HomeMy WebLinkAbout63- Vaughan Easement , , aOOK en PAlJE55~i~ ,,' T:i.:.tSEHGNT AND RIGHT-OF-lJVJ,y ;,GREEiI!iEtTT FOR S1-JJlTJ:,RY S;JiiHm LINE THIS AGRSE~'IENT.. Made and entered into this J 7 dt':r of Fe !-rC/q"')j A. D. / 7'63 ~, by end between David P. Vau2han and J~~hi~e W. Vaup:han of - Boz;eman. Montana as ioint tenants. parties of the first part, hereinafter called the Grantor1L-- . and THE CITY OF DOZEHllliI. a municipal corporation of the State of Montana, in Gallatin County. the party of the second part, hereinafter oalled the Grantee. WITNESSETH, HHEREAS. The Grantors_ are the legal record title owner~ of portions of the Blocks 7 . 8 . 13 & 18 Granite Addition to the City of Bozeman. Montana I and WHBREAS, the Grantee.. 1n the exercise of' ita power and authority as a municipality of the State ot Montana, proposes to construct and install a sanitary sewer line from the existing system at East Main Street and Rouse Avenue, in the City of Bozeman to the southerly line of Westrid~e Sub-division. 1n the City of Bozeman. a portion of which proposed sanitary sewer line would run across the Grantors' land; and - ViliER&;$. the Grantee desires to acquire trom the Grantor~. and the Grantor s are willing to grant to the Grantee as easement and right-ot-way - across the above described property of the Grantor2--. and their heirs.. exeoutors, administrators, successors and assigns, for the purpose of install- ing. operating, using, repairing, replacing. main*aining and removing said sanitary sewer line.. and for such .ther rights of access end ineidental rights aa are hereinafter described, all as hereinafter more perticularly provided. NOW. THERFOR~, in oonsideration of the sum of it 00...----., 1n hand paid by the City of Bozeman. the reoeipt whereof 1s hereby acknowledged, and in further consideration ot: the covenants and agreements bebJeen the parties. hereto. the Grantor~ have granted. bargained. sold. conveyed, and confirmed, and by these presents do hereby grant, bargain, .el1. convey. end confirm unto the said Grantee and ita succe.sors and assigns the following rights and privileges 1'0 rever a with no further monetary claim being issued against grantee other than through Paragraph 1, Page 2 of this easement: 1. A perpetual easement and right-ot.way tor the purpose of tnstellin" operating, UBing. repairing, reI-lacing.. maint9in1n(!: and removing a sanitary Bewer -1- ~ . ., r-~ ~~ ~ ". " 8(jU~' c:U PAGE~;)U .' , ' J.1nfO anel appurtenances thereto UpOJl md aore.. the above desoribed property 01 t.he Grantor s , said eaaeJllent and ri9lt-ot....ay to censist of" a strip of land t.~irty (30) teet in w1dth 111n& and be1nc fifteen (16) teet on each .ide ot the !'ollowlll~ de8cribecl oenter l~el ~eginn~ng at a point on t1:e Southerly right-of- way of U. S. Hlghway No. 10, sald ~olnt belng seyen hundred flfty-el~ht and f9ur hundreqths feet (758.04) at a bearlng of North slxty-seven.degrees nlneteen mlnutes West (l~. 67019' W) from the Westerly alley Ilne of Block Nlne (Blk.9) of the Granite Addition to the City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana; thence from the said point of beginning and at a bearing of South four degrees thlrty-one minutes East (S. 04031' E.) a distance of one hundred ninety-one and thirteen hundredths feet (191.13')i thence at a bearing of South sixty-seven degrees nineteen minutes East (S. 67019 E.) a distance of two hundred twelve and eight tenths feet (212.8'); t~ence at a b~aring of So~th twenty-five,degrees five minutes East (S. 25005' E.) a dlstance of SlX hundred slxty-one and thlrty-four hundredths feet (661.34'); thence at a bearing of South tHenty~six degrees fifteen miDutes West ~S.26015' W.) a dis-. tance of one2hulidred tetun feet~ more or lessd to a pOlntdoD the ~aoutherl~ Ilne of sal Grani te) . The perpe a rle,.ut of' lngre81 an e,;ress 'eC an l"rom S81C 'trac'e or Addi- nand at all rea.onable timee fer the purpose of in.tallln~, operatint, using tion. ~epalring, replacing and maintaining said sanitary sewer line and appurteneDces thereto and for the removinr:; of Bsme if and when desired by the Grantee, 1 t. successor. and assigns. TO IDNE AND TO HOLD the above described right...ot..way with all the appur.. tenances and privile~es unto the ssid Grantee and to its succe88Qrs and assign. forever. The Grantee hereby covenants and agrees with the Grantor s as followsl - 1. That in oonneotion with the installing, operating, using, repair- ing, replacing, maintaining and removing of said sElni tE' ry sewer line it will replace, at its sole expense, all existing fences, ditches and other appurtenances of said land th*t may be distu~bed by its opera.. tion in a condition equal to the condition thereof existing belore said operations were begun, or as near thereto as shall be reasonably possible, and in the event that the same cannot be so replaoed the Grantee will pay to the Grantor s the reasonable value of the damage done by it to the same. - 2. That during operations involving excavation, it will remove from the site any large stones or any kind of debris that may have been exposed by the excavation and remaining after backfilling is com.. pleted; and shall leave the finished surtace in substantially the same condition that existed prior to the beginning of oFerations. except that the surface of backfilled areas may be mounded suffi- e iently to prevent the fO:&7mation 'of depJJBssiOns -efter final'lIettle- ment has taken place. 3. To install said sanitary sewer line at such a reasonable depth below the surfaoe of the earth as will ~ermit normal cultivation of the ground. 4. To operate, use and maintain said sanitary sewer line in such a manner as will not hinder or prevent the proper cultiv~tion of the tract through which this right..of..way is hereby granted, it being under- stood ~~at the Grantor 5 shall be reimbursed in full by the Grantee for any aotual damage dOne to the crops or the premises by virtue of the Grantee's ent~ thereon. 'Ihe Grantor 5 hereby covenant and agree with the Grantee as tollows; - -- 1. ~at at no time will they build, construct. erect or maintain any permanent structure over or above the said f'anitary sewer line unless suoh structure 18 buH t, constructed and m:l;r. C" i~led in such a manner that it would not interfere with the oper~tion, use, r~palr, _1nteBaDee, replaoement and removal of said sanitary sewer line. This section does not prohibit the relocation of such line or the reconstruction thereof with approved material at the expense of the Grantors, said revision to be done with supervision by the Grantee. .2- . . . . .. . ,~ . BfJOK c.:U F~Uf 5:)7 . . 2. That the Grantee may peaceably hold and enj~y the rights and privileges herein granted wi~out any interrupticn by the Grantors or !~eir successors and assigns. - 3. Th~,t they are lawfully sebed of 8flid premises; that they have (lo.:.d ~'ight and lawful authority to sell the same and that _.- ~~ un.d their heirs, executor., admh1istrators, successors alid aesip18. shall warrant and defend the title to said premue8 unt. sald Grant~e. and its successor. and a.signs forever, a5a1nst the lawful claim and demant of all perlon. whomsoever. It is underFtood and agreed by and between the parties hereto thet thla J~reement shall be ~tndlrit upon the. heirs, exeoutors, 'nd~1nistrators. 8uooes- sors ani ..sisns of the Grantor~ and upon the successor. and a.sign. of the Grantee. IN WI1NESS WlmREOF', the Grantor s have hereunto set their hands and seals and the Grantee, The City otBoze_n, hu hereunto set its hanl'; by i~s EiYor and its Clerk of the City Commie.ion, each thereunt.duly authorized. and has oaused its oorporate .eel to be affixed, all on this ~1fI/7 day .t h.,j/~/d/f ' ;Y;3 THE CITY OF BOmfAN , , 117~ '~ Pi L-- ,,\,\.V ,,' . 9': ( /./ " dt~iL - ( . S u he" , ~ ~ c. 1- ~ +, ... :1'... '\- Mayor ,!~~i':' . )j~f>~::~~~-"':~."~ 'AttEsT. >j.. a;; ~ . . -\:: ' ",'.'X-'~~~~~ /L ~C- ,/ '. . '''~ 'j',--' ., ~ (\,.-.\ ~r. ", \" ;:: . ... ,'~ I -If, ~ ... '",,\""'''''',,'",,'...r)... ~~ '. ~'~'~.-"J"'~.rk'))'f( the C1 ty Commia,lon . ,:,\, (:..^.~"~\',,"':' >>PROfII). ~~~~7f" C 1 ty Attol"JW1 SV.TE OF Montana ) I .. County .t Gallatin , ) I '1' ~3 On thil ~da1 of ;:;'1--/,"""" .~, berore me, the undera1ped a Notary Publio or . State of ~1ontana , persC"1'1l\lly ap:,eared David P. Vauhan and Jose hine W. Vau han ~, tl) IT.e t:> be the per.ons e.cr eC: it;. I'.nj \':1'" ~~"'u. ":;::;f" ::-'c: :.L.[""i!'~ in.,;truID~n~. ae Gra.nto~ andllCknowledged +'0 ne '~l:a I-; th:,:Y.___.. hA.cI. e7!1~':,ted the 1S"me freely and voluntarily, f.r the uses and pU:";'O'E'~ ':,J't. ~n~:q;:.-~~, ]e(~.. IN VlITNESS WH"lRBOF. I haYe hereunto set Jtrj hand and affi,.;:ed my Notarial .a- ,. ~ "II ., ..,.. ' r:'~'8 . ~ 8UDK cU rif\GE ~)) .. . Seal on the day an. year in this Certificate fir8t above written. , " .... " ~/ /~.-.d"/ -':':.:' '" ,-J.., NO ry c for the St'iV'Of /'/c,/,..-h.--;, EC'G ..,.,....,'< '> _,,' Re8id~ at /3'?~";t,.t"'/~.,.. '-/-,/" . /1'/:?/7;7"""d';:?'<- - .. .'. ,.\ My Commilsion expires \1<7"'?;~d/" ,/ 7-1:/ /Y~-7" / S TA TE OF MON T.ANA ) : as County of Gallatin ) ~ ~' /e?/8 On this"..c"Yh day of",-'l!!':: ?,.. ~ before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public or eState 0 ana, personally appeared Fred M. Staudaher and C. K, Wilson, known to me t. be the Mayor and Clerk of the City Commission respee~iv~ly, of the City of Bozeman. whose name is subscribed to the within instl"umellt and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for end on behalf of said City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set fII9 hand and affixed .y Notarial Seal on the d~ and year in this Certificate first above written. ..:' ~ /7'''''1 ~~, ,r,; ,~ ., ~.-.-./ / ~, .,. . "-'~,::\' 0 ary tire tor thlPot~f Montana . .1' .:^ -. Res iding at :ry "'lib/I" . .-.. u:' > :, u.. C 1 i . ~6b fJJf~'. Jur , ":" "~ ,,~'_. .. _, .: '"'IT omm 88 on exp 1. tOI>>.. ".i)r! M tl,e r. ;.11"_._", ."1",. 'U~/o'" ~.("G ~qr()n " ." " "q'],. /l]ill) ~! /If. " . .\ >llrt's , ' 410 01)18 . , . , . .. ' . ,. . CC~;J-. /)til/)> 11" "' '<.fer " 14] , 965 1[\1 li::"\' '-- 'I V ' --~:.:.::' , '""'J- PLI\"\II.. -_I, j _,..!.,;t".........'~~ -,-"~_.._..,.,->., ,. -4.- State of r'Jo:,t., C.):_:'":~y (.f G~l':':t;;- ,~c, ~:~:~!~~:' :'-:'~'::":':! -.. ------- 1;!.2..r'ch__1J,..-___. 1963 <lL___ _I:!;~JO i\.. ____ T;L, ;:;,,:J ;':;::,"Ic,:: [;; ::.-,_;', 20,(,f:~f.3_~El_!:~a_~1~_O:US p::~ge-""~555 H>" 1:1L r,',-' T ""l (11\T ",,' ,_,,' I /, ' _._ "_J"""I...1,.,--, ",L. : .0cor~e:-. Cy.._~,=--~L'"';=-.:...-.::-:'.._.""':'.L...':..!___.::.c_':::';.~,--_Ceputy I-Io Fee