HomeMy WebLinkAbout69- Sperry Easement . , ,~ ,,0,18(\7 " '..4 ~' ,;1 . ., .. "',~ I EASEMENT AND RIGHT"'()F-WAY AGREElY1ENT FOR WATER TRANSVliSSION LINE; THIS AGHEEMENT, M.~tde and entered into this Lit day of .July A. D. 1969, by and between Guy R. & Ruth H. :3perry parties of the first.. p,c;rt, hereinafter called the Grantors, cond THE CITY OF 2C'~ENAII, a rnlmi:::i[:"l c()rporBtion of the St,Clte of rv[ontAna, in GallC'tin County, Lhr, pc> rt.:,' cf the second part, hereinafter called the Grantee. 'dITNESSETll : WHEREAS, The Gr"ntor~, are thE~ lei~?l reco:--d tit.le mmers of rorLiom of tho No th e t 1. r the "outhest J. (' V ')Q T2'" r('" 1 L'~ r, IN 8 J:j. 0, " ,,) ,w,,~ .. ..)ce 10n oc,;" "', ,t~)-,-, <lnc 'dHEREAS, the GrAntee, in the exercise of its power r,nd autho!'ity as a municiplJlity of the Stpte of Montana, prot'oses to const.ruct and inst8l1 a wat.er tr::msrnission main which would run acro~;~~ the Grantors l'lnd ; ,3nd WHEREAS, the Grpntee dcsirep to acouire from the Grantors, "'nd th.8 Grpntors nre\..rilling t,o grpnt to the Grant,,:)c nn r:>"sef)18d, 2nd .r,if,b't..-of- way across the above described property of the Grimt,ors, ,;nd r,ile.l!' !l'"in;, executors, pruninistrstors, successors and ai'3~igns, for the purpo,:e of inftallinz, operRting, using, rep:oi.ring, replacing, ffiPint!'ining, Clnd removing SAid water trtlnf'missi.on rn.:'lin"ind for such ct,her rights of access and incidental right.s as are hereina,fter described, :311 ;:)5 here- inAft,er more pArticularly provided. NOVl , THEREFDP.E , in consider:'ltion of t.he ~3um of :;tLDO in r::nrl pc'id byUle CtLy of Bozeman, the receipt 't!hpreofh; hereb:vscknmYledged, and in further considpration of the covenants and. agreements between t.he pprt- ~,-es hereto, the Grant.ors hAve granted, berg.'}ined, ~cld, conveyed, and confirmed, And by these pref:,ent.,; they hereby grant, b'1rg-, in , sell, con- vey, and confirm unt.o the said Grantee and it~'; succes!ccrs and assign:,: the following rights and priviler;es forever: 1. f.. perpetual ea.sement And right-or-way for the purpose of instell- i:1g, oper"'tinf:. using, repa:i.ring, replRci:1s, m~.~_nt~,j.nj_ng ~nd removing ;0, \'l"'-ter t.ransm} [,'sion main thereto upon :ond a:rOSf t,he a:-'0v8 rJc>~~r~,::,t~d T>r'operty of the GrClnt~)rn, said easerr.ent.:md right-of-wrry to c;ct;sist of e strip of lend fifteen feet in width lyJ.ng :'nd be:;.ng 8S here,',' ft~~r de~'- cribed and ,eo,,:" shown on the Exhibit hereto '"ttached. . . . , I ,., '~~8n8 '( , f . " -, ,) j~, ....' ,,) A water t.rnnsmission line e~lsement l;ying within the Northwest one-quarter of the Southwest one-qu",rter (m4, s'Jlil) of Sect ion Twenty- nine (29), Township Two (2) South, Range 5i.x (6) East '1ls0 lying eesterl:; 8,nd northeasterly and adJ'1cent to the present water line e''.sement PS recorded on Page 407, Book 54 and being an ep.sement .fifteen (15) feet, in width 1~/in6 parallel to and five (5) feet e~sterly .,nd northeasterly of ~~!:v~ follm...ing described line: Beginning at? point on the ~mut.h lLne of th8 ten '0 (~r0 t-r,"ct o,t!!}t"'d by the Cit,v of Bozeman AS a He2ervoLr ~H,e, sn.id r:,~)in.!. )-""ing (/.,r, fe",:'. ~;ollth of the north line 9,nd TiC feet eqst r',;:' the \.iC"t liLc o~' '.::,))", ;:out,::- west eoe-quarter of Section 29, T28, R6E. Thence South 10. 15' West (Var. 21. E) ."l. dist'lncE' of sixty-onp ~nd nine tenths (61.9) feet to the true point of he~innin3, bein? the ~'Ol~therl:,' lL18 of" dedic"ted put] L8 r'",-'dWClYi then"p ('on;jnuin: --;cl~,h 100 15' viest, " disL'ncc of b!c hW,dred t.l'f8nty f'C'ur ";;r: six t,pnths (224.() feet; thence nIang a curve to the left ~~vin[ a r"diu~ of thirtv~ei '" \" ~nd ;-,,0 ten'"}J" (]C' 2) fee;' <1 di"t"t1ce of r.') P '"8""". the:r:ce ~)cuth 69. ., I, '. ~...... ~ . L" 1_" 0 IjII ~ . "', ~ I' .~ ~.'._ , , .) ..... .. ".' ...:. ... '-,' ,,I , E."!st ;:1 dist"1l1ce of three hundred nineteen 2nd three tenths (319.3) feet; Lhence along" curve t.o the right of one hu.ndred nine (1.09) feet in radius a distance of fifteen (15) feet t.o the westerly line of a dedi- cated roadw2.Y. Also ,,,t.emporary right to enter Clnd occup:,' during cons'.:.ructi,on of the water t.r~msmission line an~lddition"l fifteen (15) feet east.erly 2nd nort.heasterly of and ad~?cent to the above rlescribed Basement. 2. The perpeta'11 riehl', of ingress and egress to ,nel from saic\ tract of 10nd at ~Jl reason2ble times .for the 0~rrc~e of inst~llin!, operating, using repairing, repl?cin,?, p,nei m."intqiT,inc~ o;,":.d w.'l.ter tr"ns- mh;s Lc:n line end for t.he rAmoving of saIne if and "lJer, :Jesi ,oed b;, I\.: ,::,~ '..' ~ - "." Grant,ee, its successors and assigns: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right-of-way with all the appurten.'lnces and privileges unto the sajd Grantee and to its successors And assigns forever. The Grantee hereby covenants 8Jld agrees with the GriOntors as follows: 1- ThC1t, in connection with the inst:olling, operAting, using, repa:u'ln;:;, repla,cing, nJ,<>intnining and removing of said water trflnsmission line it will replace, at its sole expense, all existing fences, ditches and other ~',ppurten"nces of s?ic: l"1nd tint may be disturbed by it.s opcr-".tion on P. concLl..ion s(~:J<~ [,C the condition thereof existing before said oper-:tions were begun, or a.S ncar thereto ,c'5 shF'll be reasonnbl:y po~~;ible. 2. The t , durine; operations involving e.x:c"ivption, it will ,,~emove the topsoil from the trench area to ? depth of one foot, or to the full depth of the topsoil, whichever it, les3, Am: stock- pile said topsoil away from t.he site any large rocks or sur- plus excC'v'1.ted n,a,t.eri.rl cr ,?ny kind Gf del';r:i.C' th"t r'.r>y h?ITP ly,en exro:"ed t;:,. Lhe exc"v'"' t,icn ""nei rcmnir,in{' rfter ):~'":kfillinc i~5 con,p,L:t.8C, ;:)Dd ,Ii 11 l(-;a-,r(~ t.hei'ini.shed rurf"(3l-O in 2uL<'t,an- ti211;y t.he t;3ine condition tbp.t existed f,r:Lor 1",0 the beginnlnc of operations except that the surface of backfilled areas may ]-J~ Hounded sufficientl,!, to prevent t,he formation of depressions a.ft,er final settlement has tc;ken ple.ce. . , I "I ""'r ~ 809 . '.J: .' ":')'. .J!... ~ ,I, .' . J. To install said '/'fateI' tran,"-Jni~;:,;:ion line :;;t sueh ,'C ce2,~;O.r:- able depth below the surface of the enrt,h ns will permIt nOr'!E'il cultivation of the ground. 4. To opera.te, use and m"',intain said water tranEmis2ion line in such mAnner as will not hinder or prevent the proper culti- vation of the trAct through which this right of wa~T is heret7 ,:;re'nted. c: In the eVAnt that it "[W, Ill.: t:.e:orLf~ r:..r~i~eS~~~'~1.r~, for thp Gran.~'..8e -' . to rf;-pnter toLe Gr','mtoN' preITli.fc,,; for the pUj"t:,()~)e cf re:~"'i[';_"g, replsclIL;';, ma5.ntt"ining or removing wate:, tr"TI:3ikif"cicn line, the G:rantee'tfill reimburse thcn,rantor~;[Qr nny a~tt;'Jl ,Ja.mage done to the Grantors premises or crops. The Grantors hereby covenRnt ~nd agree with the r;rAnl~ee 83 fellows: 1. That <:.t no timf; l'Iill they l:uils, ~C'n st rUI: ~ , , , ere;.:::,~ 0.\"." IL?~Lr:- to'in ,'Jnypermer.ent. ftruct.ure over or 8t.ove t, L~? said water tr~ns- . . l' 1 r t t . b .J' C:OLst ructed and !nlSSlon ' lna un ess sue i S', rue, U1:"e :1" .,1,n.. t, ) maintained in such ,'J manner tiFt ~t '",ouLl not, int':~rfere with the opera.tion, use, repair, mainten.<?nce, replAcement :'L'nd :--enoval of said water tr'i''nsmission line. 2. That the Grantee may peacably hold and enjo;y the right~; and privilee;e,:; herein granted \"Uhout"ny interruption t;y the Grentors or' their successors and assigns. 1. That they have lAwfully sei~ed of said premises; thpt they have good right and lawful i'1uthority to 2'211 t.he sen:e prj(J that they and their heirR, executors, Pc11:in:i strntors, E.uc.:;essorr. and assigns, shall warr,"l1t and defenrt the title to said prpmis~3 lmto :::?id Grantee, "nd i.ts 0'.Ur~C8f.SOr:'3 ,,,nj po 5 Sl7:L~ ..f'.~ re-v-~~.\ r , ap:-"1inst the lawful clt:im and demand of ell pcrscnt:~ whcrr,sc'(?V,'r. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that thi2 Arrecrr,ent shell be binding l.lpOn the heirs, executors, :ldminist r?- tors, su:::::eS30rs and assigns of the Gr;mtor's .''Jnd upon the succ;e~:isors and assigns of the Grantee. IN ViITNESS~V1JEREOF, the Grantor:,:, hOVE' hereuni,o r:;et, tbeir hands and f;e-3.1s and the GrC'ntee, The City of B07,eman, hris hereunto set its hnnd, b;y it~, Hayor and its Clerk of the City Commission, each there- unto duly Authorized, and hCls caused its corporate seal to be 8y.f1lxed, all on thiE, 1st day of July, 1969.(. / ',',- ~ ,> ,r' .' f . I . " GUY R. :~ ' ~12 .", /1" - .,..,; ~j / / A'tTES'r t, (. i, ,,(A. "LA.. /', . '~" J..L<.y-. - .. ~ ~ I I 'i' ' II ~ " '" .. ; RUTH H. SPERRY - I , , , , -- , . ,^, C IT':' 0 F' I;I0,::~4Ai'J / I' .i / C f , t' L :A"I'''L/'-t/rc;(:~ '\,; -- ... ,f' w, ,r>:ayor "A'PPRf)JrH~D;' " .. " f \ ':: ,"'- -'0 ,/ .7 )?:::/ ~.. G/ / ~/ MflIlitHM~ . - S A 1 Acting City Attorney Charles,. nge.. - # . .. # i'" : 'N ~ 8' i 0 " . . r ., . I ,J, .,' .",' ,.., STATE OF MONTANA ) ) ss COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) On thie 7.1 day Of~, 19~ before n.e, the under- signed ,e;, Notery Public for t State of !-'Iontc,na, personalls appeared GuJ' H. :Jnd Ruth H. Spcrr::i, known to me to be person::- e"1escrU'ed 1.ne>nd who r,igned the fore?oing in~;trument" s Grantor's a!v~ a~kncwledr;pd~,o me t.hai.. they had executed the SNne .freelY'Jnd volunt"T21::, _;'01' the 1J~e2 and purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed In;}' Not;r,f:i;<n',S~al on the day and year in this Certific"te first 8.hove written. '~) ;". '''., /):/ , ~/ cc,:. ~ /~/ . '" ,,' .,,' " " '. -'" }-. ,.CO- C' L -~ .:" No a:ry Publir::;'fo'r the ~)Vte of !i.ont:~n;- i' r~ ~ 1 / ~ II. ~. " ~ ,,, '- ,; , hefl'lCllng at Bozerr./'H1, jI.;onr$,rn I """.:~"",:' Illy Commission Expires ~',/S;lf7,t;.- STA~i'fi:."O'F" MONTANA ) ) 58 COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) Un thi~3 7th day of' August , 1')6 ..5l_, ]-~'efo re me, th e lmder- signed a Notary Public for the State of Mont,ma, person,g,lly eppeered, R. Harry l,jorrow and Ern"" V. Hprding, known to me to bo the }';2.yor and Clerk of the City Commic,'lon respectively, of the City of Do;~em,"n, whose namES 8.re subscribed to the within ins,truIT:ent P'lci acknowledi!,ed to me that they executed the f'aJnC for ;ond on 't"(;l"lf or said Cit.\". IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hAnd and affixed my Noterial 3e;:;1 on the d:::y and year in this Certificate first :'!bove writtrm. ,/) ;/ '" ~.// ,-~. ~ "':-. . ',' //l' ~ .' ' . .~, ~//--t::. , . . ,', . , Not~~ Publi fof the .State of Mont,'1.na ";', , . , . ."- .':' ....-~-;' Res dlng <>t ROI~em.qn, t-ontana ; Ny Commicsion Expires Augus t 15 '"2.:.?.:.,~_ ';'. '.....'i.~'.:~~t~ [: .:',. r . .' \ ; ~ I ~ .. . . I ~ oJ. . ~ I. I , /: 'A \' ,-;r INDEXED . ,,~. "., ,"<-' "PU\TTED L -\--- ," ~ . ~.~ GT",e."oflYl,Mt., County ot Gallatin. S8 Filed for record August 7 69 r" 11: 5 5 A · M and d d' B 4 MI (' GEL A ' .9 ~~__HH._~_,~., recor e In ook _,_ ~CJ L NEGUS 1807 CARL L. STUCKY ~.~ '{f!!age- . Recorder. B c.r<-Cc. ."" ,,/ '. /t:;1 .d~x? ,_/ Deputy Rt: Clty of Bozeman ' Plat numbered: 4 Film - H~07 -A , and filed