HomeMy WebLinkAbout81- B-K Partnership Easement . EASEMENT AND RIGHT or WAY AGREEMENT FOR \ . SANITARY SEWER TRUNK ~~'_._~.~-~ _._-----~~-~~.,_.,._,_._,-~~~,~.~'......----....-~ FILM 64PAGE1830 THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this -Id..!! day of ---1ll~ A. D. 19 ll_' ~y and between ~PART~~ERSH1P ~ollnie W. Beck ..~ Ellen Kreigbaumpart,es of the first part, hereinafter called the Grantor~ and THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a municipal corporation of the State of Montana, in Gallatin County. the party of the second part, hereinafter called the Grantee. WIT N E SSE T H : WHEREAS. The Grantor ~ _~.c~_ the 1 ega 1 record title owner of _d 4.394 acre parcel re~ord(>d ir:~~__Gallatin Coun~y Courthouse as__f2-11ll ~Jg f\1CJC' l(nl more particularly described below, and WHEREAS. The Grantee. in the exercise of its power and authority as a muni ci pa 1 ity of the S ta te of Mont~na, proposes to cons truct arid install . a sani tary sewer and necessary appurtenances to serve--var,6u-,i-p-r-o"p-erties To-ca.-ted wifhlnthe ~:dstern .___ portion of the City of Bozen~n and one or more such lines would run across the Grantors land; and WHEREAS. The Grantee desires to acquire from the Grantor 5, and the Grantor s ar'e will ing to grant to the Grantee an easementand ri ght of wayacross the above descri bed property of the Grantor~__. and theirheirs, executors. administrators, successor.s and assigns, -- for the purpose of installing, operating. using. repairing, replacing, maintaining. and removing said sanitary sewer and appurtenances and for such other- rights of access and incrJe-Y1taT rights as are hereinafter described, all as hereinafter more particularly pro- vided. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of $ xxx X and other considerations in hand ~id by the City of Bozeman. the recelpt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and in further consideration of the covenants and ilgreemtl1ts between the parties hereto, the Grantor ~:. have aranted. bargained. sold, conveyed,--iirl-d.-conT,-nned a-nd-bittiesepresen-ts~ 0 hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey, and confirm unto the said Grantee and its successors and assigns the follow- ing rights and privileges forever: l. A perpetual easement and right of way for the purpose of installing. operating, using. repairing, replacing, maintaining and removing a sani Ldry sewer thereto upon and across the above described property of the GrantorS said easement and right of way to co~sist of a strip of land ThirtY-bO) feet in width being Fifteen (15 feet of each side ot the tolT6wlng descr; bed centerline along the southerly property ooundary and a strip of land 'IWenty (20) feet in width being Ten (10) feet of each side of the follOW'ing described centerline along the easterly prot:erty boundary. lJeginning at a point lS feet North 00121 East of the Southwest property corner of said property on and along the West line of the Southeast Quarter (SE~) Southeast Quarter (SE~) of Section 8; Thence, along a sriral c~rve to ~he l~ft para~l~~ t~ the centerline ~edi~n_of Inte~s~ate 1-90 havlnq a detlect,on of 1 lL 45 per 100 feet ana 1~5 teet northeast- erly of sd~d centerline a dis~lnce of 214.86 feet to the end of said SP~I-ill cur~c; Thcnc~ South iU):~:'()()" East (whiciI bearing equals ~outh 70 32145" t.Jst of IllghllJay l)canng) parallel to Inter-state 1-90 Rl~ht-Of- I.Jay it distance of 790(39 feE~t (Hld 10 feet northeusterly of said R~ght-Of- Way; Thence North l~ 31'43" East parallel to the East GoundarY,llneof , sa'id pr'upcrty a distance of ~9U.J7 feet. more or less, to the lnter'sectlon with the southerly Right-Of-Hay of U.S. Highv.tay 10 and the end of the ea 5 erllen t. In addition, J tempor'al-y easement 15 feet on either side of the per'marwnt easement is granted for construction purposes. .~ . . FilM 64 rAGE 1831- 2. The perpetual right of ingress and egress to and from said tract of land at all reasonable times for the purpose of installing, operating) using) repairing, replacing and maintaining said _______ sanitary sewer and for the removing of same if and when desired by the Grantee) its successors and assigns: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of way with all the appurtenances and privileges unto the said Grantee and to its successors and assigns forever. The Grantee hereby covenants and agrees with the Grantor..2.- as follows: l. Tha t ) in connection with the installing, operating, using, repairing, replacing) maintaining and removing, of said sanitary sewer it will replace at its sole expense, all existing fences, ditches and other appur- tenances of said land that may be disturbed by its operation in a condition equal to the condition thereof existing before said operations were begun, or as near thereto as shall be reasonably possible. 2. That, during operations involving excavation, it wi 11 remove the topsoil from the trench area to a depth of one foot) or to the full depth of the topsoil whichever is less, and stockpile said topsoil for replacement over the trench) and will remove from the site any large rocks or surplus excavated material or any kind of debris that may have been exposed by the excavation and remaining after backfilling is completed and will leave the finished surface in substan- tially the same condition that existed prior to the beginning of operations except that the surface of backfilled areas may be mounded sufficiently to prevent the formation of depressions after final settlement has taken place. 3. To operate, use and maintain said sanitary sewer in Auch manner as will not hinder or prevent the proper eultivation of the tract through which this right of way is hereby granted. 4. In the event that it shadd become necessary for the Grantee to re-enter the Grantors premises for the purpose of repairing, replacing, maintaining or removing said utility lines the Grantee will reimburse the Grantors for any actual damage done to the Grantors premises or crops. -2- . . . 5. FILM 64 P^GE 1832 The Grantors- hereby c~venants and agrees with the Grantee as follows: l. That at no time will they build, construct, erect or maintain any permanent structure over or above the said sanitary sewer unless such structure is built, constructed and maintained in such a manner tha t it would n0t interfere with the operation, use, repair, maintainence, replacement and removal of said sani tary sewer . .~ __~A,_ 2. That the Grantee may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights and privileges herein granted without any interruption by the Grantor~ or their successors and assigns. 3. That they have been lawfully seized of said premises; tha t they have good righ t and lawful authority to sell the same and that they and their heirs, executors, administrat0rs, successors and assigns, shall warrant and defend the title to said premises unto said Grantee, and its successors and assigns forever, against the lawful claim and demand of all persons whomsoever. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto tha t this Agreement shall he binding upon the heirs, executors, administr<1tors, successor and assigns of the Grantors and upon the successors and assigns of the Grantee. -3- ~ filM 64 PAGE 1833 I N vi IT N [S S W II [ R [0 F, The <~ Ji d part i e s 0 f t h (> fir <) t p, I r t tl d \' C' he)' (> u 11 to ';( \ t L h (' i r h d 11 d " Ml d " (' dl '; ttlf' cl ,IV i\ 11 dye d r fir ,; L <3 I) 0 V (: \'lri t LCI1 . .~~~L~ ..J~:._- -(f-J. \. ~ STAT[ Clf i~ON T ANA ) ( C ..> , (ulJ1lly uf (;d11 d L i II ) On Lh'isjl~~(L:Y ul .mt~_._.., 19.5/, I)(~!un' Ilif', d IIUL.lIC) I publ ic in dncl for s al d S lil U>, . (' r'; ol1a lly a Piled i'cd hC)/WLc: _ .lU, bee/') o nel. f/(e,J) ^re\~~hCtLAVY\ krJ(I\'lIl ll) 111(' to Ill' Uit' 111'1",11/1-5 virIU',I' ndllll6.. __ .. _'__ _~((:,_ _. . _ . _ _ ~_ __ _ __ ~.tj[)',( I' 11)~ Lri t 111' wi UI in in<;Lrul:l(>rlt, Jnd dcknowll'dfjl'cj to nl(! tlldl _._H '1 ('XeClJ t 1,,1 tllf~ ')ulll(!. " -.-. _ ,,_ __ ~_..... M'._ ". _~ ..... ,_ _"'__,__ & I' f L I . .0t1Jcc/rrll;1Y7 No ta ry tjl~'( t ~ I' t i: l.: ~..',;'-'-i..;,--, State )f ~ rl..dlc. "\.",,, ',' R()sidiJFj at [J07Cllli1ll, i'1()lltS~\il'''~'':''~, ny C:OIIIIJlission l'Xpil'I", ;/ "':~''''''.'':{:--\;'';;.;.. ......." "'. '. i~.... ................ ''"''C i '-.,- \/~;' ~..... ~i :'" .' .~'. i';7'":' - -- -.18lIlIIII1l --- -- WI" _\~ ;: ...., .,' ..):'~t, 'f: .,0. . ...... · ~~ ':.. ' '~JlP' ~ , .. ::;.~U~\. '.fJii", . ~~ ''''':~.'.lff''~~''~{.'~ '/';~J I .,.1 \..i r- rO' 111//: ~ A '1 " . AT Tr ~; T : I'"~' " 4~~\ ~. ::..'(. ~_.~ ->'.) Gr~~ ..~.kJ:ld4:M'2~ ~\ !':::~... \. ~ .." t....:..fiit ? ~ ~; , '.'.. ~'''' ... ' . ..y. .', ( ;1..; .,' (-~ ' ",j.... '>,yc ,t': .; I. '. Clerk of t.he City Commission ,,/ ,~", " ' ., ' ;,~~:, ,,/~l . <"'~ .....",c", .., . ,..,..... '4 ",:"...i ,~" ~ APPROVED: I'.'~-(" /' -.-o-'--.~.!(:~.~,~.~~}i~<.0~,~~~(_,_ :~- --" C 1 ty ,~t tOl'ney ,/ ' " STATE OF MONTANA ) : S5 County of Gallatin) On this _j.dU-~ day of J71..t.::1LL....-' 19-!L, befon:? me, th(; undersigned a Notary Public for t.he State of Montana, personally, a~lpea red~~JJJ..kJJ...a:k~E4.~ t/ LU~/jJ("_'"'4nown to me to be the ~ldyor and Clerk of the City Commission respectively, of the City of BOlclildn, who~;c nilllles are subscribed to the within instrument dnd acknowledged to me lhJt they executed Ule ~-;arne fOl- and on behal f o r s it i (I Ci ty , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunt.o set my hanJ dnd affixed 111.1 No ta r' i dl ~_; e u 1 0 nth (' d d Y Ll n dye ar i n l h i<; C crt if i C ill (' f' i r '; t a h'we wri t len . ".A...."'.,. ~J~~__H __ n ,;.\' Ol/::. :": ,....; '\':. ;:/? .,if I . ot(~lJ PuB ic for the StdLo of MUrltdrld . Resldlng at Gozeman. Montand ; .. ., .~ ~ ~, ~ ","-i ( My Corrrni s s i on Exp i r(l~ARY "1I~e-for- __. ' :fI .. "'.' . I . Itesidin, If Bozeman tho stite of Mantan. ~. ,;A " ~",~'~':',~'~':'" <;>,... My Commission ' ' Montana INDEXliD eXPires January 6, 1984 '."....' . .40 t. ~.,. ." ptAlT~C) 'J.'i,.,!~.,Ir'~ ~. ~ b83b7 State of Montana County of Gallatin } 55. Filed July 31 _~, 19 81 at 8:30 ~_M" and Recorded in book 64 f MISCELLANEOUS J:~ 1930 fucltli a. S~ ~;unty Clerk & Recorder By ~. ~1k , _ _ _ _ Deputy F ee ~L --- ~- ---- - C' - :1"' lty of Bozeman . , . . BECK EASEME~T ~_ ,_~,,~______...~._~"~_. 'u_ fll~ 64PAGE1835 That the parties pf the second part heretj give and grant to the parties of the first part a pe~anent easement for the installation and maintanence of a sanitary sewer trunk main over and across lands owned by said parties for a 30 foot easement along the southerly and easterly boundary lines of a 4 . 394 acre parcel owned by the second party as described and recorded in the Gallatin County Courthouse as Film 58 Page 1931 and C.O.S. 246 (used as the Basis of Bearing); said easement being Thirty (30) feet in width being Fifteen (15) feet of each side of the following described center1 ine along the southerly property boundary and a strip of land Twenty (20) feet in width being Ten (10) feet of each side of the following described center- line along the easterly property boundary. Beginning at a point 15 feet Noo12'E of the Southwest property corner of said property on and along the ~est line of the SE~ SE~ of Section 8; Thence, along a spiral curve to the left parallel to the centerline median of Interstate 1-90 having a deflection of 1012'45" per 100 feet and 145 feet northeasterly of said centerline a distance of 214.86 feet to the end of said spiral curve; Thence S 70034'OO"E (which bearing equals S 70032'45" E of Highway bearing) parallel to Interstate 1-90 Right-Of-Way a distance ot 74.89 feet and 15 teet northeasterly of said Right-Ot-Way; Thence N 14031 '43" E parallel to the East Boundary line of said property a distance ot 498.77 feet, more or less, to the intersection with the southerly Right-Ot-Way of U.S. Highway 10 and the end of the easement. In addition to the permanent easement granted as provided above, first parties shall also have an easement over the lands owned by the second parties here to of an additional Thirty (30) feet on the northerly & westerly side of permanent easement as a tefilporary easement to be used during construction, which temporary easement to be used during construction, which temporary easement shall terminate and end as soon as said sewer main is installed. . PARTIES OF THE SECOND PART: B-K Pdrtnershi p consisting of: Lonnie W. Beck Ellen Kreigbaum loW. Beck RT. 8 Box 8 309 N. 3rd Greenville. Tenn 377 43 Permanent residence Bozeman, NT 59715 587-74383 . I . L i ~'r---' 1 ~) IJ filM 64 PAGE 1836 ' \, <'J" \ ';7' {lv, "J" '};' . ' ) , ,. /': I . \ rti I. ) c-, . " / ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. \' '. ~ r; -J~ , . " . 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