HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-12-18 BPC MinutesBOZEMAN PARKING COMMISSIONMINUTESThursday, July 12,2018, 7:30 AMA. Call tO Ofdef - 7:30 AM - city commission chamber, city Hall,'121 North RouseMavor - Cvnthia Andrus: AbsentCommittee Member - Chris Naumann: PresentCommittee Member - James Ness: PresentCommittee Member - Shasta Winston: PresentStaff - Chuck Winn: AbsentStaff- Ed Meece: PresentB. Chanqes to the Aqendac.Mavor - Cvnthia Andrus: AbsentStaff - Chuck Winn: N\AStaff - Ed Meece: N\A D. Public Comment- Members of the audience ortheir agent may beinvited to present testimony or evidence. To be recognized, each persondesiring to give testimony or evidence shall step forward and, after beingrecognized, give their name and address for the record. The presiding officermay establish a time frame for each public comment but in no case shallsuch timeframe be /ess than three (3) minutes per speaker. The presidingofficer may lengthen or shoften the time allotted for public testimony.E. Action ltems1. Review Downtown Strategic Parking Management Plan - Strategies11-14. (Exhibit 2)Mr. Meece explained the strategy items we are looking at today are - #11'to identify off-streetshared-use opportunities, #12 complete parking district identification and signage/branding, #13clarify current on street parking signage and #14 rename all publicly owned lots and garages byaddress. Mr. Meece stated the Executive Committee suggested that we create a standing agendaitem for monthly review of progress on the strategic plan.Chair Naumann suggested collecting data from private surface lots to look at the shared usepotential for parking space downtown. Mr. Meece commented that we should identify three to fiveopportunity sites and collect data for shared use availability, as stated in the plan, and bring themto the Parking Commission for further review.Commissioner Ness commented about the shared use program between Big Sky Western Bankand the City of Bozeman, and the experience of using Parking Officers to help monitor the lot.Commissioner Bryan asked for an overall reminder of how many private lots there are in thedowntown core, and then look at the realistic availability of those lots at different times of day.Commissioner Egge asked if this is a strategy for managing demand or a solution to a problem. Hepoints out that lots downtown are about 50% private and 50% public. He suggest identifying theproblem area above 85% occupancy before we create additional spaces.Chair Naumann points out that leasing from a private lot may be a different product then wecurrently are offering.Commissioner Winston asked how we identify employees using lots as they are at workCominissioner Egge suggested focusing on other areas of the strategic plan and allowing theprivate lots to work among themselves in order to help each other utilize parking space downtown.Chair Naumann commented on the similarities in strategies 12, 13 and 14. The signage andregulations, rules and restrictions throughout the B-3 must be identified. He also suggested thatwe reinvestigate the signage plan and signs and regulations. Mr. Meece comments that strategy 13, which is to clarify current on-street parking signage shouldstart with an inventory.Commissioner Bryan suggests that we put this on the agenda for future discussion.Chair Naumann commented on strategy 14, which is to rename all publicly owned lots and garagesby address, to name the lots according to their street location and come up with something toidentify the two different Willson Lots.Commissioner Egge would like to see a resolution at the next meeting before any new strategy forsigns go forward.2. Discuss/Approve/Deny a request from Think Tank Design for the use ofCash-ln-Lieu payments to satisfy parking requirements at the BlackmoreApartments at 120 S. Black Avenue. (Exhibit 3)Mr, Meece gave an overview of the Cash ln Lieu request, and a description of Cash-ln-Lieu. TheBlackmore lot was recently subdivided into two separate lots. ln order to make improvements to theBlackmore apartment building, and to meet the current building requirements, the project is sevenparking spaces short.Chair Naumann asked about the discussion, at last month's Parking Commission Meeting,regarding the change of the price of Cash-ln-Lieu; and where it is in the process. Mr. Meeceexplained that this application to use Cash-ln-Lieu is being presented to the Parking Commissionprior to approval by the City Commission of an updated Cash-ln-Lieu fee, so the ParkingCommission would have to accepUdeny this application at the current rate of $5000 per space.Chair Naumann asked if the Parking Commission has the final approval of Cash-ln-Lieu. Mr. Meecehas the understanding that it does have the final approval.Commissioner Egge questioned the SID 565 credit agreement that the Blackmore possesses andthe availability and or restrictions of parking within these areas. Mr. Meece explained that SID 565was created decades ago as a Special lmprovement District around downtown, to help fund theimprovement and creation of the existing surface lots.Chuck Winn, Assistant City Manager recognized the enormous complexity of this issue andacknowledged the pressures of parking downtown.Gregg Sullivan, City Attorney, confirmed that the rate increase for Cash-ln-Lieu does depend onthe City Commissions approval. This has not yet happened, thus the application for Cash-ln-Lieuwould have to be considered at the current price of $5000 per space. The Unified DevelopmentCode, under Parking, does not give much guidance on the criteria for approving Cash-ln-Lieu. Mr.Sullivan points out that it is the applicant's burden to show the parking requirements cannot be meton-site, or through leased spaces, to be eligible for the use of Cash-ln-Lieu, He pointed out thatthe Parking Commission has to decide if those requirements have been fulfilled.Chair Naumann reiterated that the Parking Commission is deciding whether or not the petitionercan provide 7 spaces on site or via lease to fill the parking requirements.Commissioner Bryan commented that the petitioner's application to the Parking commission statesthat they have tried for six months to obtain a lease agreement with the City of Bozeman andquestions why this has not been an option for them. Mr. Meece responded that his understandingis that lease agreements have been discussed with private parties but not with the City. Brian Caldwell,321 N Montana, presented the Blackmore building project request. They were hiredto help their client best understand how to preserve this historic building going into the future. Hepointed out the safety hazards of the current building. Mr. Caldwell commented on CommissionerBryan's statement about the application for a lease and the required documents. He stated thatthey are within 800 feet of transit availability which gives a 10o/o reductron to the parkingrequirements. With the credits for on street parking and SID 565, the project is short 7 spaces tomeet the parking requirements.Mr. Meece asked Mr. Caldwell about his effort for satisfying the parking requirements through leaseagreements. Mr. Caldwell stated that there is no available lease agreement within a radius of thebuilding.Commissioner Bryan reiterates that the issue for potential lease agreement is that they were unableto find the available spaces.Mr. Meece asked how many people he has actually spoke to about a leasing space agreements.Mr. Caldwell states that he has reached out to 100% of possible lease agreement potential with inthe required radius.Commissioner Wiseman asked about the garages across the alley from the Blackmore, and if theywere ever or have ever been part of the Blackmore. Mr. Caldwell points out that the lot on whichthey sit is just recently held under different ownership then the Blackmore building.Commissioner Winston questioned that if the property would have continued to be held under oneownership if this space could have been available potential to satisfy the parking requirements.Commissioner Wiseman asked if the split in property is driving the application for the use of Cash-ln-Lieu.Mr. Meece asked, if as of today, are there any existing leases or arrangements available to theresidents of the Blackmore to use the garages. Mr. Caldwell states that such leases no longeravailable.Chair Naumann asked Mr. Sullivan to clarify what information the Parking commission needs tolook at in order to make this decision. Mr. Sullivan stated we have the parking calculation andrequirements, and the number of different ways to satisfy the criteria. The Parking Commissionhas to make the determination that there is no other way to meet the requirements on-site, with thefacts given at the time of the meeting.Mr. Meece asked Mr. Sullivan if the split of property ownership is something to consider whendeciding this issue.Commissioner Winston asked if the remodel to the Blackmore could find a solution within theremodeldesign.Chair Naumann asked Mr. Sullivan what type of discretion the Parking Commission should use tomake a decision. Mr. Sullivan points out that the facts should lead to the decision.Marty Matsen, Community Development Director. Mr. Matsen clarified that when the decision tosign the subdivision amended plat there was no account taken of whether or not there was a siteplan in action. lt was considered as multiple lots within common ownership. Multiple lots withincommon ownership on one project was what was approved in the subdivision process.Mr. Sullivan pointed out that ultimately the Parking Commission must make a determination if therequired parking can be provided on-site, or through lease. Commissioner Bryan pointed out that the Blackmore project is not looking at increasing theoccupancy of building. She also pointed out that she regrets the Parking Commission has toconsider the use of Cash-ln-Lieu at the current rate and not the updated rate.Commissioner Ness commented that he had spoken with Mr. Caldwell previously about a leaseagreement of the lot to the north, however it has since been sold. He believes that there has beena good effort to find required parking.Commissioner Egge stated that the petitioner has exhausted the efforts to find adequate parkingwithin the 300 foot radius requirement.Commissioner Egge made a motion to approve the request for payment of Cash-ln-Lteu to meetthe requirements of the seven parking spaces for the Blackmore apartments.Committee Member - James Ness: 2ndMavor - Cvnthia Andrus: AbsentCommittee Member - ChrisNaumann: AooroveCommittee Member - James Ness: ApproveCommittee Member - ShaWinston: AooroveStaff - Chuck Winn: N\AStaff - Ed Meece: N\A3. Demonstration of new park¡ng technology and report¡ng capab¡l¡t¡esMr, Meece asked to defer action on this topic, until the August meeting.F.Parkino Proqram Manaqer ReportExhibit 4Given time concerns, Mr. Meece briefly reported on status of the T2 project.G. New Business.Commissioner Egge states that he is contributing to a planning column in the Bozeman DailyChronicle, and this month he is writing about parking. He wants to disclaim that it does not reflectthe opinion of the Parking Commission but rather his own personal opinions.HAdiournment.09:37:39 AM (02:04:33 The next Bozeman Parking Commission meeting will be held August9,2018, 7:30 am, at City Hall.Bozeman Parking Commission meetings are open to all members ofthe puhlic. lf you have a disability that requires assrsúance p/easecontact our ADA Coordinator, Chuck Winn 582-2307.