HomeMy WebLinkAbout78- Norwood Easement , .. . FILM 43 h\CE 1658 fAS E r iiJ\T\I'n f\ [(~;: T il F '.<!,^, Y f, (,:( U}~~.,' ,( I,? .ll~_t~r:__&_~f_wer .L tne_~ _tQ Lots .17,& 18. '1 II ['; AC?ECnUH, :ij,i' c) ,',', ',_,'nl._"~,,r'(; 1 I, ('j cnl: 17th day of -... May " ,- 1 ,,' 8 t::./ '- III I :') c t \!Ii.2::~ r' HESTER J. NOr:WOOD I~'\' . , -, -,- . "..' ~ - P ,l (' LX_ __ f.)1 r j'1 :~ f"1 f'" .:~ t ~."J d r t,' " rF~('C i n;3 f'ter' '" ..,.--.",.....", . .... .... ...-.--....-..-..-.-..-...... ca"!" ed e C(c.\n'~I)r' ,HH-! Ti,E: eIT\' O!-- [j:)iJ:MAN, :I'iiunir::ipa1 (or'por'- atlon of the Stdt,e-O{ i'1r::ntand, j n Gail dti n un ty ') ti'\(C-' pa.rty of the 'C, <,:/)(:(1 [":er'c, '1~,t(l-ln(iftci' cal-led tIle G(2lntee, WIT N [ SSE T ~ ~'j H r,' R C /~.~':, ., -"h~:~ (:rantur" is t h l' 1 n rl":l 1 re uvd title owner of .. , _____..____________ __ ________!.~?~~J,__BJ?~~, _3~! lmes i~ddition .,'~-, -., . - "~, _._,-,. ,..-.-".. ,--.,.- ... -.- .-,-..--."-.--..--,.-...- ._,_.. .".-,-.--,..--- WH[;~E/\S, Till; Grarltr'f, in th(~ cxu'cise cd' i :;s pow!':r' and iluthority (1:-; u rnunicir;aljty of the StdLe of ~jontdna, pi"oposes to ('ons trlJct and -j nsta n d water and sewer] Jr."I~' and necessary app:.Jl"tendnccs to serve various propcrt (~S ocated within the northern poy,ti:m to the Ci ty of 80zerndn and one en' more such nrles---w-()l!1,(f-ru;:;---Clcro:: s the Grantors land; and WHEREAS, The Grantee desires to acquire from the Grantor , and the \;rantor , is wi 11 i ng to grant to the C,r,3r: tee un r,"dSC- ment and riqht -Of-Wd);"ci.c'ross the abovi? described property of the Grantor- J an,1 her heirs (';<ec:utJrs, adr:linis'y,ltnr.s, successors, " 1 r4 -", ;-(-'-rl ,- f.. ,.: ..~ h ..~.'" ,- , ~,' , <',.,,' J ,f ; r, c: t :~' "1 -, . ~. ,. i 'I' '\ ','., :'4 t' 1 ,"~ :J"'-lnq, repai t'-, t,.; .. o. ,,) ,J .J ...)"1 ' J) , ' ,l [i U Y I) U _,,, c, '''_' d_' ! 1 1 , I,] " '__, e ;. " ' n '" " inq, r'f' pi iJ c i n , r:idir:t.'l'ininq" dnd (C'fnov':r,cJ said __,SCTyjce__l Lnes.__________ and appur'tc~n(in ~.. c.lnd fill :;uch ot,i\(;(' riqhts of acces(; ancl incidental riqhts as at'e rwreinaftet described, all as hereinafter more particul- arly pr'ovi ded. NOVi, THERLrOI~[, in considerati0n cf the sum of 5 dnd Cil:ner C0!EideriJticns in hai,d Di\id ~-"/ the CHi of B01f,i'iG,;:-'thr n:.ce-ip-+; . " ., . \'JileY'f:'or is h,,:'Y'(,:hy dckr-,U'tI!l'cFH'd, :li,j in fut'tili'r Cl)r,~)i,-je)'c:tjon Df the CDvcnants and a'Jll'rlnf'pt'o l;1:i.wl:;"er: t~H~ pan_'i,"; hcr'i~to, Ul~) ';rc:ni-m. has qranted. bargained, sold, conveyed, tl fl ';e present:> does r'~ et'(" Ii Y 91' d n t. nJai n, ;;e11, convey, ane: conf-i t"Ti unto the s;i{(f--Gl:~~intee and -I ts ~;u r:pssors an ci as .",j Sin'; th" 1'0)] ow in 9 IA i i]h t~) a,n d p 'r'i vi! eqesfo ~"(' v e r' : L ppn;ictud 1 f?ascliJi::nt anci r-i ght of way {orU'(; t'pose of insta'lli , OP(;(:'iti " usinq" repaitinci. repldcing, ll1aint,:lining and ['enlov:i n9 d w,?~e_~',,~_~Q~!I,~r~___LLQ~_ t.IH'!n'to Ilpon and dCl'i)S.S thE? above 11escr.j bed prope;rty of tho,,' C'"dotor ! ~;i,l'i d easernE'nt anG ri Cjht of W d Y toe 0 n s i s t, 0 f a s tr 1 p of 1a n d ---~==~ tiy~ J;iJ..__ .,_______________________________., feet in width being more particularly described as follows: The North 5 feet of Lot 7, Block 35, Imes Addition. .. FilM 43 FACE 1.66G ., The perpetual right of ingress and egress to and from said I....JI tract of land at all reasonable times for the purpnse of installing, operating, using, repairing, repla.cing and maintaining said \'later' and sewer lines _ and for the removing of same if and when desired by the Grantee, its successors and 88signs: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of tJay wi t~ all the appurtenances and privileges unto the said Grantee and to its successors and assigns forever. The Grantee hereby covenants and agrees wi tll the Grantor.._~_ as follows: L That, in connection with the installing, operating, using, repairing, replacing, maintaining and removing of said _water and. sewer WLe..'i--___ it will replace, at its sole expenae, all existing fences, ditches and other appurtenanct'!s of said land that may be dis turbed by its operation in a condition equal to the condition thereof existing before said operations were begun, or 3.S near thereto as shall be reasonably possible. ."j That, during operations involving excavation, it Hill ~- ill remove the topsoil from the trench area to a depth of one foot. or to the full depth of the topsoil whichever is less, Bnd stockpile said topsoil for replacement over the trench, find will remove from the site any large rocks or surplus excavated material or any kind of debris that ~~y have been exposed by the excavation Hnd remaining after backfilling is completed and will leave the finished surface in sub- stantially the same condition that existed prior to the beginning of operations except that the surface of back- filled arens may be mounded sufficiently to prevent the formati.on of depressiol1safter fins.1 settlement has tAken plac(~. 3. To operate, lUJe and maintain said Welter' and sewer lines ____________._, in such manner as ,,;ill ,wt hinder--;;-;."I:~-;::ev.~:nt the p-rol;er cultivation of the tract th.:ough which this right of way is hereby gral1t:.,:d. 1-+ . In the event tlut it should become necessary for tbe Grantee to re-enter the Grantors premises for the purpose of repairing, replccing, m;iintaining or removing said utility li.nes the Gplntee wi.ll reimburse the Cr d,.,t ('r s [,:>r an.y e.ctual da~lgf). done to the> Grilnt"(Y!"D !','errdil'~G or cr.ops. I n add it -i on> '<"ihen wa ter and Sdn i ta "t'y sewer is instal!l?d in North Third and service across this easement is no longer necc~{;::;ary , said easement shall become null and void. -2- ~ - ','-,. 43 PAGE 1.661 FILM 5. The Grantor_. hereby covenants and agrees 1<1i th the Grnntee as folloW's: L That at no time will they build, construct, erect or maintain any permAnent r,tructure over or above the said ......Jip.rvic.p ._..Ji.rJ.e.:i.____ unless such structure is built, constructed and mainta.ined :1.0 such a manner that it ',,",ould not interfere with the operation, use, repHi.r, maintninence, l"epl.acement and removal of said service lines, . _.---.........- 2. That the Grantee may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights and privileges herein granted without any interruption by the Grantor __ or her successors and assigns. 3. That they have been lawfully seized of said premises; that they have good right and l.liwful authority to sell the same and that they and their heirs. executors, adminlstratc:Jrs, successors and assigns, shall warrant end defend the title to said premises unto said Grantee, and its successors and assigns forever, against the lawful claim and demand of all persons whomsoever. It is understood snd agreed by and between the parties hereto th.t this Agreement shall be hindll1g upon the heirE, executors, administrRtors, successor and assigns of th~ Grantors end upon the ~Hlcce~sors and assigns of the Grantee. -3- . ., . ..,..... 43 PAGE t66~ fiLM IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said parties of the firat part have hereunto set their hands and seals the d8Y and year fi rs t above ",.t'itten. ~ t)/l. ~ ' ~b~v:~ I: ,,/(.c;~/7 UrK']:~)t~ ',- .. ' ,'\l"', ~ ,,,1' v ! -'HESTER JlNORi,doD -, - STATE OF NONTANA ) : ss County of Gallatin) On tI,j, II: doy of -:m~ ] 97'7', before me, " notary public in and for ss.id State, p .. sanaLLy .:1pp,~.'3red _tiES.ILE:._l.LJ.:J.o.B.W.(lOIL ..___'___,_..__,.______._______.._,_ kno,m t'& me to be the F'erson_. ""ho'"e name i ~ subscribed to the within .._.___._.LL - --~~~- instrument, and acknowledged to me that __._2 ~'1e_,,_.__~__~~_~~_~,_,~~ executed the !:lame. :;:.' / ~..~I .~-~.~~~.'~~-~~.~,-~~_.- No ary for the S ta te (l f Hantala Residin~ at Bozeman, Montana Ny Commission Expires ~:2z;"'- /; 2!L I f/ 9 -_.,-- a:a2_"=::X_ -- 7- -,---,.-.----. " ,~ , ',- " -4- , . . . t ... " I f FILM 43 PAGEj.6GJ THE CITY OF BOZEMAN " I ~....-. -' ~'/ ,/., , i.' /' /' /, ~/ . ..'" /'. _'./ . v'c l. B~~~}=:;"Yor~~>/ ~ ATTEST: p /~ !E:.,:?~ Y,' . " ERNA v. IIARDINt ~., Cl?rk of the City Commission APPROVED; -', --'-., ~.".- " ' , ,. ."- ,"'" ....' './' .<::;.. ..-.~<l'"" ..;..._,..,......--"....~'"- . ,,./5 ",4'..' Y I ' City Attorney ~ STATE OF MONTANA ) ; ss County of Gallatin) 011 this ~,?_ ,iny of_.~-:ry__~__~, 19?_~_, bef.::>re me, the undersign.ed il N,otiny i"ubl:i.c foe thc~ Stace of !-'loom na, per-sonnally. appea red Edmund _ P. Sedivy, Sr., & Erna V. Harding ___ known to me to be the Mayor and Clerk of the City Commission respectively, of the City of Bozemant whose names !.He subscribed to the within ins t:rUInent and acknowl edged to me tha t they execu ted the same for snd on behalf of said City. IN WITNESS WlIEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial SCil1 on ttJl:~ day and year in this CertifiCdle first abovevJl'j t ten. W~~ ' _._ ~li~-~ Montana I "...~---. '.-.,." R""',i;'''- " ,. co,.',," fJ'" , ".../.I'';LI!.'.,__ l.: .l...,_::--;.L'. .'."'(:. ".~t _,)OL.\,f,.,an,1 110 ,,~n,i .......~" "~.'.--" ~".'(" \ .,.. '~. . 'f~" . ,,'... . ... L F'LA~-;-(CD --'-..'! .... 'I, C(MmiS..,lon Lqlu:es. -,_":::::.,",-o+~-(...J;r-/ y?/ ~..,............." - I '\ . , ( ,~, , ., ~tate of Montana I. 4!J182 " COunty of bl!ldll/l I 55. rile:.!.. _ _ J:19-Y 19 1 78 elL_ - --~-,:li2==-~ ~__~!,',!., ~nd , 'f ~ ~. ~ RC~~~~~i~{X~k6u~3- ;,--___of ------ - -- - -- - rage -16..5 9 ----~lJ;- ~~J~~---- __ ____ ~ Coun,y Clerk & Hccorder By_ t..d-e./~.~ .../ ~/ Deputy;; - Fee $_ - - - - - City of Bozeman Attn: Erna Harding