HomeMy WebLinkAbout79- Trent Easement i, ~ . . , , s... fttle CO. (i2608 > ~" l~:;~:' '::'t ,....... c-e, or .....tln, - FlIed fer ,~, ., __. eM reoorded In fIook , ~ Bioi"''' ' .......... rASll~[NT AND RIGHT Of' WAY _..____.....!'E!--~.!!- .~A~~~~T_. ._.. . . HilS 11(::,[1':'['11, n,lde awt ent,.I'I~(! 1!",( thi', ,.,~.. .1..y of ~:")"'1 ~. , /'Jf.f8u. ,'Jcl.~?..~~)~ _ ,;. C. 19//, l,y ..Hill ~,,- ,\:'.',.'1. ,j.!~~JIl~~: , l. TRENT J ;..! I . ies (If !to. t: r:, t plll't. hf'refM1W':;, ~ - - ". - ~ . - - - . ~. - - - - - - . \'. "~;!" ,:"~'.:",. ' c,lll ell till' 1,1'.ln 11llS ilnd liIL \' n or fJtJ/U';\/I, a mun i ci Vel 1 corpor. ..tion (If tt.e St.II('--of l~ont"nJ, in (j,1113tin COUrlty. th~ party of the ~Clund put. IH,rcinilfter c.:;l1r'\1 u~" ;;rilr:U'e, ~lJ 1 T ~~ : ~) ~J r i t i : ~'~ WilrRf:AS, Thl' l~r.lnt.ors aT~ U,,, 1'''),11 record ti tle owner of r::-. __~~..__Iract.J91_._~0,:!~ea~_~_!\!l..!1~l<ilt }.Q!l_ JP~hLCi 11 of Boz""," (( ,:: WllllU.:AS, HI'-' Grantee, in the ~xe.'(.ise 01 its pO~ler and authority I dS a municipality of the Stdtt~ of t~ollt,ln(). prl'ooses to constrUct and - ill~tal1 '3 sewer line dnd nrCl'S'>UY appurtenances to serve ,J va d nus pr,ipl;,:fit:-s' -ro-rate-(f idth i n the ~~r~.h~"a.s~__ __ portion to the ~ City of 00[('111,," and one or (non' s~J(h linl'. w(1l'ld run arros! the . Grantors land; dnd <~ WllfRlAS. lh,-' Grantee dt'<; i rp$ to aqll i rl' from the Grantors . and the GrantorS , are wi 11 ill,:) to iJrant ta the Grantee an ease- l"l'llt ;tl,(j l'i~ht ()'(-way--aciv;<; the above '~(";c,-jbed prO\.ll'rty of the Gralltor ~__, dnd, ,~,~,~_iE heil"s. (').('culprs, adninistriltors. successors, ___ and~Ylls, JJi..l:the purJl.Q.~S__O! in$tallin~J. ufJ~rating, using. rePair- inq, rt'plaf;:ln,;, n1aintCllninl). and relllClviM ~"litl "'sewerH"" lnd tll'pu.-tl>n.lnccs and for slJch other r i'lht<; of ac-::css-a-nd incidental l-i<j"L~ tI~ ",." h('l"l:-inaftt'r dl.'scribed,"ll',' he"cill.:;fter more particul- ,,-1,\ ; "-()'J i : I,. 'J. '>',~, TI;;;'II~.:PE, in CUII'.il\Tdtiol' (.l :':" ':UlI1 ,'.f $ and "L Ill' I' (1:~,i,J;."d.il"IS in h;lI\'! f1,id ~)y Up' ~'i',' L,f [kzci,ian-;-thc receipt \;h,'I\'U' i" I,":'~'Y JcknowleJ9Ld, ilnJ in fL.r"trlc;' con:.ideration of the ~(lVl:n3:1t<, i:n.J il',;rc!:nl\'nt5 b~t\','een the j1l1rt.i '-'<; hereto, the GrantorS have '" qranted, !,,1(qi:ined, sold, conveyecr.-. di,~i ~,.(:>l"(rl~;;,-j -;111\:- bT-thcse-i)ll-,'~nt-, do - h;:reby gnnt. bargain. wil, ,'"nv"y. :1I"jlontirill I."to tile ,,,,'j(! (>I ~:df'(~ and its successor:. ::':d 11',;'1'" ti,l' r"llmlinfj ri(;ht~ ;\:111 :'I;'.'il'~IJt.s forever: , ,~," 1';'.0: IJ"l i'd'.t'IW'I.t Jnd :'i ';'1 t of IIoJY for tbe purlJose of i,"',"l i i Ill) , l:iil.'I'dtins,.. uc.in~. repilir;I,,:. '''plaCing, milintaining ,"Ill rl!'lldvin:1 Sewer Ilne Uk..'t,) 'Jpon and across the above (, "c Ii :l!rl 11-'-';l('I-tY- (1"(11i(:--:;-I~dilto'!~_L ' :"J i <.J casement and right of 110 ;l i ! C UJ I.', i s t () f ;l ~ t rill () f 1" n d t h i r ty (3D} 1,,<; ~n ',,;(1(h [,1'irI9 I1:OI'e r',ll-ticu13r1"y ell":: r:,be<f 5S-fof]ow-S-: An easement located in the NOrtheast .., S~ction 6. Township 2 South. Range 6 Eilst. M P,M,. Gallatin Count). Montana. and being more particularly described as follo~s: Beginning at the North l:i. Section 6. a ~tove bolt; thence South 000 13' 33" ~est, following the centerline c.foNorth ROuse Avenue. ~ distance of 12Q3.40 feet; thence North 38 55' 33" East. a distance of 700,02 feet to the true point of besinning. The permanent utility easement is located 15.0 feet on each side of the following described centerl ine with a construction eUeIlIent 15.0 f@et wide cont~guous and adjacent to each side of the pennantnt utility ea.;ement; from the point of beginni;lg North 000 13' 33" Ea!.t a distance of 264.53'; thence North 89 57' 17" West a distance of 300.04 fe!'!t to the Southeast corner of Tract 11. Northeast Annexation. from that point the 15 foot permanent and 15 foot co~struction ease. menU are only South of the line extending North 890 5'7' 17" West a distilnce of 369.80 feet. to the centerline of North Rouse Avenue. .- r" . f ""'~+~ ~, " 'j~':< ; ",' ~'?,',.~' ' .. j ";':~ <;'IJ~" """,si;d'. _'ll~'~ ,. : j~'" 2. The perpetual rilht tlf lnare.. and ..~... ta _":,......,1,,":;"'::_,,, laid tract of land at all reasonable time. for tbe ,..~'... .,~~ operatinl. ual"l. repairing. replAcing and _lntalal... .... .,...-: line and for :he r~vlft1 .f .... If ... when d'lired by the Crantee. ita lucceslors and a..llO': TO HAVI AND TO IOLD the above de.cribed dlht of ..,..1. all the appurtenances and privilege. unto tbe ..14 ~..cee and to ita luccessors &Il.d alslan. f:>r.....r. ,f\,,', The Cnntee hereby covenante and aaree. wltt. che ~"';;"""~' a. foll_.: 1. That. in connection with the in.talli... operac'-l. ulina. repair,ina. repladna. ..intainl" a. ~... of ..ld Se'lfer line it will r.,lace at tt. .ole expe,..e. all exlatlna fence.. dltdlee .......:,:s:::;. teune.. of .aid land that _y be .1at.... 1tJ '. ,. . ia a cood1tioll equal to the coGditl_ tlwreof aid.."", "to<< laid op(:raUonl wel'e begun, or a. neal' tbe"to a. "'1 .,. rea.onably'Pb..ible. 2. tb~~OICt;:.u~_ i1W01~ ~~'" . .'., " , ,-",,".,"'" r;"'~top'Olttrom t...tretICII .....\10. " ."".i ,'.':'!?~"'~'d'^\,&'t,(~.t'i'''~,:\ foot. or to the full depth of the t..... -tHTh,JX" ...../,;~. .;~"::' and atockrUe .aid tOPIOU for r..l.n~lTlf ....-....... ,- "'i;"~ and will realOve froal the Ii te a., lara' nella _ .-qt_ ' excavated ..terial or any kind of debri. tbae .., .... .... expo.ed by the excavation and r~iniftl aftee backfllll.. i. c~leted and will leave the fini.had .urlace ia ~.~- tially the same condltion that exilted prier to t" ",i..l.. of operations except that the .urface of backfilled araea .., be moun~ed lufficiently to prevent the f~~ttoa of d.,re..toaa after final settlement has taken place. l. To operate, uge and maintain said sewer line in auel! manner as will not hinder or preveDt the proper cultivation of the tr4ct thr~ugh which thi. rlabt of WAY i. hereby granted. 4. In the event th:Jt it slwlid become necessary Cor the Crantee to re-ent, , the Grantor. premil.' for the purpoae of repairing. replacing, maintaining or r..-ov1na ..id utility lines the Grantee will reimhone the Grantora fer aay actual damage done to the Grantnr. premise. or crop.. -2. ... . . '. ( , . 5. The Guntor.1.. hueby c:'wenants and .greea wi th the Crant.. .. 1. Th.t at nn time will they build, construc:t, .rect or _lnUID any permanent structure over or above the .aid sewer line! unless Ruch structure 11 built, con.tructed irnd a",illlninlld in such II IIl4nner t!.at 1t would not int.rf.r. with the operation, use, ref.~ir, maintainence, replac...nt and relllOvlll of said sewer lne . 2. That the Grantee may peaceably hold and enjoy the tilht. and privl1eg~s herein granted withOut any int.rruption by the Grantor~ or ~ successors and assign.. 3. That they have been lawfully .elzed of aaid pr..t.... that they have good right and lawful authority to ..11 the .... ~nd that they and their heira, executors, adalni.trat~r.. succeR80r8 and assigns, shall warrant and def.nd the titl. ta Raid prcm18ep unto ~aid Grantee, and lts .uc:e...or. .nd assigns forever, against the lawful claim and demand ~f all p(-rsons whomsoever_ It is IInderstood and agreed by linn between the parties hereto that this Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, execut"'rs, adllintatrato,ra, llucceasor and. .~n. ,of the Grantors and upon the a..ce...or....\, , a..lgn.ot the G~antce. ..- . '.. .;. ". :( . , . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The sald partles of the fir.t part have he!"evnto set tho i.r hands and seall the day and year tint abna written. /: " ( r., J:'- (1 ~ '--' -if" 'I I i r';~ -_1a"-.L~ STATE OF MONTANA ) : ss County of Gall~tln) . On thie~~ day of ". A....- 1975 befClre me.~' L~' in '~~~llY appmed r >'t~A... known t. me to be the person_ \IIUl.. name I ubscrlbed J::. the within instrument. and acknowledged to me that - r {- expcuteJ the 8.1mc. -- C-~T'" -~n . ~otary Publi r the State of a .--:.;..,~,'. Re~iding at Rozema". Montana 9'."",4"';" ~ly Cnmrni!lS10~lires/ f'" I ,. '" ......~.". ., " -I 3 .. ,.! . ". ~ ' - -- ., . .. ..., .. J " , ..: ",. .4 .... . " , ,,+ .. :." . ...:j t -\d ~.IJ'~:1- \p /... L. " ... r.. 4., '" .,~, ...1:," . ~ ....~.....~ if,. .,..w '. P". ._.' ~. . . . , . . . . - 1 r<l~:;:,'~;':;:,. ':;.~ii"'! ' ATTEST: o /' {' ~/ ,,( / ~~'~~I,^R~imi."/hC-I.-~ Clerk of the City COIlll1\1ssiQl1 AI'PROVW: ---.........-._-- -- ~' -- ,- City Aftol'nC!y STATE OF MONTANA ) ; liS County of Gallatin) . ,)(; ,I d.ly 0 f ---.1l \ Q(.f . 197~, beforc me, the On thi!' undcrsiR"cd .1 Notax-y Public for the St/lte of Monto1oa, pE'I"Sonnal1y, Ill'l'l,al'",1 -'2d.au,~e_5~~L -,.JZUJ~+jfl:.1(.~ known to me I() b., the ~"Iyor and CI.'rk of thl! City Commission respectivcly, of th.. City (If Bozeman, ....hose 'Mm.'s are ~\lbscribed to the within instnllll('nt and acknowlu!g('d to me. that t IH.'Y execu ted the same fo\' .10<1 Oil behalf of said City. IN IJITNESS IJIIEHEnF, I IIiIV" h.'\'('''nl n ~c t my hllnd and affixed m)' Noturial Seal on I h., U.l}' and Y.'!I\- ill lhtH Ce.rtlfieo1te first Ilbov(' \nlte(,II, :" ) , llc l ' '-_\'''-''~\''-~~1~-' ,~'-~. " ~ ;;,'t.'!y Publ ie, or the State of Montana P,'sidli1!', .It nozen'iln, Mont'lna : :,,' C"flllil i s S (all E~fii fes II) - I r. - d'O ". ~ - . .. . 4 .... . . . .'to J .' .' . . .. :'.' ,,'" I~' tlEt}..-4: ';I~VM~'~,\I\'~';r.- ,.' .'1':.,;. .,'" " .. , ~"., t.",,' "~,,,,.i'~""'r^,.o. ~~ a~r ~.~ --- - ---~~ ........-....-..............._~ ~ I tlfIO~,1ND ....,.-c"O?M'I#A~ ~ ~ ------------- - - "" ~ -~ '-.''- '.". '--.:'.:"'> "...':.,.,',..",.\...,.''1,....': lS ~'- - i - - - - - - - - - - - ~ .... .--- - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~.,: (~ , r -1 , ~ ~ ;- I rAI'?M ~TORAC:E I '\) BtI/t.QI'Nd ~ '" I l'I) [":.7Rc/VT I " " (o,W,V'~ ~ .J ",4 ~ :, ' " -2 -- N ~ C'OA':l'~T-<:W 6H~"."-'WT: ~ ~ ,oj. ___... _.__ _ N C" cf' '!. ".~., c'. ,c:. .to 70 a<> ' - \j "l - ... 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