HomeMy WebLinkAbout62- Westfall Easement ,. , . ~ . . . ' . , ",:' , " ~~ F' 8UDi\ ~-'U P/4!JE ,JJd EJ-.J:.El-,1E1ilT AND RIGHT...OF-WAY AGREEMENT FOR S1.NITARY S::~'d..;R LINE THIS J..GRSEMENT, Made and entered into this .50 day of O>fd?c.-<;--, A. D. 1962, by and between Phill1n Dean Westfall IPd Frankie L. Westfall of BozeDll.ln, ~nntana, hu~b~Qq ~nn wifA RR jnint tenants. par"t iea of the first part, hereinafter called the Grantor-!--, and THE CITY OF BOZE}~1, a municipal corporation of the State of Montana, in Gallatin County, the party of the second part, hereinafter oalled the Grantee. WITNESSETH. 1"f1!1<;REAS, The Gran tor ..!... are the legd record t1 tle owner ~ ot portions of the Guy's Seoond Addition to Bozeman, Montana I and WHEREAS, the Grantee, in the exercise of its power and authority as a municipality of the State of Montana, proposes to construct and install a sanitary sewer line from the existing system at East Main Street and Rouse AVenue, in the City of Bozeman to the southerly line of !riestrid~e Sub...division, in the City at Bozeman, a portion of which proposed sanita~ sewer line would run acrols the Grantor s land; and - WHEREAS, the Grantee desires to acquire from the Grantor.J..!., and the Grantor!- are willing to grant to the Grantee as easement and right-ot.way across the above described property of the Grantor~, and their heirl, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, for the purpose of install- ing, operating, using, repairing, replacing, maintaining and removing said sanitary sewer line, and for such other rights of access end incidental rights al are hereinafter described, all as hereinafter more perticularly provided. NOVV, THEf(.FORE, in oonsideration of the sum of $ $'-0 . "0 , in hand paid by the City ot Bozeman, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and in further consideration of the covenants and agreements between the parties. hereto, the Grantor s have granted,bargained, sold, conveyed, and confirmed, and by these presen~ hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey, anj oonfirm unto the said Grantee and its successors and assigns the following rights and privileges forevera 1. A perpetual easement and right-at-way for the purpose of installing, operating. using, repairing, reFlacing, maintaining and removing a sanitary sewer -1- ". . . ')-',,1," ""j}', _,,,,' ~tj"1 . . , till,A\ (....\ t~'juE.jv LL1A a~".d. appu:ctenances thereto upon and acrof'S the abo'.ro des c~ibed f'l"'operty of '::::k ~:r''-'l1t;r::r~_s,_'. s~id :~~eI:len~ and right.c.f.v!9~r 't;,') C?;f i~t ~f 3. strip ~f la:1 ~-'l-"~l",r ''In' ',-,,,-,',' '1"1 WJo."'h ly~""'p' and being .f'~:f""'een (,..\ --"'e-c on each s'de 0'- the .',. .'_.J.. ',v '.'~)""f ~_......v .,,_,~ . .ci,.~ .......j....o +..L '"J _"".1 .'..C _ ....L."' J. :ol:if~~~s c0~cribed center line: Beginning at a point 65 feet south of the North line of One Acre Lot One of Buy's Second Addition to Bozeman, Montana, said point being 60 feet west of the east line of said Lot, thence in a southerly direction, 60 feet west of and parallel with the east line of said One Acre Lot One and One Acre Lot Two a distance of 124 feet to a point 57 feet south of the north line of One Acre Lot Two. 2~ ':'he perpetual right of ingress and egreSt; tu Rnd flA~lil said tract of land n.t all ]'(-'r:'cc.t1_b18 times for the purpose oP 1.r:.f1+'fd ~~:i.::);.'Jlnrat:..ng;., vsing l'cohLrins, n~pl"'_(;ir.g and maintaining said 3ani-:.~ery SCl'l..'Y' iir,() &nri eppur'tenances th~:..~etc, A.:'.i.d ;;.'orl:~<.: removing of seme if and wilen C:E:sired. ~:l the Gral'ltee, its SUCCeJ80rG a~d assignsJ TC; ruNE J.ND Ti) HOLD the above described right..o:t-w&.y -;;1 th all t}te appur- tenn:1.CE'S S:!1d pr:::vileges unto the said Grantee and to its succ:p.f'sors end. assigns foreve;'" The Grantee hereby oovenants and agrees with th~ Grantor~ as follows: 1. That in connection with the 1nstalling~ oper~ting, using, repair- ing, replacing, maintaining and removing of sl?,;:'d sanitery sew'.:!r line it w:.ll rep:"ace, at its sole expen~e, all e::dstj.:1!; fe::'1cjs, 6.itches and other app:l:-t8::lanCeS of said land thF.i; may b~ cl.t"b:-:jec, l'y Eb opera- ti:'l ir. a cO:1di tion equal to the conoi tiCll t::10,:"cof e:-:'i..s.c':'r-g le~'-',,",n saS (1 op'::)r(l/d~.nB were begun, or as near" there"::-/) 11,2 s::,a~.l "'.:;e l'e82C'Tli'..bly pl"sJ~."b:i.e" and in the event that the same ~anr.c'''; t'E! S0 I'2J.:ilascf, "':-1.<.: G:"!',l11;8G wj.:'J pay to the Grantor 8 the reacO!.J.(>,':lL~ YsluE.: of the (I?!llage dmle by it to the same. - 2. 'Ih'\-:; during operations involving excavatiol1- it w'.ll r~move f:'om the ~:it0 .:'l.ny large stones or any kind of dc:.wis t!1<.t -::'t8Y ha'fe ~;een exp..)sed by the excavation and remaining afte:: '1)?_cKJ'iUin.; i:; C'';!'1- plet(:dj and shall leave the finished surf'e':l" h1 $',,~~st.~n'c::.f.J.l:r ;~he same 0o:::di-~ion that existed prior' to the bcg5_:::,nic; 07: c;::,ur,J.t:orH:;, exc2:;Jt that the surface of backfilled areas mar 0:) nlcl~:c"'10C'. 8'.lf':'i.. cie;"\":~}.)r co prevent tile" .f:o:rnn.ationAof dCflIl:OSS:L,t.-l,S"',...'+'e:c ;:";'(Jli,l' scttle- ment has taken place. S. To install said sanitary sewer line at such a r~a';onable depth below the surface of the earth as will permit norm.al cul t:;vo.tion of the ground, 40 To operate. use and maintain said sanita:'Y rewer line in such a manner as will not hinder or prevent the proper Gul";i7:,t~L.n -:d -;;he trf\"ct throug)l which this right-of-way is hereby :.';r'Hntfd, ~,t b2:in!S \.1'!.'.ler.. stood -l;1:-.e.t the Grantor s shall be reimbursed }'.1 Ll.ll bv <;}:e S':"c..n'cee for' ef.~l 3.':ltual damage dOne to the orops or ";he pretl:L,e~ by vj::-tue cf the Grantee's entry thereon. ~e Grantor 8 hereby covenant and agree wi -I;h tl1e GrGnt(:e as f 0 1 ~. O',"lI<J ; .......-- ......-- 1. '!'hat at no time will they build: c':'l1s'srv y;~> e::,",~(;t ('\'" rut, '-.nt>_in any pe::m'inentstructure over or abr)v(! th,_, ':J.,d'LC...:.:"t..cl"Y Gt7~r l:'~le unle:::3 such structure is built, consb'li<):,:1 :;n.'" nn~::.';I:.....1P.-: :,1 <;u~h a m'il1nc:c that it would not interfere W5,t:l U.f>'I',LA' t;:un, ';'8('.. ":"'."'}')<:5r, maiate:::r.aJ13e, replacement and removal of sa:..d S'.l.:.:;:'t.t,.-y aFr:~e:r line" _2- - . . . . ' ~ t 8lJOK cU ~AijEJ88 2. that the Grantee may peaceably hold and enjoy the right~ and privileges herein granted wi tJout any interruption by the Grantor s or their successors and assigns. - 3. That they are lawfully seized of said premises, that they have lood right and lawful authority to sell the ~ame and that they. and their heirs. executorl, administrators, successors and assiEns, shall warrant and defend the title to said premises unto said Grantee. and its successors and assigns forever, against the lawful claim and demand of all persons whomsoever. It is under~tood and agr~ed by and between the parties hereto thet this Agreement shall be ihndiri.g upon the' heirs, exeoutors, 'e.d:~I1nistrators. suocea.. sors and assi~ns of the Grantor~ and upon the succe!sors and assigns of the Grantee. IN WITNESS WHERBOF, the Grantor..L have hereunto set their hand...!,. and seal 8 and the Grantee, The City of Bozeman, has hereunh set its hand, by its Mayor and its Clerk of the City Commission, each thereunto duly authorized, a~ha~ caused its corporate seal to be affixed. all on this ;1;i;r~ay of , t:! h~8/' . 1962. THE CITY OF BOZEM~ ~ ~ ' L-r. J\ if ~~'-- , .' red (. a"~er '-,-\ \,..-)- , '., Mayor ' ~, ..... ~_, '\';"~', r.'1, ...: /,'1",1 . - \' '\ /\.....') "n): .' , ..: '" 'I ,-- .,," ... ., " . '. '!'v-' , """ \~ ,Co',.- :/4'rEsr..,.~~,,<, ~a~ ". ,", :----..--(/ , ",a., K., son Clerk of the City Ccmuniasion APPROVED: ~L~~. n . etl;, Jr / , 1 ty Attorney STP,TE OF MONTANA ) , & 88 County 01' Gallatin , ) On this sO day oftkf;;u"p,r-. 1962, before me. the undersigned a Notary PubUc fol the State of Montana , personally appeared Phillip DeAn WI'tR+.rall ann Fr!!lnlrie 1... '(fe!';+.fAll known to me to be the persons described in and who signed the foregoing instrument as Grantor I and-acicnowledged to me that they had executed the lame freely and Toluntarily. for the uses and purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WH;';REOF. I have herel,1nto set rrr:/ hand and affixed my Notarial .3- -' -, . . .. . . ' , . BOOK c:U fJ/~iJf:J~g Seal on the day and year in this Certificate first above written. ~ t I> ... -:; r '. c'.....~ .J"') r.'" "". ..., ~ t:,r;:-: /<1 "If .-' STATE OF MONTANA ) : tiS County of Gallatin ) On this ~~~rday of O',::!~ ' 1962, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public or the State of Man ana, personally appeared Fred M. Staudaher and C. K. Wilson, known to me to be the Mayor and Clerk of the City Commission respectively, of the City of Boze~n. whose name is subsoribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of said City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal on the day and year in this Certificate first above written. ~,,&~~ Notary Pub! cor' the S*ate of Montana Residing at Bozeman, Montana ~ Commission expires NOTAHY PUBLIC tor the State of Montana Residing at Bozeman, Montana My Commission Expires May 26, 1965 (1tillE-~~~~~- '""1:31'~to:~ ,,' "1t'Lr12<Eq,",,,,,,~,,'~j .......' v-" I P L t,Til D "" ".;l..vi..-..........-____.,.........-........."...........~....OII<.._._.a: -4- ,'~' l' ,,'~. (', "'... .': ~l l. ",' '''" .~ ,.. ,,"" .'. ~ 'i '. ,~.' ;-' , "; .....-..'\ '1"'.-. . ,.y 1)Q Vel11 b(?J' 1 - ..' " , , ~_____-l..-.m' 1962 :,H 12:49 P. -.' . , :": ".,20 ..,: lIi2cel1aneous,_ 3S)q,.. El',RL liJALl'CN ..... I .~.J>n~ ' r .n__'. -", .. '- " ,~ ' , , .- '" "-, : :' ..." " " "