HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-14-18 BPC MinutesBOZEMAN PARKING COMMISSIONMINUTESThursday, Jun e 14, 2018,7:30 AMCall to Order - 7:30City Commission Chamber, GiÇ Hall, 121 Noith RouseMavor - Cvnthia Andrus: PresentCommittee Chair - Pamela Brvan: AbsentCommittee Member - Chris Naumann: PresentCommittee Member - James Ness: PresentCommittee Member - Shasta Winston: AbsentStaff - Chuck Winn: AbsentStaff - Ed Meece: PresentGhanqes to the AqendaNoneA.B.c.Committee Member - James Ness: MotionMavor - Cvnthia Andrus: ApproveCommittee Chair - Pamela Brvan: AbsentCommittee Member - Kellv Wiseman : AooroveCommittee Member - Ben Llovd: AbsentCommittee Member - Chris Naumann: AooroveCommittee Member - James Ness: AooroveCommittee Member - Shasta Winston: AbsentCommittee Member - Mark Esse: AonroveStaff- Chuck Winn: N\AStaff - Ed Meece: N\AD. Public Comment- Members of the audience or their agent maybe invited to present testimony or ev¡dence. To be recognized, eachperson desiring to give testimony or evidence shall step forward and, afterbeing recogn¡zed, give their name and address for the record. The pres¡d¡ng officer may establish a time frame for each public comment but inno case shall such timeframe be /ess than three (3) minutes per speaker.The presiding officer may lengthen or sho¡len the time allotted for publictestimony.Joseph Chyatte, 408 West Harrison, Bozeman; Mr. Chyatte discovered recently that the City doesnot exempt people with permanent handicap placards from residential parking permit fees. Mr.Chyatte requested that the Parking Commission look at a protocol and/or put in a permanentexemption for people with permanent handicap placards.Chair Naumann suggested that Mr. Chyatte follow up with Parking Manager Mr. Meece on theprogress of this topic.E. Action ltems1. Discuss/Approve/Deny appointment of Mark Egge to the BozemanParking Commission - Executive Committee. (See Attachment Exhibit 2)Commissioner Egge thanked the commission and stated that he was humbled to be added to theExecutive Committee and looks forward to investing more time into the Parking Commission andthe challenges and discussions ahead.Committee Member - James Ness: MotionCommittee Member - Kellv Wiseman : 2ndMavor - Cvnthia Andrus:Committee Chair - PamelaCommittee Member - Shasta Winston: AbsentCommittee Member - Mark Egge: ApproveStaff : Chuck Winn: N\AStaff - Ed Meece: N\A2. Discuss/Approve/Deny Parking Program Manager's recommendationfor expansion of the Montana State University Residential Parking PermitProgram to include the 900 Block of South Grand and W. Alderson betweenS. 14th and S. 15th. (See Attachment Exhibit 3)Mr. Meece gave some brief background about the requests for MSU - Residential Parking PermitDistrict expansion. Assistant City Manager Winn asked Mr. Meece to bring the Grand Streetexpansion to the Parking Commission, and Mr. Meece added the Alderson expansion because itwas made in early 2017 for many of the same reasons. Commissioner Wiseman pointed out that the people just outside the parking districts have thegreatest interest in the modification of districts.Commissioner Egge wanted clarification about the modification of the districts. He mentioned howthis approval will convert these few blocks from some of the most heavily utilized blocks to some ofthe least utilized blocks for parking. He also commented that adding these blocks to the district isnot going to remove the demand for parking that MSU generates. He would like the ParkingCommission to finish defining the process for the creation and management of residential parkingpermit districts.Mavor - Cvnthia Andrus: ApproveCommittee Member - Kellv Wiseman : ApproveCommittee Member - Ben Llovd: ApproveCommittee Member - Chris Naumann: ApproveStaff - Chuck Winn: N\AStaff - Ed Meece: N\A3. Review Lease Limit Calculation (as of 6/518), and prov¡de anygu¡dance to the Parking Program Manager. (See Attachment Exhibit 4)Mr. Meece explained BPC policy requires a quarterly report that shows the formula and calculationof how many garage parking permits we are allowed to sell. This calculation takes intoconsideration the UDC permits as well as peak hour occupancy. Mr. Meece is hopeful that with theT2 technology will provide better occupancy data, leading to better decisions about the sale ofgarage permits.There are 335 parking spots in the main garage and 100 spots in the basement garage. There are587 permits sold in the garage at this time. According to the calculations in this formula we shouldhave only 545 permits sold for the garage. Through attrition, we have been whittling the numberdown to the allowed/calculated amount - at least untilwe receive more updated data.Chair Naumann asked about the calculation, how Mr. Williams analyzed the data received, and ifthe data is taken from different time periods throughout the day on different days.Mr. Meece confirms that we will be looking for a trend in the data instead of just specific dates andtimes.Rob Pertzborn,111 N Tracy, asked how long we will be studying the trends and data before makingdecisions. He also commented that he thinks the parking garage is half empty a majority of thetime.Mayor Andrus asked why we are rationing down on the parking garage permits. Mr. Meeceexplained that we do not want to oversell the garage permits so that we are sure there is room topark for vehicles with and without a permit. Commissioner Wiseman comments that 54 UDC permits are for the Etha Hotel which is justbeginning construction and are not fully utilized.4. Discuss/Approve Deny Bozeman Parking Commission Resolution2018-04, A RESOLUTION OF THE BOZEMAN PARKING COMMISSIONOF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, RECOMMENDINGAMENDMENT OF THE FEE FOR CASH IN LIEU PAYMENT OPTION TOTHE OFF-STREET PARKING REQUlREMENT UNDER SECTION18.50.120 OF THE BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL CODE BY INCREASING THEFEE FROM $5000 TO 25,000.00 PER PARKING SPACE. (See AttachmentExhibit 5)Mr. Meece made a correction to the body of the resolution, changing the word City (Commission)to Parking (Commission). Mr. Meece pointed out that Mr. William's report suggests charging only600/o of the per-space cost for Cash ln Lieu parking. Mr. Meeice suggests 80% which is a' numberwhich equals about $25,000. Mr. Meece points out that according to municipal code the ParkingCommission would have the final say on any Cash ln Lieu requests.Chair Naumann comments that this is not a tool that has been used recently for parking, partly dueto the low amount. He also points out that the policy itself needs to be addressed and updated,and confirms that just changing the price does not check this off the list for issues needing to beaddressed.Commissioner Wiseman asked were the money is that has been collected in the past for Cash lnLieu.Mayor Andrus questioned why we aren't charging 100% of the per space costs. Mr. Meeceexplained that at 100% the demand would have to be met with more certainty to the suppliers ofthe Cash ln Lieu funds.Chair Naumann brings up the point that Cash ln Lieu is a form of public-private partnership withinthe community.Commissioner Lloyd commented about the discount, and also the incentive of gathering the parkingdemand and putting it in one space. He points out that the discussion used to be about surfaceparking and now the discussion is about structured parking spaces. Based on the lack of land costsin the calculation, there is an inherit discount built into the price.Rob Pertzborn,1l1 N Tracy, commented that Cash ln Lieu is a tool that is not being used today,and that we should be careful of unintended consequences. He also points out that housingdevelopment is much easier then commercial development. He cautions against the developmentof private parking that is only being used part of the time.Commissioner Ness asked if Cash ln Lieu can be used 100% to meet parking requirements.Mr. Meece explained that the code says 'all or part' of a development's parking needs can besatisfied by Cash ln Lieu.Commissioner Egge agrees that the current amount does not reflect the cost of building a parkingspace downtown. He also pointed out that we should be creating incentive for developers to wantto use this program. Commissioner Wiseman points out that the cost for building parking is very site specific. Hecomments that we should be addressing parking during development, and not relying on some daybuilding another parking garage.Mr. Meece states that structured parking could come in different forms and not just as multi-levelparking garage.Chair Naumann suggests not only modernizing the number but modernizing the policy behind it.Commissioner Ness states that he would like to hear more from the development community aboutthis issue.Commissioner Egge made a motion to edit the dollar amount of Cash and Lieu to be $18,000.There was no second.Chair Naumann asked if there is a motion to accept the resolution as it is (with the typographicalerror corrected).Commissioner Ness would like to have more information from who would be using the Cash lnLieu program to fund their parking requirement.Commissioner Egge commented that he would support a motion to create a time table for theincrease of Cash ln Lieu.Chair Naumann called for a vote to accept the resolution. The motion passed four to one.Committee Member - Ben Llovd: 2ndMavor - Cvnthia Andrus: ApproveCommittee Chair - Pamela Brvan: AbsentCommittee Member - Kellv Wiseman : ApproveCommittee Member - Shasta Winston: AbsentStaff - Chuck Winn: N\AStaff - Ed Meece: N\AF. Parking Program Manager Repoft, to include brief presentation ofthe reporting capabilities of new T2 software/LPR technology. (SeeAttachment Exhibit 6)Mr. Meece updated the Commission on the new T2 technology and the implementation of thelicense plate recognition system with both the parking garage and mobile enforcement.Chair Naumann asked about the Wealthvest conference. and the implementation of the couponcodes. Mr. Meece commented that the overall shuttle bus parking went well. The Coupon Codesystem did not work well, due to staff errors, however, it helped refine the process so that we areready for the next use of this type. G. New Business.Chair Naumann commented that the consulting team to update the downtown improvement planhas been selected, and the effort will kick-off in July.Adiournment.The next Bozeman Parking Commission meeting will be held July 12,20'18,7:30 am, at Gity Hall.Bozeman Parking Commission meetings are open to all members ofthe public. lf you have a disability that requires assisfance pleasecontact our ADA Coordinator, Chuck Winn 582-2307.H.