HomeMy WebLinkAbout85- Buried 8 in. sewer line Q*""'("'''~ 1.3c,,"'';''':o~ Stafi! oj Mont., County of Gallatin. ss Filed for record 1 '11;:" ,_ RIGHf OF WAY APPLICATION NO. 9117 I ""'DEXED..K t' Apri 1 . 19.8.5.-01 ? 3.QPM.. all(1 ",'c(mlorl In. Root 87 of AFFECTING THE SE-Z-SW-Z-, SEC. 36, TWP. '_M~~ PLATTeD Jc NISCELLANEOUS pan" -1217 ~~ W'~R.oo..d" IS., RGE 5E., GALLATIN COUNTY, Rt: City of Bozeman JVK)NI' ANA . fll'~ 8" "'''1: 1 ';17 By7 ~~ .' Deputy 'iJ :~, '- ..- .4.,~""'" Fee: -0- Form R. 48 NO.___D.=-~:.l~___ __ ___ ____ . RIGHT OF WAY DEED " IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF MONTANA '1:0 ~Ul ~o Bl)om 'Qtl)eSt 19rt~ent~ ~ball Qtome: Know ye that the State of Montana, in consideration of the sum of:~-=-::-::::-=-::.-.=-::.-.:::. -------~-------------~SEVEN1EEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY-SIX AND 98/100-----------------------[) II ___________________________________________________________________________ 0 a~ -d t t --~-~-------------------~------ THE CITY OF BOZEMAN---~---------------------------- now pal , gran s 0________.____________________________________________---------- - ht f f -------~------------------- BURIED EIGHT INCH SEWER LINE ----------~----~----~~~~--- a rig 0 way or a_____________________________________________________----------- ~~~------~------~~----------------~-~-----~---------------~~~~-------~~-----~-------------~--~---~~~~~-~~--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~------~----~--------~------~~--------~~-----~~~----------------~--------~~----------------------~-~~~~-~-~- . --------------------------------------------------------------------~-----------~ . upon and across state lands, as follows: A tract or strip of land in the SE-Z-SW-Z-, Section 36, Township 1 South, Range 5 East, Principal Meridian Montana, Gallatin County, Montana, more particularly described as follows: A tract or strip of land 30 feet wide, 15 feet on each side of a centerline described as follows: Beginning in the Southeast Corner of said Section 36, a found two inch iron pipe; thence South 890 45 I 00" West, along the South Line of said Section 36, a distance of 740.00 feet to the West Right of Way of . Meadow Way; thence North 000 15' 00" West along the West Right of Way of Meadow Way, a distance of 606.73 feet; thence North 000 18' 00" East a distance of 25.00 feet; thence North 340 22' 00" East a distance of - 55.52 feet to the True Point of Beginning, said point being on the centerline of a 30 foot sewer utility easement; thence North 000 18' 00" East a distance of 216.73 feet to the North Line of Lot 16 of said Sub- division and along the centerline of said 30 foot easement of which 15 feet each side of said centerline parallel and contiguous thereto shall be granted as a permanent utility easement. The above described right of way contains a total of 0.2369 acre, more or less. JI' I~ C7f'=::~:)13 The grantee herein specifically agrees that the said sewer pipeline shall be buri below plow depth so as not to interfere with the use and cultivation of the land. It is also understood and agreed that the State and its lessees and purchasers shall have the right to occupy, use and fully enjoy the surface of the right of way hereby granted, to seed, cultivate and harvest crops thereon; and that the said grantee and its successors and assigns shall pay any damages which may result to the crops, fences and other property or interests of the lessees and purchasers fran the State by reason of the laying, maintaining, operating or rerroving of the said sewer pipeline, and that the arrDlU1t of such damages if not mutually agreed upon, shall be ascertained and determined by three disinterested persons, one of whom shall be appointed by the lessee or purchaser of the land, his heirs or assigns, one by the grantee herein, its successors or assigns, and the third by the two so appJinted. The award of such three persons shall be final and conclusive on both parties; and that the State and its lessees and/or purchasers will not be liable for any damages to the above mentioned sewer pipeline re- sulting fran the occuP'incy, use and enjoyment of the surface of the right of way hereby granted. It is also understocx:1 and agreed by and between the parties hereto that if any conflict should arise, this easement shall be inferior and subject to any easerrent heretofore or hereafter granted in the said lands for public highways. It is further agreed by the grantee that all disturbed area shall be backfilled, graded, and revegetated to the satisfaction of the State. If the first seeding of canpatible grass species does not genninate to the satisfaction of the Department, the grantee may be required to reseed in those areas open to erosion and weeds. , The grantee shall cx:nply with the Montana Antiquities Act, Title 22, Chapter 3, Part 4 MCA. It is also agreed that the grantee will canply with such rules or regulations as may be hereafter i.mp:>sed by the State Board of Land Ccmnissioners to insure that the environment will be adequately protected and the public health and safety not be endangered. ~ - .___..___._..____. ...." __...n . .. . . I . ..-...--.--... ..'-------~---_.,--"--_. ---',- -,.,.,~._.,. ,,,.,-~-~--_.- .-., .--'-".--,-- ~--.'. ..--.--.-.....- -...--- ....- ". -- -. -" -- -.---- --..---- --.- _. n., ._ IIU~ 8'~.J ~,!,." ~ :~1~ . ("'"".~.'''' , It is further Provided that whenever said lands herein granted as a right of way shall cease to be used for such purpose, the same shall revert to the state upon notice to that t .Hect being given to the said grantee named herein. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the State of Montana has caused these presents to be executed by the Governor, and to be attested by the Secretary of State, and countersigned by the Commissioners of State Lands, and the Great Seal of the State, and the Seal of the State Board of Land Commissioners to be hereunto aHixed this:.-.::-:.-.::-=.T~~~~:~--=-:-=.--=-:day of --------APRIL-------- A D 1985-- ---------------- . . ----- C23 . . .- .. '''_H___'' .:~. ~..___' ___......_.:_'_ __ . ._ _ I l ", -- Govemor of th~..St~~'.~f..M~~t~~~--".. \.' i ~!\ ._, ..:s . It " r ' ~'" ,. ,/ I"~' ~ J ". ~ I '1:", /r .. . .mumW'~~n~u'm~uuu . ,~ '.. ;, !~ i' .I . .. ~ Ii , .,. ". ".. ~.. -'("'0"" " / '~ .... '... <.. .. - "" 'I 01' ~' " '.11' .,', ~\ ,.;> . . It;i~ )' '~\ .. . ,- Secretary of State ' ... " . ",- ... - '~ ""flY' "'. /If' .-.,;.t. .. '3 ,-" ~ ~',~ ,~,~ .. : - ,- <:'" '\ "..'~" ,~ '\r~ - j ""',\j' - .. . ,',,'. 'J!! I ~ j" I" ,_ "'".~" ",; .,,0' .. ~. ... , .... 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