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RIGHT OF HAY APPLICATION NO. 761() , AFFECTING TIIE SEJ.S~t, SEC. 13, T't,lP. 2S., HGE. 5E., GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA. ~ No._._ _ _ _ ~ k.27..9.5_ _ _ _ _ - -- fILM 36,fj\{;E 193 ~;3 Fonn R. 48-1M RIGHT OF WAY DEED IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF MONTANA ~o g,ll ~O &l)orn ~l)e~e 10re~ent~ ~lJall Qtome: Know ye that the State of Montana, in consideration of the sum o~-:=':.-:=':'..-:=::.-_-=:::..-=:::..- _________________________________________________NO CHARGE-----------------------------------------[)ollars -----------------------------------------------------~---------------------- , now paid, grants to =:.-:..-=:.-_-==-:-::.'":::"==-:.-=:-:.-==-:.-=ILIE_ 91T1_ Q..1::. 12Q..~E;t11J'l..,_ JI1.0!11 ~N_A---------------:=::.-=:__-=::. , a rig ht of way fori ~-=::,-_-=::,-_-=::::,"::"=::,-:,"=:.ltg; _ tpE~IR.Yf!I.9lJ _01'_ '.l1'21@1.:ffi. .l^l~1~ _ ~I1J]/:.-:=::.-..:-=:.-.;=::.-:.-=:.-:.-=::.-:. --------------------,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------~----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________~_____________________________________________M_________________~__________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- upon and across state lands, as follows: A tract or strip of land in the s~sEi, Section 1:3, TOvmship 2 South, Range 5 East, Principal Meridian tiontana, Ga11atin County, Hontana, more particularly described as follows: Ii permanent utility easement 30 feet in Irudth, 1) feet on each side of the follovring described center line, and a construction easement 1) feet in width, on each side, parallel nnd conLiguous with the permanent utility easement. Beginning at the South One-sixteenth Corner of the Southeast One-quarter, 3cction 13, Township 2 South, H.ange 5 Ea::;t, Principal Meridian Montnna, Gallatin County, Montana; thence North LV)Q Oh' 14" I~ast, nlong Uie East-viest Section Line, a distance of LI-7 -37 feet to the true point of beginninG; thence North, a distance of 830.00 feet, with the permanent utility easement containing 0.572 of nn acre, more or le~)s. . The grantee herein specifically ac;rees that the said water line shall be buried belovJ plow depth so as ~ not to interfere with the use and cultivation of the land. It is also understood alld agreed that the State - and its lessees and purchasers shall have the right to occupy, use and fully en,:;oy the surface of the right of way hereby granted, to seed, cultivate and hnrvest crops thereon; and that the said grantee and its successor~; and assiGns shall pay any damages which may result to the crops, fencer;, and other property or interests of the lessees and purchaserr3 from the Stnte by reason of the la;)ring, maintnining, operatinG or _,''''''.""li"I.', '_.11' VI!::,. .1,.':',1 ,,,_rtV',I J.;.r'lCt .~nd."t~~.g.f...,<;luch ~mae:es if not mllt.llp1ly pr:n"pprl lln()n~ sh.<11} rJ(' ascertained and determined by three disinterested persons, one OJ' whom S:1311 be appointed by the lessee or purchaser of the land, his heirs or assigns, one by the grantee herein its successors or assigns, and the tl:cird by the two so appointed. The nward of such three persons shall be final and conclusive on both parties; and that the State and its le,;sees and/or purchasers \Vill not be liable for any damages to the . above mentioned water line resulting from the occupancy, use and enjoyment of the surface of the right of ,'lay hereby granted. It is also understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that if any conflict should arise, this easement s11all be inferior and subject to any easement heretofore or hereafter granted in the saici lands for public highways. It is further agreed by the c;rantee that all disturbed area shall be backfilled, graded, acd revegetated to the satisfaction of the State. If the first seeding of compatible grass species does not germinate to the satis.faction of the Department, the grantee may be required to reseed in those areas open to erosion and weeds. Innccordance with Chapter 25 of Title 81, Revised Codes of Montana 19L.7, the State Antiquities Act, if the grantee or the grantee's agents while conducting any activity on the land covered hereby, discover any historic, prehistoric, archaeologic, paleontoloGic, scientific or cultural object as defined in the Act, the grantee shall promptly report the discovery to the Montana Department of Fish (ud Game and shall take all reasonable steps to preserve the object and discovery site. It is also agreed that the grantee Hill comply with such rules or regulations as may be hereafter imposed by the State Board of Land Commissioners to inS1ll'e that the environment "'7i11 be adequately protected and the public health and safety not be endangered. .,._~.,.,-,---,-~,.'. .- .,,- ..,------ ,.. - - ~---_. -. -"'._--_.,----,---,~--"~-"'._--_..__.~-.".-'-------,...- ~/.--.... / /~... ~.-..- ~..... /..-....-. ./ ----... ~, .~./ /~ .,,--- / / //" /"/ ./ ./ ./ /' ,/' ----~-"'~ ...... ./ ./ ./ .. . ,.# . .' > , .. " -- -- .----. --,,-, ,---,~,.,._~,.... fiLM 36 P"CE 194 It is further Provided that whenever said lands herein granted as a right of way shall cease to be used for such purpose, the same shall revert to the state upon notice to that eHect being given to the said grantee named herein. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the State of Montana has caused these presents to be executed by the Governor, and to be attested by the Secretary of State, and countersigned by the Commissioners of State Lands, and the Great Seal of the State, and the Seal of the State Board of Land Commissioners to be hereunto affixed this==-:.-==-:..I'Y~r~1T..H=:.-_-=:.day of :-:-.:-:-:-.9.9!O.!3~.l-_-:,:.-_-.:' A. D. 19_ .}.!?-=. , .-_.~------- C- CJ~---- -"..~._..____~___ ,\., i. : ATTEST: - -., .....,,~.~:.. h h-1r/.;h~ Jrftt'VL~!~ '. _" C-1-''' "# -- ----- - -- ----- -- -- - -- - - . ~.. ~ -. ~~ -~- --------- - -..... -.. -- --- ----- -. ..~_..~. _ ___ _ __.. ___., n__ _______ __ ___ ... . - //1 Se retary of State Count6rsigned by , .' ..., i . , ...... ~ ....._...._..._"_________________._._..c.,,:.;,,A.,,_}~{~),:::~<::_~)'1---.. . .--,.. '; ..... ~. , Ad',ing Com*oJier ~f--St~t~--L~nd~--- ';. . l. ".,....</ 3a9~)2 State of Mont., County of Gallatin. 55 Filed for record February 16 j '19 .77 at 8, 30 l\~M., and recorded in Book 36 ~CE~ page 193 CARL L. STUCKY Rec dB' '/7 ~- or er. y {..( . Deputy Rt: City of Bozeman Office v . Prop: rty Assessment Division ST A TE OF MONT ANA 3 . . ...... DEPAR'i'MENT 'OF REVENUE :;r.l,T[ rU[)l.ISHIN(, co" Hfl EN,." MONT. ' Mitcheli~' ~uild"ng Helena, Montana 59601 REAL TY TRANSFER CERTIFICATE --,._,. INSTRUCTIONS: The Realty Transfer Act, Chapter 528, Laws of 1975, requires that inforrnation regiHding the transfer of real property must be provided to the Department of Revenue before iln instrument concerning the trilnsfer may be recorded or the name of the owner changed on the tax asseSSITlent roll. Informiltion in Part 1 regarding all transfers must be completed. The County Clerk and Recorder prepares Section 3 and transmits the certificilte 0 the Deparment of Revenue. All information per- taining to sales consideration is STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Section 84-7310, R.C.M. 1947, "A person convicted of violating dny provision of this act shall be fined not to exceed five hundred dollMs ($500) or be imprisoned in the county jail for any term not to exceed six (6) months or both." PART 1 TO BE COMPLETED FOR ALL TRANSFERS .._--,-,. ..----- ..___n_______ To be completed by purchaser and seller or their representatives: icrfr/o/ Date 1~19-76 ---- /tJ/rfl/cjVfI1~rJ~iJmOM: -I4>~rtmcnt.--().f-S~,a tc Lands Address Capital stJ. tiorL, Helena, Montana 596(21 /tyf,/r/i/'f/ fli/rlaJr/r/.iJTO:-Git.;'/Df Bozeman, Montana Add ress P.O. Do:: 6.40t--Boz emIl, Hon tana 59715. Description of Property: Municipality -_.,---- _..,-- Addition ..------.,.-- .- , Block. ___u -.---- I LoL__ --------... Other description.RL~I 7612-jD...679)) ___AcrD3S thEL SE~<iE1f-__.scction -13, Tmitlsmp :2._South, Range )East~ Gallatin CQunt.:'t-J__ Hontana"--__ .-.--------- ------------. . ---.--- -... .------- --. .._____n_._'. --,_._---- ~._------ ---,.,.----------. ---- -----,--_..,-- ..---,..---- ._,---_. n__..__ .._,--- -_._,-- ----,,,,. Property use is mainly (Check One): o Vacant residential lot LJ Other vacant lot o Residential o Commercial LJ Industrial o Agricultural n Tinlber Ix1 Tax Exempt by Law PART 2 EXEMPTIONS -.--,--.-.- This sale exempt from the provisions of the Realty Transfer Act bCCdUSC: 0 Property is agricultural land which will remain in that use. D Purchaser is US, State or other governmental agency. 0 Transfer is to correct, modify 01' supplcment a previously recorded instrument, NO ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATION IS MADE. [l Transfer is pursuant to a court decree, D Transfer is pursuant to a merger, consolidation or reorganization of ,l business entity, [J Transfer is from a subsidiary to a piltcnt corpordtion without actual consideration. D Transfer is pursuant to a decedent's co,tdte. X Ea_scrnenL ncrOc~~3 State lands for potable l'later line. LJ Transfer is a gift. 0 Transfer is between husband and wife or parent and child with nominal actu,ll consideration. [J Purchaser and seller are identical parties. [l Transfer is pursuant to delinquent taxes, sheriff sale, bankruptcy or foreclosure, 0 Transfer is made in contemplation of death without actual consideration. Instrument does not transfer realty: [J Mincral interest, lease or royalty D Assignment of interest as collateral PART 3 COUNTY CLERK & RECORDER Instrument recorded in Book__.__. Page -,..----. Datc_ . ----.---- Type of Instrument: Deed s: D Warranty n Grant n Quit claim D Contrpct for Dced Other: o Declaration of Intercst D Decrcc n AssignnlCnt of Mincral Rights or Royalty PART 4 SALES INFORMATION .....--.... Actual Consideration $_N/C u Value of any personal property included in sales pricc $ . N.A!__ ..-.-- Financing: CASH ___FHA ___VA ____CONV. __CONTRACT Down Payment $ -.---. _,___u Intcrest Rate_.. ---- Have SID's been paid __Yes No If 'No', amount due_$.-. N.A._____. Term______. --- ----- ---- . ~l..fr?€ !;' '(":;";,! , , Prepared by: Name:_-~~llb-ur ., ~}~<<n.HIs{:ttltf)-r,-L(1nct--AdministTati(')n-Divi~~:j5mTd) Address:---.f1J.te I'.QI~d DepartmQD~t___ _n__,__ ---.- ------- ..----- ...~-,.__.__. ._.- i.. '" . \. ~ ,.....,,~, ,.....\~ . ~ "'ll' , or (RjW Appin. No.) " .. ,. for Right of Way Easement In State ~ands \ The best method of describing the land needed for the right of way in all S\1ch cases ~s to- describe the cellter line alld git'e the width on erlch side. 1 Please locate' the starting IJoillt of the proposed right of way by giving its distrintc dlid bearing from the nearest 1mblic survey monument in the same section,. tben git1e the hearing' and distance of eacb cOllrse of the line,. and locate the termill1tS in the Srlme tllfl1mer as the stitrt- ing point,. whenever the line intersects a quarter section line, locate the poil1ti of il1tersection il1 the same manner also. The description given in the application will be copied into the right of 'way deed. It 1rlmt be so definite - and (omplete that from it the right of 'way lJUlY readily be located tlpon the ground without the plat. H the, right of way runs through at:1:int~rvening tract which is not state land, it may be ....L .... .. .':. ' shown on the tracing or plat, but must not be included in the description in the application as this might result in errors in writing the deed. No application should include land in more than one section. Show the acreage required for the right of way in each forty-acre tract of State laml in the place provided in this blank. The application must be signed by or for the applicant, and certified correct by the en- dorsement of the engineer. If/rite the name of the aptJlicrl11t exactly the way it is to rtfJ!Je,1r in the deed. TRACING OR PLAT. Tracings or plats must accompany the application. These trac. ings or plats should be so plain that anyone can readily ascertain the section, township and range and see what forty-acre tracts the right of way runs through. A scale of 1 inch to 400 feet is commonly used. There mllSt be two coPies of the tracing or plat duly verified by the affidavit of the sm- veyor or engineer who has prepared the same endorsed thereon. They !nust show the "quan- tity of land taken by the proposed higbway or street from each forty-r/ere tract or government lot of State irmd o'ver or through, which it pfJSSeS and also the mnnrmt of land remaining in each - tJOrtion of sllch forty-acre tract or go;'ernment lot." (Part of Section 81-801.5, Revised Codes of Montana, 1947). I'or the sake of rderence other than State lands may be shown on the plat, but they should be indicated by different.color$,-,~t;;w~f4fIllPpose4tight of way follows a river or railroad right of way or other right of waf, stich river1or.iright of way should be sh~tt al1d also tbe aren of the intertJening strip, if any. The affidavit of the surveyor or engineer to be endorsed on the tracing or plat should be substantially in the following form: STATE: OF MONTANA, } Sa. County of .____, being duly sworn says! That he Is the___~___._.J- who made the survey of the right of way shown hereon; that the survey was corr,'cUt and s(,cllrakly mad.,; that the traclng or plat thereof Is true o.nd accurate and that It correctly shows the quantity of lund rNjU 'cd fo,' UIt' rlght of way 1ft each forly.ael'a tract or government 101 and also the ..mount of land remainIng In each portion of sud, forty-acre tract or governmcnt lot. .-. SUbscribed and sworn to befnre me this day oL___.__._.. ..__,11'-_ Notary Publlc for the State of Montan... Residing at My Commission expire' ~Qzeman Montana, A l1g11st_20 , 19~ To the State Board of Land Commissioners State of Montana Helena, Montana: Application is hereby made under the provisions of Section 81-801 to 81-805, inclusive, of the Re- vised Codes of Montana, 1947, ~"nd Acts amendatory thereto by t-hp (';+-y nf BOzeman, Montana , for an easement for a right of way forJhe cons traction 0 L.sL-potablfL_wateL_1Jne._ --~._~_. m _.~~~_. through 13 2 Sou t.h 5 East Gallatin Section Twp. Rge. . County r Duly verified tracings or pl~ts ir, duplicate accompany this application and are made a parthereaf. The tract or strip of land required for the said right of way is more particularly described as follows: A tract or strip af land. ,30 feet wide, -.-l~_~feet on each side or ('nter line described as follows: .,.;. f. . "~ ,- i : Ii 1 ii. ~ t:'-- "" ,- -r-' ~ r:-<- . " " . .. " " DESCRIPTION A permanent utility easement 30 feet in width, 15 feet on each side of the following described centerline, and a construction easement 15 feet in width, on each side, parallel and contig- uous with the permanent utility easement. Beginning at the South 1/16th corner of the Southeast 1/4, Section 13, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Montana Principal Meridian, Gallatin County, Montana; thence North 890 04' 14" East, along the East-West Section Line, a distance of 47.37 feet to the true point of beginning; thence North a distanc.:e of 830.00 feet, with the permanent utility easement containing 0.572 acres. ..... .. ~ , ACREAGE TAKEN FROM EACH FORTY OR GOVERNMENT LOT 01<' STATE LAND .F6rwkded acres NEtANEY4 acres NEY4SWY4 .. NWtA ." .. NWY4 " .. .. SW1/4 .. .. SWY4 .. " SEY4 .. " SEY4 " .. NEtANWY4 acres NH4 SEY4 acres NWtA " .. NW;4 " .. SWY4 " .. SW;4 .. .. SEtA " .. SEY4 .. O.~7? .. Forward .. Total 0.S72 acres Signature of Applicant C,fy' (Jf-' 13 (};:: t! ",., ,-' IV. (as /the same is to ap- A . ) ') "I ',,1 . 9; pear in the ~eed) . By ()-t..,e., Y (~! ,..li/ it.", e~i; . '?k~1 1/ I /' ., (SEAL) Address'" - / ~I. ;:,) x,', s/o P. :';.c-'- h' ff,v' ).;1/ .j7lh- .'''' ... CERTIFICATE BY ENGINEER I,_~~llJe sA.. Cummings ,thc surveyor or cnr,inccr who surveyed. the right of way for which application is hereby made, do hereby certify that the description of the right of way as given in this1plication is accurate and correct in every particular according to the survey and that the acreage re- quire for " the right of way throughea,chJorty.acr~tract under this petition is correctly given. Dated at Bb z eroan , '.,~,,! ',:":""': ':, ,;,:,c' :.':':.:::A:;1:~::::4':i~';: ,+:;;:;:' :.:~':~, ' ,,':::: ;>::: "'-,,~.i , ' Montana' "''''. thisU~:r~>'J .-- ..:L::'~;(.~-;?~?-~~~'"L~~~...~ Cldress III ( /Jb.7+~ ~~oc f/' >:.>;::zrE:HA,J , . M 0 ~A:~,A--'.. ~. . ~:'. ~~"~:i~,,:i . i , t ..~ ,~~" i , DEPARTMENT OF STA:rE LANDS AND INVESTMENTS . . , State Capitol Helena, Montana 59601 (406-449-2074) Ted Schwinden Commissioner DA TE_ ' . -:ternb --2D-,- 197- f" ...;lop: or ~_ .. _ '" '.--'''". ,---~ Hr. Joseph G. \iJolf REFERENCE . RbL? 61 9_____ __________. Assistant City Manager J\.:Cfecti1}g_tbLSE!~S~, Sec. 13--J-----'lMlL P. O. Box 6L.0 Bozeman, Montana 59715 2S., Hge. 5E., Gallatin County, --,.. ...,.,_._---~.,"..~_._.. '.n _.,_.~.- Bontana. - .,---_._--~. ~~..- ..".'~'_.._----------- PLEASE EXAMINE THE CHECKED ITEM(S) BELOW AND RESPOND AS INDICATED. l. o Please return your Resource Development Question- 7. Q RI~HT OF WAY AP~lICATION FOR naire. Pac-able \-Jater Lll1e. --'~'.'_._. ------ --,~-_._--- -,- .. 2. o Enclosed is supplemental lease agreement. Please . ._-_.__.....,'_.,~.- ~ ,,____,________ r ',._._____ ",. -,~~_...,,~-- sign one copy and return before __n___ --,---_. ...-.,---,.--- ,.." .._,-----,. ___.._,._..,..._._ un __________ - -..,--.-.".-" was approved at the meeting of the State Land Board held on _SeptQrnbe:r._2.91--.197_6___~_ 3. D Enclosed is an informal bid for a small project on as follows; state land. Please return bid form by ____ .,.. For land $___~Jo.___~0aree_____. Deed Fee $___jJ~Q__.....___ 4. o We have not received your time sheets for the Timber values $---- ... ---..--... --.-.--..-. -.---... -...- - ..-.....--.--------..._._._______ project. Total 25.00 Please send them as soon as possible. $_....._~_._._---.~..._.._.__.._- ___X___ __.Upon receipt of this amount the deed will 5. o Enclosed is a change order on Purchase Order No. be sent to you. 7){ tt~ $. del: (fa-fA.) . Please sign one copy and return to -- - - .Upon receipt of this amount and written consent from the lessee, the deed will be this Department. sent to you. 8. o OTHER --_ 6. o Enclosed are time sheets for the ___________ --.--- ~-_...._.,... -',"--~.".~-~- ..,.----., ,.- ~'~~,-~"-- ...~._,'.__.._- __ project. ____no --_.,-- -'~ ---_.~'----- ---, ,.."'""'------ ----,,-- -~, -----------..,.,.~'~~~-~.,--~,-,,~-~._- ----- --"'._._----'-----'.__.~~-~,~-..,".~ "REMARKS" .. ~.',~_._._~~,. .. ...-....--,--. -~_.~- .~,.- ~'~~- - .- -,~~~.~ .~._._,~_.~_.~~."..~_.~..,..,---- -~--'_.'--,_. -.". -~--~~~._~-_...,.~,._- -.,,'~~.,- -"~,'_,__~,.,.___ ,.,. .._____n ,.,~ ~.~'"-,.. -.- u~~.____.._ A,~~ ~-_.__._, '.,'...._-~". .- 'w..,~ ,--~- .''''_~__.___.r.,_.~__.__,. ',_ .__...._, ._~." ..__~~ . u_ _._~- 4"~jl:> 3 RF3 .' . , . . m$~ DIVISION OF PHYSICAL PLANT MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY. BOZEMAN 59715 AUgust 31, 1976 State of Montana Department of State Lands State Capitol Helena, MT 59601 Atten: Mr. Wilbur Erbe, Administrator Dear Mr. Erbe: In response to your letter of August 23, 1976, Montana State university has no objection to the grant of the Right-of-Way for the City of Bozeman to install a water line on South Seventh Avenue. It is understood that there will be no charge to the City for this Right-of-Way and there will be no charge against Montana State University for this special improvement district. Sincerely, 'l11 ? )(~;.L M. F. Whalen, Director Division of Physical Plant MFW:lt cc: Mr. Joseph G. Wolf TELEPHONE (406) 994 . 2001 .... 2 , . , . . . August 23. 1976 Mr. M. F. l,Ihalen Director Division of Physical Plant Montana State University Bozeman, Hontana 59715 Dear Hr. l'ihalen: rle have, this date, received from }'.r. Joseph G. tvolf, Assistant City t1anager of Bozeman, an application for the City to install a water line in South Seventh Avenue. Before we can offer this application to the Land Board we must have a letter from some responsible Division at the University aut,horizing the water line and the charges for same, if any. Sincerely, ~ Wilbur Srbe Administrator Land Administration Division ~"!I:I;: ma cc: Joseph G. Half I . . . . . STATE OF MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF STATE LANDS HELENA, MT. 59601 Mr. Joseph G. Wolf October 26, 1976 Assistant Manager P. O. Box 640 Bozeman, Montana 59715 Dear Sir: Enclosed fi nd Right of Way Deed No. D-6795, affecting the SE-tSNl, Section 13, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Gallatin County, Montana, for a potable water line. Also enclosed is a Realty Transfer Certificate. Please note requirement of State Antiqluties Act in next to last para- graph of the Deed. Please acknowledge receipt by dating, signing and returning the accompanying postal card. Very truly yours, DEPARTMENT OF STATE LANDS By :II( a-ke/,g ~tel- Clerk