HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-04-18 City Commission Packet Materials - TOC. Table of ContentsTable of Contents Agenda 6 Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims for Goods and Services Claims Memo 10 Authorize the Mayor to Sign Two (2) Project Funding and Maintenance Agreements with the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) for Transportation Alternatives Program Projects Commission Memo: MDT TA Agreement 11 MT TA Program Agreement - N. 7th Ave. Sidewalks 13 MT TA Program Agreement - Path Pavement Preservation 25 Authorize the City Manager to Sign an Access Agreement with Baxter Meadows Land Partners, LLC in Association with the Annexation of 3221 Baxter Lane, Application 17433 Cover memo 37 Access Management Agreement 38 Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Construction Agreement with Ingram-Clevenger, Inc. for the City Hall Administration Office Remodel Project Commission Memo MG 45 Construction Contract 46 Attachment "A"61 Proposal Quote 62 Proposal Drawing 63 Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Maintenance Agreement with the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) for the Baxter Lane (U-1218) Corridor, North 19th Avenue to North 7th Avenue Commission Memo: Baxter Lane Corridor Maintenance Agreement 64 Baxter Lane Corridor Maintenance Agreement 65 Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Professional Services Agreement with BendonAdams, LLC to Review the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District (NCOD) and Historic Preservation Program BendonAdams Professional Services Agreement Consent 78 Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Professional Services Agreement with Strategic Government Resources for the Public Works Director Recruitment Commission Memo - Consent for PSA SGR PW 0518 94 Professional Services Agreement SGR-PW Director 2018 96 SGR Proposal-Bozeman PW Director Recruitment 105 Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Purchase Agreement with Grondahl Recreation, Inc. for Play Equipment and a Picnic Shelter at Oak Meadows Neighborhood Park 1 CC Memo - Authorize City Mgr to Sign Bid Purch Agmt with Grondahl Rec 185 Att A - Bid Purchase Agmt with Grondahl Rec 187 Att B - Price Quotations 199 Att C - Oak Meadows Park Project Budget 200 Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Reimbursable Utility Relocation Agreement with CenturyLink for the Bozeman to Bridger Mountain Trail MT 86 (Path to the M and Drinking Horse Mountain TOP Bond Project) CC Memo - Authorize City Mgr to Sign Agreement with Century Link for Trail to M Project 201 Att A - Reimb Util Relocation Agrmt 203 Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Task Order with Tetra Tech, Inc. for Modification to the 2018 Operation and Maintenance Task Order to Address Recommendations for System Evaluation at the Bozeman Landfill Commission Memo: Task Order for Modification to 2018 O & M Task Order 211 Task Order - Modification to 2018 Operation & Maintenance Task Order 212 Authorize the City Manager to Sign Addendum 3 to the Professional Services Agreement with Solstice Landscaping LLC for Landscaping Services at City Facilities Commission Memo 217 PSA Addendum 218 South Bozeman Technology District Fiscal Year 2018 (FY18) Annual Update cc memo 6-04-18 SBTD Update - FINAL 220 Attachment 1 SBTD Map 223 Attachment 2 MSUIC Brochure 224 Attachment 3 MSUIC Vision 226 Attachment 4 Opportunity Zone Map 242 Midtown Urban Renewal District Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19) Work Plan and Budget CC Memo for Midtown Work Plan and Budget FY19 243 Midtown URD map 245 Midtown FY19 Work Plan and Budget 246 Midtown FY19 Budget Spreadsheet 251 Tourism Business Improvement District Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19) Work Plan and Budget cc memo 6-04-18 TBID Budget WP - FINAL 252 Bozeman TBID_FY19_Marketing Plan-FINAL 255 Downtown Business Improvement District Fiscal Year 2018 (FY18) Annual Report and Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19) Work Plan and Budget BID FY2018 Annual Report 280 FY2019 BID Work Plan-Budget 282 2 Downtown Urban Renewal District Fiscal Year 2018 (FY18) Annual Report and Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19) Work Plan and Budget FY2019 Downtown URD Annual Report-Work Plan- Budget 286 Northeast Urban Renewal District Fiscal Year 2018 (FY18) Annual Report and Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19) Work Plan and Budget cc memo 6-04-18 NE URD TIF Budget FINAL 5-24-18 292 Attachment 1 FY19 NURB Work Plan 295 Attachment 2 FY19 NURB budget 303 Attachment 3 NURB 050818 min 304 Attachment 4 NURB 052318 financials 311 Attachment 5 NURB 052318 bond financials 312 Attachment 6 Exhibit 3 NURD Map 313 North Park Urban Renewal District Fiscal Year 2018 (FY18) Annual Report and Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19) Work Plan and Budget cc memo 6-04-18 NP URD Report FINAL 5-22-18 314 Attachment 1 North Park TIFID map 319 Attachment 2 - Map of the former North Park Industrial District 320 Attachment 3 Map of the current North Park Urban Renewal District 321 Resolution 4905, 2018 Park Place Zone Annexation of Approximately 70.56 Acres, Application 18056 Cover memo 322 Resolution 4905 324 Annexation agreement 328 Annexation agreement Exhibit map 355 Resolution 4897, 2018 Park Place Growth Policy Amendment Amending the Future Land Use Map from Present Rural to Industrial, Application 18055 Cover Memo 356 Resolution 4897 357 Exhibit map 361 Resolution 4870, Baxter Meadows Land Partners Annexation, Located at 3221 Baxter Lane, Application 17433 Annexation Cover Memo 362 Resolution 4870 363 Annexation agreement 367 Annexation Map 391 Resolution 4903, Lot 3 Tract 7 Smith Subdivision Annexation, Located at 525 Valley Drive, Application 17556 1 Resolution 4903 Memo, application 17556 393 2 Resolution 4903, application 17556 394 4 Annexation Agreement, application 17556 397 3 Annexation map exhibit, application 17556 415 3 Ordinance 2004 Provisional Adoption, 2018 Park Place Zone Map Amendment to Designate Approximately 70.56 Acres as M-1, Light Manufacturing, Application 18056 Cover memo 416 Ordinance 2004 418 ZMA exhibit map 423 Ordinance 1986 Provisional Adoption, Baxter Meadows Land Partners Annexation Zone Map Amendment Designating 5.036 Acres as B-2, Community Business District, Application 17433 Cover memo 424 Ordinance 1986 425 Exhibit Map 430 Ordinance 2003 Provisional Adoption, Lot 3 Tract 7 Smith Subdivision Zone Map Amendment Designating 0.52 Acres as R-1, Residential Single-Household Low Density, Located at 525 Valley Drive, Application 17556 1 Ordinance No. 2003 memo, Application 17556 432 2 Ordinance No. 2003, Application 17556 433 3 Zone Map Amendment exhibit, Application 17556 437 Catron Crossing Subdivision Preliminary Plat, Located at 2515 Catamount Street, Application 18057 (Quasi-Judicial) Catron Crossing CC Report 438 18057 Catron Crossings Application Documents 461 18057 Catron Crossings Plans 474 Bridger Meadows Annexation and Zone Map Amendment, Annexation of Twelve Acres and Amendment to the City Zoning Map for the Establishment of a Zoning Designation of R-1, Residential Low Density, Generally Located to the West of Boylan Road and North of Commercial Drive and the Bridger Center Subdivision, Application 18078 Staff Report 479 Staff report attachment - zoning uses 500 Application material 1 - forms 506 Application materials - maps and narrative 517 Kagy Crossroads Zone Map Amendment to the City Zoning Map for Two Existing Lots Consisting of 5.07 Acres from B-2 Community Commercial to B-2M Community Commercial Mixed, Generally Located Northwest of the Intersection of South 19th Avenue and Kagy Boulevard, Application 18132 Kagy Crossroads ZMA Staff Report 529 Kagy Crossroads ZMA A1 Form 554 Kagy Crossroads ZMA Adjoiner list 558 Kagy Crossroads ZMA Narrative 560 Kagy Crossroads ZMA Spot Zoning responce 571 Kagy Crossroads ZMA proposed zoning 573 Kagy Crossroads ZMA future land use 574 Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19) Budget Work Session – Enterprise and Internal Service Funds memo 575 4 Discussion Memo 577 Resolution 4914, Amending the City's Annual Budget for Solid Waste Fund Appropriations in the Amount of $84,000 for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2018 (FY18) memo 587 Resolution 589 5