HomeMy WebLinkAbout62- Phillips Easement
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BUD;'; iU H'iiiE4UO
THIS J..GRlil'RMENT, Made and entered into thil Ill' day of tJ ch:,{.dr''', A. D.
1962, by and between Va1"vin J. Phi 11 ins aw Ann.tJ>elle PhilliDs of Bozeman.
Montana. husband and wire
part ies of the first part, hereinafter called the Grantor~, and THE CITY OF
BOZEMAM, a munioipal corporation or the State of Montana, in Gallatin County.
the party ot the second part. hereinafter oalled the Grantee.
1:"fflEREAS, The Gran tor -!...- are the legal record title owner~ at portionl
ot the Guy's Second Addition to Bozeman. Montana
WHEREAS. the Grante., in the exercise of it. power and authority a. a
munioipality ot the State ot Montana. proposes to oonstruot and install a
sanitary sewer line trom the existing system at East Main Street and Rouse
Avenue. in the City of Bozeman to the southerly line of Westridse Sub-division,
in the City of Bozeman, a portion of which proposed lanitery sewer line would
run aerG" the GrantQr~ land, and
VffiEREAS. the Grantee desire. to acquire tram the Grantor.l....L. and the
Grantor ...L are willing" to grant to the Grantee as easement and right-ot-way
aeron the above described property ot the Gre.ntor...!!-, and their heir.,
executor., admlniatrator.. succelsor. and as.igns. for the purpose of install-
ing, operating, using, repairing. replacing, maintaining and removing .aid
sanitary sewer line. and tOr such ather rights at accelS end incidental rights a.
are hereinafter desoribed, all as hereinafter more particularly provide..
NOW. THERFORE, in oonsideration of the 'UIl ot i ,/ ; ct:), in hand paid
by the City ot Bozeman, the reoeipt whereot 11 hereby acknowledged, and in
turther oonsideration ot the oovenant. and agreements between the partie..
hereto, the Grantor s have granted, bargained. Bold, conveyed, and confirmed,
and by these presentS thel. hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey, end confirm
unto the said Grantee and lts succeSBors end assigna the following rights and
privileges forever,
1. A perpetual easement and right-ot-way tor the p~rpoae of tnstallins.
operating, us1ng. repairing, ref-lacing, maintaining and removing a sanitary sewer
. e::u PAGE4Ul "
Ji,.1.p a~1d appurtenances thereto upon and across the above described }Jroperty of
-!;'!k Gx :'n'!'/;r s, said easement and right...ot-way to consist of a strip of lar.,d
*,'l;";,:i::y (,30l';:.~.~ in width lying and being fifteen (15) feet on each side of the
~"'ol:;'o'~ing oet2c::ibed center line. Beginning a t a point on the North line of
One Aore Lot One, in Guy's Second Addition to Bozeman, Montana, said point
being 60 feet west of the east line of said One Acre Lot One, thence in a southerly
direotion 60 feet west of and parallel to said east line a distance of 65.0 feet
to a point on the south line of the north 65 feet of said One Aeee Lot One.
2. The perpetual right of ingress and egress to and from said tract of
land at all ree:>onable times for the purpose of installing, operating, using
regai:::-ing, replacing and maintaining said sanitary sewer line and appurtenanoes
th~:re,:;v ,<lnd for the removing of seme if and when desired by the Grantee, its
succeJsors and assigns.
TO HP1VE liliD TO HOLD the above described right...ot...way with all the appur-
tenances and privileges unto the said Grantee and to its suocessors and assigns
The Grantee hereby covenants and agrees with the Grantor~ as follows &
1. That in conneotion with the installing, operating, using, repair-
ing, replaoing, maintaining and removing ot said sanitery sewer line it
will replace, at its sole expense, all existing f~~C3S, ditches and
other appurtenances of said land that may be dh'turbed 1::y its opera-
tion in a condition equal to the condi'tion t~e("cof e~tstlng before
said operations were begun, or as near there"co us s~,8J.I '.)e reasonably
possible~;Land in th~ event that the same cannet be so replaced the
Grantee will pay td the Grantors the reasol!eble 'l&lue of the d.amage
done by it to the safD!'EJ - '
2. Th~t during operations involving excavation~ it ~~ll remove fram
the si~e any large stones or any kind of debris that mBy have been
exposed by the excavation and remaining after ~)a~~Filling is co~
pleted, and shall leave the finished surface in 6J.bstantially the
seme condition that existed prior to the begir.nin; of oferations.
except tilat the surface of backfilled areas may b2 Irlcunded suffi--
c :1. e:.1<:; l:l to prevent "tne' i:ol1mation Aof dcpn:ossi6u;> "",...'ter final' s€ttle-
men~ has taken place.
3. To install said sanitary sewer line at such a reasonable depth below
the eurface of the earth as will fermit normal cuI t~vation of the
4. To operate, use and maintain said sanita~ sewer line in such a manner
as v.rill not hinder or prevent the prOper cul-~i78~Ln eof ';;he trl'tCt
throug)l which this right-of-way is hereby .:';:'f\:ntE'd, ~. t bdng U"1ue:r.~
stMd t~.at the Grantor I shall be reimbu:,sed :\.1 L!ll:.;~' '~h~ C':ran'cee
for' e./,,~j~~tual damage dOne to the orops or .~he pr8ra:i des by vL~tue of
the Crt'untee' S entry thereon.,
The Gruntor s hereby covenant and agreo ~i+.h t~e GrDnt~e as
fol~.ow:J; - ---
Ie '.!'hat at no time will they build, c')nst;r;;.~<;) ~::-,;~{;t (':" Tllt. '~11"t1.in
any :pe~'m'3.nent structure over or ab':T(' tl.:,) ',,;-',d >'~,L:."Ll''Y' :O;t"N~r li:lf'
unle::.s s'.lOh struoture isbuil ti con8ti"\(,::':'~"d ;".',n'.,',!. Y"j:.l:,::-..~(:..:..:~lP(: ~J.: .'7~;.Jb
a m"llnCl' that it would not interfe:,'e W5,t~1 t],-f"~!'e~~( t:i.rn, .,2':;'';;, 7~_"0p~irJ
mai:.1te::.!WJi16e, replacement and removal of sa:..ci. s'J.'.'.~':;('"7 s~':'er. li:!:"E;~
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B(JOK cU P/~i1E4U2
2. That the Grantee may peaoeably hola and enjoy the rights and
privileges herein granted wit,out any interruption by the Grantor s
or their suooessors and. aesigns. -
3. That th.y are lawfully seized of sdd premises. that they
have lood right and lawful authority to sell the Qame and that
they. and their heirs, executors, administrators, succeesors and
assif:ns, shall warrant and defend the title to .aid premises unto
said Grantee, and its sucoessors and assigns forever, against the
lawful claim and demand of all pe~son8 whomsoever.
It is under~tood and agr~ed by and between the parties hereto that this
Agreeraent ahall be jtnding upon the'heirs, exeoutors, .nd~1nistrators, suoeea-
sors and assigns of th~ Grantor s ~nd upon the successors and assigns of the
Grantee. -
IN WITNESS WHT;RBOF', the Grantor s have hereunto set their hand ., and
seals and the Grantee.. The City of Bozeman, has hereunto set its hand, by
its Mayor and its Clerk of the City Commission, each thereunto dul~authorized.
a.94n has caused its corporate seal to be affixed, all on this jP"~~day of
C/C /-'"pe/' , 1962.
ATl'EST. e' ;:r..a/r ~~~
c. K. W son
Clerk of the City COlIIIllission
...........7 L. _._.~
~r ~ '1J,~
en . Her!!:. Jr. (j
City Attorney
& ss
County of Gallatin . )
On this /0__ day of tlcto Irt"r . 1962, before me. the undersigned a
Notary Public "fO'r""'the State of Montana , personally appeared
Marvin J. Phillips and Annabelle Phillips
known to me to be the person 8 described in and who signed the foregoing
instrument as GrantorlL- and-atknowledged to me that they had executed the
same freely and Toluntarily. for the uses and purposes therein expressed.
IN WITNESS WH'SREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial
.... tl..
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S (JO 1\ 2u ~~'~iJE4u3
Seal on the day and year in this Certifioate first above written.
: ~c~ .-t ~1-"'~;
Nota c or e Statej6 Montana
Residing at Bozeman. Montana
My Commission expires ..~r~/g w..~.r..../ 2~ /96"':;,'-
, (
: 88
Coun~ of Gallatin )
On this f~'7 day of c7 q: , 1962, before me, the undersigned, a
Notary Publio or the State of ontana, personally appeared Fred M. Staudaher
and C. K. Wilson, known to me to be the Mayor and Clerk of the City Commission
respectively, of the City of Bozeman, whose name 1s subscribed to the within
instrument and aoknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf
of said City.
rn WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set IDiY hand and affixed my Notarial
Seal on the d~ and year in this Certificate first above written.
Notary ~bl1c or the Sate of Montana
Residing at Bozeman, Montana
~ Commission expires
NOTAr,y PUf3L1C for the Stzte of Montana
Residing at Bozeman, Montana
My Commission Expires May :26, 1965
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