HomeMy WebLinkAbout81- Cowdrey Water Line Easement Rt: City of"Bozeman, 6" '409 . 'I H,,', fiLM ~ P~GE . . 81280' Sta'te r3 ""otl'L ,-u' ,..", "x '," " "" -,' h' \" ~r h La 81 '1' J..C:' VII i;.'J III'..... .;.<IJIl":'; \...1., j. ~ ,.'t~~.. J~"\ ';. \\~,.,,-_.._.,-__.~.~.~._:,~ar,c "." ._. ___.._,.,.,.,~~~~ ;..;.' . "..~'~~,aBd="cc in Lvv' 62' o~~, SCE"L,A"N",EO",US"__pa~e_4Q9 ,,___, . _Recorder. By _ __' _ ,-'_~ 'n fF) !I t\ EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY AGREEM[NT fOR WATER LINE __~.~_~~.._ft. ._.~_____.___._._,~...~_,.~,_~_,_~_._""_."~'._" ---.-.-----.- - -. ,. ~._--_. ~-'_... THIS AGREEr~EHT, ;/Iade and enter'cd into ti,:" 21~LiY or _~~~___"'____ A. [J, 19 ~.~_, by and bctv!E:en ~~~~~_~_~_~_&."__ lllnV CQWORcV P-lri' of th'" ~,,^t P")'( hp""ir'e>fj'PI' ..__..\l.U...LLl___. . L....L____.......__...._.._._.. .W"'___'_'.___"'___ .. ( .'..y....",.. ~ '." f \ I ..J ~ u. . :' ,-. ( t~ It.!. \.> .,., called the Grantor ,,' and THE CITY OF BOlEMAN. a municipal corpor- ation of the State-"of Montana, in Gallatin County, the party of the sc:cond rid rt. herei r1cfU?r call ed the Grantee, WIT N E SSE T H : ~!HFREAS, The Grantor..___ __~_~_n__ the leGal record title aI-mer of the N 77' Lot 2 and the S 18' Lot 3 Block C, Graf's 2nd Rearr. B6 of Kirk's Sub. .','.,-'- .,.....~ ,,-~~-- _.~. -," -'.'.-- ,.~--'----,._.,-'_. ~,~.~~._~."'-,~.'.~."._._,_.._---_._.__._,.~-,....~~--,,-,,,,~"_.._~--~,-,--,--,-----_.._-_._._._--------,-_.., - ,-,,',.. .'~-',...' -'-'-_._-- WHLREAS, The Grantee, in the QXf.~I~cise of it:; po';,jer and authority as a municipality of the State of Montana, proposes to construct and install a waterline "and necessary appurt(~nances to serve va ri ous prop-ertTes-Tocated--wffh-i n the Northwest , porti on to the City of Bozeman and one or more such fln(~s-wouTdrun- across the Grantors land; and WHEREAS, The Grantee des i res to acqui re from the Grantor , and the Grantor , is willing to grant to the Grantee an ea-se- ment and right ofway--a-c-ross the above described property of the Grantor , and his heirs, executors, administr-ators, successor's, and assTgrls, for-The--pu-rpose of installing, operatinq, using, r-cpair- i ng, rep 1 aei ng, ma i nta i ni ng, and rernovi ng sa i dn,__\1C!1gf"'_J_i!l~_______, and appurtenances and for such other rights of aCC2SS lid incide~lal rights as are hereinafter described, all as hereinafter more particul- arly provided. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of S XXXXX dnd other considerations in hand pa-jd by the City of Gozr-'J1:~}-li-~-fhe receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and in further conSiderJtion of the covenants and aCJreements betwi:.'en the parties he1"0to, thE Grantor' has, " '" granted, bargained, sold conveyed, Elncj-cc;;:j-rr;-iii--;-cj-iillY by" th"e"se--~)-resents does "he reby (i r nt, ba qli in, sell , convey, and confirm unto the saTa--G-rantee and it'. successors and assigns the following rights and privileges for0vP 1. A perpetual easement and right of way for the purpose of installing, operating, using, repairing, replacing, maintaining and renloving a vlater 1 ine then~to upon and ClCn,\',,:; the above described prope-l~'t:Y--of,-~.tJie."Gr-anlo-r- , said easern(~nt and right of way to cons i s t of a s t ri p of 1 and----- twenty-fi ve feet in width being more particu1arTycfes-cribed -as-forro~v"i,-:-- An easement 25 feet wide on the eas~ side of a tract of land being that tract recorded on Film 37, Page 2511, Gallatin County Records, being the North Seventy-Seven feet of Lot 2 and the South Eighteen feet of Lot 3 of Block C of Graf's Second Rearrangement of Block 6 of Kirk's Second Subdivision, and located in the Northwest one-quarter of Section Twelve, Township Two South, Range Five East, Montana Prin- cipal Meridian, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana: the easement being further described as follows: Beginning at the NE corner of said tract, thence South 00025'38" West a'8ng the east line of said tract a distance of 95 feet; thence South 89 16'01" West along ~he south line of said tract a distance of 25 fe~t, thence North 00 25' 38" East a distance of 95 feet; thence North 89 16'01" East along the north line of said tract to the point of beginning. Said easement to include 2,375 square feet. '. I' filM 62p~GE 410 fiLM 61 P~GE 580 2. The perpetual right of ingress and egress to and from said tract of land at all reasonable times for the purpose of installing, operating, using, repairing, replacing and maintaining said water line and for the removing of same if and when desired by the Grantee, its successors and assigns: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of way with all the appurtenances and privileges unto the said Grantee and to its successors and assigns forever. The Grantee hereby covenants and agrees with the Grantor___ as fo1ll')ws: l. Tha t , in connection with the installing, operating, using, repairing, replacing, maintaining and removing, of said wa ter 1 i ne it will replace at its sole expense, all existing fences, ditches and other appur- tenances of said land that may be disturbed by its operation in a condition equal to the condition thereof existing before said operations were begun, or as near thereto as shall be reasonably possible. 2. That, during operations involving excavation, it will remove the topsoil from the trench area to a depth of one foot, or to the full depth of the topsoil whichever is less, and stockpile said topsoil for replacement over the trench, and will remove from the site any large rocks or surplus excavated material or any kind of debris that may have been exposed by the excavation and remaining after backfilling is completed and will leave the finished surface in substan- tially the same condition that existed prior to the beginning of operations except that the surface of backfilled areas may be mounded sufficiently to prevent the formation of depressions after final settlement has taken place. 3. To operate, use and maintain said water line in Ruch manner as will not hinder or prevent the proper cultivation of the tract through which this right of way is hereby granted. 4. In the event that it shedd become necessary for the Grantee to re-enter the Grantors premises for the purpose of repairing, replacing, maintaining or removing said utility lines the Grantee will reimburse the Grantors for any actual damage done to the Grantors premises or crops. -2- " - . fllM 62 PAGE 411 5. f::U~ 61 PAGE 581 The Grantor__ hereby c~venants and agrees with the Grantee as follows: l. That at no time will they build, construct, erect or maintain any permanent structure over or above the said water line unless such structure is built, constructed and maintained in such a manner that it would not interfere with the operation, use, repair, maintainence, replacement and removal of said water line . 2. That the Grantee may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights and privileges here~n granted without any interruption by the GrantoI'__ or ~ successors and assigns. 3. That they have been lawfully seized of said premises; that they have good right and lawful authority to sell the same and that they and their heirs, executors, administratf'rs, successors and assigns, shall warrant and defend the t HIe to said premises unto said Grantee, and its successors and assigns forever, against the lawful claim and demand of all persons whomsoever. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that this Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successor and assigns of the Grantors and upon the successors and assigns of the Grantee. -3- ~, : ~: . I . . t FILM 62 PAGE 412 f::U~ 61 P~GE 582 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 he s ai r I :' it r t i I)' (I ( ! i r\ ~' ii', ~ ;1 ! : (n) Ij ( I hereunto ::;et their h,)t)(Jc; onrl sr',lL, ti: ( , r! (1 " ill! ',) , ' j I ! ~ \ ; "1 './ i written. /J -' J ( / I t Ivtt,tI, '.. /(; { aU/t-t_'- (- STAT[ OF r'10:nAN/\ ) tL~ c " :).', County of Callatin ) On this fl7~ day Of~';)1.\tl.1..il...~1'}81, 11Clol'c 1'iI', ,iliJ(,(li'Y public in and-f'o'r'-said StClfr,;,'-ric'r's'o' -'111y' 'ilPIII>H'cd ____~~, j.v~ I wh~s~ii!~1:0-::t::r~:~~:~:1 to Pl~ 11:;:; c ~~ b;~c t;:' ~;: ~ 11 S yl/ithin instrument, dnd acknOl'iledqecl to 1:11' UI,l1 __~~ .. executed the (;(11i:r'. -- "-- ..-- '-~"~~- -" ,...".~ '._..~.,~_._.,'- .,~'-~ - ~,._"... 11'''"''''11'1-, , ,,\\'\ 'II: "" C l\ GO"'" ~-~~ ,,' 'Y'''' ......... v~ ',-, .............. ~ .... "~... ~ \. : 11(:11'\/ )' II h 1 i (~ I.. ! ill' - v". ~~~l ~f .' .. .." ",," I ~ .. .~:~~ ",,1.. '\ ; St:1Le of !.1()ntdl::l . Y '\ . ~ siclinq ill. [\'1/1'111<'<11, i-Irlr I I Ii II, I : S BP JJ: : ~ -: 1~, : :: ;-ly COliH!li'i';iOIl [>'1" ire" ~ \ ~; i 0;.. ...., .. "t~ .... ~ "'''III .... ~.JiJI l r''''-'~'':' :"~f""i1Y~ f(".: ~\~: 3~':;,':~ :\~ . ".~. "':t;............ ~~ "...... "'" (! OF ~t. ",,\ .. -. . . . -'-:-:..,,-~-:-+.,.~''';'"-:!.','~.,:'~'; ,;~"'i-' '" ".. '1I"If""'" . '~'4.....';",';WI SX~I)"~":~ i'".-,,:,;:; I ~, .. . , . . . · < .. FILM 62PAGE 413 . FilM 61 PAGE 583 THE CITY OF BOZEMAN .....- By: w,'_.j...:.....:..-;;;'-'~,_,~l_"",~~:~f~,~- dsyor .' ,l ';'~' ,.}.,:,~j';'; A1 "'.:" . -'-";~";J'~'-i"lA'tP,,,"'~"': '":. f".~ ,.".', .). I f ..~ ,'....:;;., ","'~ 4. , ,',' ,',. ~", " ,;I:S.,~ '-45.,~ ~ ! ~ ' ",,~- ,"""" --',' ~',",,"',"~', ,,// /Y .. ,~ , '/,J;::" J' /' ". ::'/ . /. j,1' r .y L, .. '~"\1,.,, r"l..., .~,,'~,',,',.i,~/,' :~',"",.','./, ",,;tJ,:tt:.,' ;-?:'., ::<~L, ~~~ ....~. v ' ~, " ,. I'iI'OL......," '1AR' DI'~ ~:'l' J':'~~':' ~ """J''''''il'~ ". 1 , . " \,,1,. ~,~u>!\~~rk of the City c.~mmi8sion ~'~'~4t';''';,;:',~~-1 (/"AP' I)ROVED' .~'. , '1.;".\ rl',i j , ..' ~ . .,.,,:..:(~;,:.,>{ " eu STATE OF MONTANA ) : ss County of Gallatin) On thi'l ___1...!.- dRY of L~El_____, 19 8t" befi..re me, the Ll~dE'l"~1ignC:1 a Notary rubU,c f,r ('lW St~d:,e of Nonta n;:i, personnaD", i',np":"n:o __"_.P.E~_!l~'...l:!acN~b._.~_~E.~~,'y-~_, Harding _____ known ~() f'1e to be th~ Mayor i.t:d Cle,\;. of the City COIllI;1is:=;lc,r, respectively, of ',be CJ.~,)' r.f p")2;Cman. ...,hOSt;' flf'm':3 Are SUbSCl"lhed t. ,I the withill instr ,lu;,;,r;,t tnd ;,;,cl,-,1v\-il(;dged to Tl" thAt t!\c.y e>'(~cllted th,~ same for and on behalf of said City. !.N WITNESS WHF.RIWF, I have herel1n~o set m~' hand flnd affixl~<l my N'JtarlHl Seal on the day 8,nd year in thts Certific:att'::! first above wrttten. " II" ". . ,';(' ':,'" ,I? '''" .' " / ""i' ~ 1-- \ He for the State (If Montana S}', ., 0" Residing a~ Eoz.",man, Monta,na , -{, "" IND,X..0 \ My CouunlSBl.On hxpires Januarv 6, 1984 ~;;.. f-LArTd) , , ~_..- ../ ~ '\ ~ '< ""C"1.~ .. U'.lf'I"'1U .,.... (-,...... ,) (Cl State of Montana I County of Gallatin f 55. Filet! JANUARY 23 ,19 81 at 11 . ] 0 A M., and Recorded in book 61 of MISCELLANEOUS Page---229 , Cu~iUt"'((tj~ ~ ,County Clerk & Reco;der By :t./2-JU! J /l' /)~ Deputy Fee $ - - - - Rt: City of Bozeman