HomeMy WebLinkAbout63- Highway Commission Easement . . . . . ..." . .. . ~ , .RW .20 . STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF MONTANA HELENA ENCROACHMENT APPLICATION AND PERMIT .f-222 (13) ______u_u_____________________ \ C'l -<, (Project Affected) (Maintenance Number) APPLICA TION FOn PERMIT TO Install 8" and 12" Watermain and stub out one 10" (and one .8f_'_~~m:i,.tarySewe_:r Ma,ins.. (Insert Nature of Permit) l. Name of Applicant: City of Bozeman, Montana 2. Address of Applicant: 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana ') if Applicant is a Corporation give St;ll(.~ uf incorporation and names of President ;-mcl Secretary: t.). Municipal Corporation of State of Montana. '1. Nature of Permit desired: (Give sufficient detail to permit thorough understanding, and submit blueprints or sketches, in triplicate, if desired by Engineer.) Encroachment permit to extend and maintain an 8" watermain with necessary valves, hydrants and other appurtenances from the end of the existing valve at Station 14 + 29 to approximately Station 20 + 57 and extend a 12 inch main from this 8" main to the south at Station 16 + 84.5. Also to extend present 8 inch sanitary sewer main from M.H. at Station 14 + 13 across traveled way a distance of 75 feet more or less to serve area south of highway and to install a 10" sanitary vitrified tile sanitary sewer across the highway at Station 21 + 25 for future use. 5. Highway survey stations at or near which installations or struct.u res wi 11 be installed: See above description and attached plat. G. For 110W long a period is the permit desired: Indefinitely. 7. HlBMARKS: The above described installations are necessary to serve future developments in this area, installation is desired prior to construction of pavement. Water line will be aligned in curb parking strip. Installation of water line back of sidewalk would be in accessable for maintenance in emergency due to construction on slope and probable danger of washing slope embankment on coulee fill. Dated at Bozeman , Montana, this 16th day of October ,19 68 -___u__Cl-.IY__Ol'__B0~MAN. . ' _____ ____ _ _ _ I ~ I h d'L~, C ., !~ -gr~f:M~a-i~~:r):-f if (Signat~re--~TAI;pii~~;;t)- ----- (INSTRUCTIONS CONCF.RNING USE m~ THIS .PORl\1) Applicant will complete this form ill triplicate ~111i1 Ir,:I];;]11il il to the Division b;ngiIwer within w]lOse division the high- w,.'y affected is siluatcd. DivLsioJl Fnginccr;-, will, if niP applk:niOll j<, [01 :\ I'J;iWr etllTO,lChmcnL Le., insLlllation of water, sl"wI'r, approaches, gas, and irrig:l!ion pipI" I'te., ,md it' he' :1J.l[HUVCS ~lpplic;;li()n, sL:'11 pc\mit rOl'm on 1'('\'('I';o;e side hereof. If appJ icaUon is for major. enCl'oachn)(-'llL;, i.e, uti I "U,H! cl'u;",;lngs, !1 ttach i: I,!.': pipe' 1 i I 1l}S 1.0 hridge,;, etc., the Division l';ngi- neer will forward form in tripJie:1Cc through l)i';1 rici 1~II<.;illi.'~T to the lle]cn;1 ()f'ricc lug\,tilc'r with letter of trC\l]sIoittal giving full in[otTnation and recomm.endalion. When applic,ltion is :Ipprovc'll <tnd avv;iuI.nt lns :,jgnl'(j acceptance, the original will be delivered to him. If Permittee desires, he may sign acc("pUIr]CC :It lime o[ signing application. RW 20 HeV. l..1.~I:')-:)') F F. R ~; I 'r SU\)J~7(.:t to the foll()H.Lll? ter1n:; :':~~"ld GOl."l:L.ticmGJ tllC )x~:rIIlit a!)T::. i.L'U i',::,::.' .d~.','.(),:',- ';,1.i( l"':":',it:,~'~,,:,: s":"'.~(: hel~euf} if', hCl'(':bj" t\i'::~i1~:-::d,: , . 1.1; ~; 1"\1,. i, . ~;lj.,[) ~)Cl"1Jlit ~>~),all b.::~ ~~ l'u...ll f~)"::'l:( .-J..":,':-J ~~r"::'ce: ?:~[)l..:J. L":~ .iL~tc llcrf;('J;~ :_L:~.I.Jl::_ rr:.I.-(,.-~,i::\::. .:.;,::; ~::'C;:'(-:~: ;>,::"".)';i.,_~cd . Ej~.;,;,d~,L . :':;cnt:l l:;J.1'.:U...... ~H: j\; ,-" "" (": li.F VC)(-;p/r.l()l~.. II1hi.i" l)cnni t ITli:I..Y be ly:vc).l:..cd I)~{ :'-.lta t,c' -..WOl"' i'~,':' '/ i.~.., r ';:t C' ---- l":,..: I..'L~~::" '. t~: ....:.' . ~ ...., c.', ~l'~; .' ...;..L.("',,":. -,~,(" U:lC (ieV:.b.'c,:;n ~,;h:)vrn oj. I \ t,i~C u..ppl .i.c:"d;i__Jn ll~,:'rc'Lo :i.tt'~"(;i,K:a" ll\.d; l~ U:' ;Jt:d'JC' I'~ :G.:':l"\,i.::<; L,.~c c- oo .d. ,,__-,-;J . - ~, ' ' .': J " ~ :" I': ~;:'~"""'" l :'~::J' -: ; 'I. l',:.c (,'f(:'nt Pcrm,t-::.tc:'c 1::l'(::1'!:.~; dnJ o:~ the' c'.o;.\,',l Ltlun:::, o:r tl.'l'nl;;;', i:'.:C:t fortJ1 hi:".i'cin. )1.. CCII.IJI.i':W;r~ljCc:r'r Ol" WOEK. I",j'o vnr}~. :31n'11 'Ix: COllll!'lC'nCC(:j l.u~,t.il .!:"JcrTI,I."L-l",'l;(:(' i'lUtL'.i~~'::, J'.Y: :;Lu~. .i.:..J, <':."i.:'1( ':':' :.;--::- ~', ~', . ~ \:' ',." . __ ,_I ~ ~ l!_: ,~!Y'(.Ir:occ"" t':. 1.'."))"'Y.. '.:;. C']S:\.I::'~lr::',; TP :.1iC,IMj\Y. .l [' ~:}'Latc: ::r'",,:LnGc::3 "(,,:i 1(_'::,:l\'I;~'~J n~':(~l:'t,;3.it::...t:i... r'lS l:,:'.l,:'.'I,~'1U~:.l L~: :::tn,lctu.1'(:':::, "YC in :Tt':'~"'lld ',:,:lon t; i m:, tallcd L."'L'.(~(" ~~r.L:.,d..L ma,:(~I.: :'!.(:c~::,[~,~';ary C'i"lllIlC:,C:;:, 1."r"LthDUL:. ,~;:'~pf. ;'Lt:,C to :..;t::Ltj:~. ifi'h'rlC -iiW,,;o ,"dU,LE,':S FHOM CIAn,~:. 'i"n accl,:'Ft.LllC; t.'I":j,:, i)('l'T.ll:i.t the }-'Cl"nr.i..ttf::;'c') i ~,)UCI,::cc,::,cn~~i o~:' ;_~c,;::;i{)"ln, ':";~;::",J: l~U U.I,c: uaVl'~ ..i.t l'l,.~:r'lIllcGS f.::-um ;-)..1J.. c.~-I "i..lms, (.:1C:t.iOl}i] [)I' (i.::~mr~e::'~ c v l~'!.'~)- (L~;,(~l''':'pt.iv1 '",r:l.'.l.d1 ~';1i::1J ::!.(~Cl'U.C to;: or -..H:.' ;:)'nl':;>::T'(-~~'j -Dj'.l :L.L'l)' F~!'f~,r.:.m,s , c~o:cpor).t'i O~l::,j or propi:.~I't;lf lW :;:'C,':~::":Ol.l Dr ':'.1"1(: pt:.['rUnLli.J..:~.:,:~,: ;j 1 ] \,~"r"1 \'} ().::' L: ) C. ;~;tl.':j,(~t.(;::c 01' ;'ilJ':),tt'~I> hi..l.::; u:::,(~(J..1 or ,~ULC!1(::r i.ll~; lj\...~,'~,l:,J :,~.i.O'(1[; ,l lWiLl Lcna,Ecc CLJ~ op'::.'l'a t.ion} 0:':" bJ' t:olf.:." imp).~()::'.Il~r OC:~l1I!i:L,,'l~~Y o:.t' ;:.;1 i,d. ltli"';::rrn.y r'LIJhL at' 'i-l!1,Y, [:<.1111 in G:1Ui:~ ;J..lly s'ui t 01' a~ L.:,.on, ,i G 'b.L'OUi,::,hL ::~C,l, i.i'lnt t.il.!. flt~i..Lc "dlil ::1:::.'ts:ing ()'J.::' O'~~, 01' !)j' TC,-~~;';Cll of r)l' "~,:1.::' ::LIY~'l:': ::.' l,.'J. i., ~':::' ~j ) t.il(' Jl(-~rm':" ~tcc, i.t;;/l:l.iS 81WCt.:~:,~;[)rs or ,',..G~, L;~:l.l.lj.1 'i-."il.L, UI)()~l noLj_cc to it; h:L1::~ C-::..,r:l1:W. ~cf~r',':-:ld.', o:c' su(~h :"'1.C'~,L):~.l "thc- :::"'.~~I:'::' ,:i,;, ~ l,2, ., :...~,)::.' :~ ".1 c :,.:'(.!cn G,":"' il!'l:l ::,fi.. l:.i sfy :,'.n.j ,Tu::t(sn("~':"\t whL d.L In.ay 'o~-'.' l't:mle:::'cd. i,:{.[)l.i.,:,ltj'L t.:~c ~,; L:l,. t.;; .L.:": .,-. r;:,.:\:l~ :::', ',j.t oj:' ::-i..c"':/ F.i'lCiJ'ECT LU.l: rrH.i\_~I."l~'L~ . In:::::O"C~l..r a::.: t.iJ{'; :.'t :.;.'c.:" .J ~ .'n ':,t,,:,(.: "_",, .,,:', -::''l'':.~', '_. .. _ ,- _,,,.":..'..:' ~ :,:'. :~'~":':~('~:l, ,'.~11 ~1ork. ,!.x:r:t'(!rHl(:~d wld.cJ' t>ii.::-. 1)'':: ::'L:~:::"'~ bh::1J_l.1)~~ clone: wHlc':::' '~l-I(-: f',U.f)c::'vi,,[l i em of t.lf: D.i'/iG'Lu,t; ':':'r:. _i.r.:':! ~~ ',\.~ t,:",:'. ~.)~::':,j,.tf': ...,~__,,' .l. ',:i. ~l.~t:i ::~utl:!.c,l,riz"_'u ::ccprt.'~:J(~11t,at1vc:::;j :"':K"~ ;.",:'.:al,L j_r:d.'i,(:c~Lc l!~,l,.J'.r'.L(>rs t(, h:~ ~:~r'ccb,::'d.,\ the :1. i.:,!:h'l;il'"I,'" t':'~~~,i'I:,~ol' ,..~t ., i.[U,,1 i.)~-;.:;:,.('.t '.~; c:::" J.'.__,',:"','.~~~ ::~ ':"l._'.cl 1,{:,]."7':,chmf:~1l.1 nlD.nnf~""(' i.n \,("l.iCll tr\~l,C[,L(~ .Ls I~,C hdlll_L2..c:'j'j "'l.w.i ::;j,:n.;"l ;:;p::.'('ify t.o I"cr"O)i.tb:"c~ 1l0\{ 1';'(),Hl ::,'..U,'I:':j,C:;t: I.tj to l)C~ r'epl.3..ccd if i -:, .~~; ,,:~~'!.!?:::.\.l..:"-D(::,:j. ILI~ring op~.;.'r,::~tion[l, lJl.d; ::.:.alcl :;,~;p(-~rv.Lt,;lon ::','nn."1 i t.n W!."J..y e!LlerG \:'c to rC: :..icvc U..i::H~~'h,,1:!:'i..:.~C Perrn~.ttec frlJiTI ,U1J e,l' t.i.!,(-'~ 01.)1 ,i.C;s,Lio1'1;::'. ':i~;t-iill::",:,'.:'i. ':)~/ ,,\'CC(;pt,J..r),c(~ of this ~)f~T'mi,t} :"'~!ld c:J':Y~C'\ L.~l.! ~.i.J.O:3e ::.~c L f'urth :.In(lt'~r ~:;cc'i.:,j_()n l::.crcof. ,':1- i . (}i'.lHAY lJJM,I_i-L\(~l~. if t;:\~: \-lOr'I,;, do,nc 'l).nd.(,~ 1'" Ulif::: pr':r'mlt inl~l':~Tf('~'!'i:~~j in any 'I.'lay 'vil L11 ti')C' i.l.!':'J,.inagc~ of tLc ~)Lat.e h:i.eh\'/'-i..Y ").1't'ccte~d., Permi t.tC€: t;~1::.~:-:"i" ,_d, iV;"" r~;-:iJ~:.,l::':',C) m:'iY.~".' t~l.w,h prov.L:;i,'.)nr:, Lilc ;_;t!1,.t~.~ IIlC~S clirc~ct to t,,~~.i::(' Gal'l::~ (If s::,d.c1 d'~'C::Lln:~~C':c. !\T'J) Dl';.i.:~\I:J. lJpon el)mll}cti("!~'I, ()J.' 'iJOi c()nLcmplat~d L'U.Ldcl' t.l'rt:.> pcrmi L) all .t'"l.1bbi::',l1 '.1,)vi u(:IJris ::',haJJ bc' immcdia~~(;~.l,y remover] ,l.rlc'i t:':i"' r!):'~,''';''':L.LY ;.l.:"I!.i r'c.:::lib.L,Je J.(:,ft .Ln Cl. n€-',at ::"nd Fre:)(;.:.'n~abJ,.f:: cO!lCl1 Lion n:1 titj1"ac ~o:ry to the :3tatr;,:. 10. WOEK I.L~O BE C) lJ.pj:".:r{ V 1}~l~D H'1 i3'l'N~CE. J\~~_1 .."n:::,1\. COl'ltenlp:_.atcd. llnder t~liG p{~'r'mlt f;~::"'"l.11 :'JE-: dc.~nc "lV,"!dl,,:r 'l"he supc~rvi.rJ.L()n of' i_~n\l. to the :3,,~t~_Gr,.I.(~t i.nn ui:' ':~-I.rt, ",or' LZf: ,J. l'c:T)-('('~~"I.~ntattvl:'~ 0;' ':JJ~c ;_Ita t".:~} tYK" ~31:;at(; Jl(':I'f.:..\L:,y :CCGC:")"V(',::, tlK' r-i,;:.~:~,t O:r:.I:,-'~" t,~'.~'~ r"':~1:...L::.-.:.r~C oX' ~ ()!.:,~~'~,iO.':l. eJT rer:.iov:,:~J. u~:' ,;.',':=.' :'-trl.!e Ln.:n:' i)'P i.!.:;.st;,::~l':_:,~ti.()(l '~~ut.h,("n',i_zcd 'i\/ t';l.L~'j pcnr1i~:, ".tl:. ;:'~.ny t.i,l.l'\r:~, ~;:.:.~i.d Cl.'I!ll'lg(.-,;,; or re:TI1v,r:,:. i,o I'L.\.\3,,:: ;.:1,'1, LliC :30:1,~~ f,::':':I:)(:{l:::,c' tll<:: 'Fcr'ol,'_ttr:':'. Lt. ,3_L',ij,'i.IE I S IUCH,!1 "I'K/I: rrc l:l".'?:rLJiFl~H}:[) UTrrH. /\,11 ~:n~cl1 ('.1'1:..l.nc/.::~~) rCCOnGtl'\.:.(:t.i~lC or relocation nh.Lll bc li(J'r:~ by Pcrmi ttt.;e iLl ::~ucl1 :'l rrl1L'l::)e_~' a::: 'dill c8,USC th.{-: ~i,(:'8,::~ G i:n,t~J.~ft-~:r.'cnce with any or' the ;3u'l.. tc~ I f.l w'orl"\:j n..rHl t,h~ 3'La te Gha 11 1n !'.l.O H.l~'!1::' 'oc liab_Le fo.j::" any dn,rll.tlgt':,~ to elK: F~"~rmi 'f;-l',!_',(, by reason or an.y G'l::ch \,Juri;;-. by i::.r.le St':.l..te, its n,gentf;} cont:ru,(~tors- or r~"~p.['{-: t;en't,], ti v(-:u} or I)y t'I:(':: exercise of ,:UlY riF)',ts by the ~3tn.tE-:~ upOL l~,I.K: l.!.ighrJay[, by t~iC i:'~St;l:! -: '=L'LlonG o:!,"' ~truct1..]re[; placed 'lw:lcr this F=l~mlt. L". :-;:;:;;L-.I0VAL C:i' ,~~: ~~7~'T\LiP.ti~-~'~'~::: OI'~ ;31..i.T~,'([y~':::t:i~:S. (f'11 (~.ss \,;aive(i bj thc~ :>t:.~.:..:,.::.1 l.P)IX' -::,(:r":':~.1..~'_:::,,I..:.::",,~, ,. , ~,~_':' ,r.' '~~::::-:-,-.~_ ~ ~~:~::: ~.;~::;:~l~ 1.~E:rn()Vt-:' fLc ._ . ~-,r.""~~,-- "---'- .'. ., -~:::-:,:ll..~.\...~:"'.ion:'3 ;'~.:.~ Lj",~l",.~C;('U:;"::[, ~c~::.tcmr:.:.:.-:.-..t:i ':::y t':n~"i.;; .:?c::-'1ni~ ,l.:".,:i .:'('=,tOTc~ t '~:: r:::"::':':::'::':;::c,s ~.':.' .- '.. -~' -' . .'" . :,~_.'~:: Hi" ~_~_'c..c:c::" U~";():l . ;(, ~:.H.!l!~ ~J..:(.1",~C:'" t.:~ i.::; :.',!:'::':<.,':::) .C'~_:.':~::, c,::', :'~ . (: ':"'":~.L ')r:~.:':'~.~~"" ;..:C,'.":.:::: :~~';:i ",e"..~' '~'..~::.'1 },:'~~':l'.'<"~: ::::r: '" .....-. --,' -,-' ~, " ..', '.', ", ,. ~ ::, ,- ,. -- -,-., '.t. j, ei:Tl':" 0t,-:C: _ ._ _._.~~ J'" , ,. . :11,) Lru,,;., e':"~CC) ;':'<". 1',:;\ i :?rL.l'-j!\/H;"i~ AT :i~XP1:IK)J~ OF Pl!;'.mv1rrlt:F;. Pcrmj.ttee ~;h:..:~l";" )":i":ii~it::,,lll) 'l,.t :.'~:,~;/ ~Ll_S :;;0_>: C~'_i.K:~l:::",(.' :' I ~ : Lll~.;l.,;_~~_l~l.t~.!J ',~, ::J..i'~:..l :=',tJ:"1lc.ti.l.,n:~j for thl.:.; L)cl'mj.t 'Lti i.';r'ant~:~(1.... 1n a co"\d.i..t,lon cnt..i.,nf:.::;.ctory tD the :3t;\.t~-:. .LI+. 1:'1'1\"'; I'IO'J.' L'C1\m.J<: 1''1.)]1 1.l!\JcIAGll 'ro L(;'I'ALIATlOrll,i. Lll. t'J,.c.eeptLl:..::~ 1..:.1::15.[', l)(:~rlnl L tj,lC~ Pe.nni L Lee : l,r;r~:t':::'tl L;h::~l:. any dU,HlllCC or tll,JU,I')1' ;j(,:,nc to c"dJl .i.n;::tallu-l:,iCino or ~'jtructu]~e~; by a c.o.l'lt:c'acLor ''i'Jorkl~lC; for th:.; St,:~'~Cj (n' l<j' c:~ny Gtu,te cm.~)loyc(-~ ('::l1UJ.gcd irl cO~'I~,;.t-,ruc Lion) :.I,._~_ter,~'\.':',.ion} rcp:d.I'} r:lf'".LntenU.rl(!(> OJ:: ::'L'lll,("(')"JO't!lcnt of thE'! StatE': r.ltf..:;l1vraYJ shall lx' ;J..t th(:: f~olc c:;q")\-:J'u,c of th:-: 'i.\~r>"[ni'Ltc(~. .l.~) . ,:;'Tl\T~ I1.D REU';.lill!Ii_,ED FOE lUclAl1WIG HOA1N~Y. Upon oeil'lg "b.i'.LLcd. t~i'i,("~rC'.f'm:.> .PCTT:li,t-;:'f~t:.' :J,C::'~CCG to proti.l})tl~i r'e..Lmoursc 0T_,att,: .cor ,:~ny c;q")\':nn~ Lnc.1J.rTc(} LJ,l l'Cr:,.:j."l':"'i.ng surfn.Gf.~ 01.' ronaW!.l~Y due to settl C:'DlC!:nt at i rt:jt:.:~_~_ln..ticm} 01' fm.~ '~"\';" "~',~'IC::'" (1.~l,.m,.Lf:Y t.o rOJ,c.1'.<n\y a~::; \.1 result or the 'I-lor};: j!!:'7 t:' furmed. u'I1;.1".::-r Gl15, G ~')i:::r'm.i l..,. (/.l.l'r-iEI, cor:lH'.L' ~,nF~'3 ,;'L'i.D/UP R}j\'J\IOC3. Dated <'it .~~-, ( _7( 'Ll..\.,. (,.~":" "l : ;::,Cl'l t~<::~~kl J tj') '?'.>C ,t L L JX~;j (' I L.) <" (<-- :::- ,,-, (;. rpllC lmdcl'::-,ie;n,ecl) 'Lllc tTh~I"lJ11 t. t.CC~!t mL'ntionf~d. L~l l;he fc.J.'E:'- STATE: HIGHWAY COMMISSION U) LnG in:3tJ'llment, I'li...:rc.'by :,I!GGepl~s tbi D permit, t\)Gc th,er . '~l'i t.'il dl1 of the: t.ernl:'> ~:~nd c.ond.:Ltion:3 G~1::, l'ort.ll tll~Tr.::;ln. . .. /t! /./// .,< '/ ,/(;' f "L. ,,----'2S"~, ~.I':. )z '(~ < :2:' ::::,~~~,~~ --- --~~. ~- . q ).~-:~) (.> ...Z.,(-' l... ;.", C ...,~ J.-" l ~~.'''n~~_~~'.'''~''~r~T'lTl.~n~'--''-'~ _nm....."---....(i'.lace ) n'~..__.'.~'~ . . . . ~ . ~ ~ .... . ._-----,. . . . .. . . , MONT ANA HIGHWAY COMMISSION @;;"'" COMMISSION ~ " AL.~X BL.E:WE:TT. CHAIRMAN GRE;AT F'ALL..,S S. N. HAL.VORSON. VICE CHAIRMAN TIM BABCOCK KAI,..,ISPELL GOVERNOR JOSE;;PH M. NASS. MEMBER POPl"AR LEWIS M CHITTIM ARNOL.D M. SWANSON. M~MBE;R ACTING STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER BOZEMAN DAL.L.AS W. VAN DELINDER. MEMBE;R Bll..LlNGs JOHN D. WHEEL.ER. SE;CRETARY HELENA, IN REPL.Y RE:FE:R TO: Nov 25, 1968 City of Bozeman 411 East Main St. Bozeman, Montana SUBJECT: F 222 (13) Gentlemen: Attached is your approved copy of the Encroachment Appli- cation and PermiL you requested on subject project. Yours truly, . bfC~/.. d6_/.~~<t:~' Richard L. Miller Di v Mtc Supr RLM/bm cc: R. B. Dundas Attached