HomeMy WebLinkAbout83- Myers Wate Line Easement r. . _ _ ", , ',( I filM 76PAGE 36 Rf.: ,CJ.hy.of State oj Mont., County oj (mlLlIul, s,~ h,,!'d lor rN;onC MAV "Bozeman Lf 33 1: 30P, ,,< , " $ _ 0- . 19_ul__, 1.. (l/uf ri'Coufrd in t:()d,._",l~f2.,,__ of ~n~r. pag""' ~ ~J) 1 I~' \(<COI, PI' . ,09489 By Depuly IND~XEO X ' I"",," t. ~ EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WA AGREEMENl FOR A l>JATER LI NE THIS AGREEMENT. ~'ade and entered into thi s__~rd_____ day of March A. D. 19 Jll.... by and between R. P. an~ Eva Mae Myers, a marri ed couple of 5480 Sourdough Rd, Bozeman, MT parties of the first part. hereinafter called the Grantor s and THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. a municipal corpor- ation of the State-of Montana. in Gallatin County. the party of the second part, hereinafter called the Grantee. WIT N E SSE T H : WHEREAS. The Grantor~ are the legal record title owner of a portion of the NW~ of SW~, Section 32, T2S, R6E, M.P,M. WHEREAS. The Grantee, in the exercise of its power and authority as a municipality of the State of Montana, proposes to construct and install a water line and necessary appurtenances to serve various properties located within the whole portion to the City of Bozeman and one or more such lines would run -across the Grantors land, and WHEREAS, The Grantee des i res to acqui re from the Grantor s , and the Grantor s are w; 11 i ng to grant to the Grantee an ease- ment and right o-r-waY-across the above described property of the Grantor s ,and their heirs. executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, for the purpose of installing, operating. using, repair- ing, replacing, maintaining. and removing said water line and appurtenances and for such other ri ghts of access-"and-rnci dent.al rights as are hereinafter described. all as hereinafter more particul- arly provided. NOW. THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of $ 0,00 and other considerations in hand paid by the City of Bozema~~e receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. and in further consideration of the covenants and agreements between the parties hereto, the Grantor s have granted, bargained, sold, conveyed~ and confirmed and by these presents --DD-__ hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey, and confinll unto the said Grantee and its successors and assigns the following rights and privi leges forever: 1. A perpetual easement and right of way for the purpose of installing. operating, using, repairing. replacing, maintaining and removing a water line thereto upon and across the above described property of the Grantor.....L..... said easement and ,'ight of way to consist of a strip of land _Jhir..D'_J30) "_, ..__ feet in width being more particularly descnbed as follows: Beginning at a point on the west line of Section 32, T2S, R6E, P.M.M. which is 1537.28 feet north of the southwest corner of said Section 32, thence NOlo 07' DO" E a distanse of 1119.94 feet along said west line said Section 32, bhence S 89 33' 54" E a distance of thirty (30) feot; thence S 01 07' 00" W a distance of 1119.94 feet; thence N 89 37' 17" W a distance of thirty (30) feet to the point of beginning and containing 0.7713 acres. 'f( .. " " ., .- ,- I .- " .- fiLM 76 PAGE 37 2. The perpetual right of ingress and eRreqs tn and from .aid tract of land at all reasonable times for the purpose of installing, op.~atlng. u.ing, repairing, replacin~ and maintaining said water maln and for the removing of same if and vhen d..ired by the Crantee, its succcssors and a,.18ns: TO HAVE AND TO IDLD the above described rir,ht of way with aU the appurtenances and privilcRCS unto the aa id Grantee and to it. ,ucce.lora and alsigns forever. The Crantee hereby covenantl and ARrecs with the Grantor a. foil"".: 1. That. in connection with the installing, operating, u.ing, repairing, replacing, maintaining nnd removlnp" of add water main it will replace at ltl .01. eapen.e, all existing fcnces, ditches and other Appur- tenanc.. of .aid land that may he dfRturbed by ito opf'ration in a condition equal to the condition thereof exiAting before aaid operation. were begun, Clr 88 lWAr tll{,f'cto AS shall be r.a.onably po..tbls. 2. That. during operations involving pxcavation, it will remove the topsoil from the trench area to A depth of one foot, or to the full depth of the top9oil whichever is less. and .tockpile said topsoil for replacement over the trench. and viii remove from the site any large rocks or surplus excavated material or any kind of dehris th<lt may have been expo.ed by the excavation and t'f'mainil1~~ lifter backfilling 11 completed and w111 leAve the fintstl('d sur fRee in oubst8n- UaUy the ume condition that existed prinl- to the beginning of operation. except that the surface of backfilled areas may b. mounded lufficiently to prevent the formation of depressions after final .ettlement has taken plnce. 3. To op.rate. u.e and lMintnin SAid water main in ..uch manner AS will not hlndcr or prevent the proper cultivation of the tract throllt',h whlch this right of way 1. hereby granted. 4. In the event that it II 11 "U d become neceSflary for the Crante. to re-enter the Grantors pr~mi8es for the purpose of repairing. replacinR. maintaining or removing uid utility linea the Grantee will reimbllrt~e thc Gnntors for any actual damage done to the Grantors premises or cropB. - 2- .'," \ . ... , s. FlU~ 76 PAGE 38 The Crantor__ hereby c~venants And agrecs with the Grantee a6 f('llows: l. That at no time ....Ul they build, COllstruct, f'rl'ct or tnIlintain any permanent structure (lvcr or above the s.1id water....!IlQ..i.n.- unle99 8uch structure 19 built, constructed and maintained in 8uch a manner thnt it would n('lt interfere with the operation, URe, repair, mnlntain~nce, replncemcnt and removal of said water main . 2. That the Grantee may peaceably hold and enjoy the rlghto and privileges herein Kfanted without any interruption by the Crantor__ or ~ 8ucce88nfa and a81i8n8. 3. That they have been la....fully 8ei~cd of said premises: t hll t they have good right and lawful nuthority to sell the same and that they and their hclrs, executors, ad~in18trlltrr8, lucceS8or. and 4s8ignl, shall warrant and defend the title to .aid premises unto soid Grantee, and Its 8uccel80rs and a.slgns forever, againat the lawful claim and demand ('If all per.ona whomsoever. It i. understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that thl. Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, ~xecut~r., adminifitrntors, .ucce.sor and assigns of the Grantors and upC'ln the successor_ and a.sltns of the Grantee. l. That the gravel layer on Sourdouqh Road will be increased to 5 inches. 2. The contractor will be required to begin the project on the northern most end, near the four million gallon reservoir at Sourdough Road and Goldenstein Lane. 3. The City will guarantee that the contractor will replace the disturbed portions of Sourdough Road to the same, or improved, condition by the conclusion of the project. 4. That water taps will be extended to the edge of the right-of- way for the residents, Mr. R. P. t1yers, Jr. and Mr. Bill r~yers, for connection at a time convenient to the Grantor. -J. . . , fltM 76 PAGE 39 IN WITNESS WHERrOF, The sdid pJrties of the first part hav(} hereunto set their hands and seals Ule doy and year fir'st above writ ten. ~' ~" , ~ _~~G..------L!L~ --~~~ '.J STATE OF MONTANA ) (le;~~- : ss Co un ty 0 f Ga 11 at in) On this _~~~day of __~l....l1dk~_~~. 19__f-~, befOrejlC, ~ notdt'Y public in and for said State, personally appeared,.:f~-Z'LZ2J~~~__ 71tddJ <i-f!. fL~, !---'------- known to me to be the per'o~ \-Jh e narn~.' a; _ subscri bed to the with i n in, t r,m;enT ,--aii-cf -a-cl-nrn,ledg€cfTo i:;e- tha t 1~T- _n__ ____~~___~_~___._._..__ executpel the same. , l\\,...,Ulfli"'tlll, ). - ()(- .,'" '~" I' "" ,"'. ...\ ~ '/\ i"l ,.,~ ,G' ."",... , L,,'~ -'. - ;(tD.tl4....,/' J!ti^--- ,~,,->... --(I ~ ~.' "t. . ,:,~J-".~~. i,-_._ .___~_~_'_--- - ,..--- ..--- -. . ,,~ \ ,', tJotury !)llbl ic feJ)' the ~~:' .~.' . ~; _7 ~ 3 State of Montana (~'t ' ;: , '''''''''''',,''' ; Residing at Bozeman, Montana . ~ .--,,, , , , ~;.. "".,;e\' r~y)-:ofl1T11i 55 ion Expi res 't'\ '. ." 1"' t;. t"~,f' "I, t~ I..." .til",....~,., cjjl" /' , c /( ,:' c;~ ~,' - j. ~tla?J dJ /7, ,., , '. ~H' ~,.~' -,._._-"...............:~ "" ,- -"~_..!,.....--~ ,-....- ._.~ .-..--.-.---.. -4- . II . . . , r1LH 76 PAGE 40 THE CITY OF BOZEMAN BY:~~ # ~// ayor ATTEST: APPRoVEIl AS ro Fll~ --:!!1~-5 iJ ~ ~ rZ j},~~ City Attor~y ~ o In Sullivan C1 erk of the City COrTlmi ss i on APPROVED: /7i~ CUwuJJrrluc - ?J<4 t ~ City At orney L-,-' STATE OF MONTANA ) : 55 County of Ga 11 at in ) On this 2nd day of May , 19~, before me, the undersigned a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally, appeared Alfred M. Stiff and Robin L. Sullivan, known to me to be the Mayor and Clerk of the City Commission respectively, of the City of Bozeman, whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and aCknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of said City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal on the day and year in this Certificate first above written. ,\,,'flftH',,~ V / ..,,\ 11'1 .~r )/0 (2 C. J-l-< ,,'I'll ('~~~ 0}. ,~. I.. ~ , I.. .fr' /\ ...;.... ....... ' ~ fl. _ 1'...., ,....... Notary Public for the State of Montana N.~ '",', ,('\ 111 ~. , ~'\ ~ ;--.j:'(\; /, .f ~ ~ : ~ ,~~ ,~ :; Residing at Bozeman, Montana ,. . C 'to"'" - My Commission Expires 4, Jd'cf~ ~ :~ ,,~'~ (: \ ,.; :1 ': ". J..) i.J.,J. h,.-A", ff ~~, t" lI_. ~.. ~ ~ '\, J "It" ... ~~. ~ ....;:. ~../ ",r,.. 41 Ill.... II.." ~...,. ,,-,..., I" t: CF).\~ , ,'> I~., J, \'t' / '" /""" \\ ,,,,,, -5- .. . ~ 1. .. 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