HomeMy WebLinkAbout85- Renne Easement 1985 (2) ) , . -if ,; . ~ . \ ;; - ,':.1 I: .,'zj ..,(" . fl._. /'_1 ~..J I, \"",~ '. ..::;,_ ,"I,,},J GRANT OF EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE, Made this ;21 day of {{)J~0/ , 1958, between R. R. RENNE and MARY W. RENNE, husband and wife, of Bozeman, Montana, Parties of the First Part, and THE CITY OF BOZE- i MAN, a municipal corporation in Gallatin County, Montana, Party of the Second Part, WIT N E SSE T H: That in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars & other valuable consideration paid by the Party of the Second Part to the Parties of the First Part, the receipt whereof the Parties of the First Part hereby acknowledge, the Parties of the First Part here- by grant to the Party of the Second Part and its successors and assigns: An easement and right-of-way consisting of a strip of land 30 feet wide for the construction and maintenance of a water line, the - South boundary of said strip of land being 10.0 feet South, and the North boundary being 20.0 feet North of a reference line which is 35.0 feet South of the center line of a proposed County Road, said reference line being described as follows: Starting at an iron pin at the Southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 18, Township 2 South, Range 6 East, Montana Principal Meridian, in Gallatin County, Montana; thence along a line bearing North 33 degrees 46 minutes East for a distance of 203.9 feet to a point within the right~of- way limits for Sourdough Road, said point being the point of cur- vature of a circular curve of 1 dgree 29 minutes 12 seconds to the right, said curve havl1)g a radius of 3854.7 feet, extending in a Westerly direction and having a semitangent bearing from said point of curvature of South 83 degrees 45 minutes West; thence continuing along said curve for a distance of 6.6 feet, more or less, to the intersection of said curve with the East boundary line of Lot 9 ,of the Lewis Subdivision, said intersec- tion being the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing along said circular curve for a distance of 177.6 feet, more or less, to the intersection of said curve with the West boundary line of said Lot 9; said easement and right-of-way to specifically in- clude all land bounded by the East boundary line of said Lot 9, the West boundary line of said Lot 9, and the North and South boundary lines of said easement and right-of-way continued and shortened as necessary to intersections with said East and West boundary lines of said Lot 9. IT IS HEREBY AGREED That an item shall be included in the contract for the water system, which will state that all topsoil for a depth of one foot over the entire disturbed area will be stock- piled and replaced in a neat condition at the completion of the water system. RESERVING, HOWEVER, unto the Grantors the right to grant an ease~ ment to Gallatin County, Montana, its successors and assigns, for the construction of a roadway over and across on the surface thereof the lands included herein. - 1 .. ~ \ , if.. ,y ... ',. ... IIio , . , " ,'i,i ,; '} "/ :<1 11.... ',.J ..l.. t."" , TO HOLD The said Easement hereby granted unto the Party of the Second Part, its successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Parties of the First Part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. ~'i ' " /. 1/ / ! /f/i ..' ~"/')-;>J-D/ (SEAL) I . . . Renne i,,'j . II (lfC:f, 1(/ , Mf~A-.-'"~~---' (SEAL) M y W. Renne State of Montana ) : ss. County of Gallatin) On this ?fA day of ~~. , 1958, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, per- sonally appeared R. R. RENNE and MARY W. RENNE, husband and wife, of Bozeman, Montana, known to me to be the persons whose names are sub- scribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they '_.'~':':I-'~ecuted the same. , :Y( \ A L'" " ~;, ~,n(i .' ': ... IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and af- . ...... .... ,~ ,..... r ",.' ,,"' .: ~~ ,;'. ',~,j ;f;.,c,e'd my Official Seal the day and year in this Certificate first .".,"'~ O.j ,..' ,. ...... 'n ..) '~-""""'~,Qv.e written. or teState 0 ontana at ozema~ntana Expires ~ / /~b. , ;"Hr ~'l, -'\ INDEXE ,. - P' A 1TTDD ".~- S~te of!;;~nt:;.. zounty of Gallatin. 55, File~ f~r recordmm.m~..:r.uu..mmm.. 1958; d-U..._"'h....~.~mm......A:.. M". and recorded In L'JOknJ2.Jlnn. -oL..tI2~t.~mnnnPQge/Ol_'-.. __..M....~()J_li;::;;_cnm"nm..Recorder. BY.u_..m-R~'ml2u /i). /7 /J Depl.1ty. ~; . ...~m..... ... 2 -