HomeMy WebLinkAbout79- Powell Easement ~ " . . ~ 'of..:>....,. '!-:. ,1.,"1:.... ~ . " 'l\, to, \. Fee: ~ - - INDEXED, Rt: C~ty of Bozema PLATTED ("d3~i ,J 54 PM.[ 11.4 . J..H (......... D b 7 . State of Mont., County of Gallatin. 55 'Filed for raGOrd - eceJ:11 er ~_, '19 79 \. at 2: 05 PM., and recorded in Book 54_ of !lISCELLANEODS _ . p::!~ellil. e,,<iItt a. B~. n ... Re,;,,~~r. B~!!fj;Jr~~AI. "/}/[t II mOeputy t!,I'LI:lf'!'1 ;'I-i'l r..,.I." OF. 'I"lY ......"-.il.,'. \.(,1, \J.. !, ~ , , 1" . ,i ~,.J." '. .. t,-i !' I" I.. l~ . .,,1 \ I '".' \ WATER LINE .._ _____._.___.___ . _.___..__ - .... _, ...._.. , ...___...u..__.__. .._ _~__. __ _ .. THIS AGRE[J'IUf! .,r.j,:HL: (In,: ('11 U"~ 1',;(1 in t:; 11:'; 7th I_:i</ of November ,0," [-j. 197 9 , by Jnd bet\.,reen .Sam C. Powell Jr.. & ~~.~_.___~_~____~_~'__ _~__ ,.,___,~,_.".,_,.,..._.__._.,_.__.._".__"..,~..t..".'_ ,.'_ __~_~!_?!:!~._~..~?:vell party of the firc.t p'lrt, hcre'inaftE'Y' called the Grantor dnd THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a mUfncipal corpo(- ation of the State of fI1ontana, in Gallatin County, the part:y of the second pal't, her(~'inafter called the Grantee. WIT N E SSE T H : \o!HEREl\S, The Gl-;'lntor_5~___ the le'jal record title O\'me)A of ~~._~~l~__~~ _ L?~_l_~_!__~.a b~gck a n ~_Q~Y_i ~___0g_g j ~ 'j ?I~___t()_ th~. c i tY_~L_B_Q.?eJ1I~I!l \-JH[I\[;"\S. Tne CiI'C,:rtt(-~,in t;i2 ('/(,'cci:,(' (,fit.:, IJU,i!.:T a:,':! dutFH'1 ':y as a r,u~licipJiitYJf the: State :,1' ~,k!lItl<nc:, :r()poscs t'..'.:Cil';truci c\ncl 1.'''-+-'111 -- watpr line "'."1 '1(,,('C.,CC','^I/ ",r"~IIY'''r'''''-ln-c'.: tn "'nY"J'" II.;) \,~o. a .__,___.__,~.,~, _ ___ ..._',__. ...._ ,. .......____ U !~~ I .",J\......l(.,[ ,) I.'r't,)" L~,,( ~ ~....l., " ...~" 'nl\~ (. v,::\\"i au:) rH'('r,;rtl es -lOCi'] Lr::l ':i tr,'i n tii- r11_I't ic.m to the City of C02l:lflcln i'rld nne or IKte '"ri: ';'11(:<' vi6L;f0--r~li, "~cn.;". t:h:" Grantors land; and \,IHERE/\S, The GrClntN: ciresi f'~S l"() Cl:ll:Ji re h'orn Uk CitClr;L,-;,' and the Grantor' , is .,.Ji-II ill(; rn grt.nt tu the (;~'rlIICC? an e~lse- merit (\n0 riqhtO('Wd-);-:1l1'OSS rhc ::bovt: desCl'ih,'cl C1tlJDlxt:y Jfl:he Gr'ilntor , and their heir.s, ,~XeCtltoi^S, ad:nil-isrrHGr'S, sucu~ssors, and a5s-;""gl~s, for'-the-'I:i-t;l-i)('S~ of inc;tc,lj'irv.!, op"rat'iilCj, usin:i, re;Ji111'- ing, ref'lr:,-'in~~, InJiwi".:ning., ,.nd ren:uvirlCj si\id wi1terli~le . ..' . .,'t- .. ..'. .- ," ~ ., -"'" ... ," L ..t'", .... · .t... .., ."',, ...., ',., ..I' .'. ,...."j...~.;-;.". .. -I dllU aPIJlH ,elldnL...~. Jilt, I ut ,)(.lll 0 flCY r I Slil ,5 U I clCLL"~, "n\.. 1 ,:~ I ULll Lcl. r-ights as are l!el'einafter' described, all liS hCT(~inC\fter lTIore particul. a rly rrovi ded. NOI'J, THEREFOREtin consideration of the sum of Sand other considerations 'in hand raid by the City of R07ellldn~-file rec0ipt whereof is r;ereby acknmil(-:,j(;ed, and in further considcl'i1tion of the covenants ar:d agre21IlUl~S, betwu~n the partips hereto, the GranLJr has .... ..... . . .... ..... ... ......... granted, barrJainc:d, sold, cO:1veyed,-" ii-fl-(rt:;-6;ilTI:~-il~-d'-i.:;ri-(r--bi--'til-C;S(:-'--Ll ;~es f' nts docs hereby gran t, ba rgai n , sell , convey, and conf'j 1"11, unto the sUa i d'--G\~~1ntee andi t~) ~;uccessors and assigns the following rights and privileges forever: "I. f~ perpetua 1 easemc.,nt arid ri qht of "!'W fur the pUl'po.';e of 'ir,-tal1i,:(J, OPCl"JtlWJ, L;sin~J, repil'ir'inq, replJcing, ii,aintainir-Ig , 1 . and r',:'lTlo','i n~1 (~ .. vJau:r.. "'ne .... n l::,i?reto upon Jnd ac:'O";:)[ ,.!bo\ft' ,!",<""ib(>cl rrop'PI~t-y")-(--,~L::--:'-r:;:'nfo'~, (',itl e"cn"en""l'i ..:.,.' ()( \..... c: ~,\ \.... I. ..... ;,,J ,. "", \. < I .",' \,J U ,_". ~ "_' c , ~ t1,,:) .' l ~ l.. ( ~ I '.. (I ,~). I t. , .t. ' v..:'.., 4- f" .1.. ., . (.. "..' - . . e' , \~dY~) LOdS. I" I. o. ,....,:,1 I i) (, I : dno__tJ_fteenC~et Lb.'--f-.---- ___._ 1(;'(;t n, dtl; [".llr(I.;(' ~)Il"tl(ulin':.v (:i',-;'~n:H\\i II"; fe'! 10''':",: Beginning at a point 137 feet nGrth of '.he JUuti1Cdst corn2r [1 Lot 3. Block 1 Babcock and Davis Addition to the City of Boze~an, thrncc west 45 feet more or less 0'1 a 1 inr rarallel to the southern boundary of said Lot 3. rnc::.k 1, UF:ncr nol'th 1S fOC.'f:, thew' past /~~ f(J,t tc the east boundilcy of sa-iri Lot J, thc',ce Ei fc;t to 1:rl(; rCllnt 0''-: bC9irHling. Said easement for J water -i ine ly'inq north of 2ncl adjacenti:o th~ bound- ary of property at 307 and 311 North Church Avc~~1Ue -j n tile CHy of BozenFH1, Montana. " .. '. ,1, 54 ?~II 115 \ 2. The perpetual :eight of ingress 3nd egress to and from said tract of land at all reasonable times for the purpose of inct3.iling, operating, us:i ng. rc~pai ri ng . r('placl ng arcl rnainta ini og Fic: id__.__._...__ i'later line and for the removing of same i f a no -,'--~----- when desired by the Grantee. its successors and ,1ssigns: TO HAVE AND TO HULD th.' ab0!C described right of way with a l~. the appurt('n(mCe~l f,Tld pri\!ilege~, unl.o tbe !:w.id Gr.-mt8C! and to its SUCL\~:3f.\~T~ d ~1d ,tS:~ i gn s forr~ver 0 The' Gralltce here'Tj C()')~nilnt;,J :10<1 agreesw-l th tile Grhntor .........~,.,.~... as fo1111v.'3 : l. That, in connection with the installing. opera~:ing, using. rl::pairing. replacing. m3intaining and removing, of said Via tE'Y' 1 i ne it will replace at its sele expense, all existing fences, ditches and other appur- tenances of said land that may be disturbed by its operation in a condition equal to the cund; tion thereof existing before said operations were begun, or 28 near tlll"reto flS 511.'111 he reasonably possible. 2. That. during operations involving excavntiol'1, i t wi 11 remove the topsoil from the trench area to a depth of one foot. or to the full depth of the topsoil whichever is less, and stockpile said topsoil for replacement over the trench. and vJi 11 remove from the site any large rocks or surplus excavated material or any kinci of debris that may have been exposed by the excavation end rcmainiGg after backfilling is completed Bnd will leave the finished surf2cc in .;uhst;p- t 1a 11 y the same condition that existed prio to the bq~inl1ing of operations except that the ~urfnce of backfilled areas may be mounued sufficien~ly to prevent the famation of JeDl'essions after f 1. na 1. Gettlement has tCl.l'-"en r\.lace" 3. To uperate, use and maj;t~.iin sa 5. d"__:Y9j~-.l.-irl!L__"_____.___."~_. in ~uch manner ap will not hinder 0r prevent the --~',-_._-_._-'- proper cultivatiun of the ':t"/lct through which this right of way is hereby granted. 4. In the event tbnt it 8;",,:l11d become necc~ssary for the Grantee to re-enter the Grantors premises for the purpose of repairing, replacing. maintaining or removing said utility lines the Grantee will reimburse the Grantors for any actual damage done to the Grantors premises or crops. -,;.', ...." " .. ,I, 54 PMT iiE s. The Grontor__ hereby cnvenants and agrees with the Grantee as follows: 1.. That at no time will c~ey build, CO;'ls!':ruct, erect or n$~ntain any pennaaent ntructurf: over or ,:bove the Dfdd __l:1!it~:r_____ ___ .li.D.J;;_____.__ unless such stn,cture is built I cons tnlcted and n~intained in such a manner that it would no~ interfere with the operation, use, repair, maintaLwnce, replacem("nt and removal of said -!El tQr li n~,____,,__,___.__ . 2. That the Grantee may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights and privileges herein granted without any interruption by tho Grantor_ or thei r successors and 3DGigns. 3. That they have been lawfully seized of said premises; that they have good right and lawful authority to sell the same and that they and their heirs, executors, adminiRtrat~rs, successors and assigns, shall warrant and defend the title to said premises unt~ said Grantee, and its successors and assigns forever, against the lawful claim and demand of all persons whomsoever. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that this Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successor and assigns of the Grantors and upon the successors and assigns of the Grantee. . ~ ~ ~ ~ 54 PH:!: 1.17 TN HITNLSS WHEREOF, The G:lie! p,n-tics cf the first p;nt lv'''!':: heruwto set thcir hi1nds nnd SC:dD n,,:; (L:f and yetI" first ,"2ho,'c written. 4~-~~ 2~~_ STATE Of MCJ:'iTANf\ ) : ~: s County of Gallatin) (:on this 7th d.'1Y of Nov8llber 1')7 9 , bj'tOH> me, a rlCt.1:~y p II b 11 c in [ltld -T~~' sa idS Lit (>-~-p~~'~-~;~;;~',d 1 y~~ P P C il red Sam c. Powell, Jr. " Carolyn S. Powell' lcnO'..Jll to; me to be tt~';--re t:-;~;;l"-~~-;~;'~~--- -.----.--.-~--.-.------ .1.'--'--' --~ name subscribed to the \.;:i thin ins t r ,1m2 -;:;-t,~~~d ,'~ ~~O\.J l-Z,"d g (' J -t;'-;'~;-tl;-;;~______ t~ey_...._~____.___________. executed the same. ,""";;';:;;""",:,,).-/ '. ...// I.. /J>:.~ ../1 .,' ..\.~ v. 11,iJr" .... ..M:::._-~----~.'_-:"--f'/~Y...."._L_~.~_';::~-:2. ..._______.___._._ '^-" '.". 'r.). . . .. . /b~-'.' ......, :rr..\. Not,lr:y PL:J,l :i~: inr" t-Lt~ St':'lte it l'.k'lnt-{)(':l :' v. '\\.r\,~ ~ ,.~............ -'.... . ..;. "', 1. n.... r-~'\.~~'.. "\~ '''''."'1'''' ~ ~ : M'Ji '/\ Cj1 hes1 (..l..[\b <..1. .:...\".."...10, uC..(,.-.: lu : '''" .. )i'll (' ".",' ~ c,":- .. .~''I." ......'.,.- ')c- , ct... . ('" ,.,O!,,'1l1S~'.!.()ll Lcd.!..,__.:- :. DE.. ;.L ) ......-.--IiOl~\fY~~\t,~~-~ol-~-,---------." -,-----. lI). '.. . " iOlSld\ll;; 31 ~. r~n!ZlmJ _ ., ~ .: ~ ... ,,".m. " .", ___-.-7 "I:' .......01:~. ..-~ " Or- I'C' ",,' .1..... . ", , . I - ~ 54 ;}~,,( its '"" "" THE CITY OF BOZEMAN , >' <-" .,,1->, U By: "" ~,:~".;,%~,_;./ _,~-:(C/?v-;"'-" ,.?t, .,\):r:-'L,'?i.. "'iV . -'.' y,-", ~ ft . -~t,-" /' Mayor.'---'~) - - ' .;.... ~j'" '" J~:' ,~," ','f' '.', ~', P Iii ,__..M" -', 'J,. '~'i'~J "'-"', ' ~t"l'TTEST,:, " "~ ;, j' f'<'" .~:JI."" I "'J"_,. .: .. \ ~ ", I ", /,1" ,- ""~',"". , l.il '" d, ' <' " ~ i '..... 11"_- I",,-r-I,. ' ,:-,,,,\ .,,_ " ,,', -:\' "" 1\, f~"""" ," ,,~','i ~ ,. h j , ~ \,' 'i:P&~~, ,~/ ,,- c:/",;;; , :.I", ., ';~" KRNA V. ',' " , ;"i~\!rk 0", ,tHy Commission " f .'t \ 'I l'" APPROVED: C STATE OF MONTANA ) : ss County of Gallatin) On this (, -lL day 0 f 0& JL<:_':1-._..,i-~, 197~, before me, the underSig~ed a Notary ~hlic f~r the State of Mon'" ~:a~ appeared a, llM-<_ y. ~"7 ~ ~ (j) n n . to ma to be the Mayor and Clerk of the City Commission respectively, of the City of Bozeman, whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of said City, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal on the day and year in this Certificate first ,~"-wr {(i;.IIIf'i,,"// ab~ve wri t ten. ,", I,,, -':--'t>-\\OR 2... ", ..;:.\. <:, ...,t..",..",.~".;,..,,;. ~ _p i~ ..,.f*" ,--' It.: t.;\". ' " ',/,J .,,01 A ., I ':,' ~ '.. ,~' ;.',' II"! "..,;. vlZR~'- j : ~ ,," ' ,," j ~j , \. 'i . · Sf 't r- - -: ;It ,j".., i.'" :. otary Public f the Monta na - ': ".H L :i .. ,w;,. \ III ' " .., ..: -:.-, 11II.. ;'I~~' \, \ :".k.." I ; Residing at Bozeman, Montana '., ~\ ~.~ ~"', .'-- ~~; ~ My Commission Expires '.r ....rf -.. .:' '". '!I'..~~ ~ ~f,J . J.~ ............. ",,,-' ""1,; 't:'tllO,,", \\~\~ NOTAHY PUBliC 1m th~ Sill:: ,,' - !''''r~~!h ...,ft~,.,,....,,:~.:,:,,,, .*,. Residklg at llolllman. ~':Uil'''i'' U, Cll1llInissiop llIpiIes Mmdi 15. 19112 ". . . .. I . . !''- i .& ~,- I . , ~ ~ . I ,i 54 P~tE . 11.9 i _~ J ~,-,~- ~.- .. ~. ,.. i I ') \"" ~ i J - &/,c} ,. ), I ,-' I , , '.. ." \ I -~_..~ -~ .,,~.~.y---~_.,~-~.-..::.:....._._~ ,..-. -_.:,,-.- ,~.--. , ~~.,"""'''._---''''-'~.'- ..~ !J .,. I ..~ , I i ---- d '1.'J , ~- ~ -~~-~- l 'j.: r . ,.- Q ~ . ';} .,f l"\ r ,", - ~--~~-~. ~ ~ ~ i : r.... ~ '- 0J ,.,'>' '. 1\ . ,~~ r...> r ~. ."~ 1--- , -r'-~"~"-'--""''''.'.' .." n'_..... I ; w" -....uJ ,'~. I '" I -- . . ".:) I - .," i I I I , --~."-~' ,--~._-_.... I , r -,I oj 'JJ ~ d ~ ~..' I ; /1"1 " "\ ...., ", I _.. .. .-- ... I "- I ~ "- ',' I' " i "f ...... ~~ .......... I "'-) ~,> 0 .~ ", ...:: [~ 1,,; A' ,'1 r I \ ' ~ I '- \ ! " i '- ,"- \ '- ( \ '-: 1\ " '" 'I .j', '.-' l :1\__ " t ' ' ' \ <1 'I: 'I ' I' \ . ~"; . " I ,'. \.,~- '. I ,) \ . ~\ {j (' \ ,: "& , {;~ ~. \ I "- \1 "'" ';,'-., \'\ ...., , '- J I I