HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-04-09 THE C I TV OF B 0 Z E MAN, MONTANA COMMISSION MEETING/WORK SESSION AGENDA April 9, 2001 1. Call to Order - 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence 3. Consent Items - a. Proclamation - "Fair Housing Month" - April 2001 b. Proclamation - Public Safety Dispatchers' Week" - April 8-14, 2001 c. Proclamation - "Crime Victims' Rights Week" - April 22-28, 2001 d. ACknowledge receipt of staff report - annexation of 1.869-acre parcel described as Parcel B, COS No. 2056 (south side of West Villard Street between Greenway Drive and Western Drive) (A-0101) (JM) e. Commission Resolution No. 3433 - intent to annex 1.869-acre parcel described as Parcel B, COS No. 2056 (south side of West Villard Street between Greenway Drive and Western Drive); set public hearing for May 7, 2001 f. Authorize City Manager to sign - Annexation Agreement with Ronald Davis for annexation of 14.58 acres located in Tract 1, COS No. 2050 (east of Davis Lane between Baxter Lane and Valley Center Road) g. Authorize City Manager to sign - Annexation Agreement with SANDAN, LLC for annexation of 60.65 acres and delayed annexation of 59.03 acres located in Lots 1 A and 2A, Minor Subdivision No. 145A; Tract 2, COS No. 2050; and plat of record on Film 12, Page 1159, Gallatin County records (east side of Davis Lane between Baxter Lane and Valley Center Road) h. Authorize City Manager to sign - three Public Street Easements with Ronald Davis and SANDAN, LLC: (1) 65-foot easement for North 27th Avenue and 30-foot easement for Hulbert Road; (2) 50-foot-wide easement for Davis Lane; and (3) 65-foot-wide easements for North 27th Avenue and Deadman's Gulch Road i. Commission Resolution No. 3434 - annexing 75.23 :f::acres of land described as a portion of Tract 1, COS No. 2050, Lot 2A of Minor Subdivision No. 145A, and a portion of Tract 2 of Certificate of Survey No. 2050 and providing for delayed annexation of 59.03 ::tacres described as Lot 1 A and a portion of Lot 2A of Minor Subdivision No. 145A, a portion of Tract 2 of COS No. 2050 and the property described on the plat of record, Film 12, Page 1159 (SANDAN/Davis) j. Commission Resolution No. 3435 - amending the Master Plan by revising the land use designation on 75.23 ::tacres of land described as a portion of Tract 1, COS No. 2050, Lot 2A of Minor Subdivision No. 145A, and a portion of Tract 2 of Certificate of Survey No. 2050 from "Urban Residential" to "Commercial and "Urban Residentiallnfill" k. Authorize City Manager to sign - Professional Services Agreement with Aquacraft, Inc. - preparation of water conservation plan for the City I. Authorize City Manager to sign - Trail Corridor Easement between City and Machinery Power & Equipment Co. - for 12-foot-wide easement across Lot 2, Block 3, Gardner-Simmental Plaza Subdivision (2770 North 19th Avenue) City Commission meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance, please contact our ADA Coordinator, Ron Brey, at 582-2305 (TOO 582-2301). Page 1 of 2 m. Authorize City Manager to sign - Amendment No. 1 to Agreement for Appraisal Services for West Babcock Street - Blue Star Valuation Services n. Authorize City Manager to sign - Lease between City and Department of Environmental Quality for 10-foot by 10-foot section of roof on City Hall Annex for air monitoring station o. Authorize City Manager to sign - Management Agreement between City and the Bozeman Senior Citizen Center p. Reject bids for storage building at lower yards q. Building Inspection Division report for March 2001 r. Claims Motion and vote to approve, and authorize and direct the appropriate persons to complete the necessary actions 4. Ordinance No. 1535 - Zone Map Amendment - establishing initial zoning designations of "M-1" (Light Manufacturing) on 22.44 acres, "R-O" (Residential Office) on 31.72 acres, and "R-3" (Residential Medium Density) on 21.07 acres described as being a tract of land lying in the NW~, Section 35, T1S, R5E, MPM Motion and vote to provisionally adopt and bring back in two weeks for final adoption 5. Commission Resolution No. 3436 - revising the rules of procedure Motion and vote (to or not to adopt) 6. Decision - Conditional Use Permit and Certificate of Appropriateness for removal of existing garage, construction of a new 26-foot by 38-foot two-story, two-car garage/ office/accessory dwelling attached to main residence through enclosed colonnade and patio addition, and significant modifications and addition to existing residence on Lots 21- 24, Block 10, Butte Addition; with deviations from Section 18.16.050, 18.50.060.C., 18.50.050.G., and 18.50.110, Bozeman Municipal Code, to allow proposed garage/ office/accessory dwelling unit to encroach 14 feet into required 20-foot rear yard setback, additions to encroach 11 inches into required 15-foot corner side yard setback, new unit to occupy more than 25 percent of required 20-foot rear yard setback, and allow reduction of on-site parking spaces from four to two - Thomas Bitnar for Brent and Lindsay Wilson, 1002 South Third Avenue (Z-01008) (Derek S) Motion and vote (to approve or not approve) 7. Work Session - (A) Recognition programs for extraordinary service by staff and volunteers (B) Review of Commissioner comments re WalMart expansion proposal 8. Discussion - FVI Items - Updates from Commissioners - Updates from City Manager and other staff members 9. Adjournment Motion and vote to adjourn Page 2 of 2