HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx 3 BPC 6142018 MSU Expansion Recc13 O Z tì l.'i lr, Irl "Porking ServicesMEMORANDUMDate: June 6,2018To: Bozeman Parking CommissionRe: Recommendations for the expansion of Montana State University ResidentialParking Permit District (900 bl S. Grand: Alderson S14th to S' 15ùJFrom: Ed Meece, Parking Program ManagerThe City of Bozeman continues to study and develop what modifications are neededregarding the creation, operation, expansion, and dissolution of Residential ParkingPermit Districts (MSU RPPD] - so as to create the best balance of resident concernsand on-street parking available to all residents. However, in the interim, theAdministration would like to proceed with consideration of two blocks forexpansion of the MSU Residential Parking Permit District:o 900 Block ofS. Grand Avenue. Alderson Street, S. 14th to S. 15ùBoth of these blocks are directly contiguous to the MSU RPPD, and their connectionto the existing district map actually "completes" existing RPPD blocks withoutenlarging the outer boundaries of the district. Attached to this memorandum aremaps/drawings of the existing district, as well as the proposed expansions. Inaddition, you will find photos and petitions from affected residents that support thisaction.Routinely, the Parking Services Division would provide multi-day occupancy countsalong with this request. Because I originally expected to deal with these requestsunder the newly created procedures, later this calendar year, that data has not beengathered; at this poin! any occupancy data collected would drastically under-represent the parking occupancies experienced during an MSU school term.It is worth noting that the occupancy problems experienced in both of these areasresults from their near proximity to an exclusively parked RPPD, and is notuncommon in other RPPD boundary locations. I emphasized this issue as anunfavorable impact of exclusively parked RPPD's in my brief discussion to theBozeman City Commission on April 23, 20t8. Mitigation of this issue remains aconcern with the use of RPPD's going forward.P.O. Box 1230Bozemon, MT 59771-1230I@ +oo-ssz-2eo3 I@20 Esst Olive Streetwww.bozemon.netïDD:40ó-582-2301THE MOST LIVABLE PLACE t;LegendPar&¡ng DirtrldsBSHS Rè$denùEl Orstfida^r/ Msu Resident¡al o¡et¡id/)/ t Hou,)12 ztourP¡rki¡g LotEf 2 Hour lEræpt By PEm¡l)Pårthg GarâgaÉ_til--llrt,\r';il*'ilIJilLLziltlìIlrIlrI-ii.,t:ll".1'llCity of Bozeman Parking Districts BPC: MSU RPPD Proposed Expansion(6l2OtB) - \M. s a Street Names Parking Districts BSHS Residential Dìstrict MSU Residential District 1 Hour E 2 Hout City Limits Ëi ':r r:r:rn Created By: Ecl Nleece Created For: Bczenran Pai kinç1 Co nr n-l is'io n Dare: O6lO6lTAtE o -¡his flroclLtct i:i l'or ìn[ornìaiìonrl purposr,.:; .rncl nrllr r]Òt ha\ r- L.edrr Ì¡reÞl¡rrcl lcr or br :uir:.lble [or lc'gal cngtnaeTtnq ot sLìrvc\/tnçl putÞosc: IJsîrt of tÑ. ìnfornr¡lìan :l¡oLtlcl rlt'lelr¡ or cor¡sLtli t lc plìlrlal dâtâ âFd ìnfornlation solt¡ces lo.¡:ce rlain the llf ¡LrÌlil\/ of ll¡': irli'orll:alion t3l Feet 263o?_63 BPC: MSU RPPD Proposed Expansion GnOtS) - 9OO REQUEST FOR RESIDENTIAL PARKING PERMIT900 South Grand (between Harrison and Cleveland)IEt:fl ilñ¡ lt !rr¡II!.?-tÉiJL,r¡ñ. ' h,r ht,e- fLa/- 27 - ltrO o'Ì{z-PETITIONTo: City of Bozeman, MT - parking permit divisionFrom: Residents that live on South Grand Avenue - the block between Harrison and Cleveland street'Reguest: We (the residents) are requesting that South Grand Avenue- between Harrison and Cleveland streettransition from free parking to having the zone designated as a Residential Parking Permit Distr¡ct'primary Reason: Hea\ry congest¡on of parked cars from 7:30am-4pm (M-F) caused by overflow parking from MSUSecondary Reason: Area is designated as a Historic D¡str¡ct. Bumper-to-bumper parking reduces home values'l¿w¡ ol Paúirg Pgifiitl o¡ty - she ffil e Í8ss89e hom lßr lPhoo6'slÞ'Arrb Prêcotl llvd !l:903South GEnd, Bo¿eman, ,llT 50715Etrb Pr6æfl t,ãoto on JtnuttY27, mlg @ 1112'auppo¡üvcot mrllngtfut.cc-tlon ot GrÊnd lcaldcntl¡l PüñltShe s¿es unaô¡o lo Pru,cctIYsþn tþI\v,13r,{êH,ut6a¿¡ L4r'/Æ/JName?3,*¡,.t¿ ó-T-ÌrvLfudun',,tAddr.essßee s'r4)-ç S'-..rlq16Sttl u,5tso^A Arn.IJtlt CÀÍtêrcn,8.tb P¡Ê.aotl hoß' lm3lgù ?tl b tl t!ß hoÐc ln F bn¡¡ryromümGA glrfirlond ðn 3lgn on mYbch¡ll'pPftlng. lrl frlcrffitwlallì Dear Bozeman Parking Commission,My name is Tenzin Phuntsog, My wife and I recently moved to Montana to teach at MontanaState University and we recently moved into our new home on 701 S. 14th Ave in Bozeman.The traffic is bad in this intersection in the morning because everyone flghts for parking and carsare left for many night unattended without any recourse. Students have access to plenty ofparking on campus.I would like to formally request to have Alderson between 14th to 1Sth ave be zoned"Residential Parking" like the rest of Alderson east of 14th ave for safety, reducing traffic,improving tranquility for residents and reducing noise in our neighborhood as stated in Sec.36.04.330. - Procedure for the establishment of a residential on-street parking permitregulation program.We recently moved into the property as owners and we noticed that our side of Aldersonbetween 14tha nd 15th ave is not labeled "Residential Parking." The rest of Alderson is labeledAlderson and all adjacent streets and the following parallel street on Dickerson are also labeled"Residential Parking." I was told from neighbors that our street was once labeled "Residential."Please return it back to its original designation. To this end I have included in this lettersignatures from all the homeowners and long-term residents in a 1 block radius of said locationTo describe the problem in further detail I would like to share with you a few photos andconcerns about leaving this block unmonitored and unprotected to its residents. Currently thereis no street sígns on Alderson between 14th and 15th ave. \Mlich makes this street a highlydesirable parking location 1 block from MSU. ln the early hours of the morning and late at nightcars are driving around fighting for parking and congested. ln addition the intersections downAlderson do not have "Stop signs" so driving down Alderson and especially our intersection isserious safety risk for residents. Stop signs down Alderson would also be recommended.Traffic in the mornings and late nights when students are searching for convenient parking nearMSU is exponentially increased. And from 8-3pm every weekday 8-12 cars move in and ourblock is filled while other blocks do not experience the same stress.The drivers are not residents, they are students who park all day or for multiple days without anywarning or monitoring. \Mth MSU being 1 block away and the school offering plentiful options forparking. Please consider the tax paying residents of our neighborhood request and help us keepthis street open to its residents who willwould rather pay the residential parking permit fees tothe city to keep and maintain a safer and more tranquil residential neighborhood.Sincerely, Tenzin Phuntsog 701 S. 14th Ave. Bozeman MT 59715 lü:rn & ¡f tor S la A!Ê EoürürU1 J--.1. Ne,lnÌ{'r N ' n¡re B'!ei¡r. ry partn€r iof end I FJst maúed inlo 701 S 1¿$ Al€ e.d r? !p r-. i:.tl.lt3ì {'* ArCêlss¡ tÊtìfle?î 14th ead l:fü Ayeîuê bê rEoflcd Raritsnfil ffiig' :- -s\ ¡r'. ¡me ae hare lryeC her€ we hrre núced rmi'rt noÞfEsffis ftÊ{ fo' pe.trç i :a -o.a':g ìn :rút ol tur Fqrse mâkirg t€ nlers€tfran bcli¡€eô l¿ll tñdAgc?SÐ ¡4n J¿^Je.q\ia lc Cr6s a ttp rutEEE AS mæt bæ etlr€|dy l¡Orrt fu æSS ÉÊfS æ tf:lÔ Jægscus dld F æ ÐtÞrrr9t lo bng ùüqlJùty md sáQt, ard [ı\ê tt.€ rEËs: ff iafttufy I m¡ló rùe to rcq!Ët yoú !¡-Frt n ItB Eqtæc tT sræ! r¡|ðQ -¿â l!Ê!. Þ r¡ñ !}ç .rt¡ th¡t ltê DãmrEr.i foeg'Èrñ Ëitcr{s æ &., laÞty Íd æE C Ed \t\¡¡ lËé Fr lçlo É.æ bæ tûr^æ{r) lf'td(}tæaâddâ à.ùr r!r!t tæ r d lffió ûì.r ËùËd L.|lÉrqti tç ttt dJ5ffi Ë, tE{ wL- ñÊè ñ* : -.3j i: !. \ :-. S;--t':'.A(tf Pss ., -¡--t t-::-_,. -r:rr--:...-\ r5!\ .sr-i:rf\i - t. ì:..-r: :..-ì- !-.-:ì.-ì..-:- 'f'r \ì-!r ri.r À\P-.<. i-l .g:.-^Ef RCAId!Ðtll! 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