HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 4897 Amendment to the Bozeman Community Plan (Growth Policy) for the 2018 Park Place Annexation RESOLUTION NO. 4897 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, TO ADOPT AN AMENDMENT TO FIGURE 3-1 OF THE BOZEMAN COMMUNITY PLAN. WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman has had a comprehensive plan (growth policy) since 1958, and WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman adopted its growth policy, known as the Bozeman Community Plan,through Resolution 4163 on June 1, 2009; and WHEREAS, an application has been received to amend Figure 3-1, the future land use map of the growth policy; and WHEREAS, the Bozeman Community Plan, Section 17.4, establishes criteria for amending the document; and WHEREAS, on February 26, 2018, the Bozeman City Commission adopted Resolution No. 4896, a Resolution of Intent to modify Figure 3-1 of the Bozeman Community Plan as requested by the applicant; and WHEREAS, in accordance with 76-1-602, MCA, on March 20, 2018 the Bozeman Planning Board conducted a public hearing to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the growth policy amendment application; and Resolution No. 4897,Revise Growth Policy Future Land Use Map WHEREAS, following the public hearing,the Planning Board recommended amendment of the growth policy as requested by the applicant; and WHEREAS, on April 9, 2018 the City Commission conducted a public hearing prior to taking any action to adopt or revise a growth policy; and WHEREAS, following the public hearing, the City Commission unanimously passed a motion to approve modification of Figure 3-1 as requested by the applicant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman,Montana,that: Section 1 In accordance with the requirements of Section 76-1-604 MCA, application No. 18055, the 2018 Park Place application for amendment and revision to the Bozeman Community Plan Figure 3-1, is hereby approved. The amendment changes the designation from Present Rural to Industrial on approximately 69 acres located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Nelson Road and US Highway 10. The property consists of three parcels of land described as: A description of land being Tract 1C and Tract 1D of Certificate of Survey No. 1372 B, located in the SE 1/4 of Section 22; a 40' wide County Road No. 259 Easement, located in the SW 1/4 of Section 23; and a tract of land located in the NE 1/4 NE 1/4 of Section 27; situated in Township 1 South,Range 5 East,Principal Meridian,Gallatin County,Montana, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast Corner of Section 27, also being the Southeast Corner of Tract 1C of Certificate of Survey No. 1372 B, the Point of Beginning; thence S.1°53'26"W. along the East line of Section 27 a distance of 836.91 feet to the Northeast Right-of-Way line of the Montana Rail Link Railroad;thence N.52°18'43"W. along said Railroad Right- of-Way a distance of 581.25 feet to the Right-of-Way of the Montana Department of Page 2 of 4 Resolution No. 4897, Revise Growth Policy Future Land Use Map Transportation Bargain and Sale Deed Document No. 2170717; thence N.37°41'29"E. along said Right-of-Way a distance of 0.70 feet;thence N.15°43'59"W. a distance of 81.76 feet; thence N.52°18'31"W. a distance of 98.49 feet; thence N.69°31'56"W. a distance of 166.95 feet to the Northeast Right-of-Way line of the Montana Rail Link Railroad; thence N.52°18'43"W. along said Railroad Right-of-Way a distance of 1613.49 feet; thence N.1°48'08"E. a distance of 712.83 feet; thence S.89°52'46"E. a distance of 2047.78 to the Northeast Corner of Tract 1C of Certificate of Survey No. 1372 B, also being the West Right-of-Way line of a 40' wide County Road No. 259 Easement;thence S.87°59'02"E. a distance of 40.00 feet to the East Right-of-Way line of said County Road Easement;thence S.2°00'58"W. along said County Road Easement Right-of-Way a distance of 1412.22 feet; thence N.87°59'02"W. a distance of 40.00 to the Point of Beginning. The area of the above described parcel of land is 70.56 acres, more or less. Section 2 That a public hearing was advertised and conducted on April 9, 2018 for the purpose of receiving public testimony on application 18055,the 2018 Park Place Growth Policy Amendment to Figure 3-1 of the Bozeman Community Plan. Two members of public provided comments in support of the amendment. Page 3 of 4 Resolution No. 4897, Revise Growth Policy Future Land Use Hap PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 4th day of June, 2018. CYNVfiA RUS Mayor ATTEST: �,�,���>�,� , Og• • . • •�, � &nw(A ROBIN CROUGH City Clerk 9TIN co•�' APPROVED AS TO FORM: G ULLIVAN City Attorney Page 4 of 4 2018 PARK PLACE GROWTH POLICY AMENDMENT APRIL 30,2018 e� / PARCEL I: \� I r�'I I�ACI.1D L5001ACRES If �.,t- I N�Ss��� II I amnr-+.ova saaueart>g b\ I � I PARCEL 1\TRACT IC& r� COUN7YROAD - \�� EASEMENT \�\ 58.514 ACRES J 9 N 4 \ LEGAL DESCRIPTION A tlesolp[bnollad BeAy TraetlCaMRM10 of WWwte MSussty Na.19)E B,boted h[he \x r ------------- -- SEYoiiertbn]);aJO'v.Ue fvaaaY Road Ib.159 EXemeM,looted FtReSW Yatieclion 33;and �r �xrxmva,e a tnctN W,d botMFNr NE%NE%ofSeXbn 7);aluated FTaaavNplSONh,Rarye9Eart, �(.\\� aerrtm>m � i R,i�c�pal NerkBan,GaG[FfnWy,MaNav,mme wrlkuFVF/demrbed asfoB>nx � !!! ' �ry�mvwsnr*�ea� I Begir�n�ry Xlhe NortMastComvolSertion 7).ako beFg tlse Southeas[ComerolTrM lEol \\\\ ~�Se�'v�Tv'v .i I �I ` Certhate of S�mel No.t9)2&Ne PoiNal BegFNK Gxnae Sl'.. ....FaslBrc of .t\ \. 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Fase,v!id 0.klnaf-lVaya tletarsof 3412)2(LtAva<N.gT99b]w.atlbta�o/40.Nta tAe �.\ I PoFtateyFnlK \\\ ava I i Theuea ollheaEvetl 2M moral Blvd"v]O.SBave.4 mtteorlesi � ` - I LEGEND B)n uavnr \\\ ANNEXATION AREA SUMMARY I PARCEL1: 1.500 acres (65J40)Sq.FL PARCEL IT: 58.5I4acrcs(2,548,880)Sq.FL -------_--- - u+u \ I PARCEL III: 10-546 acres (459,386)Sq.F,- TOTAL ANNEXATION AREA: 70.560ecres(3,073,606)Sq.Ft \\Y V jMorrison �Maierle a Nt 4ALYFIAINLYIXarNU _ PIOTI®DATE>p,gyA anmerp [T1 Gel. WG Nu)E anu�mNtc)DComy]e9>a6