HomeMy WebLinkAbout65- Pacific Railroad Co. Easement .. , Pipe Line---Sh_ 1. 10.1962 LIGJ:i:NSEE'S COpy . PIPE LINE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this the 14th day of May ,19 65 , by and between CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, a Wisconsin Corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Railroad," and CITY OF BQZEMiI.N, IN 'rHE COUNTY OF GALLATIN, STATE OF MONTANA, . hereinafter called the "Licem;ee." (if more than one licensee, said term and all language herein referring thereto shall be interpreted in the plural and refers jointly and severally to such licensees). WITNESSETH That WHEREAS, the licensee desires the right to install, maintain and operate S certain pipe Supon, along and under the Railroad's premises at or near Bozeaan, Gallatin County, Montana to be used for the purpose hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties mutually agree as follows: 1. The Railroad, for and in consideration of the payments and covenants hereinaCter mentioned to be made, kept and performed by the Licensee, does hereby license and permit said Licensee to construct, install, and thereafter during the term hereof to maintain and operate under, along and across the Railroad's property in the manner and subject to the terms and conditions herein provided, ~certain pipe. to be used only for the purpose of water mains, san1tary sewer and stOrti sewers, in the location or locations shown by the yellow line between points lettered "A", "S", "e" I. "DR! "E", "0 .. H" upon the map attached hereto, marked "Exhibit X", dated Maroh 0, 1~65 and made a part hereof. The boundaries of the railroad right of way are located as shown by the heavy dash and two dot lines. re1nforced concrete 2. The said pipe. shall ly:ti"-Ifui ~2'i\t ~ron, steel~ v~trir1ed olay and/ and have a diameter of not to exceed 6,8,12,14jnclies. ~t ,an pomts where SaId pipe passes beneath the roadbed or tracks the same shall be installed and maintained at such depth that the top of said pipe. or Hny casing which may contain it, shall be not less than 5,7.5 . 10 feet, measured vertically, below the base of the rails of any such track. (For Desoription of Water t'Ia1ns, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewers. See Sheat l-A, hereto attached and made a part he reof) 3. The word "pipe" wherever used herein. not otherwise herein modified, shall be construed to mean all of the pipes above described and the casings and other coverings and all appurtenances thereof. 4. This agreement shall be effective from and after the date hereof and shall continue in full force and effect until terminated in some one of the ways hereinafter provided. 5. The Licensee shall pay to the Railroad upon execution of this agreement the sum of Thirty-five Dol- lars ($35.00) to cover the cost of preparation thereof. The Licensee shall pay all assessments or taxes which may be assessed or levied against or on account of said pipe, or the use thereof and shall indemnify and save harmless the Railroad and the Railroad's property from and against any and all liens or claims on account of any such assessments or taxes. .... ~. 'luapualup:adns s,puO.rUUll aql JO uop:llA.ladns aq'j. .rapun uOl'p:::Io'l-sa.r puu YUAOllia.r JO ){.rOM q;)Os op 0+ aasua;)n aq'j. 'j.llli.rad A1'llli 'j.l .10 'ad!d PIuS JO uopon.qsuoo aq'j. JO allip aq'j. 'j.1'l U! S1'lM +! S1'l uOpJPuoo poo.8 S1'l o'j. peqp1'lo.l PI1'lS a.lo'j.se.l PU1'l 'S){01'l.l'j. .l0 ){;)1'l.l'j. 'peqp1'lo.l P!1'lS .lap un pa'j.1'looI adld PI1'lS JO uon.lod aq+ aAOllie.l 'aasueJ!,,! aq'j. JO asuadxa pU1'l 'j.80;) aq'j. 'j.1'l 'UOP1'lU!lli.l;;q AU1'l uodn uondo s'j.! +1'l A1'llli PUO.TUUU eq,t 'eesuaJn eq+ JO esuadxe pUl:: +\;100 eq+ +u UOnU.lo'j.sa.l puu IUAollia.l JO ){.lOM qJns op AUlU pIW.T[!Ut[ aq'j. op 0+ os suuJ aasuao!'I aq+ n puu 'adld PI1'lS JO UOnOn.I'j.SUO;) JO allin aq'j. 'j.'e U! SUM +! su UOmpUOJ poo.8 su 0+ AUM JO +q.8l.r P!lIS aq+ +uapua+upedns s,puo.rIWU aq+ JO UOnJ'eJsn1'lS aq'j. o'j. e.ro+se.I IIuqs puu 'S}[J'P..l1 .10 paqpuo.l al{'j. Aq pe!dn;XlO toU PUO.lHU'H Cll{'I- JO AlIM JO +q.8l.r aq'j. JO uon.lod +lIq'j. lliO.lJ eesu<J;)!'1 aq+ JO Apedo.rd uu aAOllie.r IIul{s eesuaJ!'I aq'l- 'j.mnuaa.l.8U S!ql JO uOnUUllli.lCl+ AUu .l<J'j.Ju sAup ueiuIql!Ai 'eonou +noql!A\ asua;)!! slq+ a}[OAa.l eS!Me}[!! Atllli rH~O.lntlll aq'J. 's.lnoq .rnoJ-A'J.uaM'j. JO pOJ.lad snonUnUO;) AUU .roJ 'PIW.lIWH aq'J. JO tuaw1Jpnf aq'J. ul UOmpUOJ .ro .Tep.lo puq ul aq o'j. panluuad aq adld PIUS PInoqs 'o'J.a.raq easw);)n ern JO a.rnluu.8pl eq'J. MOleq pelou sse.Ippu all'). +u aasuaon aql O'j. peU'Elli '.8UppM uI eonou ,SA1'lp At.llql.8uIAI.8 Aq esuao!Islql al1'lU!lli.ral puu e}[OA,U asn'EO 'j.notp-!& OSl'E A'Elli PUO.IH'Et[ aqJ,. '.ItlaA auo JO pOJ.led U .IoJ 0lli'eS aq'j. asn 0+ UUJ .10 ed!d P!1~s ,to asn aql UOpU'Eq'E H'Eqs a<lsu<lJ!'1 es'EO U! el'EU!lli.r<ll oSIu II'Eqs easuaJn aq'j. JO slq1J!.I aqJ, 'qO'E<).Iq .un'j.nJ AUU JO .laAIUM 1'l uln'nlsuoJ 'l-OU II1'lqs q;ma.rq qJns AU'E .roJ al'Eullli.l<ll o'j. a.InHu.o:I 'qo'Ea.rq qons JO uosp.a.l Aq .8uIsI.m AllnbCl uI .10 MUI +1'l s'j.qlip .l<lqlo AUU ol uonJPpu U! sl lq.8J.l slql puu 'ea8uaOn eq+ Aq pelU.IoJJ:ad aq 0'1- pau!1~').lWJ UIC'l.lJq swewaa.T2u J:O S'j.UUU8AOJ eql JO Aun JO qoua.Iq AUl~ .roJ qllMm.IoJ P1W.IHUll aq'j. "rq p<l'j.'GU[lU.Ia'j. aq AUlli esu,xl!l sllfJ, "2:1 'adld PIuS JO 11'lAolUa.T .ro asn 'l'eMaua.I '.I!uda.I 'uon'e.rado 'uornpuoo 'aouuud'j.U!UlU 'Uolpn.I'j.suoo 'a;:masa.Id 'aoua'j.slxa eql Aq Ol palnqll+uo;) .ro pasn'eo lO JO +no lIuISI.lU lauuulU AUU UI 'o+a.Iaq sanl'ed aql .8u!pn{Ou! '.reAa -OSlUOqM &j.Jud AU'E JO Apado.ld JO aOnon.llsap .ro Ol elJBlUUp lO lno lJuISpu .TO .roJ .1.0 .IaAeoslUol{M. uos.:lad AUU "rq paJ.anns 'l{'j.uap .8uJPnlJU! 'seJ.lnfuI luuos.Iad .loJ .lO 'ad!d PIBS JO 11'lAowa.l .W IBM8u8.r '.T!uda.l 'aouuualululU 'uoHu.Iado 'Uon;m.rlsUO;) aql q'j.!M. UOnJauuoJ UI sasllUa.Id S,PUO.IUBU vql uodn aUlfM .laAaoslliol{M. uos.Iad AUU Aq pa.lanns 'asnuo JO SSi)Ip.Iu.8a.l 'qluap .8ulpnIJul 'sal.TnfuI pmos.Iad .1oJ sm!BIo pun SUOnJB 'asuadxi) 'a.lJuwup 'lSOJ 'ssoI 'AlmqBH lIB PU'E AU'E lsulu.lJ1'l pUU lUO.IJ 'saAolcIwa puu fllUCl'zU 'l:!.IaJmO S'l-I 'plOO.TI!UU: aL{l ssarW.1uq aAUS pUB A;nuwapuI 'asnaIa.r 'Si)OP AqaJ:aq puu '0'1- saa.I.3u aasuaJVI aq'J. 'amus O'j.UI .Ii)'l-ua lOU PInoM. Pt:O.IHUU aql tplqM 'j.110lf'j.l& pUB 'WalUGo.I.8u S!l{l o').UI llupa'j.ua .IoJ PlJO.IHB'll al{+ Ot uO!tu.wP!SUOJ FJp0tUW 1~ flY 'n 'a<:lsuao!'1 aq'j. JO SW!1'lp.ro slq.3J.I Ilu .+0 .1uayo PU'B aa.lJ 'su.8!SSU pUU S.Iossaoons sll 'PUOlH1'lt[ aql uI ulullia.I IIuqs am'j. l.{Jns 'Pi)lUUJ.8 Aq0J.Gl{ asuao!! eql JO uO!luulwJal AUU uodn .10 pazJ.Ioq+nu Aqa.Iaq asn aql JO 'j.Ui)muopuuqu Aut: uodn puu 's.rO\:lSaJJ11S s'j.l .10 pUOJ -HUll aql JO am'). aq'j. Ol i)S.IaApU Al.lado.Id P!BS JO AUU O'j. ann .10 wluy;> .TO ;)[+!l AUU 'j..IG\:lSU .TO aJInb;)u P;)lUBJ1l Aqa.Ii)1.{ GSUJOH 0ql JO UOSUi).l Aq lOU lrr.qs ai)sui)J!'1 aq'j. pun' ,{UU J! 'S'j.q.8I.I .1O!.Iadns pUU 1lulpmQS'l-no .Iv1nO n1': O'j. pUU ii:'j..Iado.ld PIuS s'j.l o'j. pnO.IUBt[ al.{'j. ,+0 arm .IopadnS aq'j. 0+ :j.;)0fqns S! pa+Ul~.L~ AcFl,mq asuClJ!I crqJ, "(H 'uoIpas sllf'). JO UOn1'lldlU8lUOO at[l U!ql!M P0lHpOlU .10 pa~iuuq;) 'pa+'H;)oId.I su elUUS aq'j. Ol A[ddu Ut:lfs Pi)ql.l;)sap eAoq1'l UOn1'lOO[ al{'j. UI ad[d pp~s ,+0 IUAomi1.I .IO InMaUi).I '.:qndG.I 'a;)uuual -U!1'ltu 'uolpn.I'j.sUoJ aql 0'1- aoui).IaJa.r q'j.!M. passa.Idxi) u!a.Ii)\.{ suopuIndps pUU suonJPUO;) 'Sm.I01 er.{1 IIY "JO;).i0tp lSOJ alfl UN JO UOmpUi).I uodn AItdwo.Id Aud Ol S<:la.I.8u as!Me)fH i)asui)Jn aq'j. }{.IOM qJns lIB .lO] pUU a;)nOU 1110 -ql!M AUM JO ll{lip Sl[ uodn auop aq o'j. p;:u!nba.I }{.IOM. qons JO AUU op uopJi)Ia sll 'l-U lUGAa AU1'l U! AUlU pUO.Igtllr al{l ').'r.l{'j. 'Pi)PIAO.Id "JOi).Ii)q'l- 'j.SOJ aq'j. mq JO UOmpUi).l uodn A[1.ciruo.Id Ar::d Ol saa.Iifu (laSUi)J!'1 aq'j. puu sasod.md PIuS .ToJ A.IUSSaJau a.IU su JO;).I;)lf'j. UOnl':;)OI alfl U! sa.8uuq;) .10 0+ suon!Ppu 'UI saliuuqo qJns e}{l~W .lO ad!d PIBS aAOlUa.I 'aAl~q At~UI 'J.! q;)lqM Api)mi).I .Ii)q+o AUl~ Ol UOrHppB U! 'spe[i) os 'j.! JI 'AUlU PUO.IIWU at[+ op 01 08 UU.1 Iluqs ai)sua;)!'I Jq'j. n 'PUO.lHU({ ;)q'j. Aq UOnJn.I'j.suoo Mau .lO sUOPU,Ii)+Iu'saifuulfJ aq1 01 UI.loJuoa o'j. A.IUSSa;);)u aq PRO.IH"B'H alf'j. JQ-iualU.3pnrMJ:+ 'ur:' AUUI-stl '.1oa.Iaq+ UOH'DUI aqlursa:3ul':\.{J.IO opmonJppu 'U! sa.8mnp q;)111:! e}{BW .to edld PIUS aAomi).I 0+ 'op Ol os PUO.lgu'l:! aql UlO.rJ ao!'j.ou uanr.IM. .lalJu SAUP ua'j. U!q+lM. pUU '+SOJ a[os S,a88Ui);)!'I ').13 'saa.l'zn <:lesua;)1'T eq'j. puu ~ sasod.md InJA\Bl Ilu .Ioj: sas!w0.ld PUO.lIP~.I ppJ\l asn o'j. +1 O[qUUi) ol AJUS -saJ<>U sI .raAeluqM op ,\UlU puu lJala AUUl l! <>lUn 0'). awn mO.lJ su ad!d pp~s SSO.IJIJ pun .IaAO pun AUM JO 'j.q.\'Jp PIUS uo s<>nmJuJ pm: sa.lnpn,l+s 'S}{01'l.I'). 'SPi)qpUO.I Iuuomppu q;ms G+u.ICldo put:: U!1?1UrnW 'pn.I'j.suoJ 0+ pUG JOi)Jaq1 Sp.IBpm',fs 'j.ui)si),ld aql U! .lO Si)!l!lpuJ puu sa.Inpn.Ils 'spaqpuo.1 's)f'JlJJ.l J.O }[JU.I'j. .8unslxa 8'1-1 UI s<>ifuUlfJ lfJns a:>[nw O'j. 'Gpu.rli Sl! .ri)MOl .TO aSrU.l 0'1- SCllUH au pun Aun 'j.u llfifJ.T 0lfl aA1]Il nt~IlS pl~O.Il!ull aIlJ, "6 '}{Otl.q aq'j. JO i)UH .Ialuao aql 0'1- sal1luu lq.8P l1'l p0.Inst::aw '}{JB,:q Pi)1U.Ii)do uu JO aun .lawa;) aq+ mo.I.1 'li)aJ Sr9 snlcI 'qJU0.Il i)ql ,+0 wonoq aq'j. Ol nUJ i)q'j. JO i)Sl>,q aq1 mO.IJ li)i)J UI qldap aq'j. samq 9(n unq'j. ssa[ :tOU PCl'j.U;)Ol vq Iluqs Pi)w.IoJ.Ii)d i).IU suoqu.l<:ldo 2u!}pTI~ puu .ilUI.Ioq Gql q;)!qM mO.lJ SlJuI -puaq <HIt 'PUO.IHUt[ aq'). JO AUM JO lq.8I.1 aq'j. uo pa.llnbG.l a.lU SuonU.IGdO .8u~:>J:Jt:f pUU JJU!.Ioq a.li)qAi '8 'aasuao!'I aq'j. ,+0 lSOJ aqllu aruu8 al.{l .1rudi).r .10 .1alll': 'aAOlUa.I Al':m .10 'ed!d PIllS .l!uda.l.lo .Ia+lu 'aAowa.r Ol aasuaJ!'I a\.{l 8.I!nba.r qllM.q'j..IoJ AI':Ul II 'Al.lado.td Sl! JO a}[UlU 0'1- sa.qsap puo.rHu(I aql l{0!4A\ asn AUU .10 'PUO.IHU.I alf+ JO uonu.ri)do aql ql!M sa.Iapa'j.uI AHM AUU UI adrd prUS JO i)sn .10 UOmpUO;:l '<:lOUi) -sa.Id Oln 'j.nql uo!u!do al{+ JO eq lluqs PUO.llJU'lI aql awn i':uu lU .n pUU ~ UOaJaql uonn.li)do pno.InB.I 'J.ailuupua .10 pn.qsqo 'q'j.IA\ a.Ia,Falu! AUM AUU UI ,10 'saslwa.ld pUO.IHm PIllS uodn pauIB'j.up~UI .Iauua.Iaq .10 MOU 'sanmOBj .Ii)qlo .10 's'j.ualU0AO.ldm! 's}{au.q AUB JO SSi)lqnJasn aq'j. .qudw! .TO lfllM a.IopalUI .Ii)UUUlU AUU UI InM. ll>'ln alUn AUU lU easuG;:>n 0l{1 Aq 'auop aq Ol pa.Ia,yns.IO 'i)UOP vq ll1'lqs liulq:+oN 'PUOJl!uU oIll Aq UOnJn.qsuoa Mau.IO 'sIu -M.auo.r pUU sJInda.I 'a;)uuUi)'l-UIUUI 'uonu.Ii)do Sp.Iu.8v.I su qloq 'p~O,lnUll aIll JO 8<>sllUCl,ld pUU A'j..Iado.Id 'saqmJuJ 'S}{OH.I+ ;;nn JO asn paldn.uo').ulun puu 'snonUnUOJ 'lUUlSUOJ a4l 4lIM. .li)AaOs1uLjA\ aou<:l.IaJ.ralu! OU asnUJ o'j. Su .li)UUUW qans ur palB.Iado pun paA\OUaJ 'poJ!nda.I 'POU!UlUIUUI salliJl Il1'l l1'l puu pa1Jn.I'j.suoo aq IIuqs 'puo.1guU <ll{'j. JO sas!UIa.Id aql JO Sl!lliH i)ql lnol{'j.IA\ .lO U!\.{'j.!M. .laqlaqM 'Joa.l<lql spud lIB pua 'adrd PIUS aqJ, 'L 'll':J.IEl'j.Blli uo asuadxi) a.IOlS PUH Si)'p~.I ll!.IUllH IBpa+uw pUU ualU JO uoqupod -SUU.I+ .IOJ saZ.Iuqo apnpuI nuqs pUU 'lU<:llliU!nFGJSll 'j.;)uxa JO 0{qudUJ 'j.OU i)suadx<:l JO s'l-ualUala ,lOAoa 0'). smG').1 .IoqnI IlU no (;f,OT EnId 's'j.soo alquu.3!SSU UU uuam uuqs lUalUaJ.IifB sll{l U! pJsn SU "lsoO" 'l! Aq auop os :>{,l0& q;)ns Iln JO lSOJ alf'j. .IoJa.Iaq'j. smq JO UOmpUi).I aq+ uodn Andmo.Id PUO.IHui[ aql 0'). Audi).r 01saa.r.'Bu aasuaJ!'I i)l{l puu 'edld PI1'lS JO IUAOrna.I .10 aouUUalU!HlU 'uo!'!-1'l.1aw>, 'uonUllUlSU! aql JO UOSn0.T Aq AUA\. JO 'j.q.8p Sl! uodn auop aq ol A.IUSSa;)(')u pamaap +! Aq }[JOM. .Iaq'j.o Aun .lO 'uonJPUOJ .1arn.IoJ .llaql ol P;)qpUO.I puu }[;)u.q aql .)J01Si).I 0+ A.t1'lSSaJau }[.1OM AUU PU1'l i)UOp .8U!i)q S! }[.IOM qans an\.{M. S}[OUJ.1 s'l-I JO AUB l.loddns ol A.rusSaOi)u palUi)ap 1! Aq }{JOM AU'e UI.Iopad AUUl puo.1l!1'lt{ aql luq'j. pap!Ao.Id 'op 0+ os e.IIsap S,<li)suao!'I JO luapualuJ.I8dns PIl':s .8U!AJnOU lS.lY 'j.nolfllM p1'lO.1.U1'lt{ aql JO saslllia.rd aq'j. uodn aa8UO;)n aql "rq auop aq nm{S }{.rOM ou puu 'puo.rnuu aql JO wepualuJ.Iadns al{l 'Jo UO!P'EJsJl1'lS alfl Ol pUI': 'UoIsIA.ladns oql .ropun oi)suoo!'I all+ Aq auop aq nuqs pUO.Il!ud: alll JO AUM JO ').q.8J.l aql JO Sl!UlJ{ aql uI\.{'I-!M adld PIUS JO l'BAorna.r pUU aouuualUrUUI 'uo!'!-U.I8l1U 'uonnllu'j.su! JO }[.lOM nv 'uoIPi)dsu! puu Uo!s!A.ladns .loJ pUU 'pasn SIUpa11'llli pUU Pi)w.roJ.Iad }[.r0M. nu .toJ qllMa.laql uOJ1.Jeuuo;:> uI pUOJU'GlI alll Aq paJ.rnJu! asuadxa PU1'l +SOJ Il1'l .8uWnIouI 'odEd ppm ,+0 IUAoUIa.I puu lUMaua.1 'eJuUU<:l1U!aW 'uoqon.qsuoa aq+ q'j.!M UO!Pi)UUOO U! pi).I.Inou! asuadxa pU1'l lSOO a.IpUi) aq1 .IUi)q n'eqs aesua:>!'1 aqJ, "9 196 t '01 "Z l""'1S-U!"1 OO!d I , .' ~ t'>' ~ I . , SHEET l..A. (Section 2 continued from Sheet 1) 2. One of the said water mains shall oonsist of a six inch (6") cast iron carrier pipe placed inside a twelve inoh (12") steel casing pipe, 5 teet below baae of rail, extending underneath and across the right of way, roadbed and track of the Railroad at South )rd Street, al shown at point lettered " A ., on the said Exhibit " I .. One of the said water mains shall consist of a six inch (6") cast iron carrier pipe placed inside a twelve inch (12") st..l casing pipe, 5 feet below bas. of rail, extending underneath and across the right of way, roadbed and tra.ok of the Railroad at Kagy Boulevard, a. shown at point lettered " B ., on the .aid Exhibit " X ". 'U... 8airl .f1.n1 tary sewer shall consist of an eight inch (8") vitrified olar carrier pipe placed lllside a sixteen inch (16") steel casing pipe, 10 t.et below base of rail, extendi~g underneath and across the right of waf, roadbed and track of the Railroad at Kagy Boulevard, as shown at point lettered" e", on the said Exhibit " X ". One ot the said atora sewer. .hall consist ot a fourteen inch (14") steel pipe, 5 teet below base ot rail, extending underneath and across the right of waT, roadbed and track of the Railroad at South 3rd Street, as shown at point lettered " D " on the said Exhibit .. X ". One of the laid ltont. sewers shall consist ot a twentY' inch (20") steel pipe, 7.5 t.et below base of rail, extending under- neath and across the right of ~ and track of the Railroad as shown at point lettered" E., on the said Exhibit.. I ". r-: ;- J r. 'tree..} I~fl One of the said storm sewers shall consist of a b._I;1 inch ~) reinforced concrete pipe, 5 feet below the surface of the ground, extending underneath and along the right of way of the Railroad in the vicinitY' of South )rd street, as shown between the points lettered " G - H ", on the said Exhibit " X". The Bpecificati~ns for materials and for construction procedure shall be as outlined in yellow oolor on the said Exhibit.. X"..,." ..,~ ,,-'.f".' /'/ '" ",' "..,...,""" ~ ...........,.....-~..... /"""__~,r -" / /.,-"'- .," .,..' ......,I"'.<~.,.,. /"'..... ,,-' ../' / .,.,.-'r''''''''' /'" //,,,- <" .. - 10. 1'9,62 Pipe Li'?"-llIh".t 3. ~ , . In case of termination in any manner herein provided the Licensee shall have no claim or redress of any character against the Railroad by reason of such termination, removal of said pipe or restoration of the premises, nor shall such termination release the Licensee from any obligation or liability of the Licensee hereunder with respect to any matter or thing occurring prior to such termination. 13. The terms and conditions of this agreement shall be binding upon and the benefits thereof shall accrue to the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto, but the Licensee shall not assign the same or any rights thereunder without the written consent of the Railroad having been first obtained. In the event the Railroad shall permit any other railroad company or companies to use its said right of way facilities or premises, Piuch other user or users shall have the benefit of the provisions of indemnity and release from liability inuring to the Railroad hereunder, with the same effect as if such other user or users were parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first above written. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, Attest :m5!1.t}ZifJ1.~.-'.-.:"~___BYm_m~~;n;;;jii;;;;;g;;-- .J /(\~?P~</t:J;- Secretary CITY 01" BOZEMAN. IN THE COURfY OF GALLATIN, ,~,~,~~:~~",-z9.......~.u~~?...~~~.~-~...................................---......-.....--....-..------------------------------.--------- 'L Licensee ~.--- // / .' . 7t''' ~_.I , _ 1:)." ~(-.'.'.;..'i r .c'". _.. .!~ I... By--l1:.-:.........1t1::1d:r. ........~:...<(.:.~...--=.T~~~~C----------...... Attest. /'AA ,.",,' " -. {_t:L:'<:'d:>"~ / ..u............:.-~~...t:~~'!.'"~n::::::-... ....~ur. w. ~n:i._.n .,""~. . .""...... , ____________ (.. .' .~ J ~I ,.>,fi- <~ I i - CJ1/ / , ..' 1'7 /, . ,l'~('/" '/<( ,', (.,/:.uJ,. . ". -"It' (~ >v.wa- _./..m...'~te:~mm_M Address: Bozeman, Montana . , F .5.62-0-1 OM l' ......., Form 729' Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company Office of Division Superintendent Deer Lodge, Montana May 18, 1965 City Clerk City of Bozeman Bozeman, MOntana Dear Sir: Attached hereto for your files is duplicate original of fullY executed license dated May 14, 1965 covering water mains, sanitary seioJer and storm sewers as set forth on Sheet I-A of license, attached to and made a part of the license. Yours very truly, );7 IL~ 1>1. T. Sevedge . Superintendent C~M.St.P~&P. RR~ HBJ:ic