI;)n a'll JO uosua.l Aq tOU UBqs aasu;);)!'I aq:~ pUB ',{ut) J-! 'Slq;3p Jopadns pue i!UIPu13lSlno .laqlo UU O:j. pUB Apado.td P1BS sH ol pco.rnBu a'll JO ann .1OpCldns aLn ol pa~qns s! patuu.t<J Aq;:l.laq asua;)ll at{J, '6 . t 'UOnoaS S!ql JO uogBldrualUo;) alll u~qlIA\ paYIPoUl .ro pa:auBqCl 'pale;)ola.l sc ames aln Ol A[ddB HBqS paq!,I;lS0P 0Aoqe UO!lB:JoI oql UI adIct P!BS JO IBAOWtI.I .10 le1\\.aua.l '.l!cdtl.l 'a;)uUUalU!BUl 'UOH;)n.llSuo:> aLll Ol a;)uaJ:apJ: l.Jl!1\\. PClss;:l.ldxa uf,uaq suoHBlndgs pUB SUOmpUO;) 'sw.tal a'll nv "}oa.Iaql lSO;) aln UN JO uompua.l uodn A!ldUlO.ld Ked ol sva.I;3e aS1Ma~!l aaSUCl;)!'I aq:j. ){.lOM Lpns UB .IoJ put: a;)nOU lnoqllM AUM JO lq~P slI uodn auop aq ol p0.l1nba.1 :lp01\\. q;)ns JO Aue op uOH;:li)la sH lB luaAa Am~ ul ABUl pBO.tgBR al.Jt lBql 'pap!Ao.ld 'Joa.1alll lSOO 0l.Jl UN JO UOHlPua.r uodn "(ndwo.rd ABd Ol saa.I)'Je aasua;)l'I a'll pue sasod.lnd P[US .loJ A.rBSSa;)i)U a.le su Joa.Iaql UOHC;)Ol alll ul sa;Jucq;) .10 Ol suo!l!Ppu 'U! sa:auEqo q;)ns a:l{nw .10 ad!d Ples aAOUla.r 'aABq ABUl l! l[J[l[M Apawa.l .Ial.Jlo Aue Ot uOn1Ppu UI 'sp0la os H n'ABm pno.1UEH a'll op ol os EUJ UBqS aaSua;:l!'I al.{l n 'peo.1Eeu a'll Aq uO!l;)n.IlsuQ;) Mau .ro SUOHB.lvHB 'sailuBq;) a'll Ol W.10JUO;) Ot A.rBSStI;)aU aq PBO.lEB'H a'll JO lUClUl)'ipn~ a'll ul Aew SB Joa.raln UOnU;)OI v'll U! sa::lump .10 Ol SUOmppB 'U! saiJuet{;:l q:>ns a){ew .10 adld pjns aAOWa.l ol 'op ol os puo.1EBU aq:]. mo.q aJHou U0ll!.rM .lane sAep ual U!4l!M pUB lSO;) alos s,atlsua;)l'I lU 'saaJ:2u aasua;)l'I v'll pUl! : sasod.rnd InJ-MuI UB .roJ SaS1Wa.Id pBO.lgB.l P!l~s asn ol H arqEua 0+ A.IBSSa;)aU S! .1aAalEl[M op ADW pUB p;:J[a KBW H aUlll 01 awg UlO.lJ SB ad!d PlUS SSO.r;)B pue .laAO pUB AB1\\. JO lq:aP P1BS uo samUOBJ puu sampn.rls 'S){aE.ll 'spaqpeo.l pmomppu l.{;)ns aluJ:ado pUB U!UlU1EUI 'l;)n.llSuo;) Ol pUB Joa.lat{l SP.lBpUBlS luasa.Id al[l U! .10 san!EOUJ pUB sa.l.npn.lls 'spaqpeo.l 'S:l{Je.ll .10 1J:aB.tl :iJulls1xa SlI U! sa:iJuBq? qons a){EW Ol ~apE.l:iJ Slj .la~OI .ro as!e.r O:j. saUl!l Ue pUB AUE :j.U lqiJp a'll aAEq UEqS puo.rgU.l aq,L 'S 'aasuaal'I a'll JO lSO:> aql lU aUlBS aq:]. .t!Eda.l .ro .lane 'aAOWa.I At:W .10 'adjd P1BS .l!Eda.l .10 .lanE 'aAOUlaJ Ol aasua;)!'I al.{l ".llnba.l q:].!Ml[pOJ ABUl :j.I 'Al.lado.ld SH JO a~nlU Ol sa.I!sap pEO.lgEH a'll q:>!q1\\. asn AUE .10 'pEO.lUe.l a'll JO uonu.lado a'll qll1\\. sa.lapalul AU1\\. AUB U! adld PIUS J-o asn .10 UomPUO:> 'aouasa.ld aq:j. lBql U01U!do aq:]. JO aq nBqs pUO.lgBl:! a'll aWH AUB lB n puu :uOa.1aql uOllE.rado PEO.lUB.I '.Ia:iJuBpua .10 l;)n.llsqo 'q:].!M <I.lapalu! AE1\\. AUB uI .10 's3sIwaJ:d PBO.rUR.r Ples uodn paulUlUjern .laUBClJ:aq .ro MOU 'samlPBJ .Iaqlo J:O 'sluaUlaAo.ldUl! 's){;)e.ll AUB JO ss,)ulnJ0sn a'll .llBdw! .TO 'Ill1\\. a.1aJ.laluI .laUUBUl AUB U! IUM lEql aw!:]. Aun lB aasua:>!'I a'll Aq 'auop aq Ol pa.la;yns .10 'auop aq unqs <JUjqloN 'peo.ruuH aql Aq uOIpn.tlsUO;) 1\\.au .10 'sTBMaua.t pUB S.llBda.l ';)OUBualUIBUl 'uOnB.ladO sp.IB~a.r S13 qlOq 'PBOJHB}I aql JO SOSjUla.ld pUB Apado.rd lsamTPCJ 'S){;)e.Il aq:]. JO asn paldn.r.ralUlun pUB 'snonullUO;) 'lUB:j.SUO;) aql qEM .laAaOS1Ull1\\. ,,;ma.lapalU! OU asnu;) Ol sa .raUUElli q;:lns Ul palE.tado pUB pa1\\.aua.l 'pa.t.luda.r 'paU!13lU!BUl saUl!:]. UB lB pUB papn.IlsUO;) vq WHIS 'peO.1gBl:! aq:j. JO sasllUa.ld a'll JO Sl!WH a'll lnoql!1\\. .ro U!qH1\\. .laqlaqM ']:oa.lal.Jl spBd HB puu 'adld PIES a'lJ, 'L 'lupa~Ul.uo asuadxa-~. pu~-sale-.l lJP:El-lU IGpalBW pue uam pJ UOnEl.lOdsuU.ll .IoJ sa:aJBq;) apnpu! nt:qs pue 'luaUlult:l.Ta;)Sn pBxa JO arqedB;) lOu asuadxa JO stuawala .IaAOa ol swall .toqBT UB uo 'X'IOT snld 'slSO:> 0Neu:alssu HB UBaill Hel[s lUaUlaa.l~p. sIql U! pasn SB "lso;::>" 'l! Aq auop os ~(.l01\\. q;)ns un JO lSO;) aql.loJa.Iaql sHN JO UOmpua.1 0lll uodn Andwo,ld pBo.1Uel:! a'll Ol ABdaJ: ol Sa0.IZp. aasuaa1'l aq:j. pue 'adId PjBS JO IBAOUla.l .to <l;:luBUalulBUl 'uone.t<lHB 'uollEIIClSUj v'll JO UOSBa.l Aq AU1\\. JO lq~P slI uodn auop aq Ol A.lBSSaoau pawaap :].I Aq ){.lO1\\. .laqlo AUU .10 'UOmpUOJ .IaUl.rOJ .llal[l Ol paqpBO.l pue }{;)U.rl aql a.lolsa.1 ol A.lESSa;)aU ){.lOM AUC pUB auop :au!aq sI ){.lO1\\. q;)ns aUqA\. S1{JB.ll Sl! JO AUt:: :poddns Ol A.lBSSaaau paUlaap II Aq ){.lOM AUB w.lOJ.1ad ABUl pBO.lUB}I a'll lEql paP1Ao.td 'op 0+ O~, ;),T!Sap s,a08UO;)1'l JO wapUalUp<:ldns PIBS lllqAJ1l0U lS.lYlnoqw>> pCO.tHEH aq:j. JO SasllUa.ld aq:j. uodn avsqaojT. v'll Aq. auop. aq UBlls "1pOM OU pUB 'peOlguu a'll JO luapualupadns aql 'Jo UOHOBJSllES aql Ol PUB'UOjS!A.Iadns a'll Japun <:lvsuaJ!'I a'll Aq .auop aq HBqS PEO.lHBl:! aq:j. JO AB1\\. JO lq:aP a'll JO Sl!WH a'll U!4+1M ad!d PIes JO p::Aoma.l pue a;)UBU0lu!eUl 'uoqB.ranU 'UOnUUBlSU! JO ){.I01\\. UV 'uonoadsul pun UOlslA.1adns .lOJ pUB 'pasn srepalew pUB p0UlJ:O]:.wd ){.lOA.... HB J:oJ qllMa.laql uOlpauuo;) U! plW.lgBH aq:j. Aq pa.l.rn;)u! asuadxa pUB lSO;:l UU :iJu!pnpu! 'ad!d pres JO IUAoma.1 pup. IBMaua.1 'a;)uBualU1EUl 'UOH;)n.1lSUO;) a'll 1ll!1\\. uOIpauuo;:l ul pa.r.rn;)u! asuadxa pue lSO;) a.tHuJ a'll .lBaq UEqS aasua;)1'l aq.r. '9 'Z l"':Jt{S---<lUn OOld ~. I-l-SS-A-SM Form WI TW Dept. No. Secretary (Divi.ion or Department) See I y S - 77 Date Mad,. May :31. 19~ Made by Month's Account Audit No. rg-10M'Vl,' r:. b d ~~ I -' ( Bozeman, Montana. (Quote when renlitting) CITY OF BOZFYLAN. Tbi. bill .bould not be altered. If payment i. declined plea.e return bill to Auditor of Ex!><,nditure, 2423 Sonthport A"mne, Chicaro, Ill., stating iu detail reasons for non-payment. l\lake remittance to C. T. Lanllon, TrtCJ.surer Union Station. C1li~"go To Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Co., Dr. .-. }:t'EE for the preparation of license dated Ma:y 28. 1957, (Sec 'y File w-6097). covering a 24" water line extending underneath and across the right of way and track of the Railroad Company, in the vicinity of Garfield Street, Bozeman, Montana .. . . . . . . . . . $25 00 Received Payment 19_ Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company By___._ , ~lr')ip{~ Llnc--'-She~t 3'. and if the Licensee fails so to do the Railroad may do such work of removal and restoration at the cost and expense of the Licensee. The Railroad fnay at its option upon any termination, at the cost and expense of the Licensee, remove the portion of said pipe locat'.'d nlCier said roadbed, track or tracks, and restore said roadbed to as good condition as it was in at the time o:f the construction of said pipe, or it may permit the Licensee to do such work of removal and restoration under the supervision of the Railroad's superintendent. In case of termination in any manner herein provided the Licensee shall have no claim or redress of any character against the Railroad by reason of such termination, removal of said pipe or restoration of the premises, nor shall such termination release the Licensee from any obligation or liability of the Licensee hereunder with respect to any matter or thing occurring prior to :mch termination. 12. The terms and conditions of this agreement shall be binding upon and the benefits thereof shall accrue to the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto, but the Licensee shall not assign the same or any rights thereunder without the written consent of the Railroad having been first obtained. In the event the Railroad shall permit any other railroad company or companies to use its said right of way facilities or premises, such other user or users shall have the benefit of the provisions of indemnity and release from liability inuring to the Railroad hereunder, with the same effect as if such other user or users were parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first above written. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, L .' " ..'" ,.,.).."".;:::." / 1 -<"'\..-.-l.. By..."..........:....,':.~ Attest: ........m_._.'. m... .... ....mmm_. .m."" m_.... .m.......... mu......m I emP"r-e-sl<lent Secretary ...... - -------._--~- ..~' .// /, ......'.....~/ Attest :~':...../'" .. _?,_~_.._........_._......".......................... Clerk THE CITY OF BOZEMAN '~ -~ - -c; t- ~ .via ~#~V By "-~;?;._-'_:__/2~_<;__~___~~L::::_-,,_,X'-_!_l____ _______ __________ . - a yor . Licensee Address: m............. mm.._ u m m.m_mum. m' _ m u _. _ _ _ _._ u _... _ m......... , -.,. ~ .. /1 ./!;y 1/,11 " .i- // ~// /, I ). ..,!! . " c, -1 I. " f)..') .", I .~ : I' <:7 , '" .... ~/'Z;.-. \. , 1\' I : ~ I i I , I / II ,~ H(.c.......-:.-.. __ __ tb<+S7- / l I I / 1:7 /i ,;/, ! , / I, I .:/ / / , , , .....-":.. ",----;' >:l fl) ~ 0 t- X ~ 11 Cl:> ~ h.. 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