HomeMy WebLinkAbout62- Trainer Easement , . j # , , r . ' . . '" 'J(jS 8UOK rSu PAGb ( 1M.&ElI'JENT AND RIGHT.OF-W.AY .AGREEMENT FOR S1.NITARY SmvER LINE THIS !GRSEMENT, Made and entered into this lL day of Ocfot'.rl:'r, A. D. 1962, by and between William H. Trainer and ~lford Trainer, of Bozeman, Montana husband and wife pa rt ie8 of the first part, hereinafter called the Grantor!--, and THE CITY OF BOZE~~, a municipal corporation of the State of Montana, in Gallatin County, the party of the second part, hereinafter called the Grantee. WITNESSETH. HHEREAS, The Grantor.!- are the legel record title owner s of portions - of the Guy's Second Addition to Bozeman, Montana I and WHEREAS, the Grantee, in the exercise of it, power and authority a. a DlWlicipality ot the State of Montana, proposes to construct and install a sanitary sewer line from the existing system at East Main Street and Rouse Avenue, in the City of Bozeman to the 80utherly line of Westridse Sub.division, in the City ot Bozeman, a portion of which proposed .anitary sewer line wouIir run acr~'8 the Grantor-!- land; and V~REAS, the Grantee desires to acquire from the Grantor~, and the Grantors are willing to grant to the Grantee as easement and right-of.way - aeross the above described property of the Grantor-!-, and their heirs, executors, administrators, successorS and assigns, tor the purpose ot install- ing, operating, using, repairing, replac1ng, maintaining and removing said sanitary sewer line, and for such other rights ot aooe88 end incidental rights .e are here1nafter described, all as hereinafter more particularly provided. NOW, THER.FORE, in oonsideration of the lum ot i '50.00, 1n hand paiel by the City ot Bozeman, the receipt whereat il hereby acknowledged, and in further oonsideration of the covenant_ and agreements beb.een the parties. hereto, the Grantor s have granted, bargained, sold, conveyed, and confirmed, and by these pre8en~ hereby grant, bargain, 8el1, convey, end confirm unto the said Grantee and its successors and assigns the following rights and privileges forever. 1. A perpetual easement and r1ght.ot.way for the purpose of installinl, operating, using, repairing, reFlacing, maintaining and removing a sanitar.y sewer -1- ,-, .- ~ '" 8UOK i:U I.JAGE JMJ J ~.:1F! and appu"tenancesthereto upon and across the above dcsc!'ioed property of t"m': Gn?l1:tc:,r.JI,_' saideaseuent and right-of~we~r to eX1-:" ist of a strip of lnrd ~h::.~-tf (301 /eeJ" i~l width lybg a.nd be~ng; fifteen (Hi) feet on eaoh side of the :oL:.o';lJin.€; de",c:dbed center linea Beginning at a point 57 feet south of the north line of One Acre Lot 2. Guy's Second Addition to Bozeman. Montana. said point being 65 feet west of the east line of said Lot 2. thence in a southerly direction 65 feet west of and parallel to the east line of said Lot 2, a distance of 75.0 feet to a point on the South line of said One Acre Lot 2. o?.. The perpet.ual right of ingress and egrest: -!;;" Hnn :['r'JIil said ~ract cf land 1'1J" ail le8'c,".8_bl;: times for the purpose oE -:'I.,r:tflL:.~.:,:~:. :9~r'atj_r.g:., 1.1:;jng Tc1JA.~.r::_nr;;" repl'^J;ir..g end maintaining said aanh;e.ry 3C"J'.c'r' :. in-; en"\. f-,puY'tenances th ~:~e-;,( q:'.d "i.'()r:-'~0 removing of serne if and wilen (:cld ire 0:;. :J:: -I;l\e Grh:?tee, i"Cs suuue.;s",r'3 :::..:-;d, assigns) TC: !If..:.VE J.:lJD TO HOLD the above described rilht~.of,-w&'y -..;1 th all the appur- tenc::J_f'l~'S s::d :!:Jr::','i:eges unto the said Gran'cee a:1d to ~ -:;8 ;::lUC~'1f'802'S en.i assigns for2vs~'o The Grnntee hereby covenants and agrees w5.th the Gr'ln't::;i-_~__ as follows: 1. That in connection with the installing.- oferetiIJ~, u.:~_ng) repa5.r- ingr r'e:91acing~ maintaining and removing of 8:>.'_:' sRni';:;e!'y SeW'91~ Lix:e it will rep:ace. at its sole expen$e, all e7is~in~ fE~G~8p ult0hes 9nd other a;?~~l:-te::lances of said land thlt;.c may [.3 ((1.< t..:.:"_;~C'. b:/ i:b opera- tic:. in b. cO:J.di tion equal to the cor.di i;~_r;::. t;l(J ,',"o/" 8:':'~,B"C.~"'g: l: ('1 :'("\~ s[1.5 ,1 oI>:)rr.ti(mF were begun, or as n~ar' th\~r,:: C0 ,1.': f:;::,'l.~'"l ~;" i"8C':'C'lF.bly p('s.;~:rl"" Bn'-t in the event that the sa::ne ::Rnr_:::'~ be' s.') %"C,:pla."cr:' ~:~1t.: G:"!',:'li,.;~ wL.J. pay to the Grantor...a.- the reIlG()!1~lJl'3 "I&lU0 01' "~he (;;,raage u/;~lt) by it t;:) the same. 2. ~:h"1::; during operations involving excavat:i.o',). it 'N~_E remOVI] f;:oom t:1e sit;n ?ny large stones or any kind c~ dt:::".js t!':tht~V3Y h.0.':e ~;,,-,en exp.)sed by the exca-i1e.tion and remainin;; ;"f'+.'2:- ',pc..;:}"Eli.n0 is c':rn- pletcdj and shall leave the finished sur;?"!';,-" j:) '~,;:~E' :~t~r.'c::F]"l~T +:he seme ".ondi"~ion that existed prior' to the "o~,~i;"'r:!i.,,'; 07: (,,A;T.1t:OY':--, excc:;?t tIlat the surface of backfilled areas ma,) b:, mc':::ri'l~(_ (;".)_['::'i.. c :.e"d;~'/ GO prevent tne' fo 17mat ion Aof dqlIl:Cc s;;;I'1;,_).,0 "';,...",;e'[ ;:";,,:'&\1' sc'ctle- men~ has taken place. S. To install said sanitary sewer line at such a re9.::lonable depth below the surface of the earth as will f'ermit nonnal cul t:iyntion of the ground, 4~ ~o operate, use and maintain said sanita~y sewer line in such a manner as will not hinder or prevent the proper cul"::i'.ra":Ln ()f '~;he trf'_ct throUg)l which this right-or-way is hereby 3:'8.ntf'd, ~.t b,;,in~ l,.1":-l,tler., sto::>d <;;1:".a t the Grantor 8 shall be reimbu::"sed :b, f\.'.ll b" ":k.e (',:CG.n-(';ee for ef:? 3.0tual damage dOne to the crops or ":;he pretti 3e~ by v:i:d;ue of the Grantee~s entry thereon. The Grantor 8 hereby covenant and agree wi ~;r_ ".:;he Gr::;,ntp,e as .-.- ~ -...... fol'_o'\r,~ r l~ '1'hat at no time will they build, c')nsl;Tt.'~"~~, e:-.~c:t nT T,1I""1_nt"in any pe:"ID'3.nent structure over or a.bc,;,f' tl'!.: ,,,,',_c '-'-';i'__:,"::--l"Y i':(O',i\',"!'t' 1:':'18 unleE3 3'.lch structure is built. constr;.',):;:-1 ~'n_'_ :r'-l:::-.~i:.,;.:_lf< -~;: "'.J.lh a. m''\lmCl" that it would not interfere W:i_"'.:;~l t;'i(1~~'e~"r t;:'JU, -lSS~ "~'pe.:t:r, rnai:.1te~.m.?Je)replacernent and removal of sa:..d S'.l:,,::-':;I,,1'Y' 38'"'-er Ih;.e~ -2- ...-;.. . \. II. I , . III " ' , 10. " " (lOt') 8UOi\ LU H'~i.JEtJ.:J 2. that the Grantee may peaoeably hold and enjoy tbe ri~ts and privileges herein granted wit~out any interruption by the Grantors or their successor8 and assigns. - 3. 1hat the~ are , l.a.wtM.lly seheQ. ,taaid JlreDd&es, that the have good r~ghi and lawful authority to sell the $ame and ~ha~ they. and their heirs. executors. administrators. successors and assigns, shall warrant and defend the title to said premises unto said Grantee. and its sucoessors and assigns forever. against the lawful claim and demand of all peJ"sons whomsoever. It is under~tood and agr~ed by and between the parties hereto that this Agreement shall be biIldiri.g upon the" heirs. exeoutors. 'nd:711nistrators. suoce3"o sors and assigns of the Grantor s and upon the successors and assigns of the Grantee. --- IN WI'rnESS WHT;RBOF', the Grantor'.!- have hereunto set their hand.L. and seals and the Grantee, The City of Bozeman. has hereunt. set its hand. by its Mayor ,and its Clerk of the City Commission. each thereunt~dUly"aUthOrized. a~ ha~ caused its corporate seal to be affixed. all op this ~~~day of C/erJ':JJt7e/' . 1962. J . /" I ,;/,'/' ", d 1..". (.;/ / -J/I /,.4 ./ lillj .H'l /:C-, V/L /!. z/ /' I.. .(:"/<.. .. . -1" .r:-- ....., IfL.L/""-C://' .-:/.'?/!f~ll( [/ f1 THE CITY OF BOZEMAN ~~ ,~, ... d~ ~~J~ /' M. auoa er Mayor ...... ATTEST: ~ - :4~ ~/L ~C;- c. . V son Clerk of the City Commission APPROVED, """.,-,.-"7 4~ /,djl~, lc,~ n . erg, Jr City Attorney . S TJI. TE OF MONT ANA ) I aa County of Gallatin . ) On this ~~ day of fie 1afrer , 1962. before me, the undersigned a Notary Public or the State of MnnT.ATW , personally appeared WilJiAm HA T~8in~~ .nn Wilfn~rl T~.in.r known to me to be the persons described in and who signed the foregoing instrument as Grantor!-- and-atknowledged to me that they had executed the same freely and voluntarily, for the uses and purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WH~RBOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial ...3- " ,# .. .. . ' , < . ' , , .. 8uJK '".,',," "',,, 'JU', r-U '-/;'JE, . - __ Seal on the day and year in this Certificate first above written. - . - ,~t--;.J'n i,..":7/'Y "zl( /9'{.'" Y / -' STATE OF MONTANA ) ; ss County of Gallatin ) On this ;"/...,.-/day of ae-r ' 1962, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared Fred M. Staudaher and C. K. Wilson, known to me to be the Mayor and Clerk of the City Commission respectively, of the City of Bozeman, whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for end on behalf of said City. IN WITNF;SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed m.y Notarial Seal on the day and year in this Certificate first above written. tif~ / . ,~~--d--d"-d--7L No'bary . ; for the S*ate of Montana Residing at Bozeman, Montana ~ Commission expires !wr; ;\f'Y P') sue tOr t:l(~ State of 1\1ontanz K83ilJ~'ng 3t Bo.tclTian, Montana My CommiS'iion EICpires May 26, 1965 " " ~"" .__U""g r :. ,- ,'>"'~~/ _ 431.5E ['." '~. , f\h:'~~~'_'J:~'~.L~-4~'~:'~_ -4- 5t1te of Me:lt., Ccur:f" cf C-'~"> ~'; f"',:" -<n;' ;.~,n"~' ~'}oveJ11ber 1 ,1962 J..) " '" ..__._..............._.__..."" .___..._._______......"...,.,.'" at 12'/+7 p r' r'''''M.'-,.,'_.''"''~', 20 -oliscpl1aneous }JJs _ .---------:~,:~~L i~dl~ut~'"' "CC c.. '-_~(;~~r~c... 'c~ ,-~ - J';-?J? ~~l':~~p~ty-