HomeMy WebLinkAbout69- Bozeman School Easement ,I i~; \~~ 1305 EASEI~T AND RIGHT-OF-WAY AGREEMENT FOR A SANITARY SEWER PIPELINE THIS AGREEMENT, HADE AND ENTERED into thi:c 25th day of June A.D. 196~, by and between the Trustees of Bozeman School District No. 7 of G.3l1atin Count.y parties of the first p?rt, hereinAfter c:~l1ed t.he Grantors, .snd THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a municipal corpor:lticm of Lhe St:lte of Hontana, in Gallatin County, the party of the second p.,trt, hereinafter called the Grantee. WIT N E SSE T H : WHEREAS, The Grantors are the legal record title owners of portion of the R~~, NWt, Section Twelve (12), T2S, R5E, M.P.~. and, WHEREAS, the Grantee, in the exercise of its power ,gnd au~horit~t a~l a municipality of the State of Kontana, propOf)es to constr~lct and install ,,", sanitary sewer interceptor trunk line to collect ,'lOd tra.nsport sewage and domestic wastes from v."lrious areAS withi.n the Cit.y of Bozp.man to the new sewage disposal pl"cnt. site locat.ed in the SE~, NW~ and SW~, NE~, Section 26, TIS, R5E, M.P.N. would run across the Grantor land; and WHEREAS, the Grantee desires to acquire from the Grantors, ,0nd the Gr<Jntors are willing to gnnt to the Gr-"lntee an easement and right-of-way across the above described property of the Grantors, and heirs, executors, (?,dministrators, successors and assigns, for the purpose of instAllin;:;, oper8ting, using, rep<9iring, replacing, mainte.ining, And removing said sanitary sewer pipeline and for such other rights of a~cess 'lOd incidentAl rights as are hereinafter described, all as hereinafter more particul"ITly provided. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of $1.00 in hand paid by the City of Boz.eman, the receipt. whereof is hereby acknowledged, A.nd in further consideret.ion of the 8fwen<'lnt2 ,md a.r:reemer.ts between trle parties hereto, t.he GrE.ntor<:: have granted, bargained, ~;oJ.d, conveyed, E,r.d confirmed, and by these presents do hereby grant, barg,<tin, ~oell, convey, ;:md ~onfirm unto the said Grantee and its successors and assigns the following rights and privileges forever; 1. A perpetual easement a.nd right-of-way for the purpose of install- ing, operating, using, repairing, repl~clnf" ffiAintclining clOd removing a sanitary sewer p:ipeli,ne therp.to uv~n and p.cro:"'? tr:e'lb()v~'~ descri,bed property lying wit.hin the City of Bozem,qn, Count.,y of GallC1tin, State of Hont,'lna in the Nort.heast, (.iuarter of the Northwest Quarter (!IlE~, Nwk) of Section Twelve (12), T2S, R5E, M.P.M., and more particularly described as follows: " . , f ;' ~,J . h... ,1 I'G[ 130f) A fort.y (40) feet wide easement twenty (20) feet on either side of the following described centerline beginning at a point six hundred seventy six and two tenths (676.2) feet south of and twenty (20) feet west of the north qU!1rter corner of' said Section Twelve (12) SRid point of beginning being located on the North line of the Junior High School property as described in Rook 144 of Deeds of Ga,llat:i.n County, p,'1 ge 28, pnd twenty feet west of the west line of North Eleventh Avenue. Thence; North six minutes East (N 00. 06' E) twenty (20) feet west of and par,'",llel to North Eleventh Avenue. A distance of four hundred ninety six snd two tenths (496.2) feet together with a tempor!'lry right to enter and occupy during construction and instalhtion of a sanitary sewer on additional twenty (20) feet of width westerly of'Jnd adj"cent t.o the "tove described forty (40) feet wide sewer easement. Thence: becoming a thirty (30) feet wide easementftfteen (15) feet on either side of a centerline continuing north forty four degrees-fifty two?nd six tenths minute West (N 4L~. 52.6' W), a, dist'lnce of two hundred twelve and one tenth (212.1) feet to a terminus point on the south line of Durston Road, together with a tempor~ry right to enter and occupy dur- ing construction and installation of a sanitary sewer Clnd Additional thirty (30) feet of width, fifteen (15) feet on either side of and adjacent to the above described thirty (30) feet wide sewer easement.. Total length of centerline 708.3 feet. 2. The perpetual right of ingress and egress to and from said trAct of land at all reasonAble times for the purpose of insta.lling, operating, using, repairing, replacing and ma,intaining said sanitary sewer pipeline and appurtenances thereto And for the removing of same if and when desired by the Grantee, Hs successorsqnd assigns: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the .sbove descri bed right-or-way with all t.he appurtenances and privileges unto the said Grantee and to its successors and assigns forever. The Grantee hereby covenants cmd agrees with t.he Grantors as follows: 1. That, in connection with the installing, operating, using, repairing, replacing, mClint:-dning and removing of said sani- tary sewer pipeline it will replace, at its sole expense, all existing fences, ditchef; and other ,:jppllrtenilDces of si'id lend that m<JY be disturbed by its opertLtion one; condition eqw1l to the condition thereof existing before s.qid operations were begun, or as near thereto as shall be re,qsombl;y possible. 2. That, during operations involving excavation, it will remove the topsoil from the trench area to a depth of one foot, or to the full depth of the topsoil, whichever is less, and stor:kpile said topsoil away from the site ,3n;l large rocks or surplus excavated material or any kind of debris th8t may have been exposed by the excavation and remA.ining clfter backfilling 5.:0 completed, 2nd "r.ill leave thog fini:o'hed surfAce in substA,n- tially the same condition tbat existed prior to the beginning of operations except that the surface of backfilled are2S moJo' be mounded sufficiently to prevent the fOrnl"tion of depressions after final settlement hieS blken plpce. 3. To install said sanitary sewer pipeline at SUCh? re"'son- Abl", deptb belaH t.he surface of th", e"rth "',rill perrnit i,c,r- mal cuH,iv::Jtion or the grmmd. 4. To operate, use ,,'nd mRintain s,-,id SelnitClry sewer pipeline in such manner ,'5 will not hinder or prevent t.he proper culti- v2tion of the tract through which this rigMJ-of -wA,y is her,:o,ty granted. -2- . ' r. , \1 \ ",~ 'r .~ i ,\~: 130'7 5. In the event that it should tecomp nece~s':'ry for t.he Grar:tee to re-enter the GrAntors premises fc,r' the F:rp,)se of r"pp"irl.,ng, repl"cing, m;:dnt-.ining or removing C"Rnit.dry :"ewer pipeline, the Grantee will reimburse the Gr',ntoN" for an:1 ,"!ctu,ql d.i'ffi'!ge done to the Gr0ntors premises or crops. The GranLors he~ety covpn~nts ?ort a~rees with the Gr:~tep RS ~ollows: 1. That at no time will the;y- build, constr":;:" er",~t or [['ain- t,"in",ny permanent. structur<? over or :,bove the s.'1,id "'r) i ~,1ry SEn~cr p:i_peline lmle2f) such strud,ure is h1ilt, C'oP~t:'ly~I-,ed and mr.d':lt'~~~,n",d;_C' s'Jeh -, .11"'," Dnp.1:' t.h,',t j,1.."cl:l(j rWT~ ~L'-J.(~r'f('re with Lh 2 () pf::: l"'~~ t, :.~.,C':'.l, 'I,};:;"~'~, ~.I~,:? }".. ~l ',~_ r~, rn:'i .':.n L E:~l'i ,r:": n c (',:" , r":'::~ ~""l ~,~ ;:~n, f.~:\' of ~;"id sanitnr;y sewer pipeline. .-, 1 ~r,.::~ r',\~-7-~C. :,r',: .1. 2. Thpt the Gr2ntee may pe8c?hly hold And enjoy the rights and privilege~ herein gr"nted without-:-ny interrupticn by the C;r~rltor~~ or thoi~~ succe~~or? ,~:rld ~EEi~n~. J. ThAt, t,hcJ' h'wc l'c'wfully seized of ::;<''..(} preJ',}_~~es.; Lh3t tJJ7 1\<V0 bood right, ,Clnd hwful 8uthorit;Tto sell ':J,e ::n.r.8:Jnd thtlt, the;)' i!Od their hei.rs, executors, FJdrr,inist.l'?tors, C"lccessors Rnd as!';igns, sh211 war-re1nt and defend the t.itle to f;J,id prerdses unto said Grmtee,,,nd :1 ts ~'Uccessors And a~~sjgns forever, eg"inst the le'wful e1:dm ;'ind dem?nd 01',,-11 persons whomsoever. It is understood <"nd agreed ty ::md between the pnrties hereto th"L this Agreement shelll be binding upon the heirs, executors,'ldminic,tr?tors, su~cessors ?nd ,'1ssigns of the Gr'mtors "nd upon the successorf pnd:Jssigns. of the GrJnt.ee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the GrJ:>ntors h Clve hereunto set. t.heir t1'1nds 8nd ::;e,<~ls,nd t.he Greentee, The Cil.y of Bozercln, h'<~ hereunto set. its hand, by its Mayor ,'!.nd its Clerk of the City Conunisdor., e?ch thereunto duly 2uthorized, !lnd hes caused its corpor::.te se81 to be "ffixed,"ll on thi s ~ day of ,~1 ,-- -- ,196,L::.... TRUSTEES OF BOZEMAN SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 7 OF GALLATIN COUNTY ATTES'l' : By,: ,,- (----// -to' //"~- t,.", "', ," " ." t.. L {....2 ,.,f'-----.... v ~.,. __,': c /L..";" i.". Esther Nelson, Clerk AT'rEST: CI:~V~ By: ! ~I (--"1[..-- , R. a rry Morro , ( " ". ~/~7 Erna V. liaMing, Clerk of the Corrunlss:ton APPROVED: [I " ! Beni:'B~.~g, City Attorn5ey ;" Lr., -l ,/ -3- , " ... .. f:~:1 ,1 i\G[1308 STATE OF MONTANA ) ) 55 COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) ~ On this /ol!!' day of , 196fl- before me, the under- signed a Not3ry Public for teState of Mont:ma, personally 2,ppe3red Trustees of Bozeman School Dh;trict No. 7 of Gall'Jtin County, known to me to be persons described in end who signed the foregoing instrlllTtent ,'1.8 Grantors and acknowledged to me that they had executed the same freely Imd voluntarily, for the uses and purposes therein expresfed. ",'IN' WJ;TNESS WHEREOF. I h2ve hereunto set my h";od nnd affixed my :.N'Oiad~J;" S~~l on the daY1nd year in thi::: Certificste first "d--,ove writ!:.en. " ' ""' " I.. ..,,1, \ '~J ',,~ :, '~.~/-: ."-~"~~\~~ . - ,~ ' 1... ", ,': :::,'. i, /' " Not~ . Public f r the State of Montana Residing at Bozeman, M~ ~/ J.~y Commission Expires /2 /Y'~:? ;'" \ . STATE OF MONTANA ) ) 55 COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) On this ~6-1 day of , 196L, before me, the under- signed a Notary Public for Nontana, personally Appec~.red R. Harry Morrow and Erna V. Harding, known to me to be the Na;yor and Clerk of the City Commission respectively, of the City of Bozeman, whose names are subscribed to the within instrument A.nd acknowledged to me that they executed the SClme for and on beh:df of SAid Cit;y'. IN 11fITNESS 'tJ}{EREOF', I have hereunto set myh"lnd i'lOd affixed my Notarial Seal on the day and year in this Certificate first above written.. ~ I ; I . / ,? J / ~, r.. >\ ~'~. . I, ~ :, .:' '" ,~ .: ;:' c':f~::~~6\ :' " , '. >,~- \~~; , , , '\. ~ -- \ Not, y Public fo the State of MontanA Residingqt Bozeman, Mol}.t'!U12 My Commission Expires f~ /1/7'4 ,":,..,.. ;"' - \ . ~. I. S~::,l_ .... . , . I ~ . I . I ,~". . I 1~ ..':,~, l'lI ~ ' } , ',', , ...J INDEXED ;~~~~ PLATTED State of Mont., County of Gallatin. 55 Filed for record at 10: 00 A. M., and recorded in Book 4 of CARL L. STUCKY Recorder. By Rt: City of Bozeman office -4... .. ,I, 'I' MILTON K. NEGUS SUPERI.NTENCENT MRS. ESTHE:F( NEL50N CLERK BOZEMAN PUBLIC SCHOOLS TELEPHONE; 586-2364 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.7 P_O_ BOX 520 BOZEMAN, MONTANA . February 26, 1971 Mr. Harold A. Fryslie City Manager Bozeman, Montana Dear Mr. Fryslie: Enclosed you will find the acknowledged satisfactory per- formance of all covenants described in the easement and right-of-way agreement for the sanitary sewer pipeline dated June 25, 1969. The final work was inspected by Woodrow Wold. He reports that other than hand raking to prepare the ground for seeding, the work seems to be satisfactorily completed. Yours truly, BOARD OF TRUSTEES ( . /", (/ /" / /Ll-:.7<:";-c- -_____ c/'': ~C-~I' _/ Esther Nelson, Clerk Encl. D R AFT 29 January 1971 Re: Sanitary Sewer Easement (Junior Hir.h Site) 11 Mise. 1305 Mr. Harold A. Fryslie City Manager Bozeman, Montana 59715 Dear Harold: We hereby acknowledge full and satisfactory performance of all covenants described in that certain IlEascment and Right- of-Way Agreement For a Sanitary Sewer Pipelinell dated the 25th day of June, 1969 and filed in the Clerk and Recorder's office of Gallatin County in Book 4 of Miscellaneous Page 1305, relat- ing to the restoration of the surface of trench areas, the replacement of fences, ditches and other improvements, and the installation of said sewer pipeline at sufficient depths per- mitting normal cultivation of the surface and other specific items covered in said Agreement and releases and forever dis- charges the City of Bozeman for any and all liability arising from the performance of e,aeh and all of the aforesaid covenants. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 7 BOARD OF TRUSTEES \ I ! / ' /2//..;), ['.'" '" _ L ?,~t (. -~'_"""""""'------~-~..,-,~.--...,....~..............................-- B Y Clerk --------