HomeMy WebLinkAbout78- MT Industrial Development Corp. Easement City of nOze'11an T7;;:;o;FO v----~~ , Rt: , l...LitU1..":/L__ __ j r ILM 46 F^G[ 1878 '. , " . , , ' . . 5:-:'~11 "'+;'~e of" Mont., County of G::-d!atin. ss Filed tor recerd____________~~~ to ~.:~_~_______, I ~ 78 . .t_____~_:...:?_Q____ PM., and reconied irl ~;,)GI(__~_Q.__ cL~~JlCE_LLAD~gus .__ p3ge ltl78 __~__. f!t'Alfl 01.: _.Slu.t'i--.__________EcGorr':cr. 8y,,~a-f-' ~,,~put)' EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY AGREEMENT FOR A WATER LINE THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this 4th day of October A. D. 197 8 , by and between Montana Industrial Development Corp. partL_ of the fi rst part, hereinafter called the Grantor__ and THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a municipal corporation of the State of Montana, in Gallatin County, the party of the second part, hereinafter called the Grantee. WIT N E SSE T H : WHEREAS, The Grantor__ is the legal record title owner of Property in the Northeast Annexation to the City of Bozeman more particularly described below, and WHEREAS, The Grantee, in the exercise of its power and authority as a municipality of the State of Montana, proposes to construct and install water lines and necessary appurtenances to serve various properties located within the Northeast portion of the City of Bozeman and one or more such lines would run across the Grantors land; and WHEREAS, The Grantee desires to acquire from the Grantor ,and the Grantor is willing to grant to the Grantee an easemenr-and right of waY-across the above described property of the Grantor , and its heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, for the purpose of installing, operating, using, repairing, replacing, maintaining, and removing said water line and appurtenances and for such other rights of access and incidental rights as are hereinafter described, all as hereinafter more particularly pro- vided. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of $ and other considerations in hand ~id by the City of Bozeman, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and in further consideration of the covenants and agreements between the parties hereto, the Grantor hi'! c; aranted, bargained, sold, conveyed, and confirmed and by these presents oes hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey, and confirm unto the said Grantee and its successors and assigns the follow- ing rights and privileges forever: l. A perpetual easement and right of way for the purpose of installing, operating, uSing, repairing, replacing, maintaining and removing a sanitary sewer thereto upon and across the above described property of the Grantor ,said easement and right of way to consist of a strip of land 30-- feet in width being more particularly described as follows: An easement located in the Northeast 1/4, Section 6, Township 2 South, Range 6 East, Montana Principal Meridian, Gallatin County, Montana, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 9 of the Bomont Center Subdivision, City of Bozeman, Montana; thence North 090 44' 25" East, a distance of 15.22 feet to the point of true beginning. The permanent utility easement is located 15.0 feet on each side of the following described centerline with a 15.0 foot construction easement contiguous and adjacent to each side of the permanent utility easement; thence South 700 351 22" East, ~ distance o! 280.00 - feet,.said permanent utility easement contains 0.19 - acres. Sald easement termlnates at the west railroad right-of-way fence. , - , . .' , , '. , ' , . ..., . . . . . . FILM 46 F^Gf 1879 T'\:>c~ .t},r:.' rr, l,~ ; .'.J .1 ~,'~,V) t ~,:~ :',:i l~~ ',;!'~' i''''~ ''''. ,:,-\ :'",'. (,;. t '[' de 'l. 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".'H:tpl (',l:d ",~,n,,;J ':.,<'.i I, :..,ti..~,~',i.\"',,',~, t~.;I,~ Ci,("'~'.t,:~r~(,d "~' ,-- ("t h~,~t~.:'~,(, t 1 t h (::. ~") ~:': :"qe C, f) '].,j i t 1.. (.:: c, ':t 'I ~,:~i t c.~,:< ~, .s !: (.: d i:::: 1,'.'i., 1;<\ , ,_,,~ l",' ('. '.1.. ::-;, () I,-1",? A I~-' L'y':,CC~)t Lt.);.'!!. ~.', ',it:: S'L:I" r:C'f:':' of .'ll I" ~i 1:1 'r<'11 rp'~") 1) t:~ ran '1..,1, \"'? ~ ~ t:~'" d s u f i: i J., en t. r 0 1" :';}.'\'"" (~n t the ~: "'~i :rrr~.8 tic: (:! 'L d c" r~ r. r,;:;' F:i. (J ~",~ \,~1 :'" (1.l." f ru,',:, L r' t. i(.~n:>,,:,', \.'1 i! h.3, s t 11~c rl r~}. e, {>".:.: oil 3 ~, 'I;~') ':',-'P f;, I' i.1 t ,~ U 'F.: ~~;:. Jj r1d rntt;.i. t'i t. 0. ~;:'. J.'i, ;::~ ,~, J. <:~ ".._"",',.." "u.,^._'''~~'"_''''~ ,,,,,_,,,,., ,,,.~..~,,,,._~ ."._~.'~.." _, _""..,_~_,",.._ .....~ 1.:1 Hudt mann(>;r as will nct hjw,'c', \.H~.'r:\t (iH> ~"~"...~--_.~"--'''_._~.'~-''.'-,-,-~,~"~~- proper cultivation of the tract through ~hich thf right · way i hereby granted. 4", Tn the ':'Vf~ct that it fihc\dd become 'I~(OC(' f:;:.'T'V lor t:lH~ (':';r,,~1t1.tf:':f~ t_o t..(I,....ent'2r th(~. Cr.:1,t1tnr::~ pri~-"LTii.sE~S fcy thf! P: ,rp()::~~ of repairing, l'eplacin~, 8nintaining or r~ncv1n~ said utility 1ioc:-.; ttH~ Cra.nt(:e \iJi.ll u>irnrure,,' the Grantori' [er .-::ny actuaL d .~-i. ;~1.~~ '."' f~ d c r~t:~ t nth f~ r; r ", fi t ("1"[ ~~ j) ':~'~~m i _I~ (: S \,.,. i, C~: (: ;~ :.: . . . .- \ . . - ... . . . .!~;' ,'. FIU-I 46 r'm 1880 ';', (, \ i t".(i 1" ,', '" r ','I: ','"' ;-") ",j ~',~ ! '.', t:i. I " r _ ;-:' ".:: ,',1 \.. ',:' A'''', :.... (" -. .~~ - .,,_.,~ 1 t .L '- ';. ~ ': , , h~ L ,L,; I., ',~ \ \".. ..- C' ,."!.l". . 1 S t, r' ,.1;',: ( .l',. r:,'\.," I.'. '.1'. d C .. . ,,~~.~"''' .. - ",_.... unI .~::~ s ';.:;, ~:~, c;: (' f"l..~ct\".r(;. b\J\ I :;....c. "-':',. (I.: :1 a r' 1"1 f'l ('i.~' (; i :'; tJ'{>:U '.\. I,'~ 1"'> r:: c: ., " .. ;':., ". vi t. h th,t.\. .,p,c':ratLon, '1..1,.8 ~,::, ~ :~ '::~', ~.,' ix, 1'1. :i '~. /1 i n ~,.::\ n t;:', '~'.? , C r~ {.'-, 1. ,3 C 1."l,d t'l:~',rnov a 1. (, f SElid v~La t.~:::! (' ~"1 ~~,\ 0 _.~~""'~'-''''''''''''''''~''''''''''''.'----~,~-,~,-,~._~"."--~,,,''~-~.~,,-~~.'"~_."-'''''''-_.~'.',.~~,,~--,'~'' :) That l:.he Grantee- may peac('~,'h 1 y bt,l (] (1 nd '" :l j oy t tie r.- i y}-. t.:. ,~~ and pr'i.v.i 1.eg~s herein .:".' "'",-11"": t c,d 'VJJ. t.hCl,.1 t :"tny 1 n ~.. e rrup t l.Ci tl by c:' - the (;ra nt.or Gr he't. ~::: u c c P .I,.~ ~":.j n ;~ f'; and a r.~ :.~ i. :'~,ns t -- ---..-.,,..,..,. "1 Tba t tl:l(~~V have been ta.\,!flJ]. Ly (;C, i. zed C'f. sa";.d :? rcn:, i ~~, ~~ ~i ; t.hn t -' . they have g()f,:d r1,;.;111. and 1..'1\,,;' fu 1 .1ut.h l'~t cv ~" .~ t:c 11 tht. ','nmE L (,.\ .'lnll th~1t' th..-"y dn,;:I thi" il' h c i r-; , c x ~::.. ;~. u r i"1 I" :") ~ .::tc;xn"L \l 'i s t t-;>, t Cl r:~, ~ "~ u (: C (' ;,; S 0 l' ,; and a.~;s , 8h:::11 v..I;l!.."'ran[ :.1nd dc';;c :lei th(, t .; '.:. j c' try SHid r~J:mi~^es unto s/1. 'i d G ~ ,".~ n t (~e ,. o1lVi it,; ~~\.lC c <~ s S'~:lr8 ilad '~.l. s ~.'i 1 g \:,"} ,;':~ fc,rever, aga in,;t the 1 3.T.'-I' r u 1 cLL:1 ace d, r:d (' -{ aLL p('rS008 ~lh on; ~:; r~ ev c' r ~ 1 t ~ :~ .~.: l~ t't e,~' s 1: 006 an,d Ll. ~~,,1: P ~> (:'i \)y :1d bCl ~'T.....lee ["1 ;..hf :")':;!: :~ i e s he,'" I'.' ri'L., I. 'I ~ I ,: :- ~ '- (, (,:". r, t s j.<:1 \ :. be btndil":\'_ 'i",~ ';)O~) h( L r~, " ',l X (:' C: 1,). t. t' 'r :.~ ,I 2. (1'n ~"~. . II r'. :."1 r n . :. j .\~ i! J. _" ,,,; ~ { ('. ,c~,\, ~'i ~::; ( , r .:'i n<! (';, ;:. 0,)' :~,> 1'-; ;:~ , j ",.1 :..:~ r 3, ~~( t. 0 T" ~,... ;1 [1.' (.... I ~ .hl-"'"< 1.1 ',. C, (: S s~.., ~., :; ., ;,'; ,~': i.. ~.I ':.~ '\1:;': <. t \., ;.Ira \:,.: .;.(. . .... , . . .' , FILM 46 rHf 1881 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said parties ~f the first part have hereunto set thar hands and seals the day and year first above written. .:' ," )" MONTANA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION .:~t.,,:.;/ ". fl. > '" ...,~ ~:; (.) .. , .1J~:t~. ... .- " By: .. H. B. Lan e, Vice President ATTEST: J;;;'f--- / / / ib- / I' , I' /'/.1 . Secretary _~I STATE OF MONTANA ) : ss county of Galla tin) On this 25th day of Sept. in the year 19_~, before me, a Notary Public in and for said State personally appeared President H. B. :L.ANDOE known to me to be the of the corporation that executed the within instrument or the person who executed the instrument on behalf of ~id corporation. and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. ~ 10 "r '"./ . flAiL; J \/_ / It {^'l/~J.I Notary Public for the st te of Montana , Residing at Bozeman, Monta~a, My Commission Expires -4- . . . . .. . r . , . . ilL ~ 46 r',~H 1882 THE CITY OF BOZEMAN / .,/ ;;:::L /. ....,~;>~// //;:;;-~. ".. / , ' BX' .. ,,/ ,<;;;1'/.........--< c-? /' ,Le \ ....) \:' ~ ._.,~c?-J.~-!=--.,,="..,..._..-,II:':-.r7/- ,-" /" :\. ....,. . ( / - ~Y-Qt:--'-,../ \./ i' ,I ".: . r' " {" ~ \ '\ ,'/') ~-::..~~- . "....... ..~ ,I' / AtTEST: , ., \ , i',;:> 1/ ,. <~?: / .-, __, /~/.;;._ (._ t' W.' < . ~-7-::d/. i , ('" ,. (' -~ ,,~.- '~. _ ERNfl; V. HARDING, ./ Clerk of the City Commission ... APPROVED: ,'-. -. ./ ') ."'.<" ot""l..-,. J-./,'l l '/','" .../ - / l~./ J'.' City Attorney , ;/ , r STATE OF MONTANA ) : ss County or Gallatin) On this 4tb day of October , 197~, before me, the undersigned a Notary Public for the State of Monb3na, personnally, appeared Edmund P. Sedivy, Sr., & Erna V. Harding known to me to be the Mayor and Clerk of the City Commission respectively, of the City of Bozeman, whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of said City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal on the day and year in this Certificate first above written. " ub 1 ic for the S ta te of Monta na Residl g at Bozeman, Montana Hy Commission Expires '),a,u,' "J (', /tlk-; / ' . . . \ . . . . ~ , r .. . . , , , . '. ' f~ , . . .. ... ~ r;~ T Z 5 idj RG7E fl . . 46 P!GE1883 & FILM :\ SEcTION '" . SCALE J'. 58 LOT 10 ------- J CON"'STRUCnO).,J EASE ME"-lT 60LD -- -__ AVENUE __ -~. ~J ~ PEI'eAMANaJT EA6<::MENT -_ If) _ ---..... -- ----- [, -- - 15.ZZ' -. - ~ - -:::------.:-__ --- T----~-J -- --- - ....... __ S ? 0, __ --- ___ ___ ______ ---- ~ 35' :0. ~ -- -- 11) 'r- .e,BO~~ i __ __ ~ _ ______________ I;) - ~- , - -- ------- . -.. t\j -- -- -- --- , LOT 9 . - - _ -.. _ i<J ~. - - -.. -----'~ - - ,----- -- -- ' -- '" COt-.lSTI2OC1]C>N r=A5EW$JT ~ - - --r--!iJ 4' o /---- ~ I I ~.~ eOUNCAR'( Ll "-l e a::- BDMONT CENTER SUE1D. > 111 E' r<11 L WAU K I:-E Ro.AD R. K". Pl<OPER"lY Ll t-.1~ CITY OF E~ZEMAN UTILnY EASEMENT I ~ - ,,",,,.-. , , \.''011,,:_. I . I , I .--_~_. ___,._:~":'::'.J ...~ . . -. ~ ~ -~- ~'-,~ , - .'-'''. ..._. . 1"__""..",.1.,:11-:,'\.//,",, ".'''''~,.~,..:,...,...".,.., !..,".,',' ,\ ",<.,'c.,', ~< ,...." .' ~ , . 'l. . . -