HomeMy WebLinkAbout76- Daum Easement (2) . . 10 November 1976 . Hr. Pick ^pplegato Center for the Public Interest. Inc. p. O. P,ox 931 Bozeman, Montana S971S Dear 1'<11'. Appleg<1.te: In accordance Hi +!-) your T'eq1l'.~~: of '~"")Vcr.:"eT' .'1. you ""ill be notified of any planned meetings nctHcen thn, City of Bozeman and the Stnte Denprt1'lent of "'-'n~tl, ~'J11"":inr: 1"(1 the extension of seHago facilities to the proposed 1bin Mall Shopping Center. Very truly yours, .TN.~F.c.: \'!. Vt>!.L"Ir-r Hayr-.'" ,nvv:nl' . , , . . . 10 November 1976 . Mr. Donald G. Willems Rureau Chief Water Qual! ty Bureau Department of Health and Environmental Sciences State of ~1ontana Helena, ~fontana 59601 Denr ~lr. Willems: Thank you for your letter of Novemher 5, 197A, reminding me of the City'g obligatio!1 created hy Section 60-4905, R.C.M., 1947. r have been un(ler tho impression tnClt il 11 map!; an (I pI ans nnd specifications relating to any extension, construction 01' alterations of either \'lntcr or sC"laRD dj strihntjol1 have been constantly and p:l:'Omptly sltbmi tted to vour officI; for advice and approva 1. I \IIould, of course, expect that the snme procedure \-lOuId be folloHcd in the event 0f an cytfm~'d on nt the f,eN~gfl system to the p1.^oposed l1ain ~hIl SLopping Ci''>nter. The Ci tv loo~;g fonmrrl to your aCt'..'1 ~e and Q!;sistanCf} in th~ proposer! f,f'\V';lPC t)"r'ntf1cnt. Ve nrc J.-,0!)pfll"l thl1f, with YOllr [l};sistanc,f'l. n. Plethod for serondar'" t')^f'at"~ent of <'CW<l.['P to meet fedcral nod stat0 Imte1' pnl1util'n srr'I"i~if'ntj()n;:: clln he dcv:isf'ci so that \10 cnn pn}ecod llit'h the proposed c:ons't);'Hction projnct. Very truly yours. JI\HES 1'1. VOLL~HJ{ ~,byor JIVV : rw . , . . CENTER FOR PUBLIC INTEREST, INC. . . . ' .. THE POST OFFICE Box 931 Pf-fone (406) Sf37-0906 BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715 AN ADVOCACY ReSEARCH CENTER November 8, 1976 . Mr. James Vollmer, Mayor Municipal Building Bozeman, Montana 59715 Dear Mr. Vollmer: I understand the Department of Health has contacted you relative to my inquiry on the proposed extension of sewage facilities to the proposed Main Mall, shopping center. I am very intc-:~rested in local proceedings on this matter. Accordingly, please keep me informed of planned meetings or discussions between the City of Bozeman and the State Department of Health. 'l'hanks for your assistance. Sincerely, I .. /)1; ( '_ ..~'rl^/;l, Rick Appleqate RA:pah , I , . I I--~' I, ' )~-: t ): ~ i . I ~., I t' \ ( \,' It , -.-.-.,-.--., '-'-'\V-il"'{-\(' ! \, Ji 1\ i : ,Anlt~) I\~.,_ /-.) 'S'TI:,':'T;~ C!~:: i"fK:,H\rr.t\!'\!"'\ " "Ai,:;.', " (' l('JI GIlT, ;'1. D. __: l. . ftrtlfl+..j !,""I';k,:'I'.)"[,~ll"t(L:J..- J' "- ,I. >, .( f..~R-~~'.{",~.{ lo. ~ :.. ~ ~ l\cti :1':) Dt rc~ct.o:r - J OVt"l_',; );; r ,) , 11'7,:, Hon. ~J ~~:'nc "') 'Jollrl,,_ -.--: J1[l'1or 13 ();-: !~rn(] 1'1, lC)'i1 ta:1 a -~ ---, 71j DE' il r ~'11r . Vollrncr: Tt 4.1,"13 C ()~:'1(~ ~_ 0 t.. 1 "~,~ Cl Li~n:'lti 0:1 of tllU '^!;J1-:i"'r ()ual i 't" ]llr~:,au of trk DC'I)iJ.J: :~mc'rl t of ILl.) l i':':l ,Lie, i-!~-t v,i.. rC)':1f:-terl t~I.-.11 :3 (: ,:.1.. ~:~:n C(~ 3 t~:lil1~ t~hc City of 'jozr:;:T:li1:1 1,,::; C() ~'l :'~ ,"l (~c: l~ 1.l'".i. <: adcii tio,lal '1,"] n t_(~ r- an;l s (-~,'Cl C~ r ;lookups for !:IC' ~'.~ r~~'~() ~3 t.": (t ;d1.;l .:,J 11 :',:;....10"'(' i"j~:'" i.", (',~ Cc:. ~r:~ r . l. tn:r.; t.,l i:-; O~)DC)r- 1~nni t" t:.o 1'.... f'.~ ;-:1.1 ';1 (~ ,"-'11 t. ,.~. :~'~, ic. r~~ C ,r: t .1. () ?~ t. ~.I ,- .'1 ~ j :r) ~l ,. :'. c. ."1. l'i+"7, of t:lC:O Pu;)lic Y'.; (1 tr c~ r t3 u '; '~'! .1.? i\c t:, r c~ "T 1.1 i r.-,~~-~ ::.::; ~:"L-.t ~.)l..ln ~.~ .~~ 1 ( 1 :; ')'-~c i [i..c,"1:~, 0;15 for Ll(:: "d::-O:'IO:::; :,:: d con ') t~ T'iJC t -j,!);) , d 1 t.::: r a i~j_on ():L 1':'.~X:tCi"i:,~ .iC)!l 0": anv h'il.tcr :,uDnl v 0-'--- r:; C ~;) E:! Cf r:~ ~J __l,';~:;- 0:; a 1 ;,;v::;t~::r; 1:1U:, t ]) :j uim i. t tc'r:: to tj.lf~ \. ). L)(~~)artn~,'l L for (1 T)r.lr()V;.l ~L III .ll'l li(u,~ OF ~-:. I l(~ (.1 t. i::(;rl,~-) tr:; J) ~/ L~1~:~ City 0" no z '_-'rFm to 11 ";c;. r."."1 u .~,~ i L.~-_; :.',1, C '..",} \~l (f I:: ~ t r:~;1 t~cC' i-I t f(1.ci15,- ty', t_i1C~ Dcni1rt~- E1en"!:: i .~ i,IC~ r~.," -L!1 '~:.c~ r:.~ :..,; ~~f.".l ( ~ _ll1 ,10'1 r) 1. (".1. 'r 1 ~..; -",.111: ,10\11(:; :~3 1i;:j ~; 't a ~:'1 t i c111 ~1 .,--,.) l,ncrc:'a:::;c t~,L.l(~ .-tr,lnl 11 t~ () ,- '") "-'_:"::f.1 c.10 c: b) :,) (:-; .t,r;_~ i..l.t:-~cl ._. L t..l(~ ::1o':>,cTni1Tl facil- '_i. '._ :it \T . cr...1C:; D~ ;'>:1. rU:y) :1 t 1. :; r."r'~"~'":,la. rc~(l t_n '.lOL,;, 1.,1_~;_ t~.J i -'0\1 in order to crun.ran tee '::.l.:'l. f~ ,_1 ~3 (-:.~ ~:1 ,~-:'.t ...; di::;l)O:-:;Etl ~;T:;t-C:l ':flich 8t,~ (~t ~'~ t,lC qoals a:1Cl objective,,; 0f t;'l:':, I'c:~(J,(~ r a 1. :lnct ~~ f'~ a. :: l:~: ;','-),L'r Po; lu'"_ion Cnlt_c::-o1 7\ C t:3 can ")2 c: c: n s t.r 11C~ t_C::(-~ . r.r "OU J 1 (1 """.~ ~~"'I \l:l '/ r.~~l(:~ .'~ ~,,~ .~._ ()~1 ~ or C(1:lln1~.."~1 1::. ..~ , '-,1, ','_',-t,:;C C():-l~:act me. ~ ~. :1'.:>~: "1~;.:; 1. ~ ," f ~ ~-,~.~.. ! 1-' (; -"' / " (,: -l._,:>C{L_______ u__'" ~-)0r:a.l(!. r.; . ':'li 11 (~j'n:) i " u r.: <l U C~~ l_i, (~f .,....,-:-,: t~(~r (' IU ~.~ 1 i 't.~ "l :j~..1}~C('1\l DO<! /GS B / j" cc: nici: 7\PI)lcqa t.(~ Edward L. King, M. D. I Ci ty-Coun'ty Health Officer, Roo:n 105, CourtlloUSE' , BOZC:'ffiiln