HomeMy WebLinkAbout80- Edsall Construction Easement ... iNDEXED\ /"1 '\ Rt..~:'H ty of. Bozeman ~:.~_r,!~,._~.L., , ., · 81 fl28 flU4 6O'AOE ,753, .:\ -' .' i. .' .; h, . .,'.''.' ,.,', " January ~ ._. 1~ 81 . St te of Mont County of ("dU't\tl. ::>5 I !._J It.... · ,....".. ~ a ., d d d' Book 60 of MISCELLANEOlJS page---l.j..3 at~25---.-A-M an recor e In . ~ .d .fu<ilfc a:' f3'1idoa Recorder. By ~ ..U L%.l 'h(J ~ EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY AGREOl NT FOR CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT .- ~--~--~.--,,'~..._.__.~~ THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into t~is ____.~CL day of ~"_._OJz.c.~mb ~9..?JL___f\ . D, 1 97 , bv and betw2en WAYNE EDSALL ~ ... _.~ .---------.-~~. part__y__ of the first part, hereinafter called the Grantor and THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a municipal corporation of the State of Montana, in Gallatin County, the party of the second part, hereinafter called the Grantee. WIT N E SSE T H : WHEREAS, The Grantor - is the legal record title owner of Slc&+..5e.cJ;tnn 31. TIS. R6E. M.P.M., GaJlatin_County, Montana~_______ IQlre partlcularly described below, and WHEREAS, The Grantee, in the exercise of its power and authority as a municipality of the State of Montana, proposes to construct and install _ a sani tarY-2llier ._~ and necessary appurtenances to serve various properties located within the .Northeast portion of the City of Bozeman and one or more suc-h '1 ines would run across the Grantors land; and WHEREAS, The Grantee desires to acquire from the Grantor ,and the Grantor__ --.iL willing to grant to the Grantee an easementand right of way across the above described property of the Grantor , and ~~ heirs. executors, administrators, successor-s and assigns, for the purpose of installing, operating, using, repairing, replacing, maintaining. and removing said sanitary sewer and appurtenances and for such other rights of access and incidental rights as are hereinafter described, all as hereinafter more particularly pro- vided. NOW. THEREFORE. in consideration of the sum of $ and other considerations in hand l1lid by the City of Bozeman, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and in further consideration of the covenants and agreements between the parties hereto, the Grantor has granted, bay'gained. sold, conveyed. and confrnned and by these presents ~do~..~. hereby grant. bargain, sell, convey. and confh'm unto the said Grantee and its successors and assigns the follow- ing rights and privileges forever: 1. I\ perpetua -, easement. and ri ght of way for the purpose of installing, operating, using, repairing, replacing, maintaining and removing a sanitary sewer thereto upon and across the above described property of the Grantor ,said easement and right of way to consist of a strip of land ----.:~-.b..1_r:~!.'{J}-Q.L- feet in width being more particularly described as follows: A tract of land in the Soutwest \, Section 31, Township 1 South, Range 6 East, M.P.M., Ganatin County, t~ontana. The temporary construct"j on easement is more particularly described as a 15-foot temporary easement on either side of a 3D-foot permanent easement centered on the property line between tracts 2 and 3 of the Amended plat of the Bozeman Industrial Park. This temporary easement extends 15 feet on either s"ide of the 30-~oot existing permanent casement which lies on the boundary between sald tracts 2 and 3 of said Bozeman Industrial Park. . nu~ 60 rAGE 754 2. The perpetual right of ingress and egress t n Cl tvj fru.-:-l said tract of land llt all reasonabl.c times for the purpose of installing, operating, using, repairing, replacing and mnintaining said ~'~~.,~,-~"""","""""- sari'i tar'y sewer and for the removing of same i f and when desired by the Grantee, its successors and assigns: TO lLWE AI\D TO HOLD the above described rj sht of way ,d tll all the appurtenances Rnd privileges unto the f;aid (;u\[ILec and to its successors And nssigns forever. Tlw Grantee hereby covenants /lnd agrees with the Cri1nt':H'S as [oll()ws; l. That, in connection with the installing, operating, using, repairing, replLlcing, maintaining and removing, of said sani tary sewer' it wi 11 replace at its sole expense, all existing fences, ditches and other appur- tenances of said land that may be disturbed by its operation in a condition equal to the condition thereof existing before said operations were begun, or as ne,1r t1wreto as shall be reasonably possible, .... 2. That, dud ng operations involving excavation, it will remove the topso:!, I from the trench flren to a depth of one foot, or to the full depth of the topsoil whichever i " lc~ss, .0 and stockpile said topsoil for replllcement over the trench, and wi 11 remove from the site any large rocks or surplus excavated material or any kind of debris that Ilk1y have been expo~;ed by the excavation and rpmaining after backfilling is completed and will leave the finished surface in subsLnn.. t i[111 Y the same condi tion that existed prior to the beginning of opera t i on~j except that the surface of backfilled areas may be moundc,d sufficiently to prevent t hf~ forma t ion of depn~ ,: s i.OO1! after U l1a I settlement has tnken place. 3 To operate, use and maintain said sanitary sewer -~~.....-.........,................~,~ "~~~~._._-~.'.- in Ruch manner as will not hinder or prevent the -_.............~..............._.----....- proper cultivation of the trtl.ct through which this righ t of \.;ray is h(~reby gl"anted. 4, In the event that it shotid become necessary for the Grantee to re-enter the Grantors premises for the purpose of repairing, replacing, maintaining or removing said utility lines the Grantee will re:l.mburse the Grantors for any actual damage done to the Grantors premises or crops, - 2- ~, ; . .,: , . 60 PAGE 755 FILM 5. The C~.an tor h(;[eby C'lv..'n.1 tl t 9 .1:,d agree,'! wi th the Cr.lnt 'C' a ,c,; f (, II, ,',.1 - 1. TI1,1 t at n0 t i [:1l' '.I j 11 they build, con~,truct, ('reet or ::.1 inta 1. n D. ny p e trn<l ne n t structure rver or a b ov c the snlJ _~;.'~.0 jl~l.t.~~____,_ .~L______. .._..__ unle:>s such structurl' i:,built, conEtl'ucted D. nJ rn.1 i n t a ill C d in ~;1.lch a manner thllt it would not interL"ct',:' with the operation, lice, repair, mai nta:lncncc, n'pl:JccITlcnt and removal of GHid sani tory sC\'J('r . ~~_,u..~._",_~__.' __,_...........~., __~_._~_.._"'~__~._,.,~.__ ,,,,,~,,",.~,____.,_ .~...___._____.,_ 2. That the Grantee m.a.y peaceably hold and enjoy the ri gh t s and pd vi leges h(;rcin granted Hithout any intcrrupt1.ol: hy t l)l' Crantor S or thci r successors nnd i.1ssignr;, :1 . That they have been Ln: fd ly nei zeci of Eii1 i d prclni,se:~ ; tha t' they have ["God right nnd lawful authorIty (0 ~; c 11 tll(' ',; n ~.::: fl nd (hel t (hey and their' heir.'>, eXrc\) to c; , (' elm 1. n i:J t r;l t r)' (',: , SUCCQ~;,l3nT [j a nd a s ~; i g!~ ::~ , :>hl111 \\'i\rrnnt: fl nd defend t h (' ( i I. I " tn ,<laid pr('mi~~cf.; untn ~, 11 ide ran tee , ,lnd I t c,: :: 1..] c C c ;-~ S Ci t"'.:':I "1;'1'.1 ;(s~;ir:.u~'; for l'V c' I., tll >": ,i r~ s t: the Inwful clr,5'11 nnd de;':'!;,-,\ nd ," r ,,1 1 pert;on::; \}l \ om:.,) 0C\~ c-: I- t It i <,- n,tlder~;t:o()d (1[ld di'l'CCrl by and I)('t",('('n the I'i! r t: i (' ~,: ! 11...l t- (l I" \) ( ; j n ~. t II ie, 1\g rc CleH' n t: :;li,] 1 1 be hilHling uron the hcit";, exccIll()ts, d d ~ ': 1 i l.1 '1 () t' 1" n t. ("'1 r s ~ succcs~;or and .:l~:)sj EI1~~ of t : l<' Crant:or:J and upon the r;UCCC:~.1.s("Jrs ;1,'Id aS~1it;llS of the Grantee, ,~ - ~l- ,. . I . filM 60PAGE 756 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said parties 0f the first part hav.. hereunto set thcir hnnds and seals th" dAY nnd ye'-lr first above written, " C' _/~~~~~~ STATE OF MONT,\NA ) S~ County of Gallatin) On this e day of _({?d _..___ 19#"0, before: me, a notary pub};ic in ancl for said State, personally appeared ~~.- _.___~__ ~___ .__ known t~ me to be'. the pe~on,._ whose name subscribed to the within ~~~-_.~~--~~-~~.~-,~-~-~...............'~ ins trument, and acknovJledgcd to me tha t __.____~_._,____,_,__~_,__'._..._.___ executed the Si1mc. ,-J~---A~~_.~_., ~~public for the State qf'h1alolt;-Ji,.1. .~ . . . ~~'l:cru/V . Rc S lCl1 ng a t Bo 7. ema n, ~l(; 11 t: i1 nil. ............ oJ". _ , ~ " ~ .... ." ._ra "'e. .f) hy C?Jn1 1 S S 1 on tXjn reii .' .... --'>- ~ .... ~ -,-,--__of,L ,L~__./2L~__<,I:~.__:~,. /~\~ '-. ; ~:.> t.', .' ! ." ~ , -. 6- . :....~. '-: uJ.\ t'A. (..... ';;). I ~ :. . /'.~..,~ .\... :;. .... , # "\;I. ... '.... ... 'n. .." "..!I. ~ ~\ Q.......~~C:,..... "'II (J lfn\l ~..., ,~ " U'D ~> ~,'" ,.............. -f. - " . . . . ~ 1 . . filM 60 rAGE 757 '~:!E CITY OF !}07:>i\[~ L /' / \-'., d"l: -. -~~~~~dr-f::-" ~.i,,'. v '.,' ~ .......' -~ ..., -- !I iTl.()',J Ell : ~~- ::",\ r 'I .('.~\/ ?,TI.TF 0[' >'l(;~tr,\N-^ ) l" I ~ County of (;,lllat"in) On t h:i '3 10 .1H)' of De c.e,mb eft 19780 , bcfnrc I:le the ,~ ,.,--",.~,~ .~,-~ ........~."-,-,._~-_...~.. . ._._~ -~-~-y.. , ._.--.~. ., undc~rr;j;~tlC(~ .:1 :<OLilry l'ul,l Ie for I. h~' ~: t n L e (\ f I,'k.l 11 tl n n , p ," r ~; 0 11 r; [, 1 1 Y , II P r (' 11 r (~d Dun.c.an S. Mac,Nab & E/tna V. Haf1dLng Ie n own n. . ,,,,,-_.._...,,_.,.,._-_._..~.. ~._'.'..___.._._...~_.__.~.~." .~_,._..,~.~",.,,~ ..~______~_,_,..,__,______.,,__.,.,_, '". .~_.,.~. . "r.._ ~". ,. ,..,"___~ to 111C to be rhe~j.Jyor nnd Clerk of the City Comrnlnr;ion re1>pectively, 1 l=- t lie C it\' () f B07.("11.1 [1, t.lhosc f1,--:mc"; (<,rcc>ubrcrlt::d to the \,':ithln c, ! i I\~; t: r u~n c' n t: and <1 c k n cr.,' 1 e:; ~), (' cl to llK th.:1 t: the:; C;.,f'CI.! i:.'.'\ t.11t~ S,1mF'-:',~ fCll- ,'1nd nil '1,ehillf of ncid Ci ty. IN '\:lTN[S~) Wl!EREOf") I hl!Ve hel''?lIntn set fl'Y hand tlnt! n ffj \(".>:1 i'I"lY i<c. ti' l' j;\ 1 Sl'!J. 1 on the day and year in illIn Ct~ltlfi(:.lt,: fir-nC ;l!:.,eV(' \vl,' it t:l'i'). .. \.": \ i ..t...."tfl ',"~ \ all''1, '\\'" \~ j' { ,';'<. '1'., _~]_I1::=-ct:JZ;,,-u_~~--c--~ ." .-.., t/..'; .,~ . .,.-:r, .... \'Or!,,1. -":1' \ . , "h:4{ ,. - (SE15r ~ ~ Nota:ry P lie for the ~;tatc of ~kHltjlnll . , .. .. fL"',iditlL at: HozenlJn, :l.~tlLlna ~ "~', { : ! . ". ""I'~" ... ;1y C~[1r;1i 8 S i on L:i' i n' 8 '" oft .:- 'Ja.n.'.----6-,__19.-8..L__ '. ,tt~ .~ . ~ .' '. ' \(0 .. .'. ~~,. "t'.~.....,.~. ..",'" "-'" ~ t),.~'O~.,"",." "',rh,~.uu~' II"'" \' : ,< ,. I . "' 1.1) I " ^ (iil. '. I' ii' '11 ' , ;":1 . (',) I ,,, I I.;'!, r, ; 1 "' " .. I'ILM '60 PAGE 758 Po " .1,,' Il ,',,' . :I( . . ~ ,.~ . ..., I: I _~ :':1. ...; ;' ( r.' I> ,~r,; y~ '~ "".,. "-'. un", ( ) N fjH", ,i 11" .... " . .~'.J . (, .~ '.:.,1:1<,".0'.,'):.'.": ",' ~ T ;\ , . ~ .,; I '~I /''- L~. L' " '1_, . ] [j :..f ~ r'" r . " 1"1 I ';"'. I ", I I' .. \ ......... "''I. i I '.\ t~ .', i ~ ' ~ ~' 1 (, !', I , . , I ') 'i ]""'"" ) I r,. I , I . ,r-'Mici';[;", I I i i S /\ -+-- r-~- l>-./i~~'~ Cq , . I I " I .. .:----..-_ , I i ,,,l/)r: ,., \ I ~ . .,: ,',-- : .' .. '-; I _. i I' !'~~ i ., ' .- -- '..-... ~"- . I I ,.<.<:::. -'- -~ ..- .,. I ~.:r.iILII,"""'ll;~,.~_~..,mtI:.iIZlIII", "\ I : i r I. ' ~ ~ i ) " / \' ; l"~ L'" .) I \ . 1./\",1 Mj. rj'\ :.n ::F.\4AN ~ , . -'~ r.... ,,~'\. ~; .-.... n ...."__ ..__~~,~ ._ --~._.,"~---------~- ""_.----~'"'- r;R ,. i. .\ I J=.' ':.1.''' 'Ill.! ,_..J <:l \, I;"'] :"1 I "I Y \ ~ ,'\,~' ,\ ,- oi .< ~ ' JI 0. :l' --'; ~..,- ~ ! , . "~ (."} ~ '\ \ "10"'." " I" \, \ \ , I I, c l I, I,: ... ',: I . I i t -.. ~'- 'j ,~ f! G. A iJ I' ./ '.. ~ . rj i I - ,~ ; I II" f,:.l --- . .,,~ T A ~~ t"U'.'T (R v!.'L"l.; 'l......' 1'1 Nl I "'f "1 , . , ) t, :' I ~ 'I I -I " I ., , . .~ , . '. "\;' I, , ) - I I I : 1/', I ,.~.) , .- ( " ," ". '.J " I _,'J 04'; ." ro'i '" r, ~ r'.J ,,' I E~/:.s, ,":/ /