HomeMy WebLinkAbout79- Midland Terminal, Inc. Easement , ,";, \) '.'1 , \. " j(-/'~'-:::'(,/:"'. "C -~". . '\',) ,. \ ",_. ... \, ,- ,\(1'((<"'( . I '-,./<: - ..' (1 r-" ~...', . , " .~ n 97 . l:..,~.hl "'1 J i /~ l. ~ ,~!:" "- I EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY AGREEMENT FOR ,~~ ~); :~'j~ ~ " f ; T ,"; , I " "'._'_.~''''~'--~'_.~.'._----'. -"-.-.'''-'.__ .. " u____..". ....---., .-.-- -. --"..._- THIS t\GRU~M[Jn, Made and enLi;tedir:!J Ui-: 4th dj of 1\Er~J_ mm__,__ .____."JI. r~ 197 ;'.l ~.)J~\!P n ~ ,;' , , "~, 1-. l..! ~ 9, (, ,) "'iJ ".-..,.,,,...,- ......._-'-,.. LU:~:~~IlLI! .._L.__EJC::.._ _____.___,,________, ..._ pa rt oft h (: f'l t D{:l r t ~ .n(:,~ t'f': i r'~~] r t,(';:. cdllea the Grantor and THE CITY OF BOlEMAN, (~~ rnun.1 C '1 ~)a I CU !"f>O rea t -i 01 of the Slate of 1~()ilTana. in Gallatin County, tr,o pil rty () f th second part, her~inafter cal led the Grantee. WIT N E SSE T H WHEREAS, The Grantor 1 s the 1 f!:]d 1 rC?:::oreJ title cWfler o~ ~- -~-- n.-;r~e . r\-<~-r:'HCUl'dr+;-~Tgf~TfJhelJ-w~--a ri7j.---------------'----.---- .... _______u___. ~------- ... ~iEREAS, The Grantee, in the exercise ofi t.s PO'N('r' and ,1uthori tj JS a municipality of the State of Montana, Droposes to construct and install SC'\.,er 1 inl's . ... and necessary appurtenances t II S e tV f' V dy'Tou- s-p rope r tl e s-loc at (~(r-wTtFTr;- t he ----JJQIt~!~,l)L-___.__um_.___ i101 t iOTl of the City of Bozeman and one or rtnre such i lnes woulC! nn, a c ro ~~ s the Grantors land; and WHEREAS, The Grantee desires to acquire from the Grantor , a i"1.'.; th~ Grantor__.__ __..1_5...... will ing to grant to the Gr';}n0,'f~ 0:', C:Ji"f1:rt"mdn'1 r'iqhL Gf Wdy ilcross the above described 1;r"'Operty of Hie I);";)" (II" dnd _LL:_l_..n heir's, executors, administrators, succeSS0r:$ 0rld assi '\ \! iur the purpose dinstallin9, opel"atin9, u<:inn" r-e~,"lr;t'':;' r'c;--:,~' ;"; !..,)11Laining, il.nd ~ernovinq said <,,"pr 1ir-l' and a ('I)U r Leri<1 nc PS a nu fo r 5 UC h 0 the r-r"r~]f~'ts---()~r'-a.(~-c:-(;;:ss-a.rl(r-r;;l(-_;-d;-;ilEi;'- ri (Jil'.. ,IS JrQ 1Il'I"eirlafter described, all as herei na fter il'()Y'e pd rti (::.11 UIY ;" v'i ded. NOW, ; ,!EREFOr'::E, in cnnsideration Of Un,' !)!l! .)' .~ . r.,"".i )jl'.; (.'r,<;i:.:!craticnsin ha,nd r:nid hy the Citv of l(:,~-il:,.-, ti" \ ",- C 1 t #!, rv<: ~s hereby acknowledqed, and in fUI'trll?r ccn':;id':'f'dt!on t< i.'~ e \' ;~::.:~ 1 i '1'.1 n t s dlH.1 dgreC'Plents between the parties hereto, the C;ran'tcit h,i-: 9nnted. bJ 1'9d i ned, sold, ton 1, d, CD ill IT,' (j .,lrid---b~y-'[he-s.e--ri~~escn'fs---- does he reby 9ra n t" bdl\Jdin, ~J 11, con vey, i\fli confinn IJl'lto the said G"r'a'i)'te-e- and its SL!cc:c;sors end ')$sis;ns the fol1nl.... in\) rights and privil eges forever: 1 A perpetual easr~llent and ri qht 0 f way for the purpose of installing, operating. using, repairing, rc p 1 a c i n g, ma 'I n tai ni n -J d n d l'enXJv;n9 a sanitary sewer thereto upon and across the abeve c1r:scribed pr'operty of the Grantor __, said easement and right of way to consist of a strip of land fiftcew21___ feet in width be;r.<] rnore pi,rticulu!:, dcscri~0d as follows: I\n \.'il')l\lliC'nt locilteJ in tht.' r~orthl'J(.l ',., ~'I L! (, t '1 c:; n (~), ; '_1'/'1:,111 p " , ~ I ,.' ~ , l\lliejC 6 Cast, r~ontana r'rincipal Meridian, Sallatin ~'!n '/1< !1 L II,':, {j.j tIPir"J fm~re r':jrticuli~rly descril,('eJ d'; Ii ov/' : lh.' (l inn i 11 9 a t the Nor t h t.", Sect ion (), d c; t (: v p It; t. (',~' ',~'."I (')! J ' (': ,\,) 13 I JJ" ~!c':;t, 1'011 owi ng the center 1 i (, ()f NC.lr.th 1:,") (: /\ \:" ["! (J , ell ldfi(;C of lUI~),2 feet; thence South [-<; ,.. ''I' , i '7 I! E ~:] t ;, i ',:',;\/)"C ,{ ~:,'j i ", '.<1 fe.c; t , lu ;:hc' poir:t of true beginninq. il!c~ 1J(~\-"l:llf\t utility PiJi;c:ITlentisloc.]:.,..1 1".0 +c"'t :'1, +h.. ,.,' [, ',' it, '.j t tf T : ~ : "I, i :;1; ,'"~I.. I:'J}' ~ :-} 1 i ;".tC', \4 i t'.~'.'1 a "~ r1. t r'i..JC t.. i en t'~o~) :.:.--;cr: t .,1;1 ~. .... '.: t Iv i 0 t:' cur ill C'~, U II " '.: r'" ,1 d j .) C C Ii t to \ !,:'> I~ I.. : , i {, (-if t~,L ,.:('ml.:II,(",: ,ti;l ~ i'<: ~) / 'II '.; : i ,_: I' ':' SOU t h CIO I) 7 ' 1 "/ i_..~,,!-. aio"', ':"ir! :,ji1it.j , , :.'c\ c, I '1I'I'n t I II> I (j i. 1. " ,. u fIr,:;" f;''\.(l,l- . ~ . (I r::f::,.r.'.';:: r.;cr, t ,,: t ~ : ~ ~,-/ " I' , '. i J'r , . . ...'~ . , n 4 r 9~ ,..LL.i!J ".tJ 'lIe t,(,._.J ( ~ I t '... { / [./0 : ,I " I, '. ..i,. <,-. (L, I,l i .-, ,-' ----,'r/l)/.'C ...;'"-,,/ r' f~.j /'"/t,C.,.l ~.,,,,.(.,....... '- L.....Ii,.,........"t:.../ i, I" f. T"~ ,~ i\./ r:.:' /,..- , '--.. ,.j \.p r1 ~ ~_ I t .. .. .--- /1./_:~!i-2_ "~::~?~_~:2:::'_;"_:::'~ _.__'m__.._____ ..--... i\ '-,oJ I ,>),0.00 !M i - f- '\ : -::5C"C T/O/"/ ,.b 1,.. I "''')/',4/'6. /'~'/, ...-,1 1.:11 )/ ,^/..-'.....' /' ,..." -- - ),/IL<.-.4, 'C,./ 7:..x;,{.///v:-4~_ '" \ : I i \ .,C ~ . t!,- -;:~-~ -~'-->:, ~-~:-'~~:..:=~: '~~~~~..~~. :~~ ci:'-c~~ .~~~ ~-~~!-~=_,~:'_~::=-~:----- r--- ~=~ ~:~:~~/~":'~ ~~1~i:~::;~; ';< ; .";';: ,:~ :~,~:. '/ \' '~ --, ":~ 13 OC'l "', F' Ir" ...-- . i '~/., (') E I --~ I I I , I r.----~~ - I f '.. 'i ",-/'-"'1-(. .-1' T:/") /:"~1 /' .r ~\" ' . , ......... / (.-/r'l,r '-.I' (,.,.... rv \ ~ /.r(j'/ L (~.1/,/'../~,":, r.\: c~ L. /"",'"c/V/ : r()H;Vc/'() '\ \ I" '.1 \J, ", - i .. / -""8 ~ 0'5 ' -5,1 ,., ~:- , 7.:) (.)'(:.~ i , .... _ .----.-....... ,-- /~ (;.I. -. -- '~--=----_4?--~"1---'---'T""1 ,-----.-,-.--..- .1'.--..- , 'j ------- I . - '--1 Ii; I , , ..-" ./1 ~ ~ ./ /") ~..~ .--)..-'\"- I c. L.-' :_). / Y '""..- rc,... _........ I i I I I I i l. .-.-------.-..."'-----~----....,.-...-.______.___.._____-.",_..__...1.,.._ .. __'...'_..__n_....._.._."......_ .. ..."j."'."..,._...._.._.._. .tJ /'1.." )':''';/'11') :j' ,TA" c (~. /'''- -,. -- ......__.,-''''~~..,..__..,. ."..--."., .----- ._.. ..",,~' ,.., ,.,.,n, "'~,. : I i ,.----..---.. __mo. ... _n..... ..,.-.. r~~---~.n.-'......-....- ...........-..-..-.- ..... ......'....._.._.'_........._........__.__...._._..._..._ ''''.'''.._ I I i I I ;'. I ~<-"'~J.[.,.:.\::~,/~..',',.,,:-...,'~:")..',.:~,.~./i...:. .~,.).,t."~...: /",'" ~ 1.._ Ja(;'" :'1 /i':, C / 7- >," C),L~- L:J'O..:? c-;'~lr4 ..t\1 L/ T/ i /7-)/ EA :::/t:;~,( r:;'/'I T" r-,:-'~:. ...:",'::;;-:';' ,;.. I: r I ( :.. ' r. I, \ ,'L} '1 \ (", !'i " ;~.':. ~. ..".J_~ ",' _ ~. '_ .n~_::~:~',~~:~::~:."_~~.", _..~.::.__, _n.. .... __ ,.,~ ,"""",,,.,~., ,.. " . ..... ".. ~ In 1r,9q L.Lhl . /, 'J 1;1l... - f,.; '- 2 The perpetual right of ingress and egreqq t 0 a od from said tract of 1 a nd a tall reasonable t Ln.e s for th,,, purpone nf InHt.'.llIing, operating, using, repairing, replacbK and maintaining ill> id _.'--~,--,-~..........-+ S C\<ll' r 1 i ne Ilnd for the removing cf sa:ne i f a od when def>! red by the Grantee, ite successors and 39Algns: TO HAVE AI"D TO HOLD the above deBer), bed rif,ht ')f T",:ny ~,'i th all the appurtenllncen and priviI!'F,eS unto th (' fi'lid Grllnte" and to its successors and a981.gns forever. The Grantee hereby covenants tlnd agt.ecs ",'-i t h th," Grantor -"..."~,,., as fol10w9: l. That, in connection with the inl'ltaJUng, opr,ra t ing, urd ng, repairing, replacing, ma into'! i n i n 8 a nd removing, of SIl id SCVJer 1 i ne it wi 11 replace at its sole expense, all existing fences, ditches and other appur- tenances of aa id land tha t may be d'[ s t'Hbed by its opet"Htion in a condition equal to tht~ condition then'of exLgting befnre said operations were begun, or lI8 np3 r thereto as B hn 11 b,., reasonably possible. 2. Thllt, during operations involving excavation, tt ..,.il1 r('!1lo".e thl" topsoil from the trench area to a depth of one foot, or to the full depth of the topsoil whichever is less, IlnJ <,Lockpile said topsoil for replacement over the trench, and will remove from the Bite any III rge rocks or surplus excavated material or any kind of debris thB t may have been exponed by the excavation and rpmaining afte. n,ckfUling is completed and will leave the ftni.~';ht'd nur fHC(> ins u b ~; t 'j .\ - tially the same cond i t ion that l'XiHted prior to the beginning of o~)erHtion~ except tllfl t the Bur- filer' cf backfilled aress msy be mcund~d sufficiently to prevent the fnrrM:tJon of dcpre';l;icr. lIfter finnl (Jcttlement hH~ ta\u'n pInee, 3. To (\pc,.1l tl'. usc unci lnnint:nin !Hlid c;f'I'icTli "",0 .'~"-"-~-~.'--J--.~-"__..,~~"._~,."..,_"_,~~,"""""u.,,,............,,..,~ ."~,~..~...... in Ruch m.anncr BH will not hinder or prevent the ---"'~~'.'~.~~~~--~~ pr,,\,c'[ cuI tivlltlon (If the tract t h r n 'J i( h '...h:l c h thin right uf W<lY is hereby granted. tL In the eve n t that it t'lhuid bee nine nc'ccssary fer the Grantee to re-enter the Grnntors r I' i.' m 1. " .. ~ fnr the purpose of repairing, repladnp, . maintAini~~':,( c., : t'("[nov i ng sa ie' utility lines the (;n.[\(ee will rpimnurse the> C,rnntct"" f (l t. n n y ".: t 1,<1 1 dHll\8l".e dune to the GI'tlntorg p r'()[Ti ! ~.; C H ur c rOj)fi ~ " ~ / ~ -. . . ~-'''\I''''' Y' t300 [.1 ' , """"LAl oJ j f'L 5. :'1-,,> Grantor hereby c.ovenant" and agrccH '~'i th th,,' Grantee ,'l.il folle./f;: -- l. Thl1t at no time will they hu J.ld , con:;1:ruct, erE C t or m-lln('lin any permAnent s true t u re over or il br'..;Vi~ the ,'; Hi d i) (';:y;'(,,\ r' -~ ^_.............~,._.~...,_._, ~~,,~on. ,._.,,_.,._,.,.~ Ii ne unless such Htn.lcture 1,3 built, confltructr,cj -'~~.......,_._~-~ ~.......- and maintained in such a nlklnner thi'lt it would not interfere with the operation, use, repnir, rn,lJntainenct' ) r c p 1. H C c~r:; c' 'i..,:. f. and u>moval of Raid ~,ew0r li ne 0 - 2. That the Grantee may peaceably hold and enjoy the ri gh t 8 find privileges herein granted wJtl10ut any in t e r ru p t i 0 [~ by the Grantor or its suc.::essnr'.1 Ii n(! Ilssignn, - - J. Tha t they have been Imdully geizcd 0f :'laid prer:1i seE, , t ht< ,_ ~hf'v hnvc good right Ilnd l8'...fuJ. authority tn sell the 5f.l:.~je Ilnd that they and their hei Ul. exec',Jtnrs, adrniniiltratr!'s, flUCC(>';sors and assigns, nhall WH r (".'1 :', t and d"("'ld the ti t 1f' t C' $Ilid premisea unt0 fI a i. d G ran t. f, r. , il nel its succe6Bors nnd 83 ~1.ignR forever, llg-llinst the 1.1\Jful clllitn lInd demand nf aU rer~on8 whomsoever. It is understood Rnd agreed by and h..., r ;";"C n t h,> pnrtif's hereto l hi! t rLL; I\\',t'eempnt [;fw,11 be b i nJ i ng upon t'L,:: he i, r ~ 1 eXCc'ltors, .; d rc [ ", i " t 1 ;'1 t. 01' S , Successor anel assigns () f the Ct-antor n ". tJ]"'C'l t h.-, .~,~UCc.~~SS(1rs a (.ld ili'~ i glltl of th(> Grantee. ..- . . . ....-. ~" .t301 . L~1 ..tJ "".0. . . . , j'j h'll~.:U.:) WHEREOF. The said pnniCf; ('f the firHt pflrt hllve hereunto flet thdr hands and RealI! Chi' day ilnd year first above written, ., .. ~ "'j / /. // ... . / . .o-!'....':-.::' n i (t..'t.....< ";.-e'l:.hU,,,,4..:~~._ r~ ; I"' ~I ~I T r p'~ 1 '; P, L, , ..' / /"/ '~i .., , . ,->;'i~. j' .. ~ , " ' '....."~,,..- /', ,,J "'-':'~'"'-'''''\\''' By: ( .l. "/,. / 1/>;;: /..(-1..,,/' .. ~ 1 Ell AI 6 It r,-<.,~_L_--Li-L_LL_:_.__f~..t1_u. . :.. - ~ "'.. ....~~~....-.... .~...' .f!4'., ., PI: C' S J de II t -... "" . . ..:,;... , :' '" ....'"....,~: .::. l.. .':.# , ~ -.. .. . ft..~ t!') .. ~ , ,..... -.. 0 ^1 I :c'.r. ,.. If. '~:" . ) '. \_-~. , -. .I...:~. ... ....E... .' '.. .il.. -. ...... . . . 1... f.1-' 2,: . :..c, .~'..~ .t ..\ ...V1~.,.. .. <";.~..' ~../'..n . :....',' .'.\., ':> . :r:. '.~~'. /'':V 'fl..",-- .._. -r," /.. __.~ *'1\ J!:;.~r.~. "......-.-.... Secreta. .---- \) ':..~i,.t.~..~" ~;TsrE CF ~m~i.L\~H ) cie.lloL>5tt,,,-<--: 11 S COlH1Ly uf (;111L tin) q y.I" f7/L< { . 2Q Un L!lls day of ---J:t~._ in thi" j'pnr l(j~ -L. bet(ce rh', a ~()Ltrj Public in and for Hille! SLHc personally rq)[Wilrf'd R9b_trt-'~.LlrJj'+cJ\.€./{ known to me to ;,,: t 11,' ._~~.__ (.1 t'le cor!loLltllll1 that executed the :dthin instrumcnt or the IJt>rson who e)c('cuted the instrument on hch.,lf of C-';.J id cc'q)(\rll~.iQn, and <.d<",ywled;..;cd tn :nl~ that such ('orporntJ'lil f'xcclltcd the sni''''. Ii'< t{JTNJ.:S:; WHElU:OF, I have hereuflt:) set my hand and ;jf[jxerj my 0 f fie i. a 1 Sf' a 1 the day ;'l nd yea r in t h J s (' e r t i f i cat e f L r s tab 0 v e '1 .., I...."..,.. { t t c. 'I /'~ '- i( 0-;" . " ""'~.""'l~,._elr1... ~ .. A-'" .........., .,y"..r... '.' -". . '.;1.1""""", ,.. ' , ~ t'} ~ '. ."\. . \.. ...., '.. ".' /.. ' ~p~~.~~'~~)~. .\ (;I~8~....._,,':l:.~_.:.. ..r I ,c;..S.... "t.l... JLLt/I.!/ N(.t .t\ "'Jiltic. 1(.t" t.-.j{' ~;t:;tv "..;1 ~\0,c:'" 'r.~ .: :-'1, 11 r .";1 US. U' . .,...~~. .'. -.... .:.' ". ~. ('. ". .., " ~ ..I~~., ":".'.' '..~'. ........'". .....~." c'........ J... ..... .1.. "'. d L ...,....,..... ....".. . ~'. .~,.,\ .,,/.. -a: , ..,.... n~'\ , ...::'Of v.\) '''' " H\' Cpr:".d'l ic>'~ l~)(r>i.rc:, ( . "r) I'" .) . "',,,;,,,,,p"," . m ....kJ..1 9, " , : -- I . ~ L"',Lh' .1n,. '.tJ02'. ......!!./ J ,Mc i , I , THE CITY OF BOZ[HAN .- " .,::....". ~~/ "-;;<:7 /' ,/ ,,;~. ''''Q~ C // ,-0&/... " " ._.", .. b, ,/ " ,... / r .',.1' (""",' '."^ .....,...- ~ .,~,., .--- ..,'!It '.,.. ~'," " ., ..' ",' ,/ '""~ ";r'.,,. .\..... ....",.-. . . lJ" ,. ". _'.~___..... ," _. ~~ ._<,. <-.., ~ Ii'. .,^. ..".'.~. .. f.....~;.)e~...'"::z:"'Z-~~-_.:.~....7..-~: ... ..""1,,'.. ~'}..~ ,/ ~bVO-F. " ,'''''' .."'.;.. ...... ... . .. .'--",. JI.tr- ,'''il~. ,..... .:','-.., '~'" ~. I' ,If') ') (','. T Ii,,' i r'i "'. "'It" '.1' ,:'.' " " '1="'\" , , 'J _ ,,' "'r\ \ '...:.'.y.......~......,'v ........... . r".. l.ll..,...I,I, ...... / .:... .' r.l .-" .. > '~ .1iI.. ' '...., .1; "~ . . c. .... ..: '1 Jt~,. ... ..., ". .. '. :'1'.'-" . j . · .. i' ," ""'.'" '!"~ ~"~,, \ \ "~ ',. . \?w.. ...' - ,.',1" ..11) J-. ~ I.'~'. . "l;'.......:.. .'f'~' i'f.. ~ ,'I. . ... .~.,.~. ....." ... . II....,.. ~v \ .. .... ... ~. .~......t.."l!.',/;........ . ......'. '.'. JI: ~. -. ;./..... '<I, ".'. ,. iii'. <' '/. 6.~..~... ....''il,.:... ....'..' ::'.;ti, c ..:it. ,/Yd'Z<~ ~4'(~: ,~'" JUtA' 'l-fARDING , "'~~/~t~l~ of the City Commission ~,"7!'." _.__ . '", :*FPRfW ED : Ciry,Htc1rney "TiITE OF MONTANA ) : AS C,,'mty of Gallatin) On 1'\)19 4th day of April I 1<]79 I b.?fore i:1C, eL,- -'-- ...._~.~~ - ~.-----.~ ,-- undcrs1.glH'c1 a Notary Public for the. ~:'t:Dte of :1ontRna, persoclt'.,111y, ..: p pea red _~n,~lliN D P, S [: DJ.~LL.;~....2lL_.2l:..~j I~~L!!.t..'L~..Ji6.till.LGD._~~_ k. now' n to me to be the Mayor and Clerk of the City Commission respectivC'ly, (:1 tl'e City ("If Bozeman, whose nllr:1CS fire subscribed to the -..:i.LII):.1 i n ~... t r' 1.1\lh' [) t a nJ a c k n 0\01 1 e d ;~ (' d t (. i:~ C' t h t t. tV; Y t. z c' <: Ii t c d the s a in '- l:cn End on behalf of SIlLl City. IN \.JITNESS WEEREOF. I have :~ CC'lr.Lr' nc:. IX,' :Hwd ,!lnd !liLL"cd my ~:(Itaril.ll Seal on th(~ dB',' and y , in t,hia C:ert.i.fJcllte r.i.r~,~ ..' \,~""l,;"",,<:~~C'\'t' wrl tl'yn. '\ ~ ",.~~~ '<.?) .. .'~':.i1t'''';T'l''~~;r''''':?j\~ .~""~ liff!JI . .IJ - ':rL '''':./:'1''. ,~\",.:,.,t~ ...,'"J,::' " .11. .. ' '...:: z) ~-~l-:...___..___~,", _'___ ; . 1,\'., '.,. ~L,.:~) N~ t ."j&" ub li, . for the St ate "f >i" n ,,, n' . l1''t(("...;V ... , R(>,;j~i;F d" 1'( .'''''.''1 ''''.In'.q''j '..~ ..."......... ...J;" .. .. .'. ..."".' ." I .,. ., .,. .,.I'..l>,........:..~.....,'.".... My C"..nml'lYlol1 L:q)l.rl'::) ,Ln..,,-,...-...,/.,+-./, L&Y/" "';t D" t4!)~'" \,.<'. ",. '/'~'.='.'-J """.f +-" I,.~U r"r'..'~ .,\d':\" /'NDEXED J~ Pl'Hm iJf- 60883 State of Mont., County of Gallatin. as Filed for record Apr i 1 11 , ~ 97 9 at 10: 00,. AM., and,recorded in Book 49 of .MISC,ELLANEOUS Lllge 1297 .e..aUe a. 13~ Recorder. By itp/I il9 ' l.iIt) mgelt I D..uty Rt: City of Bozeman Bozeman, MT