HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-23-18 Public Comment - B. Close - Parks and Rec District Comments ResponseDear Bozeman Commissioners, As Chair of the City's Recreation and Parks Advisory Board I here comment on the email sent to you by Tony Thatcher. As he notes, Tony does not speak for the board. The board’s position was made clear in the resolution submitted by it to the Commission in favor of a Silver level of Service. During the 2+ hours of discussion of this matter, a straw poll showed only 2 members interested in a Bronze level of service. The rest were for Silver except for two who were for Gold. So the solid majority of the board was for Silver or better level of service. The voted resolution supports a Silver level of service. The Board’s view was based on the following: !The cost of doing nothing is detailed on page 3 of the latest contractor report: the $6.9 million maintenance back log becomes a $12 million back log. The effect of this will be an ever diminishing level of service to the citizens of Bozeman. !If we stay on the current path the dysfunction represented by varying levels of services in HOA managed parks will only increase and the percentage of parks that the city is directly responsible for will decline as new parks are added to the system -- reinforcing that disparity and dysfunction. !Inaction is frankly discriminatory against those neighborhoods that have less income than others and/or failed HOAs. !The general fund is simply not able to make up current deficits and create a consistent level of service for all park users. Only a special district can accomplish that, as with other recent districts established by the city. !There is no "current level of service" to be maintained as the quality of service received by the parks in this city vary wildly by neighborhood. (It is precisely this reason why the Commission requested the contractor's analysis and the opinion of RPAB on establishing a consistent level of service.) !Cases where residents avoid "double taxation" by letting their HOA park fail (Mr. Thatcher's point no. 3) is the problem, not the a solution. It is not a plus. !People are demanding better parks and trails, as illustrated by the open space and TOPS bonds. !Table 12 of the report illustrates that Bozeman’s per person spending on parks is far below that of other communities. Helena and Missoula, comparable communities, are spending over $50 per person on parks. Bozeman spends $34 per person. I am surprised at Mr. Thatcher’s comment on lack of Board input on these matters, which were discussed at the January, February and July meetings. (Mr. Thatcher was too ill to attend the meeting in February when the commission sought RPAB's views on a district, and failed to forward to the board his views at that time or immediately after.) Respectfully Submitted //Brian F. Close Chair, RPAB