HomeMy WebLinkAbout83- William Myers Trust Water Line Easement . fILM ' '76eioe 48 State oj Mont.. County of Grdlalin, 'ss FiliJd for recorel May 4 . 19.21..at1: 40P M., and reronlud in BCOk_ 76 of , ,",,-- . ~l ': . MISC. page ~. Un . " . 109491 By cputy INO;J(EO EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY AG PlATTEO A WATER LINE THIS AGREEMENT. Hade and entered into this lOth day of First Trust Co. of Montana, Bozeman, . . March A, 0, 19~. by and between MT. as Co-Trustee Of the William and Wllllam Lee Myers, a married person, Myers Trust U/A dtd May 1, 1979, 5520 Sourdough Road, Bozeman, MT, parties of the first part. hereinafter called the Grantor s and THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. a municipal corpor- ation of the State"-of Montana. in Gallatin County. the party of the second part. hereinafter called the Grantee. WIT N E SSE T H : .. WHEREAS. The Grantor~ are the legal record title owner of the SW~, SW~, Section 32, T2S, R6E, PMM. WHEREAS. The Grantee. in the exercise of its power and authority as a IIIJnici pa 1 ity of the Sta te of /1ontana. proposes to cons truct and install a water line and necessary appurtenances to serve various propertieslocated'within the wholL-__ portion to the City of Bozeman and one or more such lines would run across the Grantors land; and WHEREAS. The Grantee des i res to acqui re from the Grantors . and the Grantor s are willing to grant to the Grantee an ease- ment and right or-way-across the above described property of the Grantors . and their heirs. executors, administrators. successors. -r--~ -~.----- and asslgns. for the purpose of installing. operating. USing. repair- ing. replacing. maintaining. and removing said water line and appurtenances and for such other rights of access ~~d incidental rights as are hereinafter described, all as hereinafter more particul- arly provided, NOW. THEREFORE. in consideration of the sum of to,OO __ and other considerations in hand paid by the City of Bozeman. the receipt whereof is hereby aCknowledged. and in further consideration of the covenants and agreerren ts between the pa rt i cs hereto, the Grantor _s_ have granted, bargained, sold. conveyed. and confinred and W"-tlieSe presents do hereby grant. bargain. sell. convey. and confinn unto the said Grantee and its successors and assigns the following rights and privileges forever: 1. A perpetual easement and right of way for the purpose of installing. operating. using. repairing. replacing, maintaining and removi n9 il__wa tel' 1 i ne __ thereto upon and across the above described property of the Grantor . said easement and right of way to consist of a strip of land thirty- (3n) feet in width being more particula-rly'dcscrlbed as follows: BeginniBg at the southwest corner of Section 32, T2S, R6E, PMM, thence N 01 061 15" E a distan6e of 1328.57 feet along the west line of said Section 32, thence S 89 371 17" E a distance of thirty (30) feet; thence SOlo 061 15" W a distance of 1328.57 feet parallel to the west line of said Section 32; thence West a distance of thirty (30) feet to the point of beginning, and containing 0,91 acres. , t . . . ',,0,( , " " , . . , ,,'. " fiLM 76 P4GE 49 2. The perpetual right of ingrels and egre~s to and from .aid tract of land at all rea.onable times for the purpose of installing. ope~atina. u.ing. repairing. rcplacin~ and m~int8ining said water maw and for the removing of same if and vhen de.ired by the Crantee. its successors and as.igns: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of way with aU the appurtenances and privileges unto the .aid Grantee and to it. .ucce..ors and a.signs forever. The Crantee hereby covenants and aKrecH with the Grantor___ a. foU",,.: 1. That. in connection with the installin&. operating. u.ioa. repairing. replacing. maintAining and removinR. of ..id water main it will replace at its .01e expen.e. all exiltlng fences. ditches and other appur- tenance. of aaid land that may be disturbed by its op..ration In a condition equal to the condftton thereof existing before .aid operation. were begun, or a8 near th('reto 811 shall be rea.onably po..ible. 2. That. during operations involving ~xcavation. it will remove the topsoil from the trench area to a depth of one foot. or to the full depth of the topsoil whichever Is le8s, and .tockpile .aid topsoil for replacement over the trench. and will remove from the .ite any Inrgc rocka or surplus excavated material or any kind of dchds tlHlt may have been expo.ed by the excavation and rf'matnfng lifter hllckfilling i. completed and will leave the ftnfHhed surface in substan. Ually the ume condition that existed prior to the beginning of operation. except that the surface of backfilled areas may b.lIOunded .ufficiently to prevent the formation of depreuion. .fter final ..ttle~nt ha. taken pluce. ). To operate. u.e and maintain SAid water main tn ~uch manner a8 will not hinder or prevent the proper cultivation of the tract through which this right of way t. hereby granted. 4. In the event that it flh(\ud become nt>cess8ry for the Crant.e to re-enter the Grantors pr~mi8e8 for the purp08e of repairing. replacin~. maintaining or removing .aid utility line. the Crantee wi 11 reimburse the Grantors for any actual damage done to the Grantors premi8es or crops. ~2- . -- -, , ,,/ ~ s. fILM 76 PAGE 50 the Crantor__ hereby c~ven4nt9 and agrecs with the Crant~c as f~llow8: 1- that at no time will they build, construct, prect or mnintnin any permanent structure nver or above the s~id water mo;n unless such structure is built, constructed and maintained in such a manner thnt it "'ould not interfere with the operation, UAe, r~rair, maintnin~nce, repll1c~m~nt and removal of said water main . 2, that the Grantee may peaceably hold and enjoy the righta and privileges herein Rfanted without any interruption by the Grantof__ or ~ succeS80rs Rnd 8s81gns. 3. that they have been lawfully scized of said premises; that they have good right and lawful Authority to sell the same and that they and their heirs, executors. adUlinistratrrs. .ucces.nra and assigns. shall warrant and defend the title to said premises untn said Grantee, and Its 8ucce.80rs and ...iens forever. agalnlt the la",ful claim and demand of all perlona whomsoever. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that thi. Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executor_, administrAtors, .ucce.sor and assigns of the Grantor8 and upC'n the 8uccelUor. and a.signs of the Crantee. l. That the gravel layer on Sourdough Road will be increased to 5 inches, 2. The contractor will be required to begin the project on the northern most end, near the four million gallon reservoir at Sourdough Road and Goldenstein Lane, 3, The City will guarantee that the contractor will replace the disturbed portions of Sourdough Road to the same. or improved, condition by the conclusion of the project. 4. That water taps will be extended to the edge of the right-of~ way for the residents. Mr, R, P. t1yers, Jr. and Mr, Bill t1yers. for connection at a time convenient to the Grantor. ~J- . . .. , . . . . . . , filM 76 PAGE 51 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above wri tten. ;Zid~ <:22~~ As an individual and, Co-Trustee of the William Myers 'I'ru.st VIA dtd May 1, 1979 -_.~,~.~~--'-~-'-~~""""'-'-~ STATE OF MONTANA ) : ss County of Gallatin) On this ~L'I? day of };Jt~~__ 19R'~, before me, a notary public in and for said State, personally appeared _..___'__~_ tJ~ ~_~~ known to me to be the person__ whose name ~ SUbSC~ to the wi thi n ins trumen t ~- an .1cl.nO\oJ1 edged 'ToITle---Ula t _______,_______ executed the same. - -~~--_.._,-~.-----,._-'......~-~._~~, , "",'"/lmllli';, ..- ~ O_W~ \",C f.l "1... ,\ ~ · o<lf. ~ ffotai::-y .-11il-blTc~"T6-r- Th- e----' .,~~,,~ .*,.~II",,' .If>:";;~ &",., ~ .... ,t."t "A ~ ~:.::; /\\~\ARrg /\~ \ State of Montana ~ r':lif ~' 0:. Residing at Bozeman, Montana '=S t"f "" L: ; \' ... c.P>.' l ~ r~y Connni ss ion Expi res .... ' ."..~ ~A! V!6~_,_~~~_~ t!')to jfI~.~, - "...~.,.. .,,'t~ " ...~~...........~~,..~ ./0. ~ e~ ,.~')l, "", . ..,..t.'. -4- . . I . , . fiLM 76 PAGE 52 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written, First Trust Company of Montana, Co-Trustee of the William Myers Trust U/A dtd May 1, 1979 761.~ Senior Trust Officer State of Montana ) . ss County of Gallatin ) On this c201lt' / ./t~.V I ' day of ci, 1983, before me, a notary public in and for said St te, personally appeared E. W, Webster , known to me to be the Senior Trust Officer of First Trust Company of Montana, and acknowledged to me that he executed the within instrument for and on behalf of that corporation in the capacity indicated above, /") ...7 (" '/ ,'" ., /)Lrt/f-#lt:(AL4~ ,0~:!i~4~zr , .:',' ,\, ",': ,,>~~~~~>.~ Notary PUb~ for the State of J~ wI> ;\ r, 1 ~.;. Montana, R 'ding at Bozeman, ; .~"\ c) \ : ..;:( :: Montana . \ .;" '., .' .:: .'7' :~ My Commission Expires . '- / J'--- ,~ - I -' . 'v -40.- . . '. ~.. .- III 1 I- ... .. FILM 76 PAGE 53 THE CITY OF BOZEMAN BY~/~~ ayor ATTEST: -~~?-.(~uJ,-t{0 -'2f;U1jt-- lty Arney STATE OF MONTANA ) : ss County of Gallatin ) On this 2nd day of May . 19JiL, before me, the undersigned a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally. appeared Alfred M, Stiff and Robin L, Sullivan. known to me to be the Mayor and Clerk of the City Commission respectively. of the City of Bozeman. whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and aCknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of said City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal on the day and year in this Certificate first above written. ""," 11111" "'1", "", C. J.J .',#,~ ~ "~~~..,.."..,.-+"1;"#1-.. ~/:-/ "L.0 C . , " . ~OT \ " . A', -:,-' ' " . '\' " ". .It. ~ ,:Iro-:, '8>, r;:; ~. - ~. rS~"\' ": ,- '~ ~ Notary Public for the State of Montana ~ \ f:".j,~~ f i Residing at Bozeman. Hontana (' \ .,.;.... ./.... f My Commission Expires 4--.;s O'cr- 6.) __> .I.. ' ....,1' t. , .. al:-': .,. , " ~.;;/ ............ ~~ '-.... '-"<~ 'cr=: "10"'"\ ,;\,:,~.., lli.,."t,....,\~~".~ -5- . . ill ..Ii \,: "... .' .. . II ~ ~ . ... ~ '",. . .. fiLM 76 PAGE 54 ... . 1*' ~ '\ ' ,?~"J J "' . ~ "":-'" (c , '.... l." ( '~ \ " I~' 1"' -< ~ .". ( I I"'.. , '. " 'II' J ',', J .. ) ;<.' ", '\ ' ' .. / ,'vi." ' ," ,/' v , ) " . J I '. i /\/~l -(<f.~.,"i;\, " . ' , . ,," ' ..~--" /\ t~.! __~"~' ;'"., ".. / I '" / . ' -,- - .. ~ , " , . ,.:":.Ai.?",,:~' ,.'(' '--'~~-J'" ," ~: CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY NO. .~ ~ .. I I A ," T R /~ C T 0 F L :"" N ["\ ~, () (~ ,,\ T, ~ [',: ~I NT 1, ~1 ; S E I /4 8 S W I /4 , SEe ?l I THE NW 1/4 (~,)w II t, ,Jt, 5--J, 12,), R6E.,PM,M I A N ~ 1 1 Hr. N W I / it ~) f C 4, r l,;: , f{ C L .., P M M , I- I ~. , U I G J-\ U_ f\ r I ~J C 01) N'I Y, r.J1 0 N i (, r ~ A 'J i' I, ~, : t--" "il'\ LANDOWN[P Flf~~) 1 TRUST e'l OF 8\JZ[~/AN t-", t' ;J ' 1(; . . '" ,1 J t I ~ j, :. /':~ : I 'I -:- .~:<"')(J I ),,(/JRl"'E5 '.=ND ,--- t...i '__ . ),.... 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