HomeMy WebLinkAbout69- North Pacific Easement Plve Llnl'-----Sh...,t; 1. , ,3 -, 96!, LICENSEE'S cop"" \ PIPE LINE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this the 17th day of June ,19 69 , by and between CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, a Wisconsin Corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Railroad," and CITY OF OOZEMAN IN THE COUNTY OF GALIATIN AND STATE OF MONTANA , hereinafter called the "Licensee," (if more than one licensee, said term and all language herein referring thereto shall be interpreted in the plural and refers jointly and severally to such licensees). WITNESSETH That WHEREAS, the licensee desires the right to install, maintain and operate a certain pipe upon, along and under the Railroad's premises at or near Bozeman Gallatin County Montana to be used for the purpose hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties mutually agree as follows: 1. The Railroad, for and in consideration of the payments and covenants hereinafter mentioned to be made, kept and performed by the Licensee, does hereby license and permit said Licensee to construct, install, and thereafter during the term hereof to maintain and operate under, along and across the Railroad's property in the manner and subject to the terms and conditions herein provided, a certain pipe to be used only for the purpose of a sanitary sewer , in the location or locations shown by the yellow line between points lettered "A-B" upon the map attached hereto, marked "Exhibit X", dated April 28, 1969 and made a part hereof. The boundaries of the railroad right of way are located as shown by the heavy dash and two dot lines. 2. The said pipe shall be of due tile iron and steel and have a diameter of not to exceed 14 & 32 inches. At ,all points where said pipe passes beneath the roadbed or tracks the same shall be installed and maintained at such depth that the top of said pipe, or any casing which may contain it. shall be not less than 7 feet, measured vertically, below the base of the rails of any such track. The said sanitary sewer shall consist of a fourteen inch (14") dUl;:tile irun carrier pipe placed inside a thirty-two inch (32") steel casing pipe, 7 feet below base of rail, extending underneath the right of way, roadbed and track of the Railroad in South Wilson Avenue at Bozeman, Montana as shown on Exhibit "X'". The specifications for materials and the construction procedure shall be as outlined in yellow color Oil the said Exhibit "X". 3. The word "pipe" wherever used herein, not otherwise herein modified, shall be construed to mean all of the pipes above described and the casings and other coverings and all appurtenances thereof. 4. This agreement shall be effective from and after the date hereof and shall continue in full force and effect until terminated in some one of the ways hereinafter provided. 5. ~~KllIO{:tK)tn~aemtXxxHiJtX~~JOOOCd:IDbi~1tx~. ~~;'<$X~:@~l{:t~K.1(lUt~~1tXK~f. The Licensee shall pay all assessments or taxes which may be assessed or levied against or on account of said pipe, or the use thereof and shall indemnify and save harmless the Railroad and the Railroad's property from and against any and all liens or claims on account of any such assessments or taxes. . ~ I "+nepue'\.upedns S,PUO.II!,ulI eq'\. JO uOIl:;IA.ledns eq'\. .lepun UOnlUo'\.se.I puu IUAowe.! JO ){.IOM qons op O'\. easue::l!'I aqlllwJad AUlu II .10 'adld PIuS JO UOnonJlSuOO eln JO awn aq'\. '\.U UI SUM l! su uompuoo pooZ su o'j. paqpuo.I PIus a.Io'\.sa.r pUU 'S}{OU.I'I- .10 )(;)U.I'I- 'paqpuo.I Pl'es ,mpun pe'l-uooI ad!d PIuS JO uon.Iod aq'j. aAOWa.I 'aasua;)!'"! aq'J. JO asuadxa pU'e 'J.SO;) aq'l- 'J.U 'uOnUUlw.Ia'l- AU'e uodn uondo S'\.! 'J.U AUW PUO.IUUlI aq.L "aasua;)n aq'l- JO asuadxa pU'e 'J.soo aq'l- 'l-U uon'e.Io'l-sa.I puu IUAOWe.I JO }{.IOM q;)ns op AUW PUO.IIfUlI aq'l- op Ol os suuJ aasuao!'I aq'l- ;n pUU 'edld PIuS JO uOlpn,qsuo;) JO ewn eq'J. 'J.U UI SUM 'J.I su UOnWUO;) pooZ su O'J. AUM JO 'l-qiip PIus aq'\. 'J.uapua'j.ul.Iadns S,PUO.IuutI aq'J. JO UOI'l-;)uJsnus aq'J. O'J. a.Io'J.sa.I nuqs pm: 'I:DPU.I'I- .10 paqpuo.I aq'l- Aq paldn;);)o 'J.ou pUO.IUu}f aq'l- JO AUM JO lqiil.I aq'J. JO uO!'J..Iod 'J.uq'J. WO.IJ aasua;)!'I aq'l- JO Af.ladoJd nu aAorua.I nu'ls aasuo;)!'I al{'I- lUawaa.Iffu slq'l- JO uO!'J.uuIULIa'l- AUU .Iauu SAUP ua'\. UIl.{lIM "a;)!'J.ou 'J.noqll'o\\ asua::lH sll{'l- a}{OAa.I as!Ma){H Amu pl:~O.IUUiI aq'\. 's.Inoq .IUoJ-A'l-uaM'\. JO pOJ.Iad snonUnUO;) AUU .IoJ 'pUO.IU'EltI aq'l- JO 'J.uaw3pnr aq'l- UI UOmpUO;) .10 .Iap.IO puq uI aq Ol patllUU<ld aq edld Plus PInoqs 'O'j.a.Iaq aasua;)!'1 aln JO a.In'l-utilils aq'\. MOIaq pa'J.ou ssa.lppu aq'l- 'l-u aasua;)!'1 aq'l- o'\. paUmu '.8UpJ.IM uI ;);)nOU ,SAUp A'J..Ilq'l- .'3UIAI.8 Aq asua;)H slq'j. aluulw.Ial puu <l}[OMU asnu;) 'l-nOtmM OSIu AUW PUO.IuutI aq.L '.maA auo JO pOJ.Iad U .IoJ awus aql asn o'\. UUJ .10 <ldld PIUS JO asn aq'l- uopm:qu nuqs aasua;)!'1 asuo uI a'l-uulw.I8'l- oSIu nuqs aasua;)!'1 aq'l- JO s'\.q.8J.I ;)q.L 'q;ma.Iq a.IU'l-nJ AUU JO .IaAIUM U olnlnSUO;) ').ou nuqs q;)ue.Iq q;)US AUU .IoJ a'l-uulw.Ia'l- Ol a.Ingu...r "qoua.Iq qons JO uosua.I Aq Zup~pn Al!nba U! .10 MnT lU slq.8I.I .Iaq'J.o Aun O'\. uomppu uI sl '\.q.8!.I S!l{'\. puu 'aasuao!'I al{'\. Aq paw.IoJ.iad aq 0'). paulu'\.uO::l u!a.Iaq s'J.Uawaa.I.8u .10 S'j.uuuaAO;) aq'l- JO AUU JO q;)ua.Iq .{ut: .IoJ l{'l-IMqpoJ pBO.Igt:U aq'). Aq pa').BU!W.Ia'). aq Aum asua;)!l sll{..L '(;1 'adld PIUS JO IUAOWa.I .10 asn 'IUMaUa.I '.Iluda.I 'uo!'J.'e.Iado 'UOPlPUO;) 'eouuua').uluur 'uopon.I'\.suo;) ';);)uesa.Id 'a;)Ua'l-8Ixa am Aq o'\. pe'\.nqJ.I'l-uo;) .10 pa8nU;) .10 JO '\.no .8uIsJ.Iu .Iauumu AUt:: uI 'o'\.a.Iaq SGp.It::d aq'\. .8uwnpU! '.IaAa -OSuroqM A'J..Iud AUU JO A'J..Iado.1d JO uop;)n.1'l-sap .10 o'\. a.8uurup JO 'J.no .8U!SPU .10 .IoJ .10 .laAeosuroqM uos.Ied AUU Aq pa.la;g:n8 'q'l-uap .8ulPnpuI 'sapufuI Iuuos.1ed .IoJ .10 'edld pp~s JO IUAoura.I .10 {UM;)Ua.1 '.IIBda.1 'O;)UUUalUluW 'uo!'J.u.Iedo 'uo!'J.;)n.I'l-suoo al{'\. l{l!M UOP;);)UUO;) uI sas!rua.ld s,puo.ruut[ aq'\. uodn eUl{M .laAaosuroqA\. U08.Ied AUU Aq pa.Ie;g:ns 'esnu;) JO sseIp.rB,Za.I 'q'l-uap .8uwnpuI 'sel.rnfu! It:uos.rad .1oJ sWluP puu SUOP;)U 'asuadxa 'a.3uurt:p ''l-SO;) 'ssoI 'A:nUquH UU puu AUu 'l-SU!u.8u puu WO.IJ 'seAo[dma puu S'l-U0Zn 's.ra;)liJo sll 'pBO.rgUt[ aq'j. ssaIULIHl{ eAUS PUU AJ!uUIepuI 'asnela.I 'seop Aqe.Iaq pUU '0'1- saa.I'zu aesua;)!'1 eq'l- 'aurm; OlU! .Ia'l-ua 'l-OU PlnoM pUO.InUlI aq'\. q;)JqM +noql!M pun 'waruaa.r.3u sIq'l- OlU! .8upalua .IOJ Pt:o.rIP:;U aq'l- 0+ uOJ'j.B.rapp>uO;) ITIpa'l-t:UI t: sy 'n "aasua;)J'1 at.{'I- JO SUI!UI;) .10 s').l.{.8!.I nu JO ~uap puu aa.IJ 'su.8lssu puu s~ossa;);)ns s').l 'puo.1Hu't[ aq'\. uI u!uwa.I IIu-q:s am'l- q;ms 'pa'l-uu.1.8 Aqa.Ii3q a8Ua;)!I aq'\. JO UOnUU!w.la'l- AUU uodn .10 pazl.Iol{+n'3 Aqa.laq asn aq'l- JO 'l-uaUIuopuuqu AUu uodn puu 's.lossa;);)ns S'l-! .ro puo~ -uu't[ al{'I- JO am'l- aq'l- Ol as.IaApU A'\..rado.Id PIUS JO AUU 0'1- anT.j. JO urluP .TO arm AUU 'j..IaSSU .10 o.Ilnb;:m pa'\.u'P..I.3 Aqa.lel{ osua;)H aq'l- JO uosua.r Aq 'l-ou Ireqs aosua;)!'1 aq'\. puu ',{UB J! 'S'l-l{2J.I .lopGdns puu 'zuJPutl'l-s'l-no .raqlO nt:: 0'1- puu Ap0do.rd PIUS sll o'l- puo.1uu'U aq'l- JO am'l- .Iopadns aq'l- 0+ +;)Orqns S! pO';.mu2 Aqa.ral.{ a8ue;)H 8q.L '01 "UOJ'J.;)as sll{t JO uOHuldura'j.Uo;) aq'\. U!q'l-lA\. pampour .10 p;)2uuq;) 'pa'\.u;)oFu su aUIUS aq'J. 0+ Alddu nuqs paq!.I;)sap aAoqu uOJ'J.U;)OI aq'l- uI adld PIuS JO {BAOUla.l .IO ITIMOUa,I '.l!UdCl.I 'a;)uuuo'\. -uluUI 'uoH;)n.I'l-suo;) aq'l- o'\. a;)ua.raJa.r l.{'l-IM possCl.Idxa u!a.Iaq suoHulndps put: suorl-WUO;) 'Sur.ICl'j. aq']. nv "Joa,rav,l '\.SO;) al{'I- mq JO UOmpUCl.I uodn Alldwo.1d Aud o'j. saa.r.8u as!Ma}[H aasuaJ!'1 al.{'I- }[.IOM q;)ns [In .IO} puu a;)!lou ').no -q'\.IM AUM JO 'l-q.'3p sll uodn auop eq Ol pa.I!nba.I ){.IOM l{;)ns JO AUU op uop;)ala sll lU '\.uaAa AUU U! AUur pno.IEuH al{'I- 'l-uq']. 'pap!Ao.1d 'Joa.ral{'I- '1-80;) al{'I- mq JO uopJPua.I uodn AlldwO.ld ,\t:d Ol Saa.I2B aasua;)!'1 al{'). puu sasocLmd PIBS .IoJ A.IUSSa;)au a.IU su Joa.raq'l- UOHU;)OI aq'l- uI sa.8uUlp .10 0'1- suomppu 'UI sa.3uul.{;) q;)ns O}[uur .ro ad!d pp~s aAoura.I 'aAuq AUur '\.! 1.plqM Apaura.r .raq'l-o Am< 0'). uomppu uI 'S'l-;)ala os 'f! JI 'AUur Pt:o.rHut[ <lq'l- op o'j. OS lP>'J UUl.{s easua;)!'1 aq'l- JI "puo.1Hu't[ aq'l- Aq uOJ'J.;)n.1'l-suo;) Mau .10 suoHu.Ia').Iu 'sa.8uuq;) fHn 0'). ur.1oJUO;) O'\. A.rusSa;)au aq pno.1Uu't[ aq'l- JO 'l-uaUI2pnf aq'l- uI At:W su 'Joe.ral{'I- UOPU',)Ol aq'l- U! sa.3uuq;) .ro 0'). suomppu 'U! so.8ut:q;) q;)ns a}{uw .ro ad!d P!US eAOma.r 0'1- 'op 0'). OS pUO.Iuut[ aq'l- Ulo.rJ ;;>;mou Uan!.IM .ralJu SAUp ual U!q'l-lA\. puu ''l-SO;) a[os s,aasu;);)!'1 '1-11 'saa.r2u easu,:n!'1 aq'\. puu ~ sasod.rnd lnJAwT !Iu .r0} sas!w0.ld pBO.I[P~.I PIns asn Ol '1-1 o[quua 0'1- A.IUS -S0;)aU sl .rClAaluqM op SgW puu pala At:W '1-1 aurn o'j. awp wo.rJ su ad!d P!BS SSO.I;)H pUB .IaAO pun ABA\ JO lq21.r pp~s uo somlpuJ puu sa.Inpn.I'l-s 'S}[;)U.I'I- 'speqpuo.1 Iuuompp? q;)ns a'l-B.rado puu U!B'l-uluur 'pn.r'l-suo;) ol pm>. Joa,Taq'l- Sp.IUpuu'l-s +uasa.Id aq'l- uI .10 samU;)uJ puu sa.rn').;)n.r'l-s 'spaqpuo.I 'S}{;)t:.r'). .10 ){;)u.r'l- 2uHslxa s').l U! sa.8ump q;)ns a}[uur 0'). 'apu.I.3 sll .raMoI .10 as!u.r 0'1- sawH IIu puu AUB ').u +l.{.3!.I al.{l eAuq nBqs puo.rHu't[ el{.L '6 '}[;)U.1'l- aq'l- JO aUH .ra'l-ua;) al{'l. o'f saI.3uu ').q.3F 'l-u pa.rnsuaur '){;)B.I'l- pa').u.rado uu JO aun .ra'J.ua;) aq'f WO.IJ '+aaJ 9'9 snld 'q;ma.r'l- aq'J. JO UIol 'foq aq'l- ol EU.I aq1 JO aSBq ;)1.{1 UlO.rJ 'l-a0J U! l{'tdap aq1 sawn 9(;'1 uuq'l- ssaI 'l-ou pa'l-U;)OI aq nuqs paw.1opad a.ru suo!lu.l.8do 'zuPI;)B~ puu Zupoq eq'). l.{;)Il.{M UIO.q S'zuI -puaq am 'Pt::o.rIWt[ aq'\. JO AUM JO ').l{'zp: al.{'l- uo pa.r!nba.I a.IB suonu.rado 2U!}{;)Uf puu 2u!.roq a.rat{M "8 'aasua;)!'1 aq'l- JO +80;) al{'I- 'l-u awus aq'l- .r!uda.r .10 ,IalIU 'aAOWa.I AUur .ro 'adld PIUS .llBda.I .10 .IatIU 'aAowa.r 0'1- aasue;)!'1 aq'J. ,u!nba.I q'flA\.q'l-.IoJ AUur '\.! 'A'j.Jado.Id s').T JO a}[uur 0'1- sa.IIsap PUO.IHut[ aq+ q;)lqA\. asn AUU .10 'PUO.IIP>'.r aq'l- JO uonu.Iado aq'). I{'I-!A\. sa.IeJ.la'l-u! AUA\. AUU uI adld PIUS JO asn .10 UOmpUO;) 'a;)ua -sa.Id aq'l- 'j."aq'l- uo!u!do aq'l- JO eq nuqs puo.rgu't[ eq'J. aw!'J. AUU 'l-u ,n puu ~ uoaJaq'l- uonu.tado PUO.IHU.I '.raffuupua .10 pn.qsqo 'qlVA a.tClJ.Ia'l-uI AUA\. AUU U! .10 'sos!UIa.ld ptW.lHRI PIUS uodn paU!u'l-U!BW .IaUua.laq .10 MOU 'sanm;)uJ lOq').O .IO 'slUOWaAo.IdwI 'S){;)U,I'I- AUU JO ssaulnJasn aq'). .I!Bdw! .10 q'l-IM a.Iapa'j.u! .rauuuw AUU U! InM '\.Bl{'I- awn AUU 'J.u ;);)su<);)!'1 aq'l- Aq 'auop aq o'l- pa.Ia;g:us.Io 'auop aq nUlls .3U!l{'l-ON 'puo.r{!UU al{'I- Aq uo!pn.l'l-suo;) MaU.IO 'sIU -MeUa.I pUU s.r!uda.I 'a;)uuua'fu!,uw 'uoHu.1ado sp.tB.8a.l S'e q'l-oq 'pUO.I[!ut[ eq'l- JO saslUIa.Id puu A'J..Iacto.Id 'SamH;)uJ 'S}[;)U.I'I- aq'l- JO asn pa'\.dn.ua'l-u!un puu 'snonupUO;) ''l-uu'J.SUO;) aq'l- q'l-!A\. .1aAaos'l-t:qA\ a;)ua.IaJ.Ia'l-u! ou asm:;) 0'). su .Ieuuuur q;)ns U! pa'\.u.rado puu paA\;)Ua.I 'pa.rp:~da.1 'peulu').UIUUI saurH lIu 'J.U puu papn.r1suo;) aq nUqs 'pl.W.IHUa aq.j. JO 8aslUIa.Id aq'l- JO s'l-lurJI alll '\.nolmM .10 ulq'l-IM .Iaq'l-aqM 'Joa.1aq'l- s'f.lBd II? puu 'ad!d PIUS aq.L 'L 'IUP:atUl.U uo asuadxa a.ro'l-s puu sa'\.uJ: JJ!.lu'I- 'I-'B Iu!.1a').uUI puu uew JO uopu'\..1od ~8UU.l'). .IoJ sa2.ruq;) apnpu! nuqs pUU 'tuaUIU!'t:'j..le;)su p't:xe JO alqudu;) 'fou asuadxa JO s').ueurala .laAO;) 0+ sura'l-! .roquI UU uo %01 snId 'S'l-SO;) a{quu.8!SSU lIB uuaw nUlls 'fuauraa.t.3u sJl{l U! pasn sn "'l-So::),, ''j.! Aq auop os }[.IOM q;)ns nn JO ').SOJ aq'\. .IOJa.Iaq'). SUN JO UOmpua.I aq'l- uodn AIlduro.rd pBOJIP~iI aq'l- 0+ Auda.I o'l-saa.I.8u aasua;)I'I aq'J. puu 'adld PIuS JO {UAoura.I .IO aJuuua'\.U!UUI 'uo!'l-U.Ia'\.Iu 'Uo!'l-ulIB'fSU! aq'). JO uosua.I Aq AUM JO ').q.'3I.I 1'>'1-1 uodn euop aq o'\. AJ:USSa;)au pawaap 'J.! Aq }{.lOM .Ial{'l-o AUU .10 'UOmpUO;) .IaUI.roJ .I!aq'l- o'\. paqpuo.r puu }{;)U.l'\. al{'). a.IO'l-se.I o'\. A.rBSSa;)aU ){.1OM AUU puu auop .8ulaq sl }[.IOM q;)ns agqA\. S){;)U.l'l- S'fI JO AUU 'j..loddns o'l- A.rUSSa;)au paUIeap 'I-! Aq }(.lOM AUU w.IoJ.red AUUl PUO.II!ut[ aq'). 'l-uq'). pap!Ao.rd 'op 0'1- os a.lrsap s,aasua;)n JO tuapua'l-uJ.Iadns PIuS 'zU!AJPOU 'l-s.ry 'l-noq'l-!M puo.rUuR al{'\. JO sas!we.ld aq'J. uodn aaSU8;)!'1 aq'\. Aq alIop aq nUllS ){.IOM ou puu 'p'UO.Igut[ aq'l- JO wapuaW!.Iadns aq'l- 'Jo uO!'l-;)uJsnus am 0'1- puu 'UOrs!A.Iadns aq'\. .rapuu aa8UCl;)n aq'). Aq auop aq nuqs pUO.Inl.~'H aq'l- JO AUM JO 'l-q.8I.l al{l J-o s'I-!WH al{'I- ulq+!M ad!d PIuS JO lUAOUIa.I PUl': a;)uuua'l-U!UUI 'UOPU.IalIu 'uonunu'\.SU! JO }[.1OM UY 'uoIpadsu! puu Uo!s!A.Iadns .I0J puu 'pasn sluJ.la+uUI puu paUlJopad }{.rOM IIu .IoJ q'l-IMa.Ieq'l- uo!pauuo;) U! puo.rI!u't[ aq'l- Aq pe.un;)u! asuedxe puu 'l-SO;) UU .8umnpU! 'ad!d PluS JO IUAOUIa.I puu lUM.eua.1 'a;)Ulmaw!ul.U 'uo!'l-;)n.I'l-suo::l aq'). q'l-!A\. uOI'\.;)auuo;) UI pa.I.In;)uI asuedxa pUU 'fSO;) a.I!').ua aq'\. .Iueq uuqs aasua;)!'1 aq.L '9 1961 '01 'z. l""qs.......un GOld "" - ,~ 'Pipe Llne-!:lhe@t 3, 10, '962 .\ r In case of termination in any manner herein provided the Licensee shall have no claim or redress of any character against the Railroad by reason of such termination, removal of said pipe or restoration of the premises, nor shall such termination release the Licensee from any obligation or liability of the Licensee hereunder with respect to any matter or thing occurring prior to such termination. 13. The terms and conditions of this agreement shall be binding upon and the benefits thereof shall accrue to the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto, but the Licensee shall not assign the same or any rights thereunder without the written consent of the Railroad having been first obtained. In the event the Railroad shall permit any other railroad company or companies to use its said right of way facilities or premises, Ruch other user or users shall have the benefit of the provisions of indemnity and release from liability inuring to the Railroad hereunder, with the same effect as if such other user or users were parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first above written. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC /") RAILRORCO~PANY, Attest:m_~.~..~~"~,.,;".,.",,.,_ :"''''''''-'\_':'~':'''i-""",,:,/'-'l''''''''smecm-r--'e--t--a;:;;BY---~:;~:~~~~~;;;;;iM;;~g;-;m "'~":\" OJ "',i[" < .,'J::! un" "" CITY OF BOZEMAN IN Tl-IE COUNTY OF GALLATIN AND STATE OF MONTANA Licensee Atte8t:~~'""'~4 ~ _ BYmm-----~mm:zi.m~--m-/ ~-- ...~'''-v-~:~e- j'; 1;'n <L..~?..rd i, 11 r. . '~1 C "T:,l~ ., f :JJ.r~: i 1_ ", ;' ""1'- '\" . Title Address: l' 1 ~:,:::,,_..;;._..;tt,1..!.:._i.L-=Lfi.~__.___,_,__,_ Bozep'an, Hontana "in71,", .. " ,r, / ~~....."' ~~'!""'~~t"lj.,!, '~1- .', t'~j.) ., . ..,'1 :. '. ~~ ,") I" >- f' '"" "---, ;~ ~ : # ~:;>, ,,':, ~ , I I r-1 r ',~ n c: ,'-~ " ,-<: t."'; ). / ..... , I ;'\ -,1 :: ,,;"1 ' / ..~ I ~) ~ ~,~ hi",;, "...... . ,,- ,'''1 I:;:; ~.,(~~ i ~ , - , , '~ .. ... ~ : ....... .,.. \~.' ' ~o ;, ~, {~~ f\ ......,:., I.~.,~ (; ~"\ \ ' {:. :'1 ,.,< ~-.. '~- ...... .... " r..... II :"J ."\ {)." (~C2~~ ,;, \ "- ~- -~) ~:~) \\ ~, :. 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Q (l; ~ C1j ~"'...~' ~4lC4i.i:;.""\":'~; -.'~n ~:~"_ ~~J_' ~",~"", ~~;~:T1" Deer Lodge - July 11, 1969 File: Stations - Bozeman Foro, .3109 Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company Office of Division Engineer City Clerk City of Bozeman Bozeman, Eontana Dear Sir: Attached herewith please find your copy of illlderground sewer crossing agreement on South Willson Avenue, covering 14" diameter sanitary sewer. Sincerely, \ftt ~~~;J R. H. l,~ichaels Division Engineer JEB:jj