HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-21-18 City Commission Packet Materials - A4. FY19 Budget Work Session - Special Revenue Sessions - SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS 5/21/2018 BOZ E MAN MT Special Revenue Fund Work Session Fiscal Year 2018-2o1g 11 L) { f e Monday,May 21,20A Special Revenue Funds 1. Street Maintenance Fund 2. Arterial and Collector District Fund 3. Street Impact Fee Fund 4. Tree Maintenance (Forestry) Fund 5. Building Inspection Fund 6. Workforce Housing Fund 1 1 S BOZEMAN O 3. ASafeWelcomingCommunity 3.1.d - Update Public SafetyTechnology ' Systems Fire Equipment Fund — Radio Replacement $250,000 • L STRATEGICPLAN 3. A Safe Welcoming Community $25 3.1.d - Update Public Safety Technology Systems Fire Equipment Fund — Station Alerting • • • • 5/21/2018 BOZEMA P' o qRA wEGiCPLAN 7. • Performance Organization 0-All • • Engineer,Streets Worker, Fire Inspector as well as, IT and HR positions to support BOZEMA ST RATEG]CPLAN r � Planned r_ • • • •_�4-3 P maintenance • existing & new infrastructure Total 50%increase since FY17 in Street Maintenance and Arterial &Collector Districts Street Impact Fee Projects i Tree Maintenance District 3 5/21/2018 BOZE RATEGI A aTRATEGICPLAN u•<onuuuin�u, ss � t s18,000,000 Total s16.8 Million s16,000,000 $14,000,000 $12,000,000 Total$11.2 Million $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $z,000,000 $- FYi7 Actual Spending FYi8 Total Budget FYig Total Budget ■Street Maintenance District ■Arterial&Collector District s Street Impact Fees n Tree Mainteance District Street Maintenance District Street Maintenance Assessment Increase Street Maintenance District Assessments: ,A 1400`i la.00K Recommend a 5%increase for FYig ,aeo Average-size lot assessment increases em. s9.9o/year;to$207.92/yr. 4A04 OAOK FYI rY15 fY14 iT17 f`/1! fY 19 • Staffing: Add i.o FTE Streets Worker Apprmed App,med Appmred Apprmed Approred P,•poud and eliminate o.25 Short Term Worker Street Maintenance • Operational costs increased io% Approved CIP -with adjustments. Personnel • Capital Costs increased 5.6% 3D% zs Staffing Plan Debt Service, t°G ind I"tercip 6% rations 34% 4 5/21/2018 PPm,e Pr7j""d Prqs,ted Prq.t.dgacte pm.c Custoer Increase Rg 2%m 2% 2% 256 2% 2% Ralelncrease-General 6% 5% 10% 10% 5% 0% Ralelncrease-Added Maintenance 11% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Rate Increase-Street Reconstruction 0% 0 0% 17.0% O% 10.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0 General Street Maintenance FYI 8 0 FY21 FYT2 PrtgMwlAsfarM Same B$0% Q4% (60% 850% f60% 650% Beginning Fund Balance-Pr ected 439721 308611 138168 673697 856389 189 Estimated Revenues: Asaessrren6:l)rldeaig . 3,752390 4,006,990 4,482,619 5.014.705 5,354,954 5.445,988 Asaessereeta:Added Mainananee 1.026,782 1.026,782 1.026,782 1,026,782 1.026.782 1,028.782 Steel Cut Penrits 17,500 18,000 18.000 16.000 18.000 18.000 ror tEarrings 10,000 10,000 10.000 10,000 10.000 10.000 Penaay&InWest 11.000 11,500 11,500 11.600 11.600 11,500 OYer R,— 10,000 Total Estimated Revenues: 4617671 5083271 5548901 8080988 8421235 8512270 Proposed Expenditures: Personnel 1.563.694 1,539,731 1.570.526 1,W1,936 1.633,975 1,666.654 6affirg Plan 55,780 43.500 - - - Staffing plan PWebcatonFY20aM21 79.224 33.507 - - Cpera6ons 1,592,207 1,760,397 1.813.209 1,946,829 2,038,741 2,099.903 Debt S­A­,,InG in@reap 295,217 7 Appro d CIP'vA9l adpctren6 1,497.673 1,682,600 2.539.100 2,;6,200 1,738,789 1,291,100 Increase Pasernent lft Total Proposed Expenditures: 4948781 5253715 8360.766 6293679 5.724712 5372865 Ending Fund Balance-Pro ted 300,611 138/88 87 886389 189,865 949,540 Streel&Curb Reconstruction FY1S FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 -A Ama[I 15 U% is" 150* I50% 15M 1'- B Innln Designated Fund ProjectedBalance- 64743 39149 40097 49971 54889 61.872 Estimated Revenues: Asses .%Designated:Reconaeuclion&Cubs 684.405 696,426 709.874 724.918 740.983 757.321 Proposed Expenditures: Transfers to ConsWcfion Fuld 700,000 695,479 700.000 720,000 734.000 734.000 EndIng DesIgnated Fund Balance-Projected $ 39.149 S 40097 5 49.071 $ 54,BB9 S 61.872 S 65.193 Reserve Policy. 45bufd Day Operating Reservo(15,2525,30,45) S 150868 S 261,75111 S 266,9511 S 327.7741$ 503,2311 $ $ 150,868 5 261,758 S 266,951 $ 327 774 $ 503.231 dfl$ - $ 27 997 $ (885,454)$ (1,098,451)$ (455.768)$ 531.501 Arterial & Collector District Arterial&Collector Assessments: Arterial&Collector District-Average Lot, 7,S00 sq ft. Recommend a 28%decrease for FY1g. soon 56997 Moo S.- Ss1.2a S52al $5492 Targeted to add$2 Million forthe share of 5wo Woo Arterial and Collector street projects. lom • New Fuel Tax dollars offset swou slum S. Average-size lot assessment decreases $via FY79 111. r 1 $17.331year, to$51.78/yr. Capital Expenditures are all based on the CIP: OPPROJECTFUND PROJECT PROJECT NAME FY19 Arterial&CollectorStreets A&COOL Oak&7th Restriping $60,000 Arterial&ColleaorStreets SIF109 Oak(Rouse through Cannery District)-ConstruNon• $133, Arterial&Collector5treea SIFOSS Oak&N 27th(Intersection Improvements)-Design&Construction SZOM000 Arterial&Collector Streets SIFI08 S3rd and Gnf(Intersection Improvements-Construction $300.000 Arterial&Collector Streets SIF121 Baxter&Davis(Intersection lmpmvements)-Roundabout Construction S500,000 Arterial&Collector 5treets SIF062 Durston(Fowler to Ferguson)-Construction $760, Arterial&Collector Streets SIFOSS Baxter(7th to 19th)-Construction Arterial&CollecmrStreetsTotal 5 5/21/2018 Street Impact Fee Currently there is an impact fee study underway to update the impact fees for the City. Expenditures tie directly to the CIP. CIP PROIECTFUND PROJECT PROJECT NAME FY19 Impad fees Streets SIF109 Oak(Rouse through Cannery District)-Construction $1-U,000 Impad Fees Streets SIF139 Oak(Flanders Mill to Ryun Sun Way)-Design $1%000 Impad Fees Streets SIF140 Oak(Cottonwood to Flanders Mall)-Design $180,000 Impad Fees Streets SIF001 Annual Right Of Way Acquisition $250,000 Impad Fees Streets SIF137 Cottonwood(Durston to Oak)-Design $250,000 Impad Fees Streets SIF141 Cottonwood Road,Oak to Baxter-Design $250,000 Impad Fees Streets SIF133 Griffin(71h to Rouse-Design $400,000 Impad Fees Streets SIF062 Durslon(Fowler to Ferguson-Construction $760,000 Impad Fees Streets SIFOS8 Oak&N 27th(Intersection Improvements-Design&Construction $%W'000 Impad Fees Streets SIF108 S3rd and Graf(Intersedion Improvements)-Construdion $1,200,000 Impad Fees Streets sIF121 6axler&Davis(Inlerseclion Improvements-Roundabout Construction $2,000,0W Impad Fees Streets Toil $6,3T3, Tree Maintenance District Tree Maintenance Assessments: Recommend a 5%increase for FY1g. Implementation of Urban Forestry Plan • Growing a capital reserve up to$9oK for capital replacement Average-size lot assessment increases $1.13/year; to$23.6i/yr. Assessment Increase(Decrease) 16.0% a4.o% 1a.o% 10.0% B.o% 6.o% 4.0% a.o% . o.o% � a.o% FY13 FY14 FY16 FYa6 FYi7 FY18 FY19 -4.0% 6 5/21/2018 Approved Proposed Projected Projected Projected Projected Proposed Rate Increase 15% 5% 5% 2% 2% 2% Estimated Growth in Assessable So Ft 2% 21/6 2% 2% 2% 2% FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 Beginning Fund Balance-Projected 328.339 313.475 251,119 221.764 321,032 286,570 Estimated Revenues: Assessments 682,373 730,821 782,710 814,331 847,230 881,458 Penalty and Interest 21100 1,200 1,200 1,200 1.200 1.200 Interest Earnings 1,600 2,200 2,200 2,200 2.200 2.200 Sale of Cost-Share-Trees 6.000. 3.000 2.500. 2 5W 2.500. 2,500 Total Estimated Revenues: 692,073 737.221 788.610 820,231 863.1301 887 368 Proposed Expenditures: 64sting Personnel 420.950 435,400 448,462 461,916 475,773 490,047 Operalions- 228,987 244,177 251,502 259,047 266,819 274,823 Capital 57,000 120,000 118,000 145,000 Total Proposed Expenditures: 706,937 799,677 817,964 720,963 887,592 764,870 Ending Fund Balance-Projected 313475 261119 221764 321032 286670 409068 Annual Assessments: S-11 Lot,5,000 sq R 14.98 15.73 16.52 16.85 17.19 17.53 Average Lot,7,500 sq ft 22.48 23.61 24.79 25.28 25.79 26.30 Large Lot,10,000 sq ft 29.98 31.48 33.05 33.71 34.39 35.08 Extra Large,15,000 sq It 44.96 47.21 49.57 50.56 51.58 52.61 Reserve Policy: General Capital reserve 65,000 70,000 85,000 90.000 90.000 Working Capital for Emerald Ash Incidents 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1"'1. 45 Days Pars S Ops 80.129 83,783 86,297 88,= 91,552 94,299 180,129 248,783 256,297 273.886 281,552 284,299 133,346 2,336 (34,533) 47,146 5.018 124.759 BOZEMA �I* ounRouuuk iCPoLA�N ML • $216,681 (shared project) 5/21/2018 Building Inspection Building Inspe Fur Beginning FY18(Ending FY17 actual) $ 1,701,829.00 Plus:Rev FY18 Estmated(YTD plus last 3 months of 17) $ 1,990,005.00 Less: Emend FY18 $ (2,086,952.00) Beginning Fund Balance FY18 $ 1,604,882.00 Estimated Revenues FY19 $ 1,800,200.00 Budgeted E)penditures $ (2,660,416.00) Estimated Ending Balance $ 744,666.00 For FY18 through April Revenue received is$1,74S,332,99%of estimated budget. FY19 revenues are estimated to be higher and more in line with this year's trend. Staffing—1.o FTE Building/Life Safety Specialist(Fire Inspector) Capital-$251,681-Vehicle for the new Inspector positon&the Stiff Building remodel project GFigg. BOZEMAN 5 gRaM EGICPLA 4. AWell Planned City • Housing &Transportation Choices Increased Funding to Affordable Housing 71% Increase in revenue Ending balance of over �750,000 8 5/21/2018 BOZEMAN STRl�TEC-ICPLAN _ Community Housing Fund $600,000 $539,720 71% $500,000 increase from last $400,000 year $316,o85 $300,000 $z65,58z $200,000 $100,000 Revenue ■FY17 ■FY18 ■FY19 Workforce Housing • Have not budgeted to receive or expend any cash-in-lieu of Affordable Housing money. • Allow staff to administratively approve the"Down Payment Assistance and Impact Fee Credits"when an approved Affordable Housing plan is in place for the development. • Individual property approvals would not be presented to the Commission. • Manual would be adjusted forthis administrative authority. 9 5/21/2018 Workforce Housing Within the Community Housing Fund Actual Approved Recommended 3 Mills 3 Mills 3 Mills FY17 FY18 FY19 Beginning Balance 583,543 564,724 556,409 Revenues: General Fund Transfer 210;488 Dedication of Tax Revenue 260,687 303.585 M7777— Interest Earnings 4,401 3.000 4,000 Loan Principal Repayments 494 9,500 9.500 Total Estimated Revenues: 265,602 316,086 639,720 Expenditures: Road to Home-Administration 40,000 40,000 40,000 HRDC-West Edge Project Darmpayment Assistance HRDC Admnistraton of Revolving Loan Fund 14,400 14,400 14,400 Workforce Housing Ordinance Development/Update Support for Low Income Housing Projects(offset I mpact Fees) Remainder of CAHAB Support not contained in Fund 121(to total$14,4001yr) GMD-Project Assistance Administrative Costs 230,001 70,000 87,458 Affordable Housing Action Plan Update 30,000 Impact Fees For Home Purchase Impact Fees For Rental Housing elter Doom Payrtfent Assistance 200000 200000 Total Proposed Expenditures: 284,401 324,400 371,868 Ending Fund Balance 664.724 666,409 724,271 FYzg Typical Residential Property Annual Cost Adjustments FY 19 FY19 Recommended FY18ADDroved Recommended increase Change tree t Assessment 198.02 207.92 9.90 5.0% rterial Street Assessment 69.11 51.78 (17.33) -25.1% ree(Forestry)Assessment 22.48 23.61 1.13 5.0% Property Taxes 711.10 722.49 11.39 1.6% Storm Water Services 70.92 70.92 - 0.0% Water Service 516.24 TBD TBD Sewer Services 606.72 TBD TBD Total Annual Increase Pending Water/Sewer rates $ 5.09 Monthly Increase $ 0.42 10 5/21/2018 Budget Work-Sessions ✓ May 14 -City Manager's Recommended Budget presentation ✓ May 21-Special Revenue Funds • June 4—Enterprise Funds, with BID/TBID/TIF work plans and budgets on the consent agenda • June 3.3. - General Fund/Community Development Fund • June 25 - Final Budget Adoption - Resolution 4900 11