HomeMy WebLinkAbout57- Bozeman High School Water and Sewer Pipeline
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Made and entered into" this~,r:;,at of
August, A .D, 1957 ,by and betwB.en ~heBozeman High School Di$t:rict,
~ " ,:' '.1,. ,.'
a body oorporate of .8 politioal sub"<Iivialon of the State of
Montana, party of the first part, hereinafter called the Grantor,
and ,The City ,of Bozeman, a municipal corporation of the State of
Montap.a,> ,~n. (la:LJ,.atitl COUI:\ty;"the pa,rty of tbe ,EilEtcond part" here-
inafter called th~ Grantee,
Thatfo;r,'Bnd in, oonsidera tion of the sum of One Dollsr and
other,good and valuable consideration, in hand paid by the City
of Bozeman, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and in
further consj.dera tion of the covenants and agreements between
thepart!.es hereto, the Grantor has granted, bargained, sold,
conveyed, and conflrrn.ed, ~md by these presents does hereby grant,
bargaltl, sell, convey, andconflrm unto. the sald Granteo and 1 ts
successors and assigns the following righ ts and prl vilegea so
long AS the right-of~way is used as a right-or-way for a water"
pipe line.
1. A perpetualeaaement and right"'of-way for the purposes
of installing, operating, using, repairing, replacing, malnto.1n-
'1ng, and removing 8 wa terplpe line and appurtenances there to
under and acrose portions of a certa.in property known ~s the
R,Q~,epuu4,:JU~,$,cb.oolTract located in the ,8E! ,of the ,;NWtof" "
Section 12,T 2"S, R 5 E,M.P.M.; and mONlparticularly deacribed
as follows:
Begin,ning a t a point on the wes t line of the Boz:eman IU gh
School Tract, said point being 20 feet south and 169 feet east
of the northwestoorner of the SE! of the Nwt of Section 12,T2S,
R5 E, M.P.M.: The.nce in an easterly direction 20 feet south of
and parallel to the north line of Baid SEt of the NWt of Section
12i a distance of ],.183 feet more or less to the east line of the
NW4 of sa.id Section 12.
2. The perpetual rightaf ingress and egress to and from
said tract of land at all reasonable t1,mes for the purpose af
installing, apent'..ng, USing, repairing, replaeing and maintain"
ing said waterplpe line and appurtenances thereto and for the
removing of said waterplpe line if and when desired by the
Grantee,its successors and assigns;
TO HAVE A,NDTO HOLO THE above deSOi'lbed right"'of...way wl th
all the appu:rten!nees ano. prl vl1eges unto thessid Grantee and
to. its suoceesore e,nd assigns so langas the right-of..way here"
lnbefers described is used as a right-of..way for a waterplpe lIne.
The Grantor berebycovenants and egrees wi th the Granteo
as follows:
1. The t 1 t will use all reasonable lTlesns to safeguard the
waterplpe I1neafthe'Orantee dur~ng any of its operations
along the s 1 teabQ,~le d~Bcribed, and shall gl ve reasonab1 e
not1ce to Grantee of any construction, reconstruction, or
operation affecting said waterpipe line so that the Grantee
May effect such ohanges as are necessary as herelna.fter
",\ '~
17 PAGE 514.
2. That the Grantee may peaceably hold and enjoy the
rlghtsand privileges he1"eirl granted without, any inter"
ruption by the Grantor or ita successors and assigns
saving andexcept1ng ,ss' in this Agreement contained.
The Gran tee hereby oovenan t.e and agreeswt th the Grantor
as follows:
1. To install suoh wate1"pipe at such depth below the
surfaoe of the e Brth as will not interferewlth normal
activl ties upon the school grounds, and in the event
Grantor gives notice of construction, reoonstruction
or other opera tion along said si te above descrlbed,
Grantee will within a reasonable time change the in"
stallat1ono.fsuch waterpipeto such a depth or location
pelow tAe,..eurtace9f~heea,rth~s wlll.notip tertare
:With"' luch' Qper.ttoDa upontitl"1d.'trac t;"'>'~.'-> ' ,.' ,.
2. To leave the finished BUt'face of the ground insub.
stantiallythe same eondi tion as exis ted prior to the
beginning of any operation upon the school groundS
involving excavation; and that depressions developing
as settlement occllrs at such locations w111 be filled
by the Grantee.
~. To hold and save Grantor harmless from any and a.1.l
damages and liabilities arising from Grantee's useo!
the rlghtsand privileges herein granted, and to pay
damage or. damages whichma ya1"ise to the property, pre"
mises, or rights of' the Grantor throu~h Grantee's use,"
oocupa tion, and possession of the rights herein gran ted.
It ie understood.andagreedby and between thepartlss
hereto that this Agt'eement shall be binding upon the successors
and assigns of the Grantor and upon the suecesso!'s and assigns
of the Grantee.
.,' ."""",,,,;,""c"i'iEii"/'W'li'I~;"WHEREOF , Tbe,' Bozeman "'High Sehoo:t:"D'1:etcrlet'snd
the City of' Bozeman have ,caused this Agreement to be executed
by their properof'ficersthereunto duly authorized; the Bozeman
High School District byth.e Chairman of' its Board of Trusteos
and its Secretsry, and the CltY~f B zeman by its Mayor and the
Clerk of the City Commission, and eir reepeot1,re corporate
seals to be affixed as of this tQ8 of August. A.D. 1957.
By dU-1 JI t "
~'A""t,'".,'" '"t,:,, " '",' ',,', '~, /l," #' ,___,"'", ", " "c~ai~an of -the Board of Tru8tees
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Sa 0 !tetery of the Boa rdof'Trua te e e
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