HomeMy WebLinkAbout63- Hill Easement f' .. J>' . .' It ,., cl PAGE216 . ..' . . ., .. , BOOK, - .. EASEltENT AND Rlmrr-or..wAY AGREEMENT FOR SANITARY Sm"IER PIPE LINE THIS AGREEMENT, lffa.do and entered into this /? day of;fdY'f'Irl6--f'r-, A.D. - 196~. by and bet'r.reen Hazel M. Hill. Boze~.. Mon~8., AJMJ.lH'. ~,IIi~ '1 ' ..','/ , "~ JI ,- ' <".S f,.d/;,! ,""'/<" W;' ,)c, BqsA1llAn.. Montana. Husband and Wit. ..' '~ . . po.rt.z- of the first part, hereinafter oalled the Grantor_, and THE CITY OF BOZEl:IAN, a municipal corporation o't the State of Montana, in Gallatin County, , the party of the second part, heuinatter called the Grantee. Y!ITNESSETH: '.REREAS, The Grantor _ is the leGal record title orTner_ of portions of the NEi svri Section 12, Township 2 South,RanJ!:e 5 East. J --1 and VrnrnREAS. the Grantee, in the exeroise of its pm~er and authority as a munioipality of the state of !\~ontana., proposes ta construpt and install sanitary ; S~7er pipe lines ,for the oollection and disposal of sev~ge and domestic lvastes from the general area of Hontana state College betueen Eleventh and Tvrenty-third Avenues ,south~t College Street theMe in a generally northerly directi.on through the westerly environs of the City of Bozeman to a conneotion vdth the pre- sent sanitary 'serTer system in the vicinity of J.lTorth JiC;hth AVenue and Dirch Street, a portion of vmioh proposed sanitary seuer pipe line vrould run aoross the Grantor__ landJ and 'i'lHEREAS. the Grantee desires to acquire from the GrantorS, and the Grantor - - tjf'e...... Ydlling to grant to the Grantee an easement and right-of-way across the above ~ desoribed prope.rty of the Grantor.:t., and heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, for the purpose of installing, operating, using, repairing, replacing, maintainins. and removing said sanitary seVier pipe line, and for such otherr.ights..of access and incidental rights as are hereinafter described, all as hereinafter more particularly provided. NOn, THEREFORE. in consideration of the sum. of Crfi, d cJ in hand paid by the City of Bozeman, the receipt whereof is hereby ao owledged, and in further conSiderati...f the covenants and agreements betneen the parties hereto, the Grantor..s... e granted, barGained, sold, conveyed, and confirmed, and by these presents ~ hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey, and oonfirm unto the said Grantee and its sucoessors and assigns the follmving rights and privileges for- ever: 1" A perpetual easement and richt-of-way for the purpose of installing, oper- ~g. using, repairing, "eplacing, maintaininG and removing a .anitary sewer pipe ine and appurtenanoes thereto upon and across the above desoribed proper~ of e Grantor.s.., said. eas.ment and r ight-of-\'.ra.y to consist of a strip of land thi.rty .) feet in vridth Q1IlJ; and beinG fifteen (15) feet on eaoh side of the followin'g ribed oenter 11M,a I 1. . :,-~ ~ "i . J , ~ . \;. I i , . . h 21 PAGE217 BOOK A 30 ft. wide easement, 15 ft. on either side of the following described center line. Beginning; at a point 1,157.2 ft. East of the West line of the Eli Swf Section 12 and 329.5 ft., more or less, North of the North line of West Curtiss Street; thence Westerly 26.5 ft., more or less, 329.5 ft. North of and parallel to the North line of West Curtiss Street; thence Southerly 238.5 ft., more or less, and parallel to the center line of the alley between 11th and 12th Avenues extended North, to a point at the North end of the alley between 11th and 12th Avenues and N~rt\ of West curtiss ~~rert. . he perpetua r1G 0 lngress and egress to and from said traot of land at all reasonable times for the purpose of installinG, operatinG, usinG, repairing, replaoinG and ~AintaininG said sanitary sewer pipe line and appurtenanoes thereto and for the removing of same if and when desired by the Grantee, its suocessors and assiGns; TO IrAVE AND TO HOLD the above desoribed right-oof-way with all the appurtenanoes and privileges unto the said Grantee and to its SUQoessors and assigns forever. The Grantee hereby oovenants and agrees with the Grantor.:i as follows: 1. That, in conneotion with the installinG, pperating, using, repairing, re- plaoing, maintaining and removing of said sanitary sewer pipe line it will replaoe, at its sole expense, all e~:istinb fences, ditches and other appurtenanoes of said land that ~y be disturbed by its operation in a condition equal to the oondition thereof existing before said operations were begun, or as near thereto as shall be reasonably possible. 2.. That, during operations involving exoavation, it will remove the top- soil from the trench area to a depth of one foot, or to the full depth of the topsoil, ~~liohever is less, and stocltp11e said topsoil away from the site any large rocks or surplus exoavated n~erial or any kind of debris that mAY have been exposed by the excavation and remaining .after baokfilling is oompleted, and vdll leave the finished surfaoe in substan- tially the same oondition that existed prior to the beginning of opera- tions except that the surface of baokfilled areas may be mounded suffi- oien_~ to prevent the formation of depressions after final settlement has take~ce. 3. To install said sanitary sewer pipe line at such a realonable depth below the surfaoe of the earth as vdll permit normal cultivation of the Grpund. 4. To operate, use and maintain said sanitary sewer pipeline in suoh manner as will not hinder or prevent the proper oultivation of the tract through whioh this right-of-vrey is hereby granted. pipe line the Grantee will pay to the # in add above speoified money consideration of this um. (~:,6.00) per lineal rod measured on the cent of the right-of-nay tor damages to the premises and c virtue of the Grantee's entry thereon. The payments h speoified for damage to premise. and orops shall be and 0 . e full pa.yment to the Grantor for any such dama caused e Graz:tor _ l~nds and ourrent crops,. as -an mcident to the 6. In the event that it should beoome necessary for the Grantee to re- enter the Grantor__ premises for the purpose of repairing, replaoing, maintaining or removing said sanitary sewer pipe line, the Grantee will reimburse the Grantor~ for any aotual damage done to the Grantor~ pre- mises or orops. . .._~, .,..~ \ . io ~DOK . C 1 PAGE 218 . .,.... . , .. ,~ The Grsntor.J:,. hereby oovenant _ and agree_ with the Grantee as followsl 1. That at no time will.fj,~v build, oonstruct, ereot or maintain any permnent struoture over O"r'ibove the said sanitary sewer pipe line un- less such struoture is built, constructed and TIJaintained in such a manner that it would not interfere with the operation, use, repair, nmintenance, replacement and removal of said sanitarY sewer pipe line. 2. That the Crantee mAy peaoeably hold and enjoy the rights and privdJo. leges herein granted uithout a7rf interruption by the Grantor or successors and assigns.' - 3. That +hN_ at-e.- lavrl'ully seized of said premises; that -ij,~t.n );(/ ye good rig;h't"ii'ii1l"lavrfu! authority to sell the seme and that jh~r d ~ heirs, exeoutors, administrators, suooessors and assigns, sha ,~rr~ and defend the title to said premises unto said Grantee, and its sucoessors and assigns forever, against the la\rl'ul olaim and denand of all persons ,moms oever', It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that this Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs. executors, administrators, suocessors and assicns of the Grantor..l. and upon the suooessors and assigns 01' the Grantee. IN WITNESS - 'HEREOF, the Grantor.J JOI"f!: hereunto set tfi-t'lr- hand Sand seal .l. and the Grantee, The City or""1fozeman, has hereunto set its hand; by its :Mayor arid its Clerk of the City Commission, each thereunto duly authorized, and has caused its oorporate seal to be affixed, all on this ~ J day of ;f~ll'PHTIr-t-/"'. 1963. 'f. ~ ---., 1-6 >;., ~ ~,~M ~~ By ~~ ~ FRED ,'i. :un , or ATTEST: ':~(f:uJ~ - C'. K.'n;LSO , " ,Cl~k;u.Qf ~he '~f'~ Commission . : g.PROVED;- ,':~::' __.i, "....' '# :-~.~';' ......,,\ <~';~"L~ ~ (:....j.,- ,....,>, ( ~. 1:1 ; . · , JR. / City Attorney STATE OF MONTANA ) I BS COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) s. , ~ ......,. . . aOOK 21 PAGEc19,., ) ~ ..-.r ," 'IL.' :.. . /....." i- , .. .. , . - -_..~. Alo V" , 1963 before me, the w4ersigned II NotarY' Publio , personally appeared //,,/,/ #. ~// ,t- own to me to e e person ~ ..or e n ~ vrlu> signe . orecoUlb iDatru- ment as Grantor ~ and a.lmowl. god to llle that had executed the same freely and voluntarily, for the uses and purpoaes there n expressed. m fTITN~SS rJ1~REOF. I have hereunto set my hand. and affixed l!fI Notarial Seal on the day and year in this Certifioate first above written. r'. '. \ ,t ~'~ I~ -. - ~,: ! , '. ......;... . .~. I. I;: 'i" T l' " . t ~ r<..',,~ 711~~ To ~~4L. ~. ~ ....., ~ rr__... < f ;~ </:' ;~~: ;. ~~~~ -.;<;~:~ ~- Notary u i for the S a te of u~tana ~ ':;. \:~ ;:-'~ . .::,: ~ / ::/ :~ Residing at Bozeman, Montana "" .:..~ <It. ~ ..'),.. .."/h"'- MY Commission Expire. t!)~~ / . /964- ,-,<;::~..,..... .~:;~',~?~~-- , "sTf..'i-iloF ,IIoilTANA ) I ss COUNTY OF GALLAT m) 13 On this ~ day Of~el""6-'t'r- , 1963, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the S ate of non ana, personally appeared Fred Jr. Staudaher and C, K. ','ileon, knovm. to me to be the j~ayor and Clerk of the City Commission respeot- ively, at the City of Bozeman. whose names are subsoribed to the 'within instrument and acknowledged to me that they exeouted the same for and on behalf of said City. IN '-~ITlmSS ImREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affi~ed my Notarial Seal on the day and year in this Certificate first above written. . ; , ~ ' 1 1 I '.f ':' f . J{~~- ':' .~~,::,~,,~.:;.;~.:~~\ ry Pu 0 or e e 0 Hon ana Res iding at Bozeman, lIo tana. .' .'. . , l1y Commission expires. J;pv#..... y /5 /5!'.tf'"f/ : ...~ =~ \ :J~;~j ~ i:- f i ~ f'<''- ~\.{ .;- \ : ( .. ... . .-. ..... 1.;'J'..~..~,~ ~~ "<" ;~'~',"!:,,;:: ~~'.;-~~::~f'--, -- 1,ll,I/;I,I!\"! ;.;. 51493 STATE OF MONTANA. } COUNTY OF GALLATIN. ss, Fil2d..mm..__FJtp..r:IJ~~Y.. .?l.____.... 19 64 AL..._2.:J,O....._ ______.._._____..l~......._M.. and 1 B"--rd~(J h b"' .,j,. ~l of t '''-vI..' '-., , V\,....._.__._.. -:.---.......21.$. MIS_CELLANEQU.S.m_____!Jage .-.".,....... EARL WALTON :~~d,?~~ Fee $..___.._.~:~....._.m.... DeputY.,' 4. ~ .- . .. , ." r . . .. . , " ,. . ~ , iffl!JK ;i.l."mGf215",..... AGREE ME N T FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of permission to oonneot dwellings ereoted and to be ereoted upon the premises hereinafter desoribed to the water and sewer systems of the City of Bozeman, the undersigned, for and on behalf of themselves, their heirs, exeoutors, administrators arid successOrs in interest, do hereby oovenant, agree and consent to include the hereinafter described property situate in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, within the city limits and boundaries of the City of Bozeman, Montana, upon the request of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman to annex the same thereto. All that portion of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 2 South of Range 5 East of the Montana Meridian, described as follows; beginning at a point in the East line of said NIDi of SW,t, said point being 235 feet South of the Northeast corner thereof, thence West parallel with the North line of said NEi of swi 198 feet, thenoe North paralled with the said East line of said NEt of ~, 79.6 feet, thenoe East parallel with said North line of said NEll of sw.t, 198 feet to the said East line thereof, thence South alone: said East line, 79.6 feet, to the place of beginning, containing 0.36 of an aore, more or less. '-,'............... .~-'-'~""'c,. STATE OF MONTANA- ) : S8. County of Galla tin) On this /'1- day of No"/' 1963, before me the undersigned, a Notary Publio for the State of Montana, personally appeared ~f~L ~, t:-1L/- l-ri' 7 ~ , ~,.., ... . 11- . -V_ and _ p. KA Y I-J JI.... I- known to me to be the persons whose na.m.es are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that; they executed the sa.m.e. nJ WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my sfficial seal the day and year in the certificate first above written. ...m _--'--_-M--__. .-. ~~ Notary Public or the State of Mont Residing at Bozeman, Montana \ My Commiss ion expires Oc-T Itf/., /9' #l- . \ ,.,.. .' " -' . ~ ~ " ..' I. '., <~ \ e;.,-'I,-.;Jo . . ".~ . ~};~i;~c:~:i~ 'At. y ,.'. C'J.';" ~ b,"'ht C~;~, ~.,,\,..:.;~.. '" liC \"h~ \) \ r.\ v~ ;t ~i~,:1 '1",' .,"",t,. , , \ , . 12 Lovembor 1.9('1$ H. Ray an4 Hazel !J. TIUl lit So. 11th Ave. Dozen-en, Uantana "ear ;~. m1d 1.". Hill, Tb.3p 18 ...i'tten 1n 01"_ to ~a m tt;er oE record 'the ~... - ...-calfl...... with ,Q\Ct9l" ~_""tat~ 0I..~ lhw to ACI"OIS8 101D' property and the tnsta1~t1on of a ~otian to yoU!' Nsidence at the ..bow ad.4rMa prov1.UJlf YOUI' ,.Ueo. with s8l'lltary sewer facilities. 1) TheC1ty of :10Z0rtlUl will install a ..... 11M AOI"O'. yO\U" property at 'the ~caUC1D8 AzXl as deucr:1ba4 in the Ensem-mt ~ fonM ezeouted bJ you. 2) Xhe City of BoNtU wiU. within an. yoU trom the dAte of th1& letter, an4 at DO G\PtIl86 to yeN, tutall a .....r l1ne from ita .tNDJc 1m. to yo1U" JWJ14epoeat the above ~, add.rtNIe in .\lOb a ,.".~ ilhat .Y" xaq 1lJIII1at t.heneceeaa.r:r !n'ter10f' oonnootiau to provide you!" rea. idenbewi th eenitary f .""01' serrl.oe. 3) In ocmaidltration tor -Ill an4 it above it 18 UQdentood tll..... you. h,a.,. executed _ Abl"'t_Slt wil1JJ:1gly. which will aUow f the City COt1lll1&slcm to.brint: your pttoperty within the City 11.1711 te at suoh tir.w as the City Ccmnlaalon .deer:w such action to be adv1.Bab3... and, youha-. also e:reoutad the EMf!I'I!Imt Foft18 CftA'tingthe City the neeea.U'y':r:l[;llWf- ..- we..Tw !r~tal1.~ ~:k 1~-.....,~ ~wtl~ty. ;, ""---..-.. As a at:ter of infOl'W):Ltcm. your property... dOtlc1"'lbed in the ac;refl':Mtnt sipct byyw allow:4ng tile Cli;y COlll%l18elon i;omolt14e the propcwty withSn the eit:,' J:J.m1ta rNq alao benJ'VOd 'by C:H..-y .ter an4 afPlllir taol11tles nt eu4h ,\;1ce as it iIJ 'o'titb.in the City. ~1evror oonniJCtlona may then 'be -.de for ..rvtng you:!' ProvertY' "by you pay!ngA ppoportlona1ie cost of oaNltl"Uoislca within c.J.n. 43n Brut the normaltlo-G11 tees. The p1"OportlOJJ&te coat l"'eterrod to SA baaed upon an a.rea oor:pa:hation. It )IOu ..cree that allot the above ooDfOrml to tho undON~ inc. you have of tho 1!.J"rangtr..Dent. pI.... .~ at the 'cottom of 1dda l(~ttor :in tl.o opct.ce provided and mW"n th" lot' er to ur.:. A oopy 18 provided for your iile. . , ' '" Ur. &. JJJoB. EUl 12 l:oV8laber 1968 2nd pllgO I .bJ4."'17 believe that the8e ~tI an totbe JDUt.:L ad:v&ntace of you end the City of Bozeman. tuld t1w.t thedeve10putent ot your proport;lJ may soan progres8 ma 1D8Z1DIt1" sati8!'l\otory 'bo you and the Cit"J. Sinoerely', ":,...~'''''' .~::""<,,,",<,:"... <",,'. ~"",'~ ~~ "__~_,..;... . >:i'~ L1"'~::'.d .~~.,~~~~ ~>'~W'.:'~"'""!'l\'i-~'''''' OSCARE CUTTn~f C1 ty Ianager rI] - ...... " I Dozenan, lttmt:;lu. l'-J . M1DaL)2. , /?f.3 I [J) The pTOv1IIi_ O1Zt1ined &bove ...... in ........- witih "IY -...t&ndiJog r .f this ~l'IIZl8aoti"" cd are hereby &pprowa. zC ~L:>?t. ~ . . ~ ".. fl.... ,-.-.."'??;(.';"'.'--'~" ... 0.."..... .....".. ......."..-..~..........".... ...~....?d.......~..,....... ... . V - ~ ' -- ~c,:"r2 - -"":":'7."!'- _. .... ,.' ';t :;.'~, _""