HomeMy WebLinkAbout18- Task Order - Tetra Tech, Inc. - Modification to 2018 Operation and Maintenance Task Order to Address Recommendations for System Evaluation at the Bozeman Landfill TETRA TECH TASK ORDER MODIFICATION TO 2018 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE TASK ORDER TO ADDRESS RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SYSTEM EVALUATION BOZEMAN LANDFILL April 6, 2018 CLIENT: CONSULTANT: The City of Bozeman Tetra Tech, Inc. P.O. Box 1230 851 Bridger Drive, Ste 6 Bozeman, Montana 5971 1-1 230 Bozeman, MT 59718 Attention: Mr. Rick Hixson Attention: Mr. Kirk A. Miller INTRODUCTION The purpose of this task order is to implement Recommendations 2, 4 and 5 from Tetra Tech's Initial Remedial System Evaluation Report (dated March 9, 2018). These recommendations are directed at improving the effectiveness of the landfill gas extraction and soil vapor extraction systems currently operating at the landfill. All five recommendations are listed below: Recommendation 1 — Conduct two additional groundwater monitoring events in 2018; • Recommendation 2 — Conduct test of SVE radius of influence; • Recommendation 3 —Adjust SVE air flow rates; • Recommendation 4— Replacement of landfill gas extraction well GW-18; and, • Recommendation 5— Surface Emissions Sweep of Unlined Cell. Recommendation 1 is being addressed by Tetra Tech's 2018 Groundwater and Perimeter Methane Monitoring Task Order, which is already under consideration by the City. Recommendation 3 can be completed under Tetra Tech's existing 2017-2018 Remediation System Oversight Task Order (approved October 17, 2017), Tetra Tech job number 114- 720487A. Therefore, only Recommendations 2, 4 and 5 are addressed by this Task Order Modification. Tetra Tech proposes to modify our existing Remediation System Oversight Task Order, referenced above, to include the scope of work and budget outlined in this Task Order. This will serve to consolidate Tetra Tech's landfill services to just two Task Orders. SCOPE OF SERVICES This task order includes the following three tasks: • Task 1 -Evaluation of Radius of Influence for Soil Vapor Extraction Wells. • Task 2 - Installation of New Landfill Gas Extraction Well and Pump to Replace GW-18. • Task 3—Conduct a Surface Emissions Sweep of landfill cover. The scope of work and costs to conduct these three tasks are outlined below. Tetra Tech 851 Bridger Drive, Suite 6; Bozeman, MT 59715 Tel 406.582.8780 Fax 406.582.8790 tetratech.com Task Order—Modifications to 2018 Operation and Maintenance Task Order April 6, 2018 Task 1 Evaluation of Radius of Influence for Soil Vapor Extraction Wells Additional vacuum monitoring points are needed to confirm that a continuous zone of influence has been created along the south property boundary by the SVE system. There are a limited number of vacuum monitoring points available to evaluate the radius of influence created by the SVE system. Drilling new monitoring points is expensive. Therefore, we recommend testing the radius of influence of the SVE wells by conducting short-term shutdowns of some SVE and Al wells and allowing pressures and vacuums to equilibrate prior to conducting a round of vacuum measurement in nearby monitoring wells and the shutdown SVE wells. This will allow a better estimation of the vacuum radius of influence created in each SVE well or groups of SVE wells across the south boundary of the landfill property. Several iterations of the test will be conducted with different SVE wells shut down for each test iteration to allow data to be collected across the entire width of the SVE system. We propose to use these results to identify the radius of vacuum influence along a larger portion of the south property boundary and to confirm that adequate capture of landfill gas (LFG) migration is being achieved. Existing vacuum data supports an average radius of influence of approximately 50 ft., however, it likely is variable across the south boundary of the landfill and the radius may well be larger than our estimate. Two primary tests are proposed (Test 1 and Test 2) to evaluate variability of the influence between different SVE wells and whether capture of soil gases is occurring in the areas with larger expanses between SVE wells. Slight modifications will be made part way throughout the tests to further isolate areas between wells (Tests 1 A and 2A). SVE wells that have been temporarily shut down and all air injection wells will be used as vacuum monitoring points, increasing the number of data points. This will also allow BSV soil gas probes or BLG methane monitoring wells that are close to SVE wells to provide data on the affects from SVE wells at a greater distance. Tetra Tech will prepare a study plan that outlines the specific SVE wells to be shut down for each of the tests and where and when air emission air quality tests will be collected. The air quality samples are intended to evaluate whether changing the SVE air flow impacts the concentrations of volatile organic compounds extracted by the system. The SVE Pilot Test study plan will include identification of the areas that each test is expected to isolate so that radius of influence estimates can be calculated. Our initial planning indicates the following approach to these pilot tests: Test 1 The following wells will be shut down then vacuum levels in surrounding wells will be monitored until equilibrium is established: • SVE wells 2, 4, 7, 12 and 16. • All Air Injection Wells This will provide data on the radius of influence between SVE-8 and 9, SVE-14 and 15, SVE-1 and 13, SVE-5 and 6, and SVE-10 and 11. Based upon the results of Test 1 we may conduct Test 1A, wherein, we will shut down the same SVE and Al wells as for Test 1, as well as several additional wells (e.g., SVE-3 and 6). Test 2 The following wells will be shut down then vacuum levels in surrounding wells will be monitored until equilibrium is established: • SVE wells 5, 8, 10, 13 and 14. Page 2 of 5 TETRA TECH Task Order— Modifications to 2018 Operation and Maintenance Task Order April 6, 2018 • All Air Injection Wells This will provide data on the radius of influence between SVE-3 and 4, SVE-4 and 11, SVE-11 and 12, SVE-2 and 6, SVE-1 and 7 and SVE-15 and 16. Based upon the results of Tests 1 and 2 we may conduct Test 2A, which will shut down the same wells as Test 2, as well as several additional wells (e.g., SVE-1, 4, 6 and 9). After each set of SVE wells and the Al wells are shut down, vacuum measurements will be collected every two to four hours until it appears that vacuum levels are stabilized. This condition will be maintained for up to 12 hours until the next test is initiated. Weather changes may change vacuum readings, so this may cause a delay in initiation or completion of some tests. At least two staff persons will be needed to adjust the SVE and Al wells and to collect the vacuum measurements. Tetra Tech will use a Photo ionization detector and/or flame ionization detector to sample air in the SVE discharge (prior to the flare) and perhaps from a few individual SVE wells to evaluate changes in VOC concentrations. The frequency and location of this sampling, as well as the need for any laboratory samples, will be developed in the Study Plan. Upon completion of each test, the data will be briefly reviewed in the field to identify areas where the data is inconclusive, which may dictate the need for an additional test. After completion of the tests the data will be compiled into a data base and presented graphically in both plan and section, so that radius of influence can be evaluated for both aerial distribution and vertical distribution. Based upon evaluation of the data, Tetra Tech will develop recommendations, if warranted, for adjustment of flow rates in SVE well, installation of additional vacuum monitoring points and/or installation of additional SVE wells. Task 2 Installation of New Landfill Gas Extraction Well and Leachate Pump Well GW-18 is the only landfill gas well in the field that needs a leachate pump but does not have a pump. This is due to the casing having been bent or broken, which precluded installation of a pump. Attempts to fix this problem have been unsuccessful, therefore, there is standing water in GW-18, which limits the ability of the well to capture LFG. A new six-inch diameter LFG extraction well will be installed (likely 12-inch boring diameter) to replace GW-18 and it will be fitted with a leachate pump to increase the effectiveness of LFG extraction and leachate removal from this area. Tetra Tech will prepare Plans and Specifications for the new well and obtain bids from qualified drillers. The Plans and Specifications will essentially mirror those used for the installation of the new LFG wells in 2014, however, the drilling equipment requirements will be modified. The cost to mobilize the specialized drilling equipment used in 2014 from outside the region would likely be much higher than the cost to drill the well, therefore, more locally available drilling methods (e.g., air rotary) will be allowed. Tetra Tech staff will provide field oversight of the drilling contractor for the drilling and well installation. A local contractor will be retained to complete the piping connections between the existing LFG collection system and the new well. Most of the costly piping, valves and pumps are left over from the 2014 construction, hence, new material costs will be limited. Page 3 of 5 TETRA TECH Task Order—Modifications to 2018 Operation and Maintenance Task Order April 6, 2018 Task 3. Conduct Surface Emissions Sweep of Unlined Cell Cover A surface emissions sweep will be conducted to map landfill gas emissions through the landfill cap and evaluate if there are areas within the 32-acre Unlined Closed Cell that need upgrades to the cap. These areas of the cap may also be susceptible to infiltration of surface water. The scan will entail running a volatile organic analyzer on a grid pattern over the surface of the Unlined Closed Cell and recording concentrations of VOCs. The survey will be conducted after surface soils and the cover have dried out adequately to allow evaluation of worst case conditions (winter snows and saturated soil materials tend to reduce the flow of LFG out of the cell). The methods used for the surface emissions sweep will be similar to what is required by the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for qualifying Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Landfills, however, this sweep is not being conducted as a compliance requirement. The designated sweep area will be traversed using a survey pattern as described in Subpart WWW of USEPA's NSPS in intervals of thirty (30) meters along a serpentine pattern. Measurements will be collected using a TVA-2020 Flame Ionization Detector (FID) with a range of 1 ppm to 100,000 ppm Methane (CH4). The TVA-2020 will be calibrated with a span gas concentration of 500 parts per million by volume (ppmv) CH4 and a calibration gas containing 20 to 22% oxygen. The Site's background concentration will be determined by moving the probe inlet upwind and downwind outside of the limits of waste and at a distance of at least 30 meters from perimeter wells. Instantaneous measurements of methane concentrations will be monitored within 5 to 10 centimeters (=2—4 inches) immediately above the surface. Areas showing elevated VOCs may indicate that improvements to the soil cover are necessary to better contain methane and to reduce surface water infiltration. The survey results will be summarized in a brief report and recommendations for further actions will be provided. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE Assuming approval of this Task Order by April 30, 2018, Tetra Tech's anticipated schedule to complete the above described activities will be the following: Deliverable Completion Date Complete Study Plan for SVE Pilot Test May 11, 2018 Complete SVE Pilot Test Field Work May 25, 2018 Submit Draft SVE Pilot Test Report to City June 15, 2018 Submit LFG replacement well design to City May 18, 2018 Contract with Driller for LFG replacement well June 15, 2018 Complete LFG replacement well July 13, 2018 Conduct Surface Emissions Sweep August 2018 Submit Surface Emissions Sweep Report September 2018 Page 4 of 5 TETRA TECH Task Order— Modifications to 2018 Operation and Maintenance Task Order April 6, 2018 COSTS Estimated costs to complete the foregoing scope of services are in shown below: Estimated Costs 2018 Modification to Operation and Maintenance Task Order Bozeman Landfill Task Description Estimated Cost Task 1. SVE Pilot Test _ $23,703 Task 2. Replacement of LFG Well $20,863 Task 3. Surface Emissions Sweep $7,188 Total $51,753 The services conducted and invoicing will be on a time and materials basis. A detailed cost estimate can be provided upon request. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Execution of this Task Order constitutes acceptance of all terms and conditions contained in Tetra Tech's Professional Services Agreement with the City of Bozeman, dated April 15, 2014. CLIENT: CONSULTA T: 1 Cityof Bozeman Tetra Tech 1 By: By: � I V VAL Printed Name: Printed Name: Kirk A. Miller Its: ` ' ,t., ` Its: Senior Project Manager Date: J114e _�} 1 Date: April 6, 2018 NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY This Task Order(including attachments) contains information confidential to Tetra Tech, Inc., its subsidiaries, and subcontractors. It is intended only for City of Bozeman to consider Tetra Tech providing professional services at the Bozeman Landfill. Any other use is prohibited, without the prior written consent of Tetra Tech. Page 5 of 5 TETRA TECH