HomeMy WebLinkAbout69- Highway Commission of MT Easement (2) . ~ IIr 1- ,.. iI-" ~ . " R!W I 31 NOTICE OF UTILITY OCCUPANCY AND USE OF STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM RIGHT OF WAY TO: 0 I STRICT ENG I NEER Highway Project No. ;CAP /0.1+ A~c J: Montana Highway Commission Highway Designation D81~rClde - Eozem?n BuLte ,Montana Highway Stut i on 52 + (5~~ to /:>, + 54 &to\te.- Qjuj !-,') + ':i .',. t c: 122 + 5 g f\\ f' 2 ~s~W\.e Ii'\. 1- c :it~,. of FJozer'-,:'n, c municip:clity proposes to occupy and use State (Name of Uti I ity, Cooporative or Cocnmon Carri8r) Highway System right of way in accordance with the ~rov;sions of Section IV of the Montana State Highway Commission's "Regulations Go'/e'"'1in9 'Jccl~pC)nc'l of State Highway System Right of Way by Uti I ity Faci I ities", E1S follc\'ls: Description of Facility: I. Overhf3ad ; 2. Underground 2011 r.j OuLfall a. Telephone c. Natural Gas 8. Sewor X ;",r1nitpr\' :';PH'>r- b. Electric == d. Water -~ f. Other (specify) -. . Util!ty Facility Location:, (to be supplipd by utili+y~] . ,,__, .' Sect I on ~ 1)-26- )6, Tmm sh I p 1 2o,,_tb ,Ra ng9 5 .'2,'" ::t ,Cou nty IJ<' Ll.~ bn Highway Name or route No. Route 2 Mi Ie Post ')le.9 to mi Ie post- :;19.2 ~\o.1-c-Qj(L)(Where avai lable) "0 n. 'C:. + 0 "3 \ 't::,5; N P 1::. z,;,.<."VV\.e., ""+ Drawings: Uti I ity construction drawings attached hpreto and incor"porated herein by this reference: Pri nts No. 5 Outf,,,,ll Sanil.'''iry 3C\'Jer ,Dated F,,~b. 11, 1969 Prints No. , Dated Date ; Cit.y of r-)O?,ei-;~'n, f~o'/,errC1n, I on t.;::(1e Name of Uti I ity, Coop or Common Carrier By ; T i '[- Ie: I';'lmjciinlit~/ Preliminary agreement to the location of utildy facility given: I. By vis i t on --L2- 1~~t~'-~7 tI' 7 (elate) by );, F.. 'j_" lit' ;,1 f';:', /1 i J/ e;- (name) 2. By telephon,:, callan (daTe) by (name) 3. After field inspection on ___~__(dato) by (name) To: Harold A. Fryslie, City Manager (name and/or title) City of Bozeman, a municipality (name of uti I ity, coop, or common carrier) Bozeman, Montana (mai ling address) I. Occupancy and use of State Highway System right of way as described herein is approved. l, '/ A." " i2 ~; . _ . .....~ ..'J / Date <~ 1.37 ""7 ,....c .t._-~. 6'~~_.. ./--------- / / / Istrict Engineer, Montana Highway Comm. 2. Occupancy and use of State Highway System right of way as described herein is not approved for the reasons listed on the reverse side hereof. ' Date ; By . District F.:ngineer, Montana Highway Comm. I. ~ ..----....... X~R('I XERO r;~;o ~~~~l . . ,,.. . ... i I . . , .. i . . .- An enc:ro",cLn,-'~nL permit to allor t~r c Ci:;~ of uo ~;< t::.!'i ":_1 j"i , ;'on~,"n" . . l't t construct, inr' !;211, ope r<1t () .".11 cJ in.n. ,~.n I:, ,'I -Lrt a. a !'_UlllClpa l--'2,',O t ;","y,t" (:?n) inch diBycter Ganit~r~ e,(~I.'lF"r c~lt.,f,~ll =-inrJ ."ln~.~ " '......' , ~'..' ;:J r:',r t", .:::~:. f.?li:; ~ i:.~ ? E' tlerfoto to the ne'tJ t".~3t'~ D':L -: I'nt r:- .~ -t~ f-' ~ ;':l ':': f':_l~=-''i/ dsco,::r~ t''':ri ?nrj att"chcd herc!;o. U e u: -;. YI. r: in g':' I:, B point on the ~orrt~na 3t~te Eighw?y COJ:rni r:) ~~c, n ri :'~} i t-c f -VIP :~' 0 f :.! 1I ~~ . ~d . P {t ::}. C . T: . Lo. . i. P. ~.:r. L,IL-A, ~:,i(j. Dc,in-t~ L"ir"c: en,,: htc,C,dc',_r:1 (:1.::-' ) fr~'et north'_"'" :.,!~ri~' ;: rc-,' '~Tl~~ ~,,-l_ ~=- (''':'~ ~j p.,~"~ '" =. c :~i,~\h ~"JP.:.~,' C '2 r.1."~ 2 Y' l.in. 8 ?'-l:"-,:- t.' l ,~>r-',. 5 2 + s~ :~'), ; t _ ., 8 Y) ~ ',~ ): '~, <-.';.",: ~ 0' 2 'J .:: '110",,:" ;:;.TLi ~'i,:L :-c.:'-v-ra: }-, t? i 11 -: ,!': ."!J.". ~ ~ - ;.~ ,~'_;:r~',; a '-r-' 4._~. _:., ~!.. :-; ~:~:~ 1. .~, ',ri r~ C1 radi G," of {',3(. 7 ~1::Je.~ to s:1. rc J_'1" ~.. ,., I '-'. ;':c ir- ..~ ["", ~. '"1.:": :" '.' .: .' anglps tu cent orli?l 0 :)LRt ,!,.,cr: C;"1 + JL; I, r~,:, c c n C' _~ C, h 'J8 C,_L, C :C' ,'"lGr~' fJ chord d.~j" r~ L ~,n G (: o.f \""1 fer:::. tIC -;"-'.() i 1'1, '::-J !Jt l'i ." ,"...' , . p t'. .::.~1 (:0) ;=:. tc and 'r;,ir\f~tJ-e:i,,?}.l t .f (0": p t. d j_ :-j"L ?n"L r-,Lcre 0 l' 1(:; ::.:: ,~:-; .f' rorrl t~..: (~ ce0t~rlj_n,e E;t~'t4,OD 55+79 :t; t 1-, ~',.:' n ~~ f:7; ~: r,~ ~~ti }""T..'J"r:? c~.i:, (:-~ ~:~ 1','11'<' J I,,,,} , . ,. (~ and sizt~ (60) feet distrnt northea.sterly fTom the project centerline of sdd 'd. P.G.H. /+4-A t,,-'n,c:ent Rnd t~nr;ent j'rojected to a poid of' iDtpI'"ectir:n 'fdt> tLe r;ort~l~rl? ri ::~~ t-c_~-'-'.^r:., lin;=-~ (if th e 1\ox.tJ:,.0r~-J. ?f1,~i fj,; ~:2, LJ_"t.:-~;..' ~ c" r-i"r''? 11 '-'p-id "~nine, ~', ,-'" J_ r!" '~~ - . ill_. c~r;h f; 2..~~~~ l~:: r:; "GO t"h :~~; cen t" .'1=_'1 c; Stc;'~ -~<)" !? + r~ ; "'~) t.:. '" Also, be~inninG at a Doint 01' tr>? Ei,'~1Iw8~/ r:Li~ht-or-'tTay of ::~".r. P. G, .11. hh-A, ':J . t r . s ~Lx"t ~\.i (60) feet dist~D~ north- sale po III C' 1_:~ c: ea[,Lei.'ly PD] at rigb t (3.n;~llJG to ccn~erline Stct10n 63 + 54; thence contirmin2: northwester:Ly iJPr,"llcl to "n(1 [:Ji"x:'.~~; (6':;) feet dist;:nt from ~aid iIigh1^!,'J;;: ~8DLcrliDe to Cl Doi:r>t on tb:: said ripht-of-l'.ra,y l1ThL-;h ~Li~:::: :=:ixt:i' Un) feet rtist~n~ no1'th- eaGterly from, a.t 1'i,?:ht apr:-r:L::C' to cco:,t,'Jr Jj co ;;taticn 12.2+1.11 V:encc no1't\:r;.'1;; :,0 " f.")c~; :nt on tl-:f':' nf\rl:, prly ri "t.-c t-v.Ja~\' 1...."" r; :,".~.. a.t right angles to St'ition 122 + 58.f. ---- -- . . FORREST H ANDERSON . , ... GOVERNOR , ~._~ ~;;': .:. .~;',:.>;,:l~ MONT ANA HIGHWAY COMMISSION l. EWIS M, CHITTIM March 10, 1969 .srAf'E HIGHWAY CNC;lNCl:n IN REPLY R,TER TO; Mr. Harold A. Fryslie City Manager City of Bozeman Bozeman, Montana 59715 SUBJECT: FAP 44 A & B Dear Harold: Enclosed is your approved copy for the occupancy of State right of way for an underground sanitary sewer. It will be necessary for you to obtain permission from the Northern Pacific Railway Co. to occupy the easement from station 63+54 to 122+58. Yours truly, /1 - ~1t'L C~-L--.-_i /",', G~ Richard L. Miller Division Maintenance Supervisor RLM/bm cc: R. B. Dundas Attached ALEX E.1LLwL"C"I" C!t^IP'~AN GRC,a,T f"ALL:, .JO;"";'EPH M NAS5, v:~:~ CIIi\II::V,I\'" _,(::11 ~'~.I !, F",A P 'r' l\,R~'~()L.D ~,~ ~":'WA'\!r.;(>N U^l I ^.';:i IN 'jAI'J DFL.INDF.H JOHN D, WHFFLE.H, SCCRr.TAP.Y F'O;::'L^r~ l~,~ll~-iPFI! BozeMAN !-\' [ [ :~, r.: ~ Hf"l F' r~A ";'::~Ii~i'll"]