HomeMy WebLinkAbout72- Constructing and Installing a Water Line RIGHT OF HAY APPLICATION;;IO. 6876 PF?ECTING THE }I':-i, SEC. 13, TI'lP. ?~ ,-" , RGE. 5E, GAtLATI: COUNTY, HmJTANA. F II..M 13 r)~GE 1354 , No._ ___12-_6.9~~_ ___ __ ____ . ~' Form R.48--1M i RIGHT OF WAY DEED REVISED DEED IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF MONTANA -':0 au ~o _born ~bese 10resentS ~1JaU <learnt: Know ye that the State of Montana, in consideration of the sum of:.-.:::.-_-::-:.::-:..::.:.-..:.::.- - ___ ----- ,. - - -- ~ -- ------- - -- ------------- ---NO CI-IARGE----------- - ------ - ---- -- -- - ---- - -- - -- - - -- .-.- -- Dollars -----------------------------------------.---------------------------------~ now paid grants to -------------*--------CITY OF BOZE~1AN------------------------------------'"-------- , --------------------------------------------------------------- a right of way for ,:-_-.::. :.-..:: :..-..: .::-_-s:Q.t!.S1'~l!.CI!.~_ ~~ }~~T..:\.!;'~~Ng_~ ~.;r~~E!,_ ~I_N~::.-.:.: :.-..:.: :.-..:-.::-.:.::-.:.: :-.:..::.:- ------------------------------~--------------------------------------------~-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------~----------~----------------------------------------------_._------~------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- upon and across state lands, as follows: P utili.ty e,Jsement thirty (30) feet in ,,,idth fo:: the construction of D 10 in-:h watermein through cmd across Unive!"si ty property locc'ted in the north one-half of Section Thirteen (13), Township Two (') South. n.<'agc Five (5) Ef'st, Hontene Princip21 Heridinn, G,:;llAtin County, more pnrticuler1y descdbed L'.S fol10\.ls: Beginning at 2 point on the easterly property line of South 19th Avenue, said point being one hundred ninety three (193) feet southerly of the centerline of Hest Gi1rfield Street as now constructed; end South 00 32' Hest a distance of one thous,"nd four hundred eighty three and four tenths (1483.4) feet from the ,.orthwest corner of Section 13, Tm\lIlship :->. South, Range 5 East, thence easterly, parallel to 0nd one hun~red ninety-three (193) feet distant southerly from the centerline of said West G'1rfield Street a distAnce of two thousand one hundred ninety-six (7196) feet; thence northerly at right angles a Jist2nce of two Hundred seventy-fiv~ (275) feet; thence at right angles 9 distence of thirty (30) feet; thence t't right ;mg1es -9 distance of three hundred five (305) feet; thence at right angles parallel to and two hundred twenty-three feet distant southerly from the centerline oi said West Garfield Street a distance of two thouscnd two hundred twenty six (2226) feet to a point on the easterly right of wPy line of South 19th Avenue; thence northerly along said e2sterly ~ight of W2Y line n distance of thirty (30) fcpt to the t~ue point of begiruling. Containing within the above described exterior boundElries 37,515 sC)upre feet or .8613 acres. T';'7enty five hundred and one linear feet of easement. Also a construction casement fifteen feet in width lying contiguous to each side of the ~bove des- cribed utility easement s,"id construction e<"sement to be in effect only during tll<' construction period. Also 2 utility easement ninety six (96) feet in width for construction of 8 ten (10) inch w0ter 22in on vacated West Gnrfield Street for the purpose of constructing" ten (10) inch w~ter mein and connec- tion to the present m?in. being an easement back of curb to back of curb in width, beginning at the ensterly line of South Eleventh Avenue and running two hundred forty (?40) feet easterly thereof. 00n- taining within the above described exterior bound~ries 73,040 square feet or .5289 acres. This easement contains in all, 1.3902 acres, more or less. Revised description for utility et1S~ment in th~ SW1r.. :m.J!.;.;. Section 13. Township 2 South, ;~"ong e 5 Er~st. The first described portion being'" IS' utility easement, is parallel with and adjacent to the south line of a previous e,1.sement required for the construction of ..Jest G,~rfield Street. It begins at the easterly property line of south 19th Avenue and extends enstarly a distance of 281.0 feet, thence southerly elt right 9ngles (1long e 30' utility easement (IS' on each side of the described line) 2 distance of 179.5' to the center line of the easement previously obt,dned for Bozeman SID 502. ContDined vlithin the i.lbove desc-ribed boundaries are 8940 square feet or 0.205 acres of e8sement. Also 11 construction easement fifteen feet in width lying south And contiguous to first described utility easement and a construction easemen~ fifteen feet in width lying contiguous to each side of the ",bove described 30 foot ",ide uti.lity easement. It is elso "greed that the gnmtee will comply Hith such rules or regulations as m:!_y be hereafter imposed by the State Board of LAnd Commissioners to insure that the environment ",il1 be ;ldequate1y protected cmd the public he,'lth Bnd snfety not be end;'1ngered",.___, - n_ ...._...____"'.____ .._ . _...n -.".-------- - --.--. -------.. , . I f I,",~ 13 PAGE 1355 ..--- ~--_.. .--- ..n- o ,., "..'. ...n....__. It is further Provided that whenever said lands herein granted as a right of way shall cease to be used for such purpose, the same shall revert to the state upon notice to that effect being given to the said grantee named herein. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the State.-of Montana has caused these presents to be executed by the Governor, and to be attested by the Secretary of State, and countersigned by the Commissioners of State Lands and Investments, and the Great Seal of the State, and the Seal of the State Board of Land Commissioners to be hereunto affixed this:.-=--.::.-=--.:.::.-_:-.: T'JE}'TY (' q'~~'.~P"--'------day of -..-.....----,,' 't '" n"...---..--,-..-_n-'-~.._,..-,,--A D 19 7 ",.--- I, .,1., _.:>., /r~l'_" '...~_.,..,.'''''.,,' ".,,"""~,~...,', " "\.', ,..l"'_~'~'_'_",M,_ ....,,___.','~,..y.,,'_, '_',.,. ... i' __",.'d~ .::;;.\.....'~'J_..;.._.;..;;:.:..~.~',..,.;...:...____ ____.....;...:.;..,;::..'~.____________.. __'___ .; '" ."'.: .~...~ ..,'". (A~/l! ' i"" "''III I .. .... . . ..- , '. '.. -- - - - --",( . - --, -. - -.......... -... - -.... _n_ _ __ __. _" __ _ '__n' n_. _ ........ '''_'''___n nn nnn... .u...._._,_. n_" , " C / Secretary of State . - :ill . . ... Countersigned-'fY .. . ",. : ;) \..r Ii -JI'. , (."-'-'~e'd::' '~:i;(;'// / Gr:~~" -'-&~'<'" , . " " " ... '. "',,,,,. .'.... /, -.. .....~ 1II,,"t" ,/ ~ W 111". ""... ". ~ I~ ....;t.;;.,;;;f;:;.:;;;.;;E.si;;.;;.L;;;;d.~;;;;d.i;;~;;;t;,;;;;;;;;... · /) ':1 .] 1 ~ 1.("~' ~:-'>.~~,.:~_u,\ . " jf~ ;tnte of Mont.. County of Gallatin. 5S Filed for record Apri 1 12 .', 72 t 10' lOA M d " I)" II ,-, " ' .,- , --~.._" -. U3 'u~... .-c:'.."' an recor~ed '" noo~ ~;LLANEUlJS 1354 _~__u_g_J\I(l!_~. ._____~)_7~LgKY ___ r"'-'~r'o" i', "'C4 ~~page_._.._ __u__ .. ,," '",.,. """,- ____ .' De') ty Tft: City of Bo zeman- -------~ -------,------, ".1.I