HomeMy WebLinkAbout82- Burke Easement ~ ... fILM "76 PAGE 85 EAS[~i~t\T Mil) f)! l~dT J~ '.:;,y r /",1 ' I, ;i.:)'\,. I' ,.' a \4 ate r no i n THIS AGREHiE!n, I'~z;(l;:: Jne] l'/llt.:iC'tl ~!I~,f ~Ii 28th ' ,:.J) u: December A. 0_ 19 82_, by ,Hid l~l< \'.""'-':: Edlllund Burke JJ I and Thomas D. B~_r::k_,_~ ;_,,1rtj_~?of L1ll' f;!"',~ ;'l':':, '""(.it":('.,,,, ca11ed the Grantors and THE CITY Of 80hY,:,:;. ,I 11,lnlic.i;',11 li)(;:,:'- ation of the State()f MontJTla, in GJ11alin (0'llll.1', ti,l.' :JUly uf the second part, hereinafter ce.llf..'o the Gr~l:tl":, W ] T N E 5 SET H : \4HEREAS, The Grantor s _ar~, the lV')<1] rL'cul'd tit Ie ulmer or land in eastern Bozeman WHEREAS, The Grilfltee. in thl' cxerei',(' of i Ls IJ(MC'r '1nd Lluthority as a municipality of the SlJte or !.'IOfll,IIIJ, 111'IJpl)';es to UJf1struct dJ)d illS ta 11 Ll w.tle.r:.ma.in ___._, dl1d 1\(.(l",....II.Y .jl'!ltJl'tl:!l"IlI((~S to ~.I'rv(' various properties located within the __ _ ,... ___ portion to th(~ City of Bozeman and one or more ~,llch lin(~~. \'IWlld I'llfl ilCl"fJSS the Grantors land; and WHEREAS, The Grantee desires to ilcqlJin:- 11'0111 the: (;(iHltor,.~.., i1nd the Grantors are \,/i11'iI10 to l)rdl1t l() the CrMllc(' an ed;I'- ment and right 'It'-way-a.ci::oss the above desuil>cd pJ"opcrty of tht::: Grantors, and their heirs, cxecutol'S, ,)cll1linist.I',H01-S, ~,uccessor'S, and assigns, forthe purpose of installinQ, operotin~, using, repair- ing, replacing, rnaintilining, Clnd rClllo\'in~l ~.tlid ._'1~t~r_maiD_________ Jnd appurtenances and for such other r-igl1b of Llcces~, (l/ld incidentJl rights as are hereinafter described, all as hcrein,lftnr more pilrlicul- a )-1 y pro v ; de d . NO\~, THEREFORE, in consideration of the Sllm of S [J_,:;;,!) and other considerations in hand paid by the City of G()ZUIi~l~I~,-ftlC receipt Ivhcreof is hereby acknm...ledged, and in further consirlcrJtion of the covenants and agl-eelllents betlveen the pelrti ('S her.cto, the. GriJntur s have 9runted, LJilreJdined, sold, cunvey(:'J-~-- JIILl con fi rll'€d-andt\Ylhcsep-resen ls do hc'reby ~ I-an t; ba rgiJ ill, sc 11, convey \ Jnu confi rill unto the sJTd--Cr'~llt.('e JncJ i t,; ~llC((~SSurs and assigns the following rights and privile~es forever: 1. A perpetual easement and right of Ivay for till' jJurpose of installing, operatin<], usilleJ, rcpi1;rillU, r'('p1.1ciIJCJ, IIldifltilinin0 and removing a _w.a1..eL-~_ thereto upon ilnd acro:,s the abuve described property of the Grilntor.....5.....--' said easement und ~i.~ht of way to consist of (j strip of land 40 feet on hillside'terrain, and 30 feet wide from the top of the hill to Ida Street being more:particularly described as follows: -- . , An easement located in the Northeast 1/4, Section 18, Township 2 South, Ran<]e 6 East, Principal t1eridian t1ontana, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, f1ontana, and being more particularly described as f01l0rIS: Said easenent is to be 40 and 30 feet in width, 25 and 15 feet southerly and 15 feet rortherly of the following described line: Be9~nnin9 at the East one-quarter corner of said Section 18; thence North 58 46'03" \4est, a distance of 2094.41 feet to a point on the easterly right-gf-way of Sourdough Road and true point of beginning; thence North 89 13'38" East. along said de~cribed line, a distance of 405.60 feet to the westerly right-of-way of Ida Street. ~ FILM 76 PAGE 86 2. The perpetual right of ingress and egress to and from said tract of land at all reasonable times for the purpose of installing, operating, using, repairing, replacing and maintaining said water main and for the removing of same if and uhen desired by the Grantee, its successors and assigns: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of uay uith all the appurtenances and privileg~s unto the said Grantee and to its successors and assigns forever. The Grantee hereby covenants and agrees with the Grantor $ as follnus: 1. That, in connection with the installing. operating, using, repairing. replacing, maintaining and removing. of said water main it will replace at its sole expense, all existing fences, ditches and other appur- tenances of said land that may be disturbed by its operation in a condition equal to the condition thereof existing before said operations were begun, or as near thereto as shall be reasonably possible. 2. That, during operations involving excavation, it will remove the topsoil from the trench area to a depth of one foot, or to the full depth of the topsoil whichever is less. and stockpile said topsoil for replacement over the trench. and uill remove from the site any large rocks or surplus excavated material or any kind of debris that may have been exposed by the excavation and remaining after backfilling is completed and will leave the finished surface in substan- tially the same condition that existed prior to the beginning of operations except that the surface of backfilled areas may be mounded sufficiently to prevent the formation of depressions after final settlement has taken place. 3. To operate, use and maintain said water main in Ruch manner as will not hinder or prevent the proper cultivation of the tract thrnugh which this right of way is hereby granted. 4. In the event that it shadd become necessary for the Grantee to re-enter the Grantors premises for the purpose of repairing, replacing, maintaining or removing said utility lines the Grantee will reimburse the Grantors for any actual damage done to the Grantors premises or crops. 5. That water from said water main will be made available to grantors' property up::m re:;ruest. -2. . ' 5. FILM 76PAGE. 87 The Grantor hereby c"venants and agrees with the Grantee as follows: 1. That at no time will they build, construct, erect or maintain any permanent structure over or above the said water main unless such structure is built, constructed and maintained in such a manner that it would not interfere with the operation. use, repair, mnintaincnce, replacement and removal of said wa ter rna i n 2. That the Grantee may peaceably hold and enjoy the right!> and privileges herein granted without any interruption by the Granto~__ or their successors and assigns. J. That they ha'll~ bee" lAlltfully tiC ~~_ they have good right and lawful authority t the same and that they and their heirs, exe 5, administrat~rs. r#~ succeSsors and assigns, warrant and defend the title to said premise n said Grantee. and its successors and assign ever, against the lawful claim and demand of all It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that this Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successor and assigns of the Grantors and upon the successors and assigns of the Grantee. -]- filM 76 PAGE 88 IN WITNESS WHERIDF, the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and. year first above written. L~-i~,~jj2 ----a-~ 'J)~ TlOMAS D. BURKE SI'ATE OF HAWAII ) ) 55. CITY & COUNTY OF IDIDLULU) 1.,.,In.,?";, . ,lito", ~ "i ,"':,'-=' ......~: ..//r/'II" .;:-"0 .~I ". ../ ~ ~ " ~ ~ "/. t""I t, --'. I. ~ _ ...\C\ I. c ',,, - ... \J _., ;:;:.... tee ~:: : : Q I':: ... 1( '.,., ... .\ \.. .. ; ! \.1 ' 11 n l" :'...': "" i, f. oj " ~ ~ .... ,,', -.oS', '" ..,' . ," ' .... Alr rf ~. On this A fl day of December, 1982, refore me, a notary public in and for said State , personally appeared ECMUND BURKE III and TIDMA$ D. BURKE kn:>wn to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the sane. , .........)c/<:'" /' ~__..). ~ ~ ~ ,r""_=.:/ Lv, L NOtary Public-State of Hawaii My rorrrnission ~ires: 4' ~!>--,6 s/ -4- .. FILM 76 PAGE 89 TilE CITY OF eOZEr'IAN [3y:__ "~~~ ATTEST: ~p ".................. ~-- ohin lIll i van .~* Ii C 1 e....k;\o~_ the C ity.:I;.."Sljn is s i on .. r ,. ~ ~.. ~' 6...;. .' 'I. ,; 0 ,:h"" t..... APPROVED; C (;:1 .' -, "~' (1 4&~ - fiii-lI fz~ STATE OF ~'ONTArM ss County of GallJtin On thi s _~.!l1___duy of _~_~jJ__________, 19.?~ I befor~ 1l1l:, the undersigned a Notary Public for the Statc of t.10 t,lna, personally, appeared __A1fr~d ~~__Stiff__q_D.<;LJsQb;Il...L~.sullij[an_-..~ kno\'1n to m(' to be the Mayor and Clerk of the City Conunission re~;, cctivc'ly, of the City of 8ozeman, whose names arc subscribed to U10 within instrument Notary Public for the State (Jf r'lolltaJ1,! Residinq at BOZCrlliHl, ~1ontana ~'y Commission Expires _~_.,,_,!~__:__d ~_ and acknO\'iledgcd to me that they executed the S(\llle 111' and on behal f of said City. IN ~lITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set illY hand tlnd affixed my Notarial Seal on the day and year ill this Certii :Lc first above wri tten. , " ~ \ ~ ~ \ II \ UtI, "'11 II ..,...,'" ~ c.. H ~# )';'1 .:>'", () ~.",....#~.jl.~i:4,"",'...<j, ....,,~ , .jl 1,-"'...' ., .' ,)'....\\"\\f'RU ;'" ~ \. : \'1- "I.... ',r' ~ . \. SBJ:.l_:,.1 j ~-;.. d" A.It. .,t~ i '~ ~ ....' .". .:::."":r ....... '~I ,.~ ..........4 .II! ~ \ .....v "'" .Cr: l'\O~" ,.'~' '1, J "1, " " ~ 1 , ' ~,.", \ CCc:~-~~ C. J/ .- -. . ~...........-------- "-~,.__............~-_...........--.~ ~.- '....~'- -5- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I',:, ~. \I. 'f" '," "... ':.>:~'s"6tiR 0'0 UGH F1L~ . '76PAGE R'O At5 90 !......"'.I I. I I . '", ... .. L! , , .. 'r I I .... I "'f' I +., i ~. -1 I . -~' ",. '~' I I , .. '.. ,'" , \ State of Mont., County of Gallatin, ss Piled far rccrm( May 4 ,19ll..at 2 :Q5Pj\L GlU! r('c~"rC(! ill r:uck~,]..~ of MISC. PilW~, _,~._~~~~~ "~~:J~~J;(!wrder " BY~~'l,",' '" " <I" 1 J. 'rJ ',';, '":..-,........ 1r ~ 'ifj ;.~ .. (. ~'r'fl' .{:l." :..-/" ,(1'~i? - ';~'.;,~~ · ., '~, .. < ",' t;-. .',...-. " .......... .....;~!;t~~;' j,., ~ -;:~. flAt ' ,:.' '. · "",.. ( ..' ~'1:""'< .... ()......~1.1t _, _',' ......L,.,'\:~'. '."', '.. ~I-" .m;.", ? Jtt ,'v _, '1),0, <) ..I. ~ oJ.. '".- . '. .....- 'J.;'" 'J" '", ". ".' "" ~ ~'- '. . . .".,."~.! ~'f,. ...._~~.~_,.:.~,/.:, ''.,.../-, ~I';l 1!..:. .,. .. j. ') 1It''t'''lr" ' I. 'itI.# .......;;" ~. f - - ~ ,to. 10, 1,'1 " : (j,' ,. ....~t "', ...':....~ · ...... t ( ~ ~'I .J,' '1,1'. , '"", , ...., ~~,,,,,'l"'.' " ",' . ''\' ";... '-'1" ,. ./ /"" :.-'!'1' ,i.} c-.:'l" -,"'" """," .....~;:'::,~." ,~....:, \ . " ,>,.", " {',::!- , , " ,;"'" . .,.',.- i ,'" .,." ""',.' ,.~, . .. ","1'. f# Rt: -0- City of Bozeman , .. ~\ .... . , -""'. . " ,,'" , . 4". .':t' , · · ,.,t . .(: '\ ~. , ... ... EDMUNO BU~I'I,E. GEORGE W. ASH FORO, JR.'" WAYNE: M. SAKAI" HOWARD F. MePHEE::"fE:RS. WILLIAM A. BORDNER" WILLlAIIII H, GU_ARDY, JR." MICHIRO IWA,NAGA- BARG'Y M. KURREN. ,JAMES T. ESTES. JR.'" JE~~REY Y. HIGASHI BRIAN ABURANO EMILIA ~. DIE MEO ATTORNEYS AT LAW A LAW CORPORATION :l100 MAUKA TOWER, GROSVENOR CENTE:R 737 BISHOP STREET HONOLUlU, HAWAII 96BI3 CABLE:: DUE:PROCESS TELEX: B742 GWAJR HR TE:lEPHONE: 18DBI S23-9B33 ...-- ----- BURKE,AsHFORD, SAKAI, MCPHEETERS, BORDNER & GILARDY December 13, 1982 *A LAw CORPORATION Mr. Arthur Van't Hu1 City Engineer The City of Bozeman 411 E. Main Street P. O. Box 640 Bozeman, Montana 59715 Re: Water line easement Dear Mr. Van't Hul: Enclosed please find the original and copies of the water line easement you have requested over our property. Pursuant to my telephone conversation with you on December 10, 1982, we have made the following changes in the document. You agreed that a 3D-ft. easement on relatively level terrain would be satis- factory, although 40-ft. is needed on the steep hillside. I have therefore modified paragraph 1 to reflect this concept of easement width. We have added a paragraph 5 on page 2 of the easement document stating that grantors will be able to use water from said water main. The remaining modification was deletion of paragraph 3 on page 3 in which grantors were requested to warrant title to premises included in the easement. Although I have no reason to believe there are any clouds on the title, we have been away from Bozeman for a number of years and have no knowledge as to possible claims of adverse possession, etc. Since the easement is being conveyed without the payment of any consideration, we do not want to be in the position of warranting title to an easement which is in fact a gift. .,......,-'_..