HomeMy WebLinkAbout48- Karp, Water and Sewer Agreement .., _~.",.",,,,,,,~,/::.. ... CO py - ... -, ... . . C 0 NT!!'! 'CT THl S AGREEMENT, Mad.el\llden tered into the lOth day of November, A.D. 1948,by~g;:<.i,'1i>'t..en JOHN ,. KARPandTREENTJE KARP, . . ,. .,' , " ,", ' " ':. ,. :,' , ',':,i-;:,. ~:' ":,;.:: .', ' ,',' :' .,'. 'I. ~;is . wife, parties oftha.:tl-,rst part, and THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, "':' ",;. ~:"" ' ':::- ,',' " ,,: "'''' , , ':' ,':,' " ",.. ,', " ,", . a !I1W1tolpaJ:eorporation bf','C1$l:latln Oo'unty,Montana, party of the second part,' .........':<,....,;:'!~,;t~'~"'t,:.....'W('!~..(':W~'lt);;!."'<,$!':&\0!!tf'i~"i'." .. . '. ,. . ' " ,. . That for and in consideration of ,the covenants and agree- ments on bellalf' of the respeotive parties hereto to be kept and perfot'llled, the Beld,parties agree as fol.~?ws: 1. That theps.rt1esQf' the f'irstparthave applied to the party-of the seoond.part for parmi ss 10rfandp.avebeen granted such,permiss1onto bu11d.Loonstruct and lnstall a sanitary sewer in Fourth Avfitnue otThe City of Bozeman., Montana, from the north sIde of Villard.. Streetaricll'unnlng north in said Fourth A venue to jdfn_8xlst1ng.,n1tarys...er installations running east and ..at em DurstQnijoad in said City o'fB'9zeman. " .., ',' , '", ;:". .. ..2. Thattn.epartlesof the first part covenant and agree to bulld,oonst,:p:t+ctandlnstall sald'sewer atthelr own expense andaccor,ding . to specifications established and maintained by the City Engineer of The City of Bozeman, such building, oon- ",<~t~pc,Jion and__o1~~~,~~rj~lt0".~_~~<~~s~perViSion of ""'~h 'S:t:oeptsnoe "!! ..../I!~:, _' ~:;,. \1"'-''-'< '502e_n. .,,< 3. Thi!,t inoonaldel"llt,1.on of: tne permIssion granted to the parties oftheftr$t parttobul1d, cops:truotand install said 1i16wer, it.. tsunderstood and .sgreed'thstuJ)oh t,he completion theraor,thes$id sower~~ll become a nO. remain thesolepropel"'ty ofTh. CityofBozeman,andthepaJ;'tlesp!' the first 'part; hereby gxoant and convey sald s&".r to theps.rty of theseoond part. \ '",', , "/""^ ' :,", I , . 4,. 1'h:a,t UP0r1qQMp1etto,n o.f tbesald sewer, aliootltl.8otions thet"'tto shall be made 1.1pontlle saml" termsand'cond1tions as .. gove~n arid regulatecon,ne9t:t,on8 to any oth'sr part of the ,s-ewer .8'f\ttlmO f The C 1 ty, Q r Boiem~n.. ,., 5. That theS~hool Boa.rd' or the C'hr1stlan Re'for-:ned Ohurch otJ3gzeman; whiohl. tb,8 l.,glll recordtltle' owner of' Lots Two (2l,,~hree tl),FoUr,t4),:',"'ve,fS), sbc .(6).. ,and Seven (7) in Blo<l~' Five (5) of Ittl:rp's'ldditlon,tQ'l'heCityot" Bozeman,. has plllg:the part:tespf.tb,e..flrst psrt'"thesumofTwo Hundr.d Fifty ,('$25q.oo) Dollars,~len,):sum sh~llappl)<upqn~l1EJcos,.tat1El .xpeQ...'of tJ:1.0p~~.t.:~;f.UI',:,>.tt}'t:l1e t1.J;8tpart<:1nbu1>ldlng,' QOn,trruq.t"" lng and installIng thesatd se-.er, an.d.1n,return for suoh payment the lIaid School Boar~,ortheChx-18tl$n'R:eformed Ohurch of Bozeman, and'Qhly sa:t.d School Board, sh.:x,lhave.the privilege ot conneot- ingschool'hUlldln$sonly with th~ aaid ~eV/.r,sald connections to ,be made'at.th.e"xpe{is,eofthe said Sohoo:laoard. .. It is und19r- j!JtpOd andagreadtha~ It,tllepropertyaljovf'.desoribed is sold, cOlJveyed. or 'tranl!re~r~d'Q1'<tMsalct$chO:()1'Boardbefore said ,oonn-ections "qr any or-'therit., 6.rema.de, thtsright and privilege to so connect wIth the sa1q, s8\!ershall not pass with such sale, transfer orconveyartoe. . ,. .~'.