HomeMy WebLinkAbout62- Sande Easement , . - '" . ~"~.'; i -. ~ . $. , . paIlpIP!' ,AIm' amlff-Ofl-WAY AO~BMDT roa8All~a&Y'" ~ID TRIa IGUBMBft t lliade ad ..tered 1ato tb1a 16th day of !lovember,. A.D., 1962.. by and between 8'1'DUR B. adDS and MABEL 8. .AIIU.hla.... .. w:1.,.t .. .....c. __ aad <WlOLI, A......,. husband and wif., part i.e. of the first part, here1n.ft'er called the Grantors, aDd '1'.. om 0,..0.....-'11" a llua1c1pal corporation of the State of !COnt..a,. 1ft Gallatin county,.tl'le party of the second part,. be,rein.lter callea the Gra.t":t W t '~ . . a 8 . ~ B . WDUASf 'rhe'Orall'tot'..r. tp. l*1al re,cord 1:1 tle owner. of portions oitha Jlock81.'WeDty-r1ve (25), !Wnty-Six (26) , Thirty- Six (36), Ifb1tt,...alae (39), Forty-Seven (47), aDd porty....1ght (48) of Borth.rn facific Addit10a to tbe city of Boa_aft, MOntana, and 'WIUSaBASt tbearant..( in the exercise of ita power and author- ,'"!!I\; ity .8 a arunicipality of the .tate of *>>It.... propo... to cOftatruct and. 1ftstall a. aanitary sewer line from the existing system at East Tamaraok str.et aad.orthao~.e Avenu.~ 1a the c~ty of Bozeman, in all easterly and southerly d1rection toe point Oil 8iqhland Boulevard opposite Billere.t SO.... a portion of Which proposed sanitary ..wer l1n. would rUIl acr.s. tbe Qrutorat land, aa4 WBBBaAI.I the Grante. d..1r.. to aoqu1ce froll the Grantor.# and the Grantors azo. "111i1\9 to great to the Graat.. u ....m.nt and rigbt-of-way acro.. tb..bOw "e.-cribea pl'Operty of the orantorst od 'the11' heir.... ~ut:or." adaia1atrator.# succe..ora and .8.1gns" for tbe purpo.e of 1natalllR9, operating, using, repairing" replacingl m.lata1D1ag" ud reaov1a, ..id anitary sewer 11ne,. and for such other r19bta of aoe... aa4 incidental rights a. are bereinafter de.cribed, all as hereinafter more particularly provided. .OW, ,......0.. 11l conaideration of the sum of one 'thousand F1velluftdred Dollars {fl,,500.00)t in bud paid by tbe City of BOzemanf the receipt whereof iebareby aCknOwledged, and in further consideration ...('4"-' .. " . --",. " . - 'l~';':_"'''' .". o.ftheCOVenantaand &9Z'....nt. Mtv..Q the parti.. bereto, the grantorehave 9I.'"antec!l, barf&1Rea,eole1, Clonv.yecl, and conflmed, and by tb...,.....nt. is, h.~by9nftt.r baX'9aln,..11, CItOft'f'ey I and confirm unto the h14 GrlUl-..and Lta' .\leee..ora an4 ....19DS the following t'iCJbta and prlvl1.,.. for...ar, 1. A perpetual.......t and right-of-way for the purpo.e of installing, operating, ueir\9,r1IpaiirlQ9, replacinq, maintaining and r_Ov1119 a ,aan.1 t:ary..".rJ,.1neandappurtenanc.. tn.-reto upon an~ ac:r.........t.....S-bM'......ty ,..,ttb8...~.r.j ,...:tet ....... andr1pt"-of-way to ,c:onei.t.. .... atd.p of la1l4t:blxty (30) f.et in wic!th lylng and being fl..... 'C~J)f..t on Mdt aide of the following described center 11M. Beglnalng at a point 01\ the eaat line of the Northerll .aciflcAd41 tlOD.to the Cl ty of Bozeman, Montana" sald point bein, 110 f.et north of the ,outh 11fte of ,lock 25 of s.id Additlon, then.. 1n a nertbweaterly ,direction at a 'bea.rinq of Worth 43059' west a cU.t&Me of 1100 f..t, 'tberao. at a bearin9 of .or'th 24014' I.at a di8tance .f 1172 fHt.. ...1:8 01' 1... to a polnt ontb. easterly rlt,lht of way of the Chlcac;ol JI111wauk.., It. ..ul &. 'aclf1c aai1way Ri,ht of way ,aaid point _i1\9 wi,thin Lot 18, alock 47, HortheX'n 'ac1fic Addi tiCR. 20 '_t 8outhof the .orth 11ne of sa1dllock 47. 2. The pel'pet\al, J:'lpt of 1np... aDd "X'... to and from ..1d tract of1&n4 at all I''''oaabl. 'U..'fol' the PUl'po.. of 1ns tal ling- t opel'a t11'lfJ I u.lng" 1'.,.11'1.." t:.placJ.ngaftd ma1nta1n1ngaaid aanl tary a._I' 11M and appurt4inancea thereto and' for the remoyingo! aame if and w.n de.ue4 by the UaD~, ita aucce..ora and ...1CJft., 'ro HAW A)1l) 'ro HOLD the above d..cribed rlght-of-way with all tb."'p'.u:~teaanoe. .nd.,r1v11~!~,~~Q t):).8 ..14 ar~tee and to its .\lc.......'... *aa1'fU I..."~~ ' , ' ' ", The Grante. ber.by covenant. and a9re..wi~ the Grantors as fOllows. 1. 'that ln conlMCt1on with the 1rt.tall1ft9 t operatin,# uaiaC), r...iJ:.1.., r.plac::1D9, ma1.au,inilUJ and reaovln, ofe.id sanitary sewer I1n. 1. twill r.plaee, ..10 t t. 801e .xpen.e, all existing' f.nc.s, ditch.. and other appurtenances of 8.i4 landtbat may be disturbed 'by ita operation in .ccmellt1on equal to the condition thereofexist1nq b.to,....ld oper.tions ve..ebevun, oX' ..near thereto a8 ahall be r...onablypo..1bl.. .n4tba~tb. (IZ'.n~ covenants and agrees to .r.o~ aad maintain fOlfwbate.veJ: period n.e....ry an electric fence on both aide. of boa...4 ..... for p&'otect1onof Qrantors' cattl., if such prOteOt10D 18 .....4' n.ce...Z'}' 'by the part i.. hereto. 2. That 4\11:1..,.,.r.t10.8 inyolvil\9 excavation, it will r8lllOveframthe s1_ any la"9. .tonea ora,,1' teind. of dttbrl. tha t mal 'bave been .......byth. exeavat10n .ft.~11\tft9.tt.r l:Jack- f1 lint' 1a coapl.t...."..c1 Ilhal1 1_.. the fih16ed.....,... 1ft ",)0)- 8tantially the same condition that existed prior to the beginning of operationa, excepttha t the s"rface of backfillecJ areas may be lQO\Incla~'\lff1e1.ntlyto PRvPt the fonatioa of d.pre..1pns after f1na.l..,tta...nt hu taktm place, and the G~.n~. fuzother agree. to rea..d the excavated area. V1thfr..s ...d ..1ectedby the Grantors. 3. '1'0 1nstall'.ld saAltazy _""1' 11n..tsueh a reasonable depth below-the surface of tbeearth .a w111 permit I'lo:rma.l cultima tion of the ground. -2- ..;; .. . . . "'" ~ ~ 4. IfO operate, WM _.1ntala ..id.u1tary ..wer line 1n ....ch .. mana.r .s w111 aothia"l',orprevent the proper cultivation of tl\etract through Which 'M'1:'l,h.t-of~way 1a bereby,ranted,lt beinq uniSet:8tood that tbe Graatol'..b&11M,.:elaburs.a ia, fu.ll ))y the Grut.. for ..,'utual ."".'1.'" to tlw crop. or the premi... by virtu. of the Grat..ta ..tr)" thereoa. 5. To per.it the Cih'IUlCaE" or their succe..ora 1n inter.at, to make one connection olltothe s.wer trunk line without a connection f.. aa4 at no coat to the Graatora ,except the norlllal hook-upCOlltll. It, 1...,1'."11 .....,...,..., "....:t_t ... ,.w.".MIl" _.,,_ti,.. .... to '" ..i4 ".I"U.., t1ljW~t.1 ,or ,tlull&' MlCC....... in iatere.t,. will pay to tbe Grant.. the'.. .qual to that part of the whole ~o.t of the installation Qf .ald ..... ayst_ in Speci,al xmprov...t D1.trlct .0. 425 of t1\.. City of lOa_, ,M<)atan., which tbe area to be .er".d by ..i4....r',lill.b.u.to the ent1re are. of.al& Special 1.......t))1.1:%"10_... 42S. .I.I.l.'t' a llke_n.1' a' thotlg}J s.id are.. so to _. Hl'y84 _li.1ftcluae4'wlthla ..1d'sptcial Improvement District 50. 425. , ' *the (lTUltor. h4Jl"e'by cOvaut and 89r.. wlt:hthe Grant.. as follod. 1. t'bat at ftO"'t,t..'W111 ttteybttl1,ci, conatruot, .rect oraaJ.Q- tala ..yp.r....nt.t:I't.1Ct.r:. ove. or 'POVtl tb. ..14 .an1tary...r.- 11.8 ul....uch..tC'uetU. '1. built, coa.tructe.ancS _lntaiaect in auclaaaui.Dal..that,1t ""14_t 1a1:.I"ere with the op.J:.t1on~ u.e. repair It _tat....e.1 replaceMDt aa4 2811019'.1 of ..1d aan1tary .._1' l1a.. 'lbi. aeetLoD doe. aot prohibit the Z'elocat1onot such li.. or the reconstruction thereof with approv.d aat.ri.l at the .xpen..of :::.t~::tOJ: ..~idt~v,1aion.t,o ~.d~ne with the supervision of the 2. That: the or..t.. ..y peac.ably hold and .ajoy tbe rights ana privileg.. here1ft grated w1thout aay lnterruption by the Grantors OI::.t.heir 'uCc...or. ..4 .s.191\'. 3. 'lhat they...:e lawfully ..i&H of ..id premi.e., that they hav.food r191lt od lawf.l.authol'ityto ,all tbe .... u4 that they _4 their )Ud.Z", ex..Qtor.I....1n18tr.tor...t.tec..aol'. and ...19n84' .ball warrutand...f.ad. th. titl. to ..1d premia.. unto .a1d Grut.., and 1ts 8ueeeasor. ".4 ...1ps fo,revel'1. .,ain.t the lawful claim and d....4 of all pel'"ft.whQlAll(Mtver ~ IT IS URDIaSfOOD AID' ASRIB>> by and betwe.n tha part i.. bereto that thi. AeJre__t .ba.ll'be blDcllng'upon the beir., executor., adrAinl.trator.... euc<=...or.u4 a.alga.ofthe Grantor. ad upon 'th. ,ucee.8GI'. aa4 ..814n. of the Grant... III .X..... .-.01', tbeoraatoJ:'" have b.el'e\IDto ..t their hands aa<l ...18 _4 t_. ..ate..t'" ~lty .f '80&_, ha. hereunto .et 11:. band, by it. Mayor and1t8 Cl.rk of the City Commie.ion, ..dhihereunto duly aat;hoJiud. al>d ~."'ecl. iU corporate .e.l to be affixed. all 01\ this 'j;. ,~ day of ,. ~""B6e. '. 1962. . , ' ~/{~I<0~fk & _~tCvn~ ~ 9;~~ ~~ 7~~ @ &~~ {] {)Ja 'Ju1.h. iW1.J!L , . -3";' ,- ' .. - . . . 'l'SB CITY' 01' BOUMAJI ;;; . BY ",dJ7!, jA?~~ Aftaftt ,2:'. M.. Staudatier, Mayor -. -- tJ'(i; t-I )4:~~ / C . x. W.t. ,', . " Cl.'xk, oltk. '~tyc:"""'''L_;' -. APHOVIJ)., . ~ ",C B. B.r9~./'~~?J;h- city Attorney S'fA!'. OP MOH AlIA ) 1 ... county of Gallatin ) On. tlU.816tli4.y ., ,JIoveMber. 1962. ~.tor. ., tbe undersigDed, . JIOtuy .ub11c for the 8tat.of _ft'tana. peraoaallyq:pearea 8'1'lIa. B.'QDB aD. llIA.UL B. ..~_. "b._band' an4 w1fe,ua4 RONWIC. IUD' ... CUGLa .A. ~I h..baa. _4 w1f.1' lul... to .. to be the pers.._ d.lICl'l~ 1. _4 Who".1gfte4the f~"G1R9 11l8tr.ent .a Grantors ad acknowledged to .e that they had executed the .... freely and volun- tarily, for the us.s and purpo..sthere1n expressed. ~,',.' ,,~., . .' ".~" '". . -"lB WI'.... ,waa.o,~ lhav. 'bereunto.ft JAY bpd'aact affixed my .otarial sa.l Oft the day and ye.r 1n this certificate first above wtltt4fn." Bo~t:;;:~f MOatana ..attia, at :eoa.a"" MOatana IlY coaa1aaion *,pir.. MaY 28 t 1964 "AU OP MOIftdA ) , ... county of Gallat1ft ) , On t1\i8 1-('" <1Q' Qf~~~~lrer "', 1962, before me, the uncl.r- 81gned,. ...otaz.y,.pUillc _w. "UI at. of MOntaaa/ per.onally appeared ,red.. S~._aMr antic. K. 1f11,Qft. novato1l'le to De the Mayor.ad C.1..). o~ the e,:i:t c.".1..1on r.apect1V.l~,. o~t.h. C1tyOf Bo...U" Who.. .... i8'" addu..",. tMW1~iA 1a.t......taad ackaowledVeQ to me that they executed the .... for and on behilf ofaaid city. XR WX'l'DSlt-'"BB&'IIOF:,X llave hereunto .et my hand and..al and .fflx" .1 Ilotuial Seal o."the day andye.r 1n th1. certific::ata first above written. t/ #' /;;-;. ,~~ " . . .. . ~ -, ."" --. ary P 1c for the ate of Montana ,,' Rea141n9 at Boa81U1lf MOntana _ .,J ..... My Co_l..1oD explre. ,1il'Jvar'y J-~ 19'~f ,,- -4- " . . . .. . . . .~_. u........ &~ ~1fD' M-.'" .. SAIID&WIY ...... LX" RII NlM_i6Itt, ... aa4 ..teZ'ed 1DtO thi. 16th day of lIOv...er. A.D.. 1962. by aftd bet wee. ftUIIBB B. 8MD8 and IlABBL B.. IMDB.huabaDd ... wtfe. ....IIONlUt C. .AJIDB and CMOLII A. 8AW.DB, . , ' . . . .. ,". ,': :. .,; ': ~" '!:, ,., ' ' hulJbancl andwif.,pal'tl.. of t'bafil'R pa..t, unlaaft.Z' called tlae Gl'antor8, .ad 1'1II Cl'fY or BOSIMAII. a aWllc:1.pal cOW'pOZ'ation of the Stat.e ofJlORt_,ia .all.~1ft Coua'ty, the party of the ...ond paS't, Mcei.aftal' a.11M th .rant.., W .I., .,.. . . I 'f. . WJUIItBAI, _ Gl'ute... are tb. 1.,al r.cord t1t1. owner. of portio.. of1:he aloc_ ,..,..t,,-,1.. (25), lJ.'WeIlty-SiJt (26) ,ftil'ty- a1. (36), ftiarty-tiae (S'), IOJ'ty......... (47). aa4 ,..ty-.19bt (48) o......tlM-n Pacifio M\dlt1oa 1:. the Cl~ of .a_, MD1\taa.r aa4 WHBUAS, the Ol'aDt.., 1ft the .el'ci.. of it. power and author- itY ...'~l."_l'Yof.It.'t.; .,_............1:0 ooaatl."UC't and l"atall a aaaituy ..".1' 11.. 11'011 tb. 8JC1at1n9 'Yet- at ..at '--.rack Itl'.'-': and .0I't1\ ROue. Avella., 1ft the Clty of BO...... 1a an ...1:.&,1,. and ...tbettly 4i..ectie" to . petitt em 819hland Boul.VBl'd oppoe1 te 1I111.:r..t..... a portlon of Whioh ppPO..d.aaltuy ..WI' l1n. would 1'\IIl *'1'0.. the .....,.....'1aI\4r an4 1IIIDBAI. tlMt 8w:ant.. ".ir..'to aoflU1r. fl'OIIl the Gw:antor., an4 the GZ'antor. u._l1~ to 91'..t to the ".._t.. an ......nt ud 1'1,bt-of-wq apl'o..t~~. ".~..u.d pl'op.l"ty of tbe OJrutOI'., an4 tM~..hell'., _tatora, ""'~llt.tl'.tOI'. ,.......... ... ...ip.. , . foX' the p\1rpoa.of 1Ilatall11\9, operating, using, repairing. replacing, ..int.1ni", , ..1'.....1*'9.&14 ani taZ'Y ..... 11De. aad for: suah othel' l'i9bta of ace... _4 iM.....tal 1:'1,b.t. .. ace herelufter aeecn:1be4, all.. her.inaftel' *,..e par't1cularl)"provi4e4. .,., ~, 1. .0&81"1'11.1:1_ of the ... of Ofte '1'hou8and' 1'1" Hundre. DOllar. ('1,500.00), 1a )aancI paiel ])y tM City of Boa..., the rece1pt Whereof :I.. hereby acJcnowl"'.cI, and 1n fUJ:thel' coa.id.ration , .': '. ' . . of t:he covenaat. and .9~au between the parti.. her.to,th. (Jr..to... ba.. 9nat:e4, _....t...., 801d. coqveyect, and oonfl...4,an4 by th... pn...t:. do h.n_ ..n... _..,.1", ..11, confty, aaeS contl'" Uft~O ~ ..14 Qaantee aa4 it. ..eoee.o~. and a.a190. the follow!n, ript. and pd.l1.... 10n":&'1 1. A perpe1:Ual ....lW1'lt and ri.9ht-of-way for the purpoa. of inatalling-, operatin9, uatftiW, repair1ng, replacln,. -.lntainlng and J:-.ov1ng ,. Ani. t.u')' aevu liDe aac1.apPUI't..nance. tbereto upon and ....... _pewe .._.........!"',:.. .,___",.,..S.4 ...... and ..~t-.f-vay to co...l.'~ 01.. .Ulp .. lAMt.'IUft,y (30) 'Mt 1. wletth yiftg aDd 1M1_ fi.... (15) feet on _ch 81_ of .u f011ow1"" 4..cr1be4 aenteJ:' 11..... ..,lDD1..,.t a point on ~e ...t. l1ne of the ....tb...... 'acifle A4d1tlOD to tb.e City of aO&_ft, MOntaaa, 8a14 potAt 'be1ft9 120 f..t north of tbe leu. 11M of alodeaS of ..14 A4titioft, theft_ 1n a DOJ:th~ta:&'ly d1aection . t . Mar1.l\9 of.orth 43859' ..t a eliatenee of 1100 f..t, tlt... at a beaZ'lftAJ of .Ol'th 24814' I.at a cU..... of 11721..t, ur. 01' 1... '0 a polnt on \he ...terly 1"1Vht: of way of the Chloa9o, JlU".uk.., at. paul.. 'acific: Ml1way Il1Vht of way, ..J.4 polnt belft9 wltlUD LOt 18, Block .7 ,Itor:thern pacific Addi.tion, 20 feet aeuth of the .01."th 11. of ..14 aloc:lc. 41. a. !'he perpetual, &'lfht. of 11'91'''. .n........ to alld from..iel Uaot of 1aAd at all .....oaalaJ..U...f.r ''*- pll'pO.. of 1.._J.11"" o,.nU,.." u.ift9, ..,.1Z'1ftlJ, np1ulft9 aDd _latain1nt ..tel aa.nltary ..... 11_ &04 appurtena_ tIlento aDel fo. ~e nM~ of aa. 1f .net Whea dealh4 by the ,-Me, 1ta .ucce..o~. anel ...191\8 I '1'0 ava AD TO HOLD the alto.. cteacrl'betl r19ht-of-way w1~ all the appurtenancea and pr1Y11.,.. unto the aald orantee and to ita .u~........ aut_ '.....wr. 'lb. _antH benlly covenaftu and .,__ with the Qrantol'a .. followa. 1. 'lba' 1ft connect1_ with th. lq_lllA9, opant1.., ..1ft9, r:.,.1#lnt " .....lao1.., _1...1,,1I\9ao4 ...-0.,1", of ..ld uni taxy _I' l1ne 1t vl11 nplace. at. 1~ _01. ..,.".., .11 _1.\il\9 fena.., cU..... ..... otll.r .,p.ur~. of _i4 lan4 t:.b&t _y be 41atuZ'Md "y 1 \a opera Un 1ft . c004i'i.. ....1 to ~ 00l\eS1 t101\ the reo! exl_t11l9 Mfen a14 opeh'1ona .....'betJUD. O. ... uaX' tbe.eto a. ahall 'be reaaenab1y 1'08.1):)1., an. ~., the ..an-..o...nant. and a,r... to enet and_.1nt&in 101' ........ ,...to.. ~a..ry an .lectrlcl.n_ on bOth aide_ of ae...... ...... for proteotion of Grantor.. oattl., if auCh pS'ot..t.iOD i_ ....... ft...eary 1ty the pal't1.. h.nto. a. 'ltaat dulDf .,.n.U..:La'lOl"1Dt excavation, it vill UIIOft'II'GlI'" alMaAY 1...~". or 'lny k1.c! of cIe'brla that _Y ...... MeA ....... .., t.'N _vattoa ..........",t.. .IuX' back- f111l.n9 1. coap1..., and .hall I... ttle'le18bec1 _.dace ia aula- ataatJ.ally the aa_ condition that exi.ted prior to the b8CJ1nnlng of ope,o.t10._, except 1:bat the 8urleo. of backfilled are.s may be mounded 8u"1eleatl,y to ps'.....t ~ '.....tioft of "pr..aloft. aft.. f1Ml ..t:tl_nt baa t:aken Pl_ee, ent! the orantee further a,.r... &0 Z'...d wa.e__.,.,e4 .I'M' v1 thp... .... ..1...4 by the carantera. 3. TOla.tall A14 IIIU\1 taay eewel' 11M." ne a rea.onable dept1l below the surface of tbe earth .awlll petta1t normal eult.:t.matioa of the 9l'ouod. ' -2- ~ <>'- .'. \ < ~ " . . 4. tfO opeZ'ai:e, u....ct _int.1a aal. ...1ta:ry ..wer lift. in 'UGh & lIUUleX'.a will Rotb1...&, 01" px'...rai: tbepl'oper cultivation of the tl:.... throU9h ,wh1ch tbJ.al'lpt-of-way i.hereby ,ranted t it belftfJ undel'.tood that t~. Grantot.aha11 bel'eiabul'.ea 1. full ~ the Grantee for: ....y ~Qa1 ~g.40ft. to the aropa or the pl'_l... by virtu. of tla, <l1'&.t..'. ..try tberMn. 5. 'to pena1 t the GJ:Utol", ortbell' '\1ea...or. in intereat l' to make on. connection onto tbe .ewer trunk line without a connection f.. ..4 at DO co.t to theGl'abtora except the nOrMal hook-up eoata. Xtl. ."I'."~wu&....tOO4M4.."." tbat 101'&11 other: ,GOIlI\4IQ'tl... . .... w .aid' __so 11.# tM" __t.~.,. 0.1' 'thaiw .ucoa..ore in latet'e.t t will pay to the Qr:aat.. the 'lIII equal to tbat part of the whole coat of the,ln.tallat1oft 0,..14 se.r .yet.. 111. Special la1pl'ov...nt District .0. 4250' tM City of BO..-an, MOntana, whlehthe area to be .erved by .,,14 _I' l1ra. 1MU. to the 8ntlr. are. of, .a14 , Speclal napl"ov..-nt Dl.t~1atlfO.425, 11l~;, . like .allRel' .. tl\oU9h eald are.. ao to be .el'ved wel'a lacl_ecS within sald Special tm;PZ'ov...nt Dlatrlct Bo. 425. fte aranto... M..ebyccwe.aat and &.,r.e '11th the Grot.. a. follow 1 1. That at..ot.u. will they 1:>u114, 00l\8t.U,,1:. erector main- ta1. any' per.-..t at:l'UC'tuZ'. 0"''' ol'Pove the..id .ultaty .ewr 11ne _l....ucb .tI"Uot;ul'e 1. built, c:onetl'ucted an4,.1nta1.l\84 1ft 8uch . -..aft t1latit WOuld Dot 1ataZ'f.Z'. w1th tbeO"I'&1:iOO, u.., 1'8pal.l', ..iatea.uaae, ~.plac....t aad, .._val of ..141 .aaltary ..wel' 11.8. ft1. ..<:1:1_ doe. DOt proMb1 t tlae relocat1on of .uch 11ne 01' the reconatructlon thereof with approved ..tel'ia1 at the expen.e of the Grantor, .ald re"lslon to be done with the supervision of the 81'_'''. "!'o i""., 'i,'." "'~ :~; " > ',', 2. lfhat the Graat_ -.y peaceably hold ud ..joy the rl9'ht. and. pI'1vl1.... h.r.1I& 9....t.. without &ray iftterl'uptlon by the GZ'antors or their .ucea.acr. .-4 ...19ftS. ) .'.fbat they _.;lawf.ul~Y ..1..., Of,Ni,pJ'_1... ,tbat they hav.900el l"i9h~ ..' lawf\ll..t!M>r:.Lty to..l1 ,~._ ud. that tbey and. thtl1c1UtJ.r. ~ executors, adalniatrator:.1' '\lOM'80I" ad a.slgns, ahall wal'C'ant aa4'4ef..d t1\. t1tle to aa14 p:rem1... uato aald arant.., and ita '\lee..SOI'. ,,"..aLps foit.var, &gal..t the lawfg1 claim and cl...... of all perlons ~I'. 1'1 18 ~ AID, MUD by aaclbetweeD the Parti.. b.r.to that thi.A8Z'.....t .ball be biD41., upon the helra, ...cutors t a4a1a18tl'ator.,.uece....a ...d ..81gft8 of the Grarator8 and upon the '\lcce.aor. ud ..,lgfta.f tbe Clr:aat... BIttH'l......', i:lIe 8r.1-.01'. ba.. ,he.-.unto ..t ''-11', Nada _. seal, aa4 tM Gl'eat.., tM CLty of 80_, 11&. MI'._to stltit. hand, by 1 ta Mayor an.4 1 ts Clerk of the City eOlllll..:l.on, eaeh thereunto duly autb/,t.ea, ..<1 ha~auee4 1t8 corporate a.al to be affixed, all Oft this /11-. day of y.I!',I( /$..;;e., # 1962. l'/< f;, J~'dJvyt- c~, ij/~J'\ . " 3 (211 ~ 'i tLdl ~ /2 I' ~ ~ :drl- ",.e. , , 7/~~ (J -&-~ /J 0, 4th- 0vz/lf/ ... )- J~ ",,",,"'! , . . ,,,. . ..' , ,.. J . '.., '1'118 Clift OF BOUIl.U JIY."~~~ ;J4a.J.4-- n: ' II~, 8t..4-'1\.r. ,.Mayor Afta. . . ~~? ' ~' ~ , '.' . , " " .,' ., . 4.,~ ,~'- ~<1(1/L/' c. x. .1~ ' , , C'J.uk of,,:the C1 ty C~..1_ .- ~ "'BOYD. -, '", ",.---7 ~Be~~<( ./~?j'7J/- C1ty A'towney RAD 01' NOlftAIIA ) . aa. county of .al1atln ) Oft th18161:1\,"'.' .~I', 1'62, btteowe _, tbe wade"819ft", a "'aX'Y hh:lic tor:' t1t,f,.,,',.-..:.f MORt.., per__ll,. appeU'.clftBPU. ... 8MDI -..tL a. .~. ,,'......,u4 W1f., u4 'MOItMAIt C. IdDS ... CAaOLI A. U-:' hu.....,:,....wif., )mo_ to.. to ))e the pIIl'aona 4.8Cr:i.M4 18 and" ' . 819ft" tbe ,....o1nt 1.atruaaat .. Grantora and aCDowle.,ed to _ that they luad ...cut" the .... fr..ly and vol_- tar1ly, tor tbe ua.. &ad purpoa.. thereln .xpr....de 1fo~~.::r=:'te~.a~I=:\,'r=rc=ll= f~a=r IIY WI' :1tten,;c'. , .' \ ~~~f-_t_ I,_~ - ...141.. at .._, IIOntua Mr' C~..lOD eMpire. May 28, 1964 "Aft OF MOftAllA ) . aa. CO\lhty of Gallat1n ) on tld.a;T ,dayOf~rf'ff1?-k"r--',. 1962, be'Ol'8 _. the under- .1vned, a JIOtU'y pOKe foI" "tat. of Mcmtua, personally appeared rre4 'II. 8tauclahe.. aadC. K. W11acm, oown to, ..to be the Mayor and 0.1....... the C1 ty Ca.l..10ftS'.apect1vely,.f the C1~ of 8Oa...., ......, ,.... i.Hl:t.1'11Md'te tbe withill In.tr__t ... aclC.ftOW.1..... to .. tu~ <<a.y .'....... ,,_..... f...,_ oa M1ra1f of ..i.. CJ.~. . . I. WDlOIII .~, I have Mr.anto ..t my haml and ...1 and aff1JC:e4 WAY attuW :"1 OI\t",'4" _d yeaI:' ill this certificate fll:'at abo".w1tt.. . ~-zf' ~~ . , KY'. a 1M t .State of Moat.... ", ""41119 at ao.~,Mcmtana , . - ~ ~... ICY C~..1.. expire. ,7dnl/'<</'V ;Z~ /9'ti5ff I ' -- "". -4- . .. ~ J .s~ ... J J . . dUUi\ GJ rAut 4i~j EASEMENT AND RIGHT-OF-WAY AGREEMENT FOR SANITARY SEWER LINE THIS AGREEMENT~ Made and entered into this 16th day of November, A.D., 1962, by and between STEPHEN E. SANDE and M,~EL H. SANDE, husband and wife, and NORMAN C. SANDE and CAROLE A. SANDE, -_. husband and wife, parties of the first part, hereinafter called the Grantors, and THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a municipal corporation of the State of Montana, in Gallatin county, the party of the second part, hereinafter called the Grantee~ WIT N E SSE T H : WHEREAS, The Grantors are the legal record title owners of portions of the Blocks Twenty-Five (25), Twenty-Six (26), Thirty- Six (36~~" (~9), FortY-Sev~n (47), and Forty-Eight (48) ~ .i!l!J.L t"-nr:::rn pac~f~c Add~t1oL. to the c~ty of Bozeman, Montana; and "",,,,,,",, -~...,. WHEREAS, the Grantee, in the exc~cise of its power and author- ity as a municipality of the state of Montana, proposes to construct and install a sanitary sewer line from the existing system at East Tamarack Street and North Rouse Avenue, in the City of Bozeman, in an easterly and southerly direction to a point on Highland Boulevard opposite Hillcrest Homes, a portion of which proposed sanitary sewer line would run across the Grantorsl land; and WHEREAS, the Grantee desires to acquire from the Grant ors, and the Grantors are willing to grant to the Grantee an easement and right-of-way across the above described property of the Grantors, and their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns~ for the purpose of installing, operating, using, repairing, replacing, maintaining # and removing said$nitary sewer line, and for such other rights of access and incidental rights as are hereinafter described, all as hereinafter more particularly provided. NOW, THEREFORE I' in consideration of the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00) , in hand paid by the City of Bozeman, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and in further consideration .' . '" . . . . . " . .. . . SWJi\ .t..:J PAI;E4~o of the covenants and agreements between the parties hereto, the Grantors have granted, bargained, sold, conveyed, and confirmed, anr. by these pre sen ts do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey, and confirm unto the said Grantee and its successors and assigns the following rights and privileges forever: 1. A perpetuaJ. easement and right-of-way for the pnr.:)ose of i,llstalling, operati"g, using, repairing, replacing, maintaining and removing a sani tary sewer line and appurtenances theretc upcn :1 'ld across the above described property of the Grantors, said easement and right-.of-way to consist of a strip of land thirty (30) feet in width lying and being ii. fteen (15) feet on eaeh side of the following described center line: Beginning at a point on the east line of the Northern Pacific Addition to the Ci ty of Bozeman, Montana, said point \:)e .;_ ng 120 feet north of the south lj.ne of Block 25 of sa.:id Addi tion, thence in a northwesterly direction at a bearing of North 43059' West a distance of 1100 feet, thence at a bearing of North 24014' East a distance of 1172 feet, more or less to a point orl '.:he easterly right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, st. Paul & Pacific Railway Right of way, said point being within Lot 18, Block 47, Norther':1 Pacific Addition, 20 feet south of the North line of said Block 47. 2. The perpetual right of ingress and egress to and from said tract of land at all reasonable times for the purpose of installing, operating, using, repairing, replacing and maintaining said sani tary seNer line and appurtenances thereto and for the removinq of same if and when desired by the Grantee, its successors ane" assigns i TO HAVE AND 'TO HOLD the above described right of-way with all the ~~pu~tena~ces and privileqes unto t~he said Grantee and to ~., ts successors and assigns forever. The Grantee hereby covenants and agrees with the Gruntors as follows: 1. Thil t in connection with the installing, ope:ca ting, 1JsinJ, repairing, replacing, maintaining and removing of s2id sanitary sewer line it will replace, at its sole expense, all existi':1g fe':1ccs, ditches and other appurtenances of said land that may be distllrhed by its ol'1era tion in a condition equal to the concH tion thereof existi~g before sai0 o2erations were begun, or as near thereto as shall be reasonably possible, and tha t t~e Grantee covenants ane agrees :::0 erect and maintain for 'wha tever period necessary an clectr 1c fej,cc em l)oth sides of excavated areas for protection of Granto:cs' cattle, l,f suc~ protection is deemed necessary b'l) the parties hereto. 2. Tha t during 0perations involving excavation, it "Jill remove from the si te dny lax'ge stones or any kind of debris that may have been exposed br the exca va tion and remaining after back- filling is completedi and shall leave the fi ni.shcc1 sllrface in ::;:',"",_ ;: t::"n tLllly t'be 8,..;-::C condi ti.on that existed prio= I......... t~c (;cg.L'1ninCf :.',.1 of eypo;;:". tions, except that the surface ()fhac1.-:fi,llec~ areas :::,ay be mOl1nded sufficj.cntly to prevent the forma. ~:LJn 0f depressions after final settlement has taken place; <:tnd the Grantee further agrees to reseed the excavated areas with grass seed selected by the Grantors. C> 'fa install said sanitary sewer line at such a re,~ls;mablc _J .. r'1epth ')elmv the s'Jrface of the earth as will 1:)cr"li t norrc,al cui tir:ICi ti {)n of the grouneJ. -.w2- . .. .. III " ~ ."..~". ... \; aDD/( CO r'Nit i.1'r!; 7 4. To operate, use and maintain said sanitary sewer line in such a manner as will not hinder or prevent the proper cultivation of the tract through which this right-of-way is hereby granted, it being understood that the Grantors shall be reimbursed in full by the Grantee for any actual damage done to the crops or the premises by virtue of the Grantee1s entry thereon. 5. TO permit the Grantors, or their successors in interest, to make one connection onto the sewer trunk line without a connection fee and at no cost to the Grantors except the normal hook-up costs. It is expressly understood and agreed that for all other connections made to said sewer line~ the Grantors~ or their successors in interest, will pay to the Grantee the sum equal to that part of the whole cost of the installation of said sewer system in special Improvement District NO. 425 of the city of Bozeman, Montana, which the area to be served by said sewer line bears to the entire area of said Special Improvement District No. 425, in. a like manner as though said areas so to be served were included within said Special Improvement District NO. 425. The Grantors hereby covenant and agree with the Grantee as follows: 1. That at no time will they build, construct, erect or main- tain any permanent structure over or above the said sanitary sewer line unless such structure is built, constructed and maintained in such a manner that it would not interfere with the operation, use, repair, maintenance, replacement and removal of said sanitary sewer line. This section does not prohibit the relocation of such line or the reconstruction thereof with approved material at the expense of the Grantor, said revision to be done with the supervision of the Grantee. 2. That the Grantee may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights and privileges herein granted without any interruption by the Grantors or their successors and assigns. 3. That they are lawfully seized of said premises; that they have good right and lawful authority to sell the same and that they and their heirs~ executors~ administrators, successors and assigns, shall warrant and defend the title to said premises unto said Grantee, and its successors and assigns forever, against the lawful claim and demand of all persons whomsoever. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED by and between the parties hereto that this Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the Grantors and upon the successors and assigns of the Grantee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantors have hereunto set their hands and seals and the Grantee, of Bozeman, has hereunto set its hand~ by its Mayor and its the City Commission, each thereunto duly aut~iz~d, and has c corporate seal to be affixed, all on this. L, '5 day of ~ 1962. ~- r I " /'1.,', C y''-' j..-tC l'\' ~:: , ' <r,(~. , /- L iL_ , J 1 "~" (' '/',/ /'. \..' ,.- ".J '"" ,,' .,., "...,..,. "" I I f-i',t1-t>! " C[~l t.,cr:. % . \ L .' (" ' , . ~ . ~ ? '-7'--ynJl.r,.. ",' t/L.-rc,.." (/.,' ,I') I , 'i 'j " l' '; , "r,ll /". ,," ,~ Ii-'Llfr (["J& " ~.( -3- I " ... . . ~ ~'I' .. . t .. . .. . -. ", ~. ~l ~"'~:",,,.i~,,,,, :',./ ,,'~~?~{:,;< ' , ,A , ," , I , ",' ""...', ,j' ;f"'~ . .' :-3f1'['", " J' """ / ;J ('. ,""";"",',;'~<'lti,I"J",,":;',',.,.t) 1/'1 i_'- ,.,,:<>1..0 ~.". '"/ \\:' .~ l~ ,. ":~',::1;;~~~~~., ~~".:,' "":'<':1 ~ ~.." . I ..~ l. ~ , , " ,,), "dr'".... ',s:1l:lir.;c .. . 1;"/ ~~ '.,r.. ',i,;,:"\\';'::ir:.'~.' r~,)~~:.~:.;,.1 ,= /' '. .. f \"t".:::9/ '. " . ...;;,),\d"~'"'t;:i~,: c THE CITY OF BOZEMAN j, -f~ /',~.' ...."."Jt. (\ ~.t ..'" ,,,,...... (~.." ',:.;.;~~.~.;:..,. By .4/111 lJ;f WIl',L,v Fred M. 3taudaher, Mayor ATTEST: P"" ,// , )". "" .' 7 / /' I" i g/ ' - " i." ~".<-'~':"" p' ,,' ,/ (/ ] "{/__L" _-/;,<'::/ l (/ C. K. Wi son Clerk of the city Commission APPROVED: ",---'-/ /"' ,'- ~/ ,,' "---j\ , 4: ".) ~ ,<~~,-;({ {L' , /"( .' ."", ') . ,," t '(j,',.,' ,,' ,'f., Be E. Berg, Jr. "", City Attorney ST ATE OF MONT ANA ) : ss. county of Gallatin ) On this 16th day of November, 1962~ before me~ the undersigned, a Notary Public for the state of Montana~ personally appeared STEPHEN E. SANDE and MABEL H. SANDE, husband and wife~ and NORMAN C. SANDE and CAROLE A. SANDE~ husband and wife, known to me to be the persons described in and who signed the foregoing instrument as Grantors and acknowledged to me that they had executed the same freely and volun- tarily, for the uses and purposes therein expressed. ,', /: t ""'" IN WITNESS WHEREOF s I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my ." ,.::,,:;,itP,€.l:ti'iiiil Seal on the day and year in this Certificate first above <,' ,,", ,)::':Mtt.tf-k,EH"i. 7 ; :. :," "If' ,t~;:',::i;'~~(','i\,,',",'t~, '". '. "., ' t:'J \H"~'~" "Ii ~ ~". ' "'\ ':' ~',':~: "'~'~:,'fr:i.'~ \: ,~ \'/ c - i ' " .t'-\" \" ~,'1":,' " . - - /, ,.._..--,--, r~'~ :';"i""","': -it' ; C <I ," ~:;:"..-C. '\ \, "',.......,',~:';:",:',',::',:'{;.~.~,r..,~, ~. .. ............---- ' ,." ,..n,,:.~:;,','/;/ ',>~~.' / otary Public for" the State of Montana / ..". "')' . .,1 /:,: '.' -,; "",' Residing at Bozeman, Montana MY commission expires May 28~ 1964 STATE OF MONTANA ) : ss. county of Gallatin ) On this :t t day of /fl'ct.-'fln f.-'. f>r , 1962, before me, the under- signed, a Notary~ Public for the state of Montana~ personally appeared Fred M. 3taudaher and C. K. Wilson, known to me to be the Mayor and Clerk of the City commission respectively, of the city of Bozeman, whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they ex~cuted the same for an~ on behalf of said City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal and affixed my Notarial Seal on the day and year in this certificate first above written. ~''''..'''.. '-''''''''~''~'~''L'''~ --" ,,' ,. , !fli;- ", '. " h" ~'.7 ..", ""'" , "",'", i tf l." \ 'J' I '. 1>.',.....0,..'...-- .,' ",'"' ,. ,':,J""., "! ./ /", ,.' "",,,' ."",)}'. """, i' ,,1'1 " ~~'" ~ \ ,II" i' ') ",~ ~, 1 ;: 1", ",.. J' ,~\ '. ,.,.......... }':,:':,,'.'~""-'-'-"-'--'-~ Notary Public for the tate of Montana }',:',-;'../,:;.~~:,;..".<. d:.~:~. ,Residing at Bozeman, Montana ~.~::(:' \\ ?;~;;:c,~<;, \ ";-'~;; ~j"l ; ,J My Commission expires .Jd//<id ,/'.,/ ,7~" /i7l; '7 ;~:.:; ~ ~,,;'D'8);i~.~~i):\< l,Pg 1./ . : f" '.,,,J ',:/r,I"""\ i\': ~iSt, t 'f M t '"' "'t ,t C,..,!i,.,t" ....,.. r.l,," (.-~ ,.<-,.,~,.." Noycm'ho'r' ")0 .1a6'" :, /".,"" "~f ,t~t i1'.r" "'~, a e ,l, .on., ,".OIJt! Y I\) ." ,I" II'! , ....., . ',- J . .,L "o'", ,. ,.......u. ,lo<.!k.!.!,~""...Jit.Q".,...___. U' I/f., "'~,':;:., ~:.,. :..;~:;::,,~;i'~~L.)tlQ2..-____..,-....-_---__.._J~.- ~1", ,"' ~': ;,; (;"t,; "'0) '.:;: , ~5~)" ~}/; ."..M;:~9,.,"'..-:"' 'j:_p,<t~~,. I"~ " _JARL:wALTillL.-'""--------..=.~.-:-:-~',,...,i",,',. ::,'~A:c.J:fcl!~-:/l,)f!&.tl~,'f:"I:~~. Deputy """" ,/ /'."" ~".., , ., Rt: City of Bozeman . . - ",~, ".'"c.',..,..""":..."" ~,\\~;,~;.- . <; .j; ~~~~JO'''''''' o:;,/i,'t(,.. --!- ,_:."......,""":"",..0, ., , ~eJQfO~DGMSft AlQ.lAG,,-UNT '1Q TfIB eI'lY 01' BOZ8IINt. MOlil'AlIA . The undersigned Crantors upon and 1n conaideration of the receipt of tft8 payment of one Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($l#$OQ.OO) for .a._nta~d'ai9ht-of-W.y Agreement originally siqned by the undersigned on NovembtJr 16., 1962, aoknowledge, agree and consent to the 8ub8equ..t&.1~tion by the city of Bozeman of the following languag..onpaqe 2 thereof a "and in the event that the same cannot be eo replaced the aral')tee will pay to the Grantors the ....onable value of the damage 40ne by it to the same," Dated this day of " 1962. -?>:f,> ',' ('J.9 ,/', ../, JJ". / /..,~~,~.,(. \.. ~ _\...-- (.. ~'--.,~. ............ /) ,/\ /), C_ 'tL.7..di_,} l( J-el """"l...c. I' " /-\ ,L/:, f\ ~ (' /1 " j'., .' ......'0~.r,;~'/I.l- VI c:. 'Ji v i I ,:,), .... . ~/! " ,/' / :/;./ ,/./. , ,/ , ,,',,' " , ' ,.-1'-'/' 'f '" /' " / " <7,fi.<:.-/ " 1-:1~ ?"'(!'(. ,~ .. r , / subscribed and aworn to before me tbi8 ~ 7fI day of .,'.> "~../1962. ,-/? ".. ~ /' ,. "'~1'YP\I lie or . s~te ~f Montana . ... 1l88141nq at BOZ_l!'~, na, ' ~., My commission expire. p , .J 2-f'/ l T b /' ,-' iw: ... . . , of the covenants and agreements between the parties hereto, the Grantors have granted, bargained, sold, conveyed, and confirmed, and by these presents do hereby grant, bargain, se 11 , convey, and confirm unto the said Grantee and its successors and assigns the following rights and privileges forever: 1. A perpetual easement and right-of-way for the purpose of installing, operating, using, repairing, replacing, maintaining and removing a sanitary sewer line and appurtenances thereto upon and across the above described property of the Grantors, said easement and right-of-way to consist of a strip of land thirty (30) feet in width lying and being fifteen (15) feet on each side of the following described center line: Beginning at a point on the east line of the Northern Pacific Addition to the city of Bozeman, Montana, said point being 120 feet north of the South line of Block 25 of said Addition, thence in a northwesterly direction at a bearing of North 43-591 West a distance of 1100 feet, thence at a bearing of North 24-141 East a distance of 1172 feet, more or less to a point on the easterly right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. paul & Pacific Railway Right of way, said point being within Lot 18, Block 47, Northern Pacific Addition, 20 feet south of the North line of said Block 47. 2. The perpetual right of ingress and egress to and from said tract of land at all reasonable times for the purpose of installing, o,l:J_r<4tinz~ t!.eJ:.!!9> repairing, replacing and maintaining said sanitary sewer line 3.::-l-:'! appor--tenan.eEHa thereto and for the removing of same if -,---"-,-_.,, ._,._,.-.-a.nd....Ja1hen...desi.red by the Grantee, ..,' ,.",..--.t'~ ,., ,.,: ~ ""...~ '~"nn Assigns; ...;.. ....j,.... I..;J '.,_ ........ ..' 0...1 ,...) ".,. ,~. ,-:) ~ . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the ab~ve described right-of-way with all the appurtenances and privileges unto the said Grantee and to its successors and assigns forever. The Grantee hereby covenants and agrees with the Grantors as follows: 1. That in connection with the installing, operating, using, repairing, replacing, maintaining and removing of said sanitary sewer line it will replace, at its sole expense, all existing fences, ditches and other appurtenances of said land that may be disturbed by its operation in a condition equal to the condition thereof existing before said operation~,X'l~t'e,begun.~ or as near thereto as shall be A\, "f~~?OnablY P09,.^bl~,i- ift__e.m"~__ ~he~~-~o"rel ., " ,.~,,-the G.t al"itoO- ,..wik'.}:~1'€lY"""~"~1:'S tLe f'~aWe"o~,l,-\,l,e","a:i. \ ":t.fl:e-4amage;.d0a-&~~~-e--same-'; F,':~ ",,' '~~:.~',::: 'J-=~..':,,"'N"':'::~::intee covenant's \\ ~,'and agreestO'"'erec't"an'd""maiIitaIu' for whatever period necessary an ~ '!, electri c fence on both sides of excavated areas for protection of , \\\ Grantors I cattle, if such protection is deemed necessary by the '\ parties hereto. 2. That during operations involving cxca'Jation, It will . -- .~- '>1 remove from the site any large stones or any kind of debris that \"" , '. may have been exposed by the excavation and remaining after back- filling is completed; and shall leave the finished surface in sub- i..' stantially the same condition that existed prior to the beginning " of operations, except that the surface of backfilled areas may be ! ~; mounded sufficiently to prevent the formation of depressions after \,' \,;Ifinal settlement has taken place; and the Grantee further agrees to \1\ ,.\ reseed the excavated areas with grass seed selected by the Grantors. '\ 3. To install said sanitary sewer line at such a rea::>onable depth below the surface of the earth as will permit normal cultivation \\' of the ground. , \ , ,'" ' \. \ \ / \ , f -~ , , -2- .. - \ \ . '. A~~NQ.Y~LEDGM1:NT AND_A813:FJ~M.liN'l' '1'0 THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA: The undersigned Grantors upon and in consideration of the recei.pt of the lx.ryrnen t oE One Thousa')(1 pi_v;:,; ~:l'n("::"€(l :c,:)'l_l,,:~:;:';:' ($1,500.00) for Easement and Right-af-way Agreement originally signed by the undersigned on November lS, 19;2, acknowledge, agree and consent to the subsequent deletion by the Ci ty of Bozeman of t}, E: following language on page 2 tr\ereof: "and in the event that the same cannot he so replaced the Gran tee will pa:y to the Grantors the re3.sonable value of the damage done by it to the sLlme," Dated this tP day of :D /~ GE't!d. aE e. , 1962. --~-~- ~ .--- /7''/ l \) .1 _.~.~"'~_ ,....,..!.."._;:,..t,"~;:,::.kL,,:,_,~__\_, .".,.~ '". .~__. ".- . /I .., (r /) 4 ,~ --,f.";"l:f-:5::'---_J..:L__;"-c&.:._,,,;.fL"-- ______ I ..,i --I ( _~,..............,.__'''''Ld-M.,,:.,_. ..~ ..;_,.,~_~."__~."_._,.~,.......,'__,~_",:.:.:.'~.,~".,,....:..........,____,,~ ! ()i:~ ,'/" " '~. '" ",,;- "," .,' " . ;.-'0"4 .,Yt "\},,, "",' " ",." I" ...--L......;..:t:- ,-:.::.-.':....:.. :.:}~ ,._.,~ ",X-:. .~,.._~_'~ ~~ r: L_ .:_~,.:~~':.:...:..................... _.~-, 7/ Suhscrihe~ and sworn to l;eforc me this 0' /J':. \' of "<" ~/:t'f_N.Q c?( 19') 2. 7 ./ ".",- ~ ......0" (', (C-.;,~ C Not~' Public for the ta te of Monta:1.,:i Residing at 13Ozeman, ,*~;;a My Commizsion expires N ~K;- / 9 (p J.- , -' ~