HomeMy WebLinkAbout76- MT Country Coors, Inc. Easement ~ .. , . . '. . j ~ f A G R E E MEN T ." ;~.'~ ~S 1759 ~~_._-~~- THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 22nd day of December , 197~, by and between the CITY OF BOZEMAN, a municipal corporation, organized under the laws of the state of Montana, hereinafter called the Party of the First Part, and MOUNTAIN COUNTRY COORS, INC., hereinafter called the Party of the Second Part. WIT N E SSE T H : WHEREAS, the Party of the Second Part is the owner of certain real property located north of the city of Bozeman in the county of Gallatin, State of Montana, which real property is set out and described in full on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. WHEREAS, the Party of the Second Part has petitioned the city of Bozeman for permission to connect the property described herein with the existing sewer lines of the city of Bozeman at the point to which said lines have been presently extended, pursu- ant to the provisions and authority given by Section 11-1001, R.C.M., 1947, and as amended by the 1974 Legislative Assembly, and WHEREAS, the Party of the Second Part agrees to pay all fees and costs required by the city of Bozeman in connection therewith, and further agrees, upon request by the city of Bozeman, to consent to the annexation of the tract of land herein described to the city of Bozeman. NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed by and between the parties hereto, as follows: l. The Party of the Second Part may at any time hereafter connect the above described tract of land, includinq the improve- ments in place thereon or hereafter constructed with the existing sewer lines of the city of Bozeman, Montana, at the point to which said lines have been presently extended. :4 . , I . . l.?~O f \LM 3:; t... 2. It shall be and is hereby agreed that the Party of the First Part being the city of Bozeman, Montana, shall have full and final control on the type, condition, and amount of sewage entering the sanitary sewer mains. The Party of the Second Part hereby agrees to pay any and such fees as imposed by the city of Bozeman for processing and treatment of said sewage. 3. In consideration of the permission hereby granted to connect with the existing sewer lines as herein provided for, Second Party agrees to pay all costs and charges required by the city of Bozeman in connection therewith and agrees to pay all construction costs and charges incurred in the excavation for said sewer lines and the pipe and materials, including the laying thereof, used to connect the property herein described with the existing sewer lines of the city of Bozeman, and agrees that all work done in connection therewith shall be done pursu- ant to the plans and specifications furnished by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Montana and approved by the Bozeman City Engineer. 4. In consideration of the right to extend said sewer lines and connect thereto, Party of the Second Part agrees, that upon request by the city of Bozeman, Second Party will permit annexa- tion of the real property herein described into the incorporated limits of the city of Bozeman. THIS AGREEMENT is hereby made binding upon the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused these presents to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Municipal Corporation ,., PARTY OF THE FIRST PART: '\ - . / B '. ...'1. "'.' > '. ,. . ...y ..... IU.// .'_ ~ i ...-'. &:::r/.", <...." . .. ....,------'" {/ ....Mayo r " ,I / ~;. "..i ,.t 1'/. .. " /' .~ j . / i' "'..' ,,;-:.:.,:.' , ' '. (;..'" '" /d' .' .,' ~""""":' ~'>" ...,.~__~ Clerk I" ",// . .' . . .. 35 ~C'. 1 L '..JI ' ,'" lr 0.1 :;.,J;". .... II Description A tract of land in the Northwest one quarter (NW~) of Section Six (6), Township Two (2) South, Range Six (6) East, Montana Principal Meridian, Gallatin County, Montana and des- cribed as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Section Six (6), thence North 880 10' 08" East, along the north line of said Section Six (6), a distance of 425.07 feet to the southerly right of way of the Northern Pacific Railroad; Thence South 380 55' 00" East, along said right of way a distance of 1243.20 feet to an iron bolt found in place. Said bolt being the true point of beginning. Thence continuing along said right of way South 380 55' 00" East, a distance of 1293.29 feet to the northerly right of way of I-90; Thence along said right of way, along a curve to the left having a right of way radius of 2964.93 feet, through a central angle of 120 54' 52" for a distance of 668.29 feet to right of way Pt. Station 29 + 37.2; Thence continuing along said right of way, North 740 48' 50" West, a distance of 176.07 ft.; Thence North 010 49' 00" West, a distance of 714.53 feet to the point of beginning. Said tract being 6.055 acres along with and subject to any existing easements and in particular that City of Bozeman sewer easement as recorded in Miscellaneous Book 14, Page 393, Gallatin County Records. . . . , . . "'. . . j ...,'~ 3 ~- f \L \,\ , .~ ...' tJ \, ,-,' PARTY OF THE SECOND PART: MOUNTAIN COUNTRY COORS, INC. ..~--:>_.. '- ./ ,/ t /.(. (", ',- ,.' . ~... - James W. Kack STATE OF MONTANA ) County of Gallatin) On this 22 day of December 197 ~, before me, a Notary Public for the state of Montana, personally appeared James Vollmer, Mayor, and Erna V. Harding, Clerk, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instru- ", ;.: mer'l't., and acknowl edged to me that they executed the same on behalf <~~~'~":"ttl:~ ,.~. :,\\~TJU9.f th,e.city of Bozeman. 'i'~ . rli:: 'f- \. . -- i) )..,t ;..:.,' . '- .. ;'; .....~, ;r'~.. ,_ ~ .~ ~~""~ . Io.~ ," ; () ,))' Ir/I!LI ."', ....".. ..*' ~,\l"" '......... $-""" j J-- " ......... \. "...' \, : OF ~l('\"" ::\"", Notary Pp~lit for th~ State of Montana "U.'.IH\I~~\.\1 Residing at Bozeman, Montana My Commission expires /1/11 /} 7 STATE OF ~10NTANA ) County of Gallatin) On this dll41day of CLJP~" C- 197 ~_, before me, a Notary Public for the state of Montana, personally appeared James W. Kack, known to me to be the person whose name is sub- scribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. ,) ~~ ':':1 A~, ' ~-:'--_.--, . ~ ""'......~~ ......-t' ,- Notary--p. lic for the State of Montana t" ~ ...... Residing at Bozeman, ~ ,.! ,0j0'0. ~ ... .':\ .- , My Commi ss i on expi res __<, ~ I ~- / '? 7 Y ,/ / -r--- "- '<, "" """ Iri" .', -. ,\, .'. ". / 3 .-H'\1 0 INDEXED j/ It. t.)' ./..;... I PLATTED .. State of Montana } s" County of Gallatin 5. Filed_______;!'a!1ua!'L2---, 1977 at __~_; 19______.,.____~_. _~.;" d Ild f~ecordcd in bocv_ _35 n_ ot MI SCELLANEOUS p;jf'e__J.?5_9 ~.~___._' ---,-,-,., '._J CARL L. STUCKY -~;j-- .- Coo 'yCI .~ . , By - "~,._.. --- D puty fee $ -- --~~~ Rt: City of Bozeman