HomeMy WebLinkAbout72- Five C Development Inc. Easement ~" -.. ~ ,'" "7.... ,.- ., ,. , ~. I i'i , i~,i . It I 1 4- r .j \ i~1 ." . , ~ . ~ . . 16 f'.~GE - 533 i- FiLM ",r; " ,~ i i' . ,: ~ Iii " '.'t, - IASIMINT AND 1llGHr or WAY AGRBIMINT POa SANITARY SEWER J . .~ A{ ":'1 THIS AGRUMENT. Made and entered into this "27th day of September I A. D. 1972 . by and between Five C Development. Inc. 13 " -- 1 ~l . l~ partL,. of the first part, hereinafter called the Grantor__, and THE CITY f, ',i' OF BOZEMAN. a municipal corporation of the 8m te of Montana, in callatin ,it County, the party of the second part, herelnaftercalled the Grant... t WITNESSETH: - ~ :, .;, WHEREAS, The Grantor_ is the legal record title ovner__ of portions of the - " I., to the City of Bozeman, Montana more particularly described below. ,~ , j WHEREAS, the Grantee, in the exercise of its power and authority ~ :~. '.. ,"~ as a municipality of the State of MOntana. propose. to construct and 1 install sanitary sewer pipe lines neces.ary appurtenances to serve varioul properties located within the- -,I _ southwest... portion of the City of Bozeman and one 4 ,:J .. '~ or more 8uch lines would run across the Grantors land; and WHEREAS, the Grantee desirel to acquire from the Grantor__, and the t\ .' {, ~ " " Grantor is willing to grant to the Grantee an easement and right ,:~ 'I . of way acroll the above described property of the Grantor__, and their "Ii \' <1 heirs. executors, administrators, succeslors and assigns. for the purpole I of in.talling, operating, u8in8, repairina, replacing. ..intaioins, and " removing said sanitary sewer pipe lines and appurtenances and for such other rights of access and incidental rights as are hereinafter , described. all al hereinafter more particularly prov1ded. .~l NOW, THEREFORE. in consideration of the sum of $ and other .~ considerationl in hand paid by tbe City of Bozeman, the receipt whereof , is hereby acknowledged, and in further consideration of the cbvenants ad agreements between the parties hereto, the Grantor has ~ ~,~; . - .~ granted. bargained, lold. conveyed, and confirmed, and by these presents . do hereby grant, bargain. .ell. convey. and con~ unto the la1d Grantee and its successors and aSligns the following rightl and privileges for- ,~ .~ j, ever: .~ ~, 1. A perpetual ea.ement and right of way for the purpose of install- , . , . ing. operating. ueing. repairing, replacing, ...intaining and removing a ~ sanitary sewer pipe line thereto ,41 upon and acro.1 the above described property of the Grantor__, said It. easement and right of way to conaietof a strip of land thirty ,4 (30) feet in width lying and being more particularly described l as fo11m-vs: ..~' . l' Beginning at the west one quarter corner of Section 13, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, thence easterly a1Qng the east west centerline , of said Section 13 a distance of two hundred three and two tenths (203.2) feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing easterly along said east west centerline of Secti'iOn 13 a distance of thirty (30.0) feet; thence South 00 25' We~ a distance of four hundred fourteen (414.0) feet; thence South 850 41' 51" West a distance of thirty one and one tenth (31.10) feet; thence North 00 25' East a distance of four hundred fourteen and twenty seven hundredths (414.27) feet to the true point of beginning. Contained within the above described exterior boundaries are 12,424.05 square feet or 0.285 acre. .1, ji' ,$., }:i,;: "~~;<~~ ":';:::! . 1.. .>~ ~, ,., -, ,"" .. -.. ... ',f", I '<-', ,~ . '~ '. . ~ .. -- , '. . ...~,-, . ".,' .~,:i:r",.",~ t,.. ..",......;.~!l".".,J.,.,o.....~_. -" ,'. .1>. ~:,::".~~" ,.. - - . .. ~''! F :LM 16 PAGE 5'34 , . . . ' Together with a construction easement thirty (30) f~et iq width lying, " contiguou; to the east side of the above described utility easement, said construction easement to be in effect only during the period of construction and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east west centerline of Section 13, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, which point is easterly a distance of two hundred thirty three and two tenths (233.2) feet from the west one quarter corner of said Section 13; thence South 00 25' West a distance of four hundred fourteen (414.0) feet; thence North 850 41' 51" East a distance of thirty one and one tenth (31.10) feet; thence North 00 25'East a distance of four hundred thirteen and seventy two hundredths (413.72) feet to the east west centerline of Section 13; IDence westerly along said east west centeslineAtt h d' --- ee ac e . T1w perp~t.ual right of ingress and egress to and fr;)ID said . . " I r iJ( t "I ! :,nd at a) 1 reasonable times for the purpoAe of in:c;talling, I ("[h'rat ll'lF ' using, repairing, replacing amd maintaining said . _u -. _.., _,__.u, l?ani.!i!!Y sewer pipe lines I ilnd for the removing of same if and when desired by-~t~le-Grantee~it8- I 4 SlIl'( eR80I"S IHld iltuigns; I (' itAV E AN!" TO I~LO thr above described right ,) I way W1LtI all , ,\' ( Il., .'! r IHI r r I'll u nee s Rnd privileges unto the SAid Grantee ;;'ld LO 1 t .-: ;;!.Jcc'":isors and assigns forever. Tlw l,rantee hereby covenants and agrees with the Grantor - .'l(i f 0 1 low!" . l. That, in connection with the intlt8.lling, ()perat ing, ul>ing, rep<li ri ng, rpplacinR, maintRining and removing of gaid --~---,,-_. _ __~,af.l.!-.t,ary ...!.~!~~ines it will replace, at its sole expense, ;, i 1 I'ld,sling fences, ditches and other appurt~n~oces of said 1,1nd that ~ay be disturbed by its operation in 8 condition equl<.l t ," l'h... condition thereof existing before 8111.1 ope ra t ions wert' ;'",f'~ F un I or a,l n".1r thereto 8S aha 11 be reasonahly possible. " Tllar , .jUT i ng operations Involving excavRtion, it wj 11 remov(' tlw t, osqi I trorn the trench area to .! depth of one foot, or tG t 1"-" t " I I l1erth of the topsoil , whichever 1s less, and stockpile 'Hi 1 d topsoil away from the site any 18. rge rocks or surplus exes- v~ted material or any kind of the site any large rocks or surplus exc~vnt~d material or any kind of febris that may have heen ~x- POi\,'J bv ' h,-, eXCilV.ltton and remaining after backfilling is ': o:n - I' l f' tcd . Alld WJ II I eave the fi n i shed surface in substantially r h.' !lame c()lllHt ion that existed prior to the beginning of opel' I.ll'iOflf; except that the surface of backfilled areas may be mounded Ruff1ciently to prevent the formation of depressions after f1na 1 1(' t r lement has taken place, ,.\ . To operate, use and mAintain said sanitary sewer ._ pipeline \ n 9uch manner as will not hinder or prevent the proper cultiva- , I fIll .,f the tract through which this right of way is herehy granted. '"j" t II the event that it should become necessary for the Grantef' /"\'1 rt~ -~I\ t~ r the Grantors premises for the purpose of repairing, ri'placing, maIntaining or removing said utility lines the Grantpl-;' ',",i 11 reimburse th~ Grantors for any actuRl damage done to the I:I"anlors premL-w8 or crops. I I ; , (';1'.111 t c("~. hereby covenants and agreeN with the Grantee a~ follows. I. . That Jl no time wi 11 they build, construct, l'reeL ,n' main- 111n dny permanent structure over or above till' . , ut U i ty linft-, S Illl, .1111 CHI] such structure LS bULlt, corHdructed and nI<'1intained j n ,," c II 'i tnnnner thilt i t would not interfen' wi th t:h{' :Jperation, l,I..: . ";1' i. r , tn,' ill tf'l\<l 1)(',. . fC'plllcemcnt and remn \'d 1 oj :-oct" util !. 'I \!\~ , I ~ . ~ ' _ J . .. . . .. . F:U 16 f',l/:E 535 2. That the Grantee may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights and privileges herein granted without any interruption by the Grantor or its successors and assigns. 3. That they have been lawfully seized of said premiess; that they have good right and lawful authority to sell the same and that they and their heirs, executors. administrators. successors and assigns. shall warrant and defend the title to said premises 1 unto said Grantee. and its successors and a8signs forever. ~ against the lawful claim and demand of all persons whomsoever. 'It' \ It is understood and agreed by 8.nd between the parties herE'to that this Agreement shall be hinding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successor and assigns of the Granto~s an~ u~on the successors and assigns, of the Grantee. " Attachment: a distance of thirty (30) feet to the point of beginning. Contained within the above described exterior boundaries are 12.415.80 square feet or 0~285 acres. / , -)- , - ~ ' ,.: . , . . . · F: L ~ i6 . 536 . . ' . . ~%E IN l,JiTr~ESS ImEREoF , Tilt, I;(l I d I'art;('~ cll till' t .i r~ t 1111 rt I;,l Vc' !l,' "II'., s, i Ii I I T h,1 lid f; Hl1d ! : (> 11 I ~; I h.. dllY and year fir c; t abn\'(' \, l' it (t'I', __Fi v~~!..~e'!~1:9..e~e~t,J?c.. ~y.: ~~ ~- ._~-- .- l'rcsldelll .\CTES'1 /J~a~~~, ':)f-',' r,.t d T"Y :, I Yl'!: ,'I, I'll' t.J'!' ,I iJ 1\ ) "'<' .1111 I Y II' ,;,1 I." 1'1) (III t Iii h -- 2O:th-- d;ly I ,f ~,~.ptember in the Yl~ar 19'Z? . ,,, I I', r (- 111I'., I Not d"Y hlb 1 ic ill and [or said State persontllly dl'PC>dl"'" Kei th Noyes and DexmJ,s 0 ."l?la9k.kJtt.t~_, _ known to me to be the P..r..eJii.deD,t..S_ecre"tary nl'/i i ""llt ,\1 i h" (,,-,t'r'''T"d ti (>II that cxeculE:d the within inslrnlnelll " r I lit; pC:-.'1 ~) () II hilli j eXl'cut,'d the.; insLnilnent on b dlil 1 f 0 f said cOl'I,(,I'iJ[ I', '\,,1 '11'1<1,<lwl f!dg"d t;\ me t h<l t Huch corporation E'XeCII[t:.d th~ Sflm(~ I;. I..}! In',', IJIII:I<I,:n!.' I I I,. I v" I". I "Iill t 1I 1"'[ IllY ildlld d I lei iJ , J I c~d [" , ,I ,;,," I I I... ,I,'! '1",1 \ \' Il ill t his CCl"[ i 1 i Ld Lv t i L ~ t ab('".; \.Jriu ('" h""- 1 .. ., ..,'~'~.'H J ;}..,., / ..~-L!d/ ' €g~.. ""\ Notary r~, r II>" St~', y",I,,,,, ,,; ,"\"~_~ IXt'siding at Bozeman, ~1()ntAnAI"I(,'. ': U't~ My Cllmlllis1J.i,111 [':Xrin:'b , M~/~ _ l'l~; ,~ '. - , /t '( L .,., .' . .....,; ': ~i ,~ ... , .' ,>,.' "', .) .' , . "'.~, ... . / t A ~ 'f. -,.' .....,.~ '. :'I"'''' ";'.0""""""""'"'" I I I -4- '. , ., .. ~ ' ;#.. 0 ,., .F :L~ 16 F'6~E 53.7 ... ~ . . " rill (;11"1 I)F !\(/Zr:MI\f; By. ~~ " In LLI AH r; I{A BUW, ~I<l PI' 1 \\lU/61 , J ~ - " ,..... t.~ . T' I \ rlE, ~,..: . h", . I '. . . ' ".";' : ~~ ~ ...~~ '... ' .,' . \ '" l' . , '{;l~ .nNN FL '. ,ity,\t t n nll'V ", ~il,\TE tW MOi'J II\NA ) :1~ """".,"='~ L.llmty (,t l:.d hllll) ,-,,-1 ,:S~~- l'}l?, h(,~r.'n" me, the On I hl b ~.=_ day of II11.h'l'Slglll'rl d Nntl:!LY l'llblle 101' [lie Statt' of l'lfllltana, [wlSOlla IIy dppuH,.,l \-li II Lilll\ (,ldbow .ell,.! Erna V. Ha rei 1 Ill'. , krl nwn t l) f1l(, t \l I'll . the Hayur and t:l.'rk uf L.he Cily C,)mmissinn re<;pe('ti'1l~ly, nl l Ill' I. i. r '} ,,) Bl1zpman, ",hose IIHI1WS ilL'.., t;llbs('rjb~d to the withill i I):, L l, 11nh~L I "il,'t ,.-Icknowll..j~"l I ('I me thAt they eXpell! ed the s,'/mt' fe)l' and ~)Il 1.,.1,. Ii '.If Set i ,I C it, '/ . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my ;~(iI, aria I S"al on the dAY And ye[)r in this Certificate. iil'1;t .'lbo\Jt' .' I I (, t "n , ,.: \" ' i\ Ie )( .. ... - cJ, . ~":",.,, '. .JI , '.' .."'1 \ .' " .' '1[\ I . ,(,', '\ ~ \ ')'" . ~' ~):' '~~Y', . .' \J;t 'j ~-......... r_~_~,." _ '_00.'._ t'j" Hry l'llbllc Inl' State "I ' I,', [11 .' 1.t~~ .7:! He!'liJing at Bo ?l'ma 11 , 1-1"1\ l ana .., . -S ,'q', ""'!.- ", \ ,,:. /".'~""'- . My Cnnunj ssion Expi n'f: -~:::15~J.1. ."-" . ""'~ I.~"" . .. ..'.1;)' 4 '.',~ ff~ i",):" ,:t ",.' 'rF; .G'f ,:,., _,to I'" I l )884~7 State of Montana } County of Gallatin 55. Filed October 16 ,1972 at 4: 50 P. M., and Recorded in book 16 of . MI S CELLANEQ us..-_page--2JJ... CARL L. STUCKY ~"",;CI"~ BYg ~;:1. ~ Deputy Fee $ -- Rt: City of Bozeman -5- ... , '. I;':..'..,...,........"... --, ,......~".-":~--'-'-.--'----. -..---. .-'-- . "". '----"."" ' , - .' ,.-'- ,,- . --', . -, - ,", - . ,-.,-,-- - " ,,-,'-.-, ,- , ' ,." , ---,,- ,'-'," -- ',---"" .'. ~ ... , ... .:;;: :.1/4 COR.J--'.' --r-' - --- lINC~~.N =- ROAD · ,,- r i, ... sEe, 13 T25, R51:-_ , 203,2' r. I' '-, IQ'.: 1 [i^~"~t:~ .tl'..' ~:,~t.; '''l.'.,.!t.>... "lYI1 ....{ ".'..' ~..,~;.., ;'.'...']l~', ",.. , ~,\41 ~. 't~; ">r~: - , I ,V'[ "'~" "ii, . ~t..; ~, !':".' ';'~ " :~....~..":"{.~'. I., " .,.I:"~r LOTI '.. '..11. "'j.'.:.' iliV I' :Fr,l ". ...f., ., " .' ~ ,.,;I:i I "'..'. :.~ ~r\, r i, ':3' '~I ~. , I ' I,~ ~ LOT 2 , . j I I I I I '~ I ! I'. I!" I' ~ I I I ~ I~ l' I ,I . l : -- IlL} II" I lOT 3 I" , I I:~ I , :.., I I I Ii; ~ i '...J.~/ SCt,LE 1"= I 00' I I ' I i I .._. ...! I' .~ I ~.,)~..! 30' I I '. '.1. .......~. '. ..' .... ..' ,----..,....-.-..---' ,., I"', '. ,,' 1J L :':..iI';:':OE ,l1 I" 'ft - ; \.." (".. '\~li1':: .~"'.""' I. " 1.:' I, "1 ';', ,. ~ ,1''-1($1~ ' I,'..., ,",' '.).}O.'..".~..". l t,o ,,~~t '. , \ .," C: .,' ~")f.jI. 'I .. _ ~/;l . > )t. '~(r '.1 I ,~,~ '. 'tn. __~r \ ~ . \ ,~~ ,'. .. Ii I ' c..' rt). . "). ~'. !,f:2 r-.::t:, f:: I~"N' , I ''''1'1'' . , I, l"''''.. - (.; I i';~< 11'\" . I,', li ,I.',~" 1, '. I " , Vl0~ 1 ""'''l' ',,', ' "" .. , iKl,.l" ,r ,.., ~.:!:::':::~~ I:~~; I ~, i4..!h:.I,. . 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