HomeMy WebLinkAbout69- Gallatin County Easement " , '..,;f~"y'E'~~;'1?..,~:", ,,~,'j~~<; ",,~1\ .. .....',. 4,l,' ;", ,"'"' ,,}~:!l' ' " t ..~ ,,' ~.,. . ,;.:; ,I~ , ..r." '" GALLATIN COUNTY ,t ENCROACHMENT APPLICATION AND PERMIT C.unty Road #61 , , (Project or .Road. 'Affected) (Maintenance Number) Install, Operate & Maintain a Sanitary Sewer Line (Insert Nature of this permit) ~.,.., 10 Name of Applicant: City 01' Bozeman 20 Address of Applicant: Bozeman" Montana 30 If Applicant isa Corporation give Stat.e of incorportation and names of president " Secret.ary * , , , , , " (Give suffic'ient detail to permit" thorou!h 40 Natuze of Permi~ desired: understanding, and submit blueprints or sketches, in triplicate, 'if desired by Commissionerso) permit to allow the City of Bozeman, Montana, a municipality to construct, install, operate and maintain a sanitary sewer line together with necessary appurtenances thereto, on and within the right of way of the county road number sixty (61). , 5.. Gecg'Z'aphioal point. at 01' 'ne.S' 'which 'in.tall.tionll O:t et~,ct~%'.1! wi\~ b. inatallech County road now lying along the section line common 0 ectl.on' ..' and (2), Township 2 S,. R5 E and also common to Sections (35), and (36) Township] 8, R 5 E;; beginning at a point which lies sixty (60) feet southerly of the one-Quarter corner common 'to said sections one and two and contin~ northerJ!y to a :goint of 6 Por how long a period i. the permit'de.ired sai county road Num er 61 · .. I intersecting with the southwesterly 70 UIlARXS I Permanent ~:ht-of-Way line of Interstate None .?- )( tlr~h ,Dated at Bozeman, Montana, this day of 196', 0 . --. .. ...- ,_.~- ..- .,.,,. "--,. .... --"'....' .."".",,_:" .-"-:.........--......,;., ~"',,"-'-.....>:...._.:,.,....,,....:."- -.,.,. -'~. C I It ,:f- a t? ~ f".--- oR''''' #. · e~ ct' ~-;r.~ ( (Signature 0 Applicant) Cr --I-y /'-t~. ""a./ l',- Subject .to the following terms and conditions, the permit herein applied for 'is hereby granted: 10 TERM. This permitehall be~n full force. and effect from the date '. here of until revoked as herein provided. 2" RENTAL 0 Rental shall be'. 30 .VOCATIONo This permit may be revo~ed by the County upon giving days' notice to permittee by ordinary mail, directed to the '. address shown in the application hereto attached, but the County , ~eserves the right to revoke this permit without giving said notice in the event per.it~e. ~reaks any of the conditions or terms set forth herein. 40 COMMENCEME~ OP WORK. Mo work shall be commenced until permittee notifies County Road Superintendent when he proposed to commence work. " 5" CHARGES IN HIGHWAY: If Sta~e or COUftty changes hi9hway necessitating "'- changes in structures or installations installed under this permit, permittee .hall make necessary changes without expense tQ State or County" ~ 6" STATE AND, COUNTY SAVED ijARMLESS FROM CLAIMs'. In accepting this ;permit the permittee,. its/his succe.sora or,aasigns, ~gree to protect the State and County and save them harmless from ~ll claims, actions, - ... ... -.- -.. , I II ..4 ~' ... ." ~""',. . I .:t- or damage of every kind and description which may accrue tOQ or be suffered bYQ any person or personsQ corporations or property by reason of the performance of any such workQ character of materials usedo or manner of installation/> maintenance and operationQ or by the improper accupancy of said highway right of waYQ and in case any suit qr action is brought aaainst the State or County and arising out ofo or by reason afQ any of the abdve causesQ the Permittee 0 itsjhis successors or assignso willo upon notice to it/him of the commencement, of such actionQ defend the same at itsjhis sole cost and expense and satisfy any ~udgment which may be rendered against the State or County in any such suit or actiono 70 PROTECTION OF TRAFFICo Insofar as the interests of the State and County and the traveling public are, concernedQ all work performed under this permit shall be done under the supervision of the County Superintendent of Roads and his authorized representativ~q~ and he/thev shall indicate barriers to beerect,edQ 'the lighting thereof at. night 0 placing of flag- men an.d watchmen Q manner in which t.raff'ic is to be handled 0 and shall specify to Permittee how road sUI:f'ace is t,Q be replaced if it is dis- turbed during operationsQ but said supervision shall in no way operate to relieve or discharge permittee from any of the Obligations assumed by acceptance of this permit~ and especially those set forth under Section 6 hereofo 80 HIGHWAY DRAINAGEo If the work done under this permit interferes in any way with the drainage of the highway affected" Permittee shalla at itsl his own expenseQ make such provisions as the County may direct to take care of said drainageo . 90 RUBBISH AND DEBRIS 0 Upon completion of wo.tk contemplated under this permito all rubbish and debris shall be immediately removed and the roadway and roadside left in a neat and presentable condition satis- factory to the Count Yo 100 WORK TO BE SUPERVISED BY COUNTYo All work contemplated under this per- mit shall be done under the supervision of ang to the satisfaction of the authorized representative of the CountYQ and the County hereby reserves the right to order the change of locat,ion or removal of any structure or installation aut.horized by this permit at any timeo said changes or removal to be,ma4f:",atthe, SQ~i;l expense of the permitteeo 110 COUNTY"S RIGHT NOT TO BE INTERFERRED WITHo All such changes Q recon- structing or relocation shall be done by Permittee in such a manner as will cause the least interference with any of the CountyOs workQ and the County shall in no wise be liable for any damage to the Permittee by reason of any such work by the CountYQ its agents 0 contractors or representativesQ or by the excercise of any rights by the County upon the highways by the installations or st.ructures placed under this Permit. 12. REMOVAL 01''' INSTALLATIONS OR STRUCTURES 0 Unless waived by the County Q upon termination of this permit 0 the Permittee shall remove the installations or structures contemplated by this Permit and restore the pI'emi.ses to the condi.tion eXisti.ng at the time of entering upon the same under this permit 0 reasonable and ordinary wear and tear and damage by the elements 0 or by circumstances over which the Permittee . has no controlo excepted 0 130 MAINTENANCE AT EXPENSE OF PERMITTEEo Permittee shall maintaino at its/his sole expense the installations and structures fot which this permit is granted, in a condition satisfactory to the County~ 140 COUNTY NO'T LIABLE FOR DAMAGE TO INSTALLATIONS 0 In accepting this permit the Permittee agrees that any damage or injury done to said installation or structures by a contractor working for the County or by any County employee engaged in Qonstructiono alterationQ repairo maintenance or improvement of t.he County highway, shall be at the sole expense of the Permitteeo 150 COUNTY TO BE REIMBURSED FOR REPAIRING ROADWAY~ Upon being billed therefor Permittee agrees to promptly reimburse County for any expense incurred in repairing surface of roadway due to settlement at install- ationo or for any other damage to roadway as a result of the work performed under this "permito '. .. '" ~ , ". .. " . . .. ,. ,f 160 All culverts. placed in driveways connecting to County or secondary roads must be new and galvanizedo and the size recommended by the bridge foreman 0 No abutments may be placed at the ends of the culverts 0 which will extend above the surface of the driveway 0 and no curvings or obstructions above the level of the existing road in the County right-a-wayo DATED at Bozeman 0 Montana 0 this \~ day Of7'/la-AA"'~ 0 19~P 0 . COUNTY OF GALLATIN BY ssion'i~:;'c ATTESTg ~?2 County Clerk ~der The undersiqnedo the ""Permittee" mentioned in the foregoing instrumento _~_.I~~" t!l~.'~t'.o i~t~le' wicthd,l of' ~ te~ ertecoriditi,,- set (e, ';"'~li"'''.. ':"'" C I f--( gJ:, B 0 2-- P~~t!r '/ - - //, . o~ ~ /7 .d</ permittee c,fy 11, ..,:/ -f1 /'- ~;;i ,,~!, "":"',, ':f;.:~~:1, ,,~ ..,~ .:"1, Ilf:"!,. ., .'".oj., ,',:C-:!'" .~ .: '" . . . ~ '. - ~ , , -. ,. .', ~ , .',"" ~ ... GALLATIN COUNTY ~. ENCROACHMENT APPLICATION AND PERMIT West Oak Street .- In Stevens Sub Div. (project or Road, 'Affected) (Maintenance Number) Install, Operate and maintain a Sanitary Sewer Line (Insert Nature of this permit) '", 1. Name of Applicant: City of Bozeman, 2. Address of Applicant: Bozeman, Montana 3. If Applicant isa Corporation give State of incorportation and names of' president & Secretary: 4. Nature of Permit' desired: (Give suffic'ient detail to permit thorou!h understanding, and submit blueprints or sketches, in triplicate, 'if desired by Commissionerso) Permit to allow the City of Bozeman, Montana a municipali4.-y to construct, install, operate and maintain a senitary sewer line together with the necess~ appurtenances thereto. ,,5.. Geographical point. at orn..1' 'which 'installatiol'us or stx-ueture. will be in.tall.cSt Beginning 1229' South 89 degrees II minutes East of the West ' ". quarter-corner of Section 1, TowhBhip 2 South, Range 5 East" 'thence follow West Oak Street to, the Quarter Corner of Section ]. 6. por how long a period ia the permit d.aireda Permanent. . 7. REMARKS & None Dated at Bozeman, Montana, this ~? day of Jldrch 19 I" f' . -~ ~~ ~ ,7 ?/I( /'fa n 4:/ f'r - t, Yl' (j f- Ber;a. r"_'",?," (Signature of Applicant) Subjeetto the following termS and conditions, the permit herein applied for 'is hereby granted: I. TERM. This permit shall be in'full force and effect from the date here of until revoked as herein providedo 20 RENTAL. Rental shall be. 30 ~VOCATION. This permit may be revoked by the County upon giving days' notice to Permittee by ordinary mail, directed to the '. address shown in the application hereto attached, but the County , ~eserves the r~ght to revoke this permit without giving said notice in the event peraitte. breaks any of the conditions or terms set forth herein. 4.. COMMENCEMENT OP WORK. Mo work shall be commenced until permittee notifies County Road Superintendent when h~ proposed to commence work .,~ 5.. CKAMGES IN HIGHWAY: If State or County changes highway necessitating ,." r changes in structures or installations installed under thispermitQ permittee .hall make necessary changes without expense to State or County 0 6~ STATE AND COUNTY SAVED HARMLESS FROM CLAIt.1s'. In aecepting this ,permit the permittee,. its/hi8 successors or, assigns, agree to pr.otec the State and County and. save them harmless from all claims, actions, __n . . ,. , . -, . . ., . or damage of every kind and description which may accrue too or ,be suffered byo any person or personso corporations or property by reason of the performance of any such worko character of materials usedo or manner of installationv maintenance and operationo or by the improper accupancy of said highway right of way 0 and in case any suit qr action is brought aaainst the State, or County and arising out ofo or by reason ofo any of the above causeso th~ Permittee 0 its/his successors or assignso willo upon notice to it/him of the commencement of such actiono defend the same at its/his sole cost and expense and satisfy any Judgment which may be' rendered against the State or County in any such suit or actiono 70 PROTECTION OF TRAFFICo Insofar as the interests of the State and County and the traveling public are, concernedo all work performed under this permit shall be done under the supervision of the County Superintendent of Roads and his authorized representativfi!Rc and he/they shall indicate barriel:'s to beerectedo the lighting thereof at pightc placing of flag- man and watchmeno manner in which traffic i,S\ to be handledo and shall specify to Permittee how road surface is to be replaced if it is dis- turbed during operationso but said supervision shall in no way operate to relieve or discharge Permittee from any of the obligations assumed by acceptance of this Permit 0 and especially those set forth under Section 6 hereof~ 8~ HIGHWAY DRAINAGEo If the work done under this permit interferes in any way with the drainage of the highway affectedo Permittee shallo at itsl hi s own expense n make such provisions as the County may direct to take care of said drainageo 90 RUBBISH AND DEBRIS~ Upon completion of work contemplated under this permito all rubbish and debris shall be immediat&ly removed and the roadway and roadside left in a neat ahd presentable condition satis- factory to the Count Yo , 100 WORK TO BE SUPERVISED BY COUNTY 0 All work contemplated under this per- mit shall be done under the supervision of and to the satisfaction of the authorized representative of the Count Yo and the County hereby reserves the right to order the change of location or removal of any structure or installation authorized by t.his permit at any timeo said changes or removal to be made at the sole expense of the Permittee" IIp COUNTYil S RIGHT NOT TO BE INTERFERRED WITH ~ All such changeso recon- structing or relocation shall be done by Permittee in such a manner as will cause the least interference with any of the CountyOs worko and the County shall in no wise be liable for any damage to the Permittee by reason of any such work by the County 0 its agents 0 contractors or representatives 0 or by the excercise of any rights by the County upon the highways by the installations or structures placed under this permitQ 120 REMOVAL OF INSTALLATIONS OR STRUCTURES~ Unless waived by the County 0 upon termination of this permito the Permittee shall remove the installations or structures contemplated by this Permit and restore the premises to the condition existing at the time of entering upon the same under this permit 0 reasonable and ordinary wear and tear and damage by the elements 0 or by circumstances over which the Permittee - has no controlo excepted 0 l3~ MAINTENANCE AT EXPENSE OF PERMITTEEo Permittee shall maintaino at its/his sole expense the installations and structures for which this permit is granted 0 in a condition satisfactory to the County~ 140 COUNTY NOT LIABLE FOR DAMAGE TO INSTALLATIONS~ In accepting this permi.t the Permittee agrees that any damage or injury done to said installation or structures by a contractor working for the County or by any County employee engaged in construction 0 alterationo repairc maintenance or improvement of the County highwayc shall be at the sole expense of the Permitteeo 150 COUNTY TO BE REIMBURSED FOR REPAIRING ROADWAY. Upon being billed therefor permittee agrees to promptly reimburse County for any expense incurred in repairing surface of roadway due to settlement at install~ ationo or for any other damage to roadway as a result of the work performed under this "permito . . , . ,', . ' . " " . .. . .. 16" All culverts, placed in driveways connecting to County or secondary roads must be new and galvanizedo and the size recommended by the bridge foreman" No abutments may be placed at the ends of the culverts 0 which will extend above the surface of the driveway 0 and no curvings or obstructions above the level of the existing road in the County right-a-way" DATED at Bozeman 0 Montana 0 this & day of ~~ 0 196P " COUNTY OF GALLATIN BY ommissioni,;" ATTEST~ The undersiqnedo the 00 permittee 90 mentioned in the foregoing .instrumento ..))y ,~~.pt., till. ~t.o" *.~Mlt' with..Jll of' tn. teltu aftd condition set fo:rt:ri"~~l'ettn.>'~ C;;' ", " /'/f7 tff !? c7 ~ f> eo....,. .,. '1' ~It~ ~ ( permitt~ ~ j"lf 11 ;( r.7 'l/ -e r- . ~.<;: :;'ji: .' C'A1-'__'O/; , ~~~~::~L ~,~ . .' . . .. , . .. ";,.. .- .. .". , ,". - , GALLATIN COUNTY ENCROACHMENT APPLICATION AND PERMIT Road Ne. 42 & S-pringhill Oi1. Road (Project or Road Affected) (Maintenance Number)' Fill barrow pits for landscaping (Insert Nature of this permit) 1", Name of Applicant: 01 ty of Bozeman 2. Address of Applicant: Bozeman, Montana 3. If Applicant is a Corporation give State of incorportation and names of President & Secretary: 4. Nature of Permit desired: (Give sufficient detail to permit thorough understanding, and submit blueprints or sketches, in triplicate, 'if desired by Commissioners.) Landscaping along county roadE. s. Geographical points at or near which 'installations or structures will be installed: Location is at intersection of Road Number 42 and the Springhill oil road being mere particular described as approx. 1400' straight east of center of section 26 a nd approx. 2640' North of the South line of Section 26.. Township I South.. Range 5 East. 6. For how long a period is the permit desired: Permanent. 7. REMARKS ~ None Dated at Bozeman, Montana, this 3rd day of Pebruary 1969 . CIn OP BOZEMAN I;:'.~ J tf~&--od'~ )( IWlOLD A. ,aYSLIE. 1 tv MauRer (Signature of Applicant) Subject to the following terms and conditions, the permit herein applied for 'is hereby granted: 1. TERM" This permit, shall be in full force and effect from the date here of until revoked as herein provided. 2" RENTAL" Rental shall be 3" ~VOCATION. This permit may be revoked by the County upon giving days' notice to Permittee by ordinary mail, directed to the , address shown' in the application hereto attached, but the County reserves the right to revoke this permit without giving said notice in the event permittee breaks any of the conditions or terms set forth herein. 4.. COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. No work shall be commenced until permittee notifies county, Road Superintendent when he proposed to commence work. 5. CHANGES IN HIGHWAY: If State or County changes highw~y necessitating changes in structures or installations installed under this permit, permittee .hall make necessary changes without expense to State or County" 6" STATE AND COUNTY SAVED HARMLESS FROM CLAIMS. In accepting this ,permit the permittee, its/his successors or, assigns, agree to pr,ote'ct the State and County and save them harmless from all claims, actions, , .. ." - . . , " ~, ~- .. . ...)t " . or damage of every ki.nd and description which may accrue to, or be Buffered by, any person or persons, corporations or property by reason of the performance of any such work, character of materials used, or manner of installation" maintenance and operation, or by the improper accupancy of said highway right of way, and in case any suit or action is'brought aaainst the State or County and arising out of, or by reason of. any of the above causes, threl permittee, its/his successors or assigns, will, upon. notice to it/hi.m of the COmmencement of such action. defend the Same at its/his sole cost and expense and satisfy any .1'udgment which may be' rendered against the State or County in any such suit or action.. 7.. PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC.. Insofar as the i.nterests of the State and County and the traveling public are, concerned, all work performed under this permit. shall be done under t.he supervision of the County Superintendent of Roads and his authorized representativ~q~ and he/they shall indicate barriel"s to be erecteo, t,he light.ing thereof at: night, placing of flag- men and wartchm{-I<n, matnne,r in which traff'ic .h;: to be handled 0 and shall specify to Permittee how road surface is to be replaced if it is dis- turbed during operationsq but sa~d supervision shall in no way operate to relieve or discharge Permittee from any of the obligations assumed by acceptance of this permit, and especially those set forth under Section 6 hereof.. 8e HIGHWAY DRAINAGE.. If the work done under this permit interferes in any way with the drainage of the highway affectedo permittee shall, at its/ his own expense 0 make such provisions as the C;:ounty may direct t,o take care of said drainagec 9.. RUBBISH AND DEBRIS.. Upon completion of wprk contemplated under this permit, all rubbiah,and debris shall be immediately removed and the , , roadway and roadsjde left in a neat and presentable condition satis- factory to the County.. 10.. WORK TO BE SUPERVISED BY COUNTY.. All work contemplated under this per- mit shall be done under the supervision of and 'to the satisfaction of the authorized representative of the County, and the County hereby reserves the right to order the change of location or removal of any structure or installation aut~orized by this permit at any time, sai.d changes or removal to be made at the sole expense of the permittee 0 II.. COUNTY" S RIGHT NOT TO BE INTERFERRED WITH e All such changes, recon- structing or relocation shall be done by permittee in such a manner as will cause the least interference with any of the CountyOs work, and the County shall in no wise be liable for any damage to the permittee by reason of any such work by the County, its agents, contractors or representatives, or by the excercise of any rights by the County upon the highways by the installations or structures placed under this Permit.. 12.. REMOVAL OF INSTALLATIONS OR STRUCTURES.. Unless waived by the County, upon termination of this permit, the Permittee shall remove the installations or structures contemplated by this Permit and restor'e the premises to the condition existing at the time of entering upon the same under this permit, reasonable and ordinary wear and tear and damage by the elements, or by circumstances ovel' which the Permittee . has no control, excepted. 13.. MAINTENANCE AT EXPENSE OF PERMITT'EE.. permittee shall maintain, at i ts/his sole expense the ins tallations and structures for which this permit is granted, in a condition satisfactory to the County~ 14.. COUNTY NOT LIABLE FOR DAMAGE TO INSTALLATIONS.. In accepting this permit the permittee agrees that any damage or injury done. to said installation or structures by a contractor working for. the County or by any County employee engaged in cmu:iitruction. alteration, repail' , maintenance or improvement of the County highway, Shall be at the sole expense of the Permittee.. IS.. COUNTY TO BE REIMBURSED FOR REPAIRING ROADWAY. Upon being billed therefor permittee agrees to promptly reimburse County for any expense incurred in repairing surface of roadway due to settlement at install~ ation, or for any other damage to roadway as a result of the work performed under this 'permit.. r .' .. .. -"- '- . . ~.. .. .~ .... . f:\ 9. ;.,;., . ' 160 All culverts. placed in driveways connecting to County or secondary roads must be new and galvanizedo and the size recommended by the bridge foreman 0 No abutments may be placed at the ends of the culvertso which will extend above the surface of the driveway 0 and no curvings or obstructions above the level of the existing road in the County right-a-wayo - 91/an-i{ DATED at Bozeman 0 Montana 0 this b day of 0 19& 9 0 COUNTY OF GALLATIN //'--' BY mmission.' ATTESTg County -, The undersiqnedo the ""permittee" mentioned in the foreqoinginstrumento b.teby accept.s thi!l .~lr&U.t<o.,.~the:it' with Ill1 Ofd th.. te!t'!JilSl and conditions. set forth t.herein 0<: ' CITY or BOZEMAN ~ ~c;t ~ )( IIABllLD A. RYSLl!. Z -,.r Permittee