HomeMy WebLinkAbout65- Highway Commission Easement .. .. .. '4 - . " RW 20 '" STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF MONTANA HELENA ENCROACHMENT APPLICATION AND PERMIT --.m_n__. __...,______f___~Y_~J~. J.________________________ 2220-01-1643 ..._________________w___'. .~_________________________.". ..._..______________ (Project Affected) (Maintenance Number) ( APPLICA TION FOR PERMIT TO --------.-.___. uS_an :i,tg,J;Y__S~1'l9_r___1i_u~_ __G:r:Q~_s_i.n~.:;----- .. __"U "- (Insert Nature of Permit) 1. Name of Applicant: City of bozeman, Montana -. '-~ 2. Address of Applicant: S2u L. ,lain St., JOZclllan, ;,lontana 3. If Applicant is a Corporation give State of incorporation and names of President and Secrotary: j\lunicipal Corporati.on: Fred rv14 Staudaher, (layor Oscar E. Cutting, City ;,la,lager 4. Nature of Permit desired: (Give sufficient detail to permit thorough understanding, and submit blueprints or sketches, in triplicate, if desired by Engineer.) Open cut installation of 12" & 10" vetrified clay sanitary sewer pipe at depths of 12 ft. and 10 ft. respectively as indicated on attached sl(ctch. -..-- --, .- '. . 5. Highway survey stations at or near which installations or structures will be installed: Crossing ff1 = 386 + 68.2 on S. to 386 + 69.7 on N. Length approx 110 ft. Crossing ff2 ~ 370 + 34.2 - Length approx 122.4 ft. 6. For how long a period is the permit desired: Permanent. ,.., REMARKS: I. Contract specifications call for sheeting & shoring cuts. It is anticipated the cuts will be made through 1/2 of crossing at a time to accommoJate traffic. Dated at Bozeman , Montana, this 19t1l day of September ,1963 ATTEST: " 4d2JJ---/-iA((~L___- c!?.{f; I - --m_____El!,LULH.___ SIAU12fuJ1:.R.. . i\ia'}~Ql'_.." . .._._______________~_____"_..__ /':, ,'''//~/'7/ / (Signature of Applicant) C. K . \Ii l~ . Clerk of the Commission (INSTRUCTIONS CONCERNING USE OF THIS J)'ORM) Applicant will complete this form in triplicate and transmit it to the Division Engineer within whose division the high- way affected is situated. Division Engineers will, if the application is for ::l minor encroachment, i.e., installation of water, sewer, approaches, gas, and irrigation pipe, etc., and If he approves application, sign permit form on reverse side hereof. If application is for major encroachments, i.e., railroad cross~ngs, attaching pipe lines to bridges, etc., thc Division Engi- neer will forward form in triplicate through District Engineer to the Helena Office together with letter of transmittal giving full information and recommendation. When application is approvf'd and applicant has signed acceptance, the original will be delivered to him. If Permittee desires, he may sign acceptance at time of signing application. -. RW 20 ReV. 11-6-59 PERMIT ::':uoject to the fnllm{ine term.G and condl tionsJ the permit applied :for upon the reverse side hereof, is hereby grCLnted: 1. 'RRJ>I. This perll1i t SI)[~ll be in full force alld effect l'rom the d.ate hereof' until r~voked as herein provided. .) IlliJl'I'AL. Rent.al sinll be 3. llliVOCA'rlCl.ll. TIlls pcrrni.t Tru:l,y be revoked by iJt<..-1.te upon eiving Jays notice: to Permittee by orclina:r'"y lilB.il, dtrf'~cted to the adc1rF-GG ohm-Tn in the application heret.a att.8.(~l:,\ed} but t"t:le St:-:l.te reserves the r18ht to revoke this pcrmi t ~r:i.tL::mt t':ivine sn.id not:i.c~0~ in tile eVt-,'nt Pcrmi ttee i:JrE.~8,l:s any of the (~()ndl tiqns or b~;r'lTl~J ~,;(,'i; fort:l] here in. ". COIIITv';ErTCl.~l,lliI:T OP WO"RE. No 'Inri: shall l]e (;om:::n.cnccd untLL rermittce noti. rLef; Division El.l[;Lnec!' sl'loI'Tn in application \.'lh{:~n he proposes to CO:1nilej'IC:C~ \-Tor',:~ . ) . CJlArGl:s If ,'IIGHWAY. If Utute chanGe;:; hif~h\'r:.J,.Y nec:e::;slt::~tinL C-:)1il'lU':::~ in structl,lrt:~; or instull,.J,.tionn installcd UIl(lf::r." ti:.lis permit, .F~l.rm:L"l'.-LC( tih:lll W,2,.ke necessD.r;y cl.ungec 'vri thout exrenae to St.ate. 6. STATE SI\.Vl'JD HARMLESS FROM CIAINS. In accepting this permit the Permittee, its/his succossors or u.::wignt", agree to PI'ot(~ct the State and ;;:;<"J..v'C :i"i; llU-rwl(,;,'jl;j :t'rom al..l. CLJ.l'LHI:j, w.,~L;.i.Ol.J.;'; OJ::' Ui,.l,.UJ.;.LGC: 01' C:'\i't.':c)" L.i.::.\u (J..';:J, i.lc~';crii?t.101l whL:h .ilD.J c.l,ccruc to, n:c b,:' ,s...rl'i'ct'ccl by) ::~ny pCT[jO:L~ (II' pcrGons, corporD.tiO'n3 OJ;" property by r~~,),.G(>n of' the pCl'fo:rUli::J,.l'lce 01' any G"\..lch \-/o':::'}!:, cl1..'l..ra.cteJ' o:f materials uaeJ., or L"'1J.,ll..YlCr of "Lrln"t:1.1J.tl.-l;.ions, maintcna,nc.e a.n;] opera tioD, Or llY' tho impropE~:r. occupancy of sn..id, h,:LgJ.n.ray rie;ht 0.(' \-/8...Y, c:::u1d ill CU.i3(~ f~11y suitor a.ct i on Is brOUf~ht ag:.t"l.nt;t "l:.hc State and arising out of, 01' by' reuson of" any.or the :J.bovc:~ cr3,.Uc;es, thc' Pcrmj,.ttee, 1 t~/his SUCCeSGDrS or ;J.SSig'llS) -\-J":L:U'.l upon not:i_cf~ to it(tl.lm of the cc:mUilenccment of such ,:!.ction] defend the ;:,ame at its/hiG Gole GOlJt and cxpenGI:: and satisfy a;n,y ...TudL~cnt which ma.y be rendered ,:J,.gLi.liW-l; the 3ta te in any such suitor a,ction. ., PROTECTION OF rrRAFFIC. Inf;ofar as the i:nte;r'ests of the 3tu"tc t:i.nd the traveling public arc concerned, all work pe:r::['O.Iwed under tbio f]ermlt ,. sl1all' be clone u.:nJcr the supervi310n 01' 'the Divisic.)fJ Ensineer of the Gt<J..te High~\1"8..Y CO[(D":1iGr,ion and his G,uthorized reprcs::~ntatives, and he/t}lt~y shall indicate barriers to be erected) the lighting thereof' at night, plu.cing of fln.f:,rmen and ~'latcbmen" Il'l8.tli1er in '\.;rl1iC.i.1 t:raffic 1s t;o be llandled, and "haJJ. ~peci1'y to l'ermi ttee hO\f road Gurf:l.ce i~ to be replc'ced if it is disturbed during operations, but sai.d ~luperYision 3)1'.),.11 in no way opera.te to .relil?ve or dj.3ch,::l.l""C;e Permittee from u.ny of' tl1C obligation8 assumed. by acceptance of thi~ permit, and eapecially tl10se set forth under Section f; hereof. 8. HIGHWAY DRAiNAGE. If' the 'for.k. clone under this perm! t interf'erEH:1 in any way with tho dro.tnage of' the St.ate high1,.ray affccted, .ferrni ttec Slk'l.ll, at itS/his OWl1 expense, make ~~uch provisioTl~ as the State ma,y direct to tal!:c ~CD.re of fiald dru.ina.ge. 9. RUBBISfI AHD DElliUS. Upon completion of \fork (:ontemplated under thi.G permit, all rUb1,it;h mid debris shall be immediately removed and the .t'oodway and rou.dlJ:i..cle left in a. neat (3"ml presentable condition t.'-atlsfactory to the State... 10. WORK TO BE SuPJ:<:HV lSED BY STATE. All '<ark contemplated under th:lG peX'tllit, sl1_9.l1 be dOll" under the supervision of an(l to the satisfactioIl of the authorized representative of the State, anrl the St:;t" hereby reserves the right to order the change of location or remov:<l of any structure or installation authorized by tl1is permit a.t a.ny time, said changes or removal to be lnade at the sole expense of the PermHtee. 11. STATE'S RIGlyr liO'r '1.\) BE INTERFERED 'vi ITH. All such chanGes) reconstructine or relocation shall be done bY' Permittee in f~uch a manner ,:!,.S \Jill cause tho least interference \fitl1 any of the State's \fork, "nd the State slnll in nO \fise be liable fot' any damage to -the Permittee by reason of any such \fork by the State, its agents, contractors or represcntatives" aT' by the c;,,::crci se of' any rights by the Stn. tc u.pon t:rw highways by the installations or structures ])l"~ed under this permit. 12. REMOVAL 01' nrSTALIATIOliG OR S1'RUCT\.JllliS. Unle~HI waiv~d b,Y the=: UtC1.tE:, uIJon tcrmino..tion of this permit, the Permit'tee sha,ll :r"e-ffiOvO the inst.a.lli:i.t.iol'H:\ or f.; t.:-cll.c'tl.l;reG ~;.onteUl'pl,;:itcd by thi,E, pel"I.nl t a..nd restore tlle pri::'Ul.isc:;:; to tne cunJ.l tiwn c.xis t inG i..:l..t the l.;lmc of entering upon .-..,- - the same under this permit, reasonable :<nd ordinary wear and tear and damage by the element", or by circumntances over wl1..ich the Permittee h..'3..3 no cOl1trol] excepted. p MAINrENAI1Cl'J AT J;;){PENGE OF PERMII'l'Ell. Permittee shall maintain, ::I,t i t::.:./his sole f:XpellQ8 the insta..l.lati.OIlS and struct"U,rer; for \iTblch this ) . permit is granted] ill a condition ~atlsfaetory to the State. l4. STATE NOT LIABLE FOR !lI\MI\.GE TO INS'fALIATIOn:'i. In acceptinG thb permit the P"rtnl ttee ae;rees th<.t any damaGe or injury done to said irwt,:J.lli:.1tlons or structureG by a contractor ~'lo.r'kiflg for the State, Or by any st.J.te employee engaGed in con~:;truction, ulterfl..tio:n, repair, ma.intenar~~~e or improvement of the Stat.e i1iCl1l'l"iJ,Y ~ GhL::I.l1 be tl,t t.i:1C sole f:;.~xpent:le 01' the .Pcrrni ttee. l5. STATE TO BE RElMllUR3ED FOE llliPAlRING EOADHAY. Upon being billeu therefor l"lermi ttee aGrces to promptly reimburse State f'or any cxpCDGe incurred in rep:J..i'l;"ing f~urface of rGudw,J,y due t.o sct.t.lcmcnt o.t installation, or f~)r any other d;.J,.mage to roadway aG a t'esul t .01' the '\vork performed under this permit. l6. OTh'ER CONDITIONS AND/OR REMARKS. Dated at ] Montana., thi ~~ d,,,y of , 19 The undel:"tdVled, the 1I.Fe1"iTtttteell mentioned in the forc- STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION Z -- -- ,~- - going instrument, hereby n.ccepts this permit, together tf- ------ ~ Wi th all of' the terrn~ and C<llldi tions Get forth therein. By.4--c/-~Pd:?2r--/~~/ CITY o ~::-BOZLi ;i'~~ ~ Division Eneineer -,-,-~ State Highway Commission. By ./.,1~-/','?;l .:. Qd __ c0,.l~~IL_ ~~--~7" /' , L-------.-'--.-' F. i.:.[) ~J~~lAUD1\ilEn.. Mayor ___' //J<-,d!/ Permittee (~ (Plaee) ATTEST: ~/[((!f ~:w~/ C . .'.. u,) OT~ Clerk of the Conilllissio!1 . 'l, .. . . to r: SANITARY SEWER CROSSING NO.2 SANITARY SEWER CROSSING NO. I w AT HIGHWAY CHAINAGE 370+34.2 , AT HIGHWAY CHAINAGE 386+68.2 ~ CUT 10.0' CUT 12.0' :I: I- ~ , 1 j u.s. HIGHWAY NO. 191 --I , ILl a.. , 1; a.. w-t I .-= ~i, . > .1 ! t-; i = " ~l - I' :> ;j J 0 ~- ,.,.~ WEST BABCOCK STREET 1 'i _.:C~:,-i'-""':i:,-:.-';;:; ,,11: Ii! :, l i , , .. :~ j, . LLl I.LI ~ > > -,~' <{ <{ 3: :I: E l- I- 0 m N - - 'f' 'j-j i- j ,; r.