HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-21-18 City Commission Packet Materials - A3. West Babcock Zone Map AmendmentPage 1 of 17 18120, Staff Report for the West Babcock Zone Map Amendment Public Hearing Date: Zoning Commission: Tuesday, May 1, 2018 City Commission: Monday, May 21, 2018 Project Description: #18120 Zone Map Amendment requesting amendment of the City Zoning Map to rezone 9.9 gross acres / 431,069 square feet from R-O Residential Office and B-2 Community Business to B-2M Community Business District - Mixed as allowed by Section 38.260.100 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. Project Location: The property is generally located north and south of West Babcock Street to the north and west of the intersection of South 15th Avenue and West Babcock Street and is legally described as Lots 2 and 3 of Certificate of Survey 1046, Certificate of Survey 420, Certificate of Survey 963, Certificate of Survey 1332, Certificate of Survey 924, Lots 13 and 14 in Block 2 of Richard’s Subdivision, Book 127-Page 274A Plat, Lot 1 of Minor Subdivision No. 9, Lot B in Certificate of Survey 1062, and an adjoining portion of West Main Street, and an adjoining portion of Babcock Street, said tract being located in the Northwest and Southwest Quarters of Section 12, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. Recommendation: Approval City Commission Recommended Motion: Having reviewed and considered the staff report, application materials, public comment, Zoning Commission recommendation, and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 18120 and move to approve the West Babcock zone map amendment, with contingencies required to complete the application processing. Report Date: May 8, 2018 Staff Contact: Addi Jadin, Associate Planner Agenda Item Type: Action - Legislative EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Unresolved Issues None identified at this time. 491 Staff Report for 18120 West Babcock Zone Map Amendment Page 2 of 17 Project Summary The purpose of the public hearing is to consider the requested amendment to the City of Bozeman Zoning Map proposed by the nine property owners/applicants and the project representative listed in Appendix D. The applicants request rezoning of 15 lots and corresponding portions of street right-of-way totaling approximately 9.9 acres (gross) from R-O Residential Office and B-2 Community Business Commercial to B-2M Community Business Mixed. Three of the lots south of West Babcock are currently zoned R-O and the remaining 12 lots are zoned B-2. The subject properties are currently developed with a variety of commercial uses, with the exception of a single-household property south of Babcock and the vacant parcel adjacent to it. The subject properties are surrounded by commercial retail sales and services, multi- household residential, administrative/professional offices, school property and restaurants. The future land use map in the Bozeman Community Plan designates the properties as community commercial mixed use. The Zoning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval at the public hearing held on Tuesday, May 1, 2018. As of the completion date of the staff report, no public comment has been received. Alternatives 1. Approve the application with contingencies as presented; 2. Deny the application based on findings of non-compliance with the applicable criteria contained within the staff report; or 3. Open and continue the public hearing, with specific direction to staff or the applicant to supply additional information or to address specific items. 492 Staff Report for 18120 West Babcock Zone Map Amendment Page 3 of 17 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... 1 Unresolved Issues ............................................................................................................... 1 Project Summary ................................................................................................................. 2 Alternatives ......................................................................................................................... 2 SECTION 1 - MAP SERIES .................................................................................................... 4 SECTION 2 - RECOMMENDED CONTINGENCIES OF ZONE MAP AMENDMENT..... 6 SECTION 3 - RECOMMENDATION AND FUTURE ACTIONS ........................................ 6 SECTION 4 - ZONE MAP AMENDMENT STAFF ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS ............. 6 Section 76-2-304, MCA (Zoning) Criteria ......................................................................... 7 PROTEST NOTICE FOR ZONING AMENDMENTS ......................................................... 10 APPENDIX A - DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND .............. 11 APPENDIX B - NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT .................................................... 13 APPENDIX C - PROJECT GROWTH POLICY AND PROPOSED ZONING ................... 13 APPENDIX D - OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF............................ 16 FISCAL EFFECTS ................................................................................................................. 16 ATTACHMENTS ................................................................................................................... 17 493 Staff Report for 18120 West Babcock Zone Map Amendment Page 4 of 17 SECTION 1 - MAP SERIES Current Zoning Map 494 Staff Report for 18120 West Babcock Zone Map Amendment Page 5 of 17 Community Plan Future Land Use Map 495 Staff Report for 18120 West Babcock Zone Map Amendment Page 6 of 17 SECTION 2 - RECOMMENDED CONTINGENCIES OF ZONE MAP AMENDMENT Please note that these contingencies are necessary for the City to complete the process of the proposed amendment. Recommended Contingencies of Approval: 1. That all documents and exhibits necessary to establish an initial municipal zoning designation shall be identified as the “2018 West Babcock Zone Map Amendment.” 2. That the applicant must submit a zone amendment map, titled “2018 West Babcock Zone Map Amendment”, on a 24” by 36” mylar, an 8 ½” by 11” or 8 ½” by 14” paper exhibit, and a digital copy of the area to be zoned, acceptable to the Director of Public Works, which will be utilized in the preparation of the Ordinance to officially amend the City of Bozeman Zoning Map. Said map shall contain a metes and bounds legal description of the perimeter of the subject property including adjacent rights-of-way, and total acreage of the property. 3. The Ordinance for the zone map amendment shall not be drafted until the applicant provides an editable metes and bounds legal description prepared by a licensed Montana surveyor. 4. All required materials shall be provided to the Department of Community Development within 60 days of a favorable action of the City Commission or any approval shall be null and void. SECTION 3 - RECOMMENDATION AND FUTURE ACTIONS Having considered the criteria established for a zone map amendment, Staff recommends approval as submitted. The Development Review Committee (DRC) considered the amendment on April 4, 2018. The DRC did not identify any infrastructure or regulatory constraints that would impede the approval of the application. The Zoning Commission held a public hearing on this zone map amendment on May 1, 2018, and voted unanimously to recommend approval to the City Commission. Audio and video recording of the meeting are available via the City of Bozeman website (www.bozeman.net/services/city-tv-and-streaming-audio). The City Commission will hold a public hearing on the zone map amendment at 6:00 p.m. on May 21, 2018, at 121 N. Rouse Avenue, Bozeman. SECTION 4 - ZONE MAP AMENDMENT STAFF ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS In considering applications for plan approval under this title, the advisory boards and City Commission shall consider the following criteria (letters A-K). As an amendment is a 496 Staff Report for 18120 West Babcock Zone Map Amendment Page 7 of 17 legislative action, the Commission has broad latitude to determine a policy direction. The burden of proof that the application should be approved lies with the applicant. In considering the criteria the analysis must show that the amendment accomplishes criteria A-D. Criteria E-K must be considered and may be found to be affirmative, neutral, or negative. A favorable decision on the proposed application must find that the application meets all of criteria A-D and that the positive outcomes of the amendment outweigh negative outcomes for criteria E-K. Section 76-2-304, MCA (Zoning) Criteria A. Be in accordance with a growth policy. Yes. The future land use map in the Bozeman Community Plan (growth policy) designates the subject properties as community commercial mixed use. The properties have been predominantly developed with uses consistent with the requested B-2M district such as offices and restaurants. The intent of the B-2M zoning district aligns with the description of community commercial mixed use in the growth policy (see Appendix C of the staff report). Additionally, the proposed zone map amendment advances multiple objectives of the growth policy: Land Use Objective 1.1: “The land use map and attendant policies shall be the official guide for the development of the City and shall be implemented through zoning regulations, capital improvements, subdivision regulations, coordination with other governmental entities, and other implementation strategies.” Land Use Objective 1.4: “Provide for and support infill development and redevelopment which provides additional density of use while respecting the context of the existing development which surrounds it. Respect for context does not automatically prohibit difference in scale or design.” Land Use Objective 2.3: “Encourage redevelopment and intensification, especially with mixed uses, of brownfields and underutilized property within the City consistent with the City’s adopted standards. Using this approach rehabilitate corridor based commercial uses into a pattern more supportive of the principles supported by commercial centers.” Community Quality Objective 1.3: “Support compatible infill within the existing area of the City rather than developing land requiring expansion of the City’s area.” Housing Objective 1.1 “Encourage and support the creation of a broad range of housing types in proximity to services and transportation options.” No conflicts with the Growth Policy have been identified. B. Secure safety from fire and other dangers. 497 Staff Report for 18120 West Babcock Zone Map Amendment Page 8 of 17 Yes. The subject properties are currently within the jurisdiction of the City of Bozeman Fire and Police Departments and within the service area of American Medical Response ambulances. The proposed amendment of the zoning map is not likely to adversely impact safety from fire and other dangers as any changes in use and further development would be reviewed under the Unified Development Code (UDC). C. Promote public health, public safety, and general welfare. Yes. The proposed amendment will promote general welfare by implementing the future land use map in the Bozeman Community Plan. Future site development will be required to be in compliance with the Unified Development Code which will help assure general health, safety, and welfare. The proposed amendment will not put undue burden on municipal services, emergency response capability, or similar existing requirements. Additional development of municipal streets and utilities required with future development will mitigate impacts from additional future development. D. Facilitate the provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements. Yes. Future site development proposals on the subject property will be required to demonstrate the adequate provision of all public services including those that may be necessary to offset any impacts that may be identified throughout the review process. The review procedures and standards adopted by the City ensure this criterion is met. Further information is provided in item F. below. E. Reasonable provision of adequate light and air. Neutral. Development of the subject properties under the B-2M zoning requirements would allow significantly taller buildings than the existing zoning designations and the setbacks would be reduced for lots currently zoned R-O. Along Main Street and close to Babcock, no problems with the increased height are identified. Where adjacent to the R-3 zoning district to the south, the UDC’s zone edge transition requirements between zones of varying intensity do not apply and there is no precedent for B-2M zoning adjacent to R-3 zoning except where separated by a street or alley. However, with the setbacks, open space, landscaping and building design requirements of the UDC, adequate light and air is expected to be provided in the event that future development occurs along the zone edge boundary. F. The effect on motorized and non-motorized transportation systems. Yes. The Bozeman Area Transportation Plan (2017) classifies the adjacent and nearby roadways currently surrounding the subject property as Principal Arterial (Main Street and 498 Staff Report for 18120 West Babcock Zone Map Amendment Page 9 of 17 South 19th Avenue) and Collector (West Babcock Street and S. 15th Avenue ). Any changes in traffic with development under the B-2M zoning designation would be reviewed at the time of further development on the subject parcels. Improvements to West Babcock and the greater transportation system may be required starting with the right-of-way for collector streets to include curb and gutter, bike lanes and sidewalks for any significant increase in development that results from the zoning change. Redevelopment of the area may be limited until street improvements have been completed. The City’s long range transportation plan shows the connection of 15th Avenue between Main Street and Babcock Street on Figure 6.2 on page 137. Parking is also a part of the transportation system and under the proposed B-2M zoning, the parking requirements would be reduced. Due to the subject properties’ location in proximity to transit and essential services, the reduced parking is potentially appropriate for this location. Further development will be carefully evaluated to ensure that proposed development does not create negative impacts on adjacent properties from spillover parking. Information regarding parking requirements for the existing and proposed zoning districts is provided in Appendix D. G. Promotion of compatible urban growth. Yes. The Growth Policy supports infill development on underutilized properties. The proposed change of zoning for the subject properties will enable the currently undeveloped land to be developed in a manner consistent with surrounding development patterns. In addition, the properties are surrounded by adjacent high density residential and commercial zoned areas. As a result, land uses that are of a mixed-use nature are an appropriate extension of the current urban growth patterns. H. Character of the district. Yes. The proposed area to be rezoned is adjacent to existing B-2M zoned property to the east. The placement of B-2M on the subject property between Babcock and Main streets is a continuation of an established zoning district. The authorized uses in the proposed B-2M district are not significantly different from what is allowed in the B-2 district. B-2M commercial uses are different from the R-O district but because the adjacent residential district is R-3 residential medium density, the R-O transitional uses are not critical. All three districts allow some amount of mixed-use development and the allowance in B-2M zoning for ground-level residences is compatible with the adjacent multi-household residences. The intent of the B-2M district is to serve both the immediate area and the broader trade area and encourages the integration of multi-household residential as a secondary use; therefore, a change from B-2 and R-O to B-2M would allow the subject properties to be developed in a 499 Staff Report for 18120 West Babcock Zone Map Amendment Page 10 of 17 manner consistent with what is currently allowed and create compatible adjacent uses to surrounding properties. I. Peculiar suitability for particular uses. Yes. The B-2M zoning district is intended to accommodate substantial growth and enhance the character of the city. Due to the proximity to arterial streets, transit, existing multi- household development, schools and commercial retail and services, the potential intensification of residential uses and reduced parking requirements in B-2M zoning is appropriate for this location (see Appendix D for more information). A change to B-2M zoning would conform to adjacent zoning and implement the Bozeman Community Plan. J. Conserving the value of buildings. Yes. All future site development that complies with the requirements outlined in the UDC will ensure consistency with the existing and planned surrounding development types which will, in turn, aid in the conservation of surrounding property values. The development standards and allowed uses for the B-2 and B-2M districts are similar with the exception of parking standards, building height and the allowance in B-2M for ground-floor residential. B-2M would allow a significant increase in intensity for the three lots zoned R-O, however the adjacent multi-household buildings would not be detrimentally impacted due to setback, open space, landscaping and building design requirements. As a result, the proposed amendment is not likely to negatively impact the value of existing buildings. K. Encourage the most appropriate use of land throughout the jurisdictional area. Yes. The proposed zone map amendment would allow the subject property to be developed in a manner consistent with surrounding development patterns and provide an appropriate transition between adjacent uses. The proposed amendment is suitable for the site and can benefit from and add to the commercial and residential nature of the surrounding area. The growth policy supports development on underutilized parcels and the proposed amendment would provide for that. PROTEST NOTICE FOR ZONING AMENDMENTS IN THE CASE OF WRITTEN PROTEST AGAINST SUCH CHANGES SIGNED BY THE OWNERS OF 25% OR MORE OF THE AREA OF THE LOTS WITHIN THE AMENDMENT AREA OR THOSE LOTS OR UNITS WITHIN 150 FEET FROM A LOT INCLUDED IN A PROPOSED CHANGE, THE AMENDMENT SHALL NOT BECOME EFFECTIVE EXCEPT BY THE FAVORABLE VOTE OF TWO-THIRDS OF THE PRESENT AND VOTING MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION. 500 Staff Report for 18120 West Babcock Zone Map Amendment Page 11 of 17 The City will accept written protests from property owners against the proposal described in this report until the close of the public hearing before the City Commission. Pursuant to 76-2-305, MCA, a protest may only be submitted by the owner(s) of real property within the area affected by the proposal or by owner(s) of real property that lie within 150 feet of an area affected by the proposal. The protest must be in writing and must be signed by all owners of the real property. In addition, a sufficient protest must: (i) contain a description of the action protested sufficient to identify the action against which the protest is lodged; and (ii) contain a statement of the protestor's qualifications (including listing all owners of the property and the physical address and legal description of the property), to protest the action against which the protest is lodged, including ownership of property affected by the action. Signers are encouraged to print their names after their signatures. A person may in writing withdraw a previously filed protest at any time prior to final action by the City Commission. Protests must be delivered to the Bozeman City Clerk, 121 North Rouse Ave., PO Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59771-1230. APPENDIX A - DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The purpose of the public hearing is to consider the requested amendment to the City of Bozeman Zoning Map proposed by the nine property owners/applicants and the project representative listed in Appendix D. The applicants request rezoning of 15 lots and corresponding portions of street right-of-way totaling approximately 9.9 acres (gross) from R-O Residential Office and B-2 Community Business Commercial to B-2M Community Business Mixed. Three of the lots south of West Babcock are currently zoned R-O and the remaining 12 lots are zoned B-2. The subject properties are currently developed with a variety of commercial uses, with the exception of a single-household property south of Babcock and the vacant parcel adjacent to it. The subject properties are surrounded by commercial retail sales and services, multi- household residential, administrative/professional offices, school property and restaurants. The future land use map in the Bozeman Community Plan designates the properties as community commercial mixed use. The development standards and authorized uses for B-2 and B-2M are similar except for allowed building heights, parking requirements and the allowance in B-2M for ground-floor residential. B-2M and R-O zoning districts differ significantly in the uses allowed in each district, with commercial and light industrial being allowed in B-2M. Height and parking requirements also differ. The maximum height for a flat-roof building in B-2 is 38 feet (49.4 feet with a Conditional Use Permit) and in the R-O zoning district, a flat roof building could be no taller than 34 feet. In the B-2M, buildings are allowed to be 60 feet tall with a limited portion being 12 feet higher. This height difference is appropriate for and enhances the goal of creating a 501 Staff Report for 18120 West Babcock Zone Map Amendment Page 12 of 17 clearly defined street-edge along arterial and collector streets. Where adjacent to the existing multi-household residential properties, setbacks, open space, landscaping and building design requirements of the UDC are intended to ensure adequate light and air; thus conserving the value of existing buildings. The recently adopted parking requirements for the B-2M zoning district are likely to be the biggest driver for increased development of the existing properties. Due to the properties’ proximity to transit and commercial retail and services, it is an appropriate area for the reduced parking requirements allowed in B-2M zoning; however any influx in traffic to the area along Babcock may result in infrastructure constraints due to the poor level of street grid connectivity along the West Babcock corridor. Any increase in traffic generated would be reviewed at the time of Site Plan application and improvements to infrastructure are likely to be required, particularly along West Babcock. Comparison of B-2, R-O and B-2M parking requirements (per 1000 square feet of gross floor area unless otherwise specified) Use Minimum Parking Spaces Required Minimum Bicycle Parking Spaces B-2 R-O (with reductions for CCMU growth policy designation) B-2M B-2, R-O B-2M Residential 1.5 per bdrm (1-bdrm units) 1 per bdrm (2-4 bdrm units) 1 per unit 2 or 10% 1 per unit Commercial Office: 4 spaces Retail: 3.3 per 1000 sf of floor area Office: 3.2 spaces Retail: N/A 2 2 or 10% 1 Restaurant (stand-alone) 20 spaces per 1000 50 sf of indoor serving area; 10 spaces per 1000 sf of outdoor serving area N/A 5 2 or 10% 5 Hotels, Motels 1.1 spaces per room plus 1 space per employee N/A 0.8 per guest room 2 or 10% 2/ 5,000 sf Arts and/or Entertainment Center Community Center: 5 spaces per 1000 square feet of floor area Community Center: 3.5 spaces per 1000 square feet of floor area Theater: N/A 5 2 or 10% 5 502 Staff Report for 18120 West Babcock Zone Map Amendment Page 13 of 17 Use Minimum Parking Spaces Required Minimum Bicycle Parking Spaces Theater: 1 space per 4 seats based upon place of assembly design capacity Manufacturing 1 space per 1,000 sf of floor area, plus 1 space per 2 employees on max. working shift N/A 2 2 or 10% 2 Notes: In the B-2M district, projects are not allowed to take reductions or exceptions to parking requirements such as for being located in mixed-used buildings, located in proximity to transit or structured parking, when covered bike parking and shower/changing area provided, or when landscaping in lieu is provided. Additionally, B-2M projects must use gross floor area and may not opt to exclude corridors, bathrooms, etc. APPENDIX B - NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT Notice was sent via US 1st Class mail on Tuesday, April 10, 2018 to all owners of property located inside the proposed change and within 200 feet of the perimeter of the change. The project site was posted on Sunday, April 15, 2018. Notice was published in the Legal Ads section of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on April 15 and 22, 2018. APPENDIX C - PROJECT GROWTH POLICY AND PROPOSED ZONING Adopted Growth Policy Designation: The property is designated as Community Commercial Mixed Use in the Bozeman Community Plan future land use map. The Bozeman Community Plan describes the character of the land use category as follows: Community Commercial Mixed Use. Activities within this land use category are the basic employment and services necessary for a vibrant community. Establishments located within these categories draw from the community as a whole for their employee and customer base and are sized accordingly. A broad range of functions including retail, education, professional and personal services, offices, residences, and general service activities typify this designation. In the “center-based” land use pattern, Community Commercial Mixed Use areas are integrated with significant transportation corridors, including transit and non- 503 Staff Report for 18120 West Babcock Zone Map Amendment Page 14 of 17 automotive routes, to facilitate efficient travel opportunities. The density of development is expected to be higher than currently seen in most commercial areas in Bozeman and should include multi-story buildings. A Floor Area Ratio in excess of .5 is desired. It is desirable to allow residences on upper floors, in appropriate circumstances. Urban streetscapes, plazas, outdoor seating, public art, and hardscaped open space and park amenities are anticipated, appropriately designed for an urban character. Placed in proximity to significant streets and intersections, an equal emphasis on vehicle, pedestrian, bicycle, and transit circulation shall be provided. High density residential areas are expected in close proximity. Including residential units on sites within this category, typically on upper floors, will facilitate the provision of services and opportunities to persons without requiring the use of an automobile. The Community Commercial Mixed Use category is distributed at two different scales to serve different purposes. Large Community Commercial Mixed Use areas are significant in size and are activity centers for an area of several square miles surrounding them. These are intended to service the larger community as well as adjacent neighborhoods and are typically distributed on a one mile radius. Smaller Community Commercial areas are usually in the 10 15 acre size range and are intended to provide primarily local service to an area of approximately one-half mile radius. These commercial centers support and help give identity to individual neighborhoods by providing a visible and distinctive focal point. They should typically be located on one or two quadrants of intersections of arterials and/or collectors. Although a broad range of uses may be appropriate in both types of locations the size and scale is to be smaller within the local service placements. Mixed use areas should be developed in an integrated, pedestrian friendly manner and should not be overly dominated by any single land use. Higher intensity employment and residential uses are encouraged in the core of the area or adjacent to significant streets and intersections. As needed, building height transitions should be provided to be compatible with adjacent development. (Pages 3-12 and 3-13) Proposed Zoning Designation and Land Uses: The applicant has requested zoning of B-2M (Community Business District - Mixed). The intent of the B-2M District as stated in the UDC is: …to function as a vibrant mixed-use district that accommodates substantial growth and enhances the character of the city. This district provides for a range of commercial uses that serve both the immediate area and the broader trade area and encourages the integration of multi-household residential as a secondary use. Design standards emphasizing pedestrian oriented design are important elements 504 Staff Report for 18120 West Babcock Zone Map Amendment Page 15 of 17 of this district. Use of this zone is appropriate for arterial corridors, commercial nodes and/or areas served by transit. (38.300.110.C.) The following table consolidates uses allowed in the B-2M zoning district from Tables 38.310.040.A, B., C., D., and E. of the UDC: General Sales Uses Automobile fuel sales or repair S Convenience uses P Heavy retail establishment P Restaurants P Retail P Sales of alcohol for on-premise consumption C Services & temporary lodging uses Automobile washing establishment P Daycare—Family, group, or center P General service establishment P Health and exercise establishments P Heavy service establishment P Medical and dental offices, clinics and centers P Mortuary S Offices P Personal and convenience services P Short Term Rental (Type 1,2, or 3) P Hotel or motel P Residential uses Apartments P Apartment buildings P Townhouses & rowhouses C Live-work units P Ground floor residential P Community residential facilities with eight or fewer residents P Community residential facilities serving nine or more residents C Group living P Lodging houses C Industrial and wholesale uses Manufacturing artisan P Manufacturing (light) S 505 Staff Report for 18120 West Babcock Zone Map Amendment Page 16 of 17 Manufacturing (moderate) C Refuse and recycling containers A Public, regional, recreational, cultural and accessory uses Business, trade, technical or vocational school Essential Services • Type I A • Type II P • Type III P Meeting hall P Public buildings and publicly owned land used for parks, playgrounds and open space P Amusement and recreational facilities P Arts and entertainment center P Community centers P Home-based businesses A Other buildings and structures (typically accessory to permitted uses) A Any use, except adult businesses and casinos, approved as part of a planned unit development subject to the provisions of division 38.430 C APPENDIX D - OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF Owners/Applicants: AV MT 1, 2559 Outpost Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90068 1532 Babcock LLC, 1911 Fort Ellis Road, Bozeman, MT 59715 American Bank, 1632 W. Main Street, Bozeman, MT 59715 Youth Dynamics, 2334 Lewis Avenue, Billings, MT 59102 Kirk Homestead, PO Box 573, Bozeman, MT 59771 Larry and Rita Merkel, PO Box 1401, Bozeman, MT 59771 113 LLC, PO Box 573, Bozeman, MT 59771 Real Angels LLC, 251 Southview Ridge Lane, Bozeman, MT 59715 Representative: Intrinsik Architecture, Inc., Marjorie Hennessey, 111 N. Tracy Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59715 Report By: Addi Jadin, Associate Planner FISCAL EFFECTS No unusual fiscal effects have been identified. No presently budgeted funds will be changed by this zone map amendment. 506 Staff Report for 18120 West Babcock Zone Map Amendment Page 17 of 17 ATTACHMENTS The full application and file of record can be viewed at the Community Development Department at 20 E. Olive Street, Bozeman, MT 59715. Application Materials: West Babcock zone map amendment exhibit West Babcock zone map amendment application, including an adjoining property owners list and project summary. 507 REVISIONSHEETDESIGNED BY:QUALITY CHECK:JOB NO.FIELDBOOKDRAWN BY:DATE:17053ZMA 24X36 X2REV DATE WEST BABCOCK ZONE MAP AMENDMENT BOZEMAN, MONTANA B17-05311/9/17.DWGCB406.586.0277 • tdhengineering.com Engineering 234 E. BABCOCK ST., SUITE 3 • BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715 ZONING B-2M (PORTIONS WERE PREVIOUSLY ZONED B-2 AND R-O)A TRACT OF LAND, SAID TRACT BEING LOTS 2 & 3, C.O.S. 1046; C.O.S. 420; C.O.S. 963; C.O.S. 1332; C.O.S. 924; LOTS 13 & 14, BLOCK 2 OFRICHARD'S SUBDIVISION; BOOK 127, PAGE 274A PLAT; LOT 1 OF MINOR SUB. NO. 9; LOT B IN C.O.S 1062, & AN ADJOINING PORTION OF WESTMAIN STREET & AN ADJOINING PORTION OF WEST BABCOCK STREET LOCATED IN THE NW 1/4 & SW 1/4 OF SEC. 12, T2S, R5E, P.M.M.CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA508 February 2018 W B Zone Map Amendment (ZMA) Application 509 WEST BABCOCK ZMA Narrative The subject site area is comprised of 15 parcels on a total of 9.9 acres and is generally located southeast of the intersection of West Main Street and South 19th Avenue (Exhibit A). This Zone Map Amendment (ZMA) application proposes to amend the zoning designation B-2 (Neighborhood Commercial) and R-O (Residential Office) to B-2M (Community Business Mixed) zoning. The majority of the subject properties (12 parcels or 8.19 acres) are zoned B- 2 (Neighborhood Commercial). A smaller section (3 parcels or 1.71 acres) is currently R-O (Residential Office). See Table 1 for site data of each parcel in the subject site. The Community Plan underlying Future Land Use designation for all of the parcels is Community Commercial Mixed Use (CCMU). The properties together form a practical grouping for a zone change. Many of the parcels are prime candidates for further investment and/or redevelopment. The nine (9) property owners would like to amend the zoning to the more current designation of B-2M and continue to improve the area as a dynamic and active community commercial area. This zone map amendment will extend the adjacent B-2M zoning into this central area to compliment the desired character and growth patterns of Bozeman. The intent of B-2M is to function as a vibrant mixed-use district, accommodating growth and enhancing the character of the city. The area’s proximity to major transportation corridors, neighborhoods, the University, Bozeman High School and Midtown; make it an ideal candidate for this change. An amendment to B-2M zoning in this area will foster a community commercial area, while extending the adjacent B-2M zoning, consistent with the desired development pattern of the CCMU area. Serving the neighborhoods within approximately a half-mile radius, this area will be well suited to provide a distinct focal area and a visible identity to the district. Approval of this ZMA application will align the subject properties and neighborhood with the growth policy by removing the R-O zoning but still allowing and encouraging a diverse range of uses. When considering this area’s importance in the future growth of Bozeman, this ZMA is a logical amendment for these properties. 510 WEST BABCOCK ZMA Table 1: Site Data for Subject Site Parcels PARCEL Acreage Sq. Feet Current Zoning MINOR SUB 9, LOT 1 0.58 25,221.2 R-O RICHARDS SUB, BLOCK 2, LOT 14 0.28 12,022.6 R-O PLAT 127-274A 0.65 28,314.0 R-O RICHARDS SUB,BLOCK 2, Lot 13 0.32 13,939.2 B-2 C.O.S. 924 0.83 36,024.1 B-2 C.O.S. 1046, LOTS 2&3 1.44 62,639.3 B-2 C.O.S. 420 0.37 16,117.2 B-2 C.O.S. 963 0.37 16,291.4 B-2 C.O.S. 1062 LOT B 0.29 12,588.8 B-2 C.O.S. 1332 LOT A-1 1.47 63,859.0 B-2 C.O.S. 1332 LOT C 0.23 9,931.7 B-2 C.O.S. 1332 LOT F 0.33 14,549.0 B-2 C.O.S. 1332 LOT D 0.38 16,552.8 B-2 C.O.S. 1332 LOT E 0.31 13,285.8 B-2 West Babcock R.O.W. 2.06 89,733.6 R-O & B-2 511 A. In accordance with a Growth Policy Yes. The area currently contains three(3) parcels of R-O zoning. According to Table C-16 of the Bozeman Community Plan, R-O is not an included zone option for the Community Commercial Mixed Use (CCMU) land use designation. Furthermore, the growth policy calls for a “center based” land use pattern. In the CCMU “on one or two quadrants of intersections of arterials and/or collectors” (p. 3-13) in specific designated areas around town. Denser residential and commercial projects in this area, in addition to continued development of the larger neighborhood, will stimulate further development of the Main and 19th intersection. In order to foster this neighborhood commercial center, residential density is necessary to support businesses. The idea of designing buildings to host a variety of different uses over time is a progressive approach to creatively dealing with both current market demands and long term land use goals. Page 3-16 of the comprehensive plan states: “The construction of building and conducting of commercial and residential activities is done by the private sector. Their willingness to invest money and personal commitment into the community has a huge influence on the community’s ability to realize its goals.” B. Secure safety from fire and other dangers Neutral. The subject properties are located in an area that is within the jurisdiction of the City of Bozeman Fire and Police Departments and within the service area of American Medical Response ambulances. Additionally, the subject site is located less than one mile from Bozeman Fire Station No 2 and the Law and Justice Center. Site and building development will be in compliance with the UDC and all applicable building codes to help secure safety from fire and other dangers. B-2M zoning will have no new affect on these types of services. C. Promote public health, public safety, and general welfare Yes. This area, due to its proximity to vital thoroughfares, public transportation, restaurants, grocery stores, the university, and downtown; has multiple elements conducive to a walkable neighborhood. A B-2M designation will encourage pedestrian use by placing customers closer to businesses and institutions and vice-versa. This change will promote a more cohesive neighborhood pattern through the updating of services and a consistent WEST BABCOCK ZMA Responses to Zoning Provision Criteria 512 sidewalk pattern. Provisions of the UDC as well as applicable building codes will ensure public health, safety and general welfare on a project by project basis. D. Facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, and other public requirements Yes. The proposed ZMA will facilitate the update of outdated services for currently underdeveloped lots within the subject area and encourage more consistent sidewalk patterns and connectivity for multiple users. Future site development proposals on the subject properties will be required to demonstrate the adequate provision of public services that will be necessary to offset any particular impacts that may be identified with review and application of the UDC and engineering standards. E. Reasonable provision of adequate light and air Neutral. Future development in compliance with the UDC as well as applicable building codes will assure the provision of adequate light and air. F. The effect on motorized and non-motorized transportation systems Yes. The proposed ZMA encourages an increase in multi-modal transportation opportunities through its proximity to major transportation corridors. Future development offers the ability to modernize and streamline pedestrian connections and bicycle routes. The area is bounded by West Main Street on the north and is in close proximity to 19th Avenue to the west; both designated major arterial roads. The area is bisected by West Babcock Street, a designated collector road. Although the proposed zone change brings the potential of increased traffic, proximity to these major thoroughfares, associated eventual road improvements and establishing the area as a walkable neighborhood commercial center would offset negative traffic impacts. All future development will be in compliance with the UDC as well as applicable engineering standards and will require a traffic impact study and review of transportation capacity. WEST BABCOCK ZMA Responses to Zoning Provision Criteria (continued) 513 G. Promotion of Compatible Urban Growth Yes. Integrated, pedestrian friendly development in mixed use areas is imperative to its success. Increased density of quality mixed-used development in this area means it will meet an important and immediate demand for residential units in Bozeman while establishing commercial uses required within B-2M zoning. Bringing higher intensity uses to this center is a progressive way to plan for long term growth. The community plan reinforces this concept and states that a concentration of persons and activities is fundamental to urban services. (Chapter 3, Bozeman Community Plan) H. Promotion of the character of the district Yes. The character of the subject site and its associated district is developing in a positive way. The intersection of Main Street and 19th Avenue is a vital node of the city that has seen positive commercial development in recent years including grocery stores, restaurants, and retail stores. Amending the subject site to B-2M will foster progressive development of this area into a neighborhood commercial center supported by the Main & 19th node and consistent with the desired pattern and character of the district. Future site development in this area that complies with the standards of the UDC will continue to add to the character of the district as well as adjacent districts. I. Peculiar suitability for particular uses Neutral. The proposed zone change does not represent a significant change and is consistent with adjacent zoning, current uses in the area and the Bozeman Community Plan for future land uses. Multiple commercial uses currently exist within the subject area. J. Conserving the value of buildings Yes. B-2M zoning will allow for improved development on subject parcels, increasing the property values of subject properties. In addition, adjacent properties will benefit from increased visibility and visits associated with new, mixed commercial services resulting from increased density. All future site development will comply with the requirements outlined in the UDC. This will WEST BABCOCK ZMA Responses to Zoning Provision Criteria (continued) 514 ensure consistency with the existing and planned adjacent development types, and in turn, aid in the conservation and increase in property values. K. Encourage the most appropriate use of land throughout the jurisdictional area Yes. This zoning change is consistent with the future land use outlined in the Bozeman Community Plan which designated the entire area community mixed use. In addition, increased mixed use density is appropriate at this location due to the proximity to major arterial streets, public transportation, the university, and downtown based on the “center-based” land use pattern. WEST BABCOCK ZMA Responses to Zoning Provision Criteria (continued) 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 PLS Plans and Specifications PLS Page 1 of 4 Revision Date 5-1-17 Required Forms: Applies to all applications Other Forms: None. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS INTRODUCTION In order for city staff to efficiently review your project in a timely manner, the application materials and the plan sets submitted must be clear, complete and thorough. This handout provides additional details for the application requirements outlined in the project checklists. If the requirements of this handout are met with your application it will minimize the delays that can occur when an application is unclear, incomplete or not formatted correctly. These requirements are mandatory. If the application materials do not meet these standards they will require correction, which will delay your project. GENERAL PLAN REQUIREMENTS 1. All plans and drawings must be accurately drawn, using a conventional scale such as 1:20 or 1:1/4, and with only one scale per sheet. Details may contain a separate scale if clearly labeled. 2. All text and annotations should be at a font size to enable it to be easily read – 10 point or more. Many plan sets require that 11” x 17” plan sizes be submitted. The text and annotations on plans that size must be readable when printed at that size. If plans are unreadable at the 11” x 17” size, they will not be accepted for review. 3. Plan sizes must meet minimum and maximum size requirements. No plans outside of the stated sizes will be accepted. 4. Plans/drawings must not contain disclaimers such as “Not to Scale” and “Do Not Scale.” (perspectives excepted) and drawings must be drawn true to the stated scale(s). 5. Plans must not contain disclaimers such as “Preliminary” and “Not for Construction.” 6. Provide all relevant measured dimensions annotated on the plans/drawings. For example label typical dimensions of parking spaces, drive accesses, drive aisles and sidewalks. 7. Consistent detailing. All existing and proposed site plan elements (e.g., sidewalks, parking spaces, fire lanes, building foot prints, etc.) must be labeled (unless a legend is provided) and dimensioned (unless a detail is provided). 8. The clearest way to present proposals is to group “existing” and “proposed” drawings side by side, using the same scale for both. 9. Each sheet and/or drawing must have a title box with the drawing name, sheet number and date clearly visible in bold. If sheets are updated or revised a new date must be applied to the sheet. For example, the civil utility plans might be labeled: C2.0 Utilities 05-01-2017. This is important as this will also be the digital file name. See naming protocol below. 10. The use of a title sheet for all general information, project team, data, calculations (parking, parkland, open spaces, and table of contents is required. The title must appear in bold letters across the top of the cover sheet. If the site plan includes a conditional use include the words “and Conditional Use.” 11. If the project is part of an existing development the name of the existing development must appear in the title. For example, “Arbys at Bozeman Gateway” or “Building K at the Cannery District.” 12. The vicinity map with zoning must be on the cover page. 13. A table of contents or plan schedule for all sheets in the plan set must be included on the title sheet with a date for each sheet. If revisions are required, the title sheet must be updated to reflect all revised sheets with a new date. 14. Fully annotated plans and drawings are more understandable, e.g. if a line is shown on the plan between two properties or other conditions such as easements, it must be annotated by adding descriptors to clarify the site condition. 527 Plans and Specifications PLS Page 2 of 4 Revision Date 5-1-17 Required Forms: Applies to all applications Other Forms: None. 15. A legend for all line types and symbols must be included on plan sets. 16. The plan sheets must not be overly congested with line types. When in doubt produce an extra sheet that separates the information. For example, produce a separate utility and easement sheet for utilities to clarify that information if the overall site plan contains too many lines and line types. 17. In general, the plan sheets are where most project information must be included. Separate cut sheets, exhibits, and summary tables on 8 1/2” by 11” will not be accepted. The only exception is for project narratives, property owners’ association documents, SID documents, easements, agreements, maintenance plans, water rights information, payback district information, contracts, deeds, weed plans, and standalone technical reports such as traffic studies, wetland reports, sewer and water reports, environmental, etc. PARKLAND TRACKING REQUIREMENTS 1. Parkland tracking on plans is required in 38.27.020BMC. This only applies to projects with residential development or residential units. 2. Documentation of compliance with the parkland dedication requirements of Section 38.27.020, UDC must be provided with the final plat, preliminary plat layout (park site plan) or individual development site plan (if previously subdivided). A parkland dedication tracking table showing the parkland requirements for the overall subdivision and the method of meeting the parkland dedication shall be included on the site plan. The table shall explicitly state how much parkland acreage, cash-in-lieu, or value of improvements-in-lieu was approved and allocated, as well as what is being proposed, for each lot of the subdivision or site development. 3. If residential development, each phase, lot or individual site plan of the development must have a copy of the parkland dedication tracking table provided below included on the site plan. Contact the Parks Department if you have questions on how to fill out the table. 4. If improvements in lieu are proposed for an existing park within the subdivision, a detailed park improvement site plan, including layout and product manufacturer cut sheets with a cost estimate for all improvements must be provided for Parks Department review. The Parks Department will provide a comparison chart indicating the value of code-required basic improvements versus proposed improvements. 5. Unless previously provided, provide the appropriate waiver of protest for future park maintenance district statement on the plat or site plan. Contact the Parks Department if you are uncertain if a waiver has been granted. 6. The parkland dedication tracking table that must be included on plans is as follows. If you have questions on how to fill out this table contact the Parks Department. PUBLIC PARK LAND DEDICATION TRACKING TABLE CURRENT PREVIOUS PHASES SUBDIVISION NAME: _______________________ PROJECT NAME: ___________________________ TOTAL FOR SUBDIVISION THIS PROPOSAL PHASE / LOT ___________ PARK DED AC CIL &/OR IIL PHASE / LOT __________ PARK DED AC, CIL &/OR IIL PHASE/LOT* __________ PARK DED AC CIL &/OR IIL NUMBER OF RES. UNITS PER PHASE / LOT / SITE PLAN: ACREAGE PARK LAND AND / OR CIL REQUIRED: ** VALUE OF IMPROVEMENTS IN LIEU PROPOSED: $___________________ VS. VALUE OF CODE-REQD. BASIC PARK IMPROVEMENTS: $___________________ (ATTACH COMPARISON CHART SPREADSHEET) ACREAGE PARK LAND PREVIOUSLY DEEDED TO COB: 528 Plans and Specifications PLS Page 3 of 4 Revision Date 5-1-17 Required Forms: Applies to all applications Other Forms: None. COLOR AND MATERIAL PALETTE 1. Color and material palettes are required for all new buildings and structures. A color and material palette must include all the proposed exterior building materials for all structures and site details. 2. The exterior building materials must include all siding, trim, roofing, windows, stairways, doors, balconies, railings windows, storefront, glass/glazing, walls, mechanical screening, trash enclosures, accessory equipment enclosures (generator, etc.), awnings and other architectural elements. 3. For smaller less complex projects that are using readily known building materials, a color and material palette may be presented in color on an 11” x 17” sheet that includes a color picture of the material and the specification. Each material must be keyed to the building elevations. 4. For larger, more complex projects the palette must be presented on a physical board with samples of the proposed building materials in their proposed color. Each sample must have a specification and be keyed to the building elevations. 5. Color perspectives that depict the building accurately and with the proposed building materials are encouraged to be submitted with each application. The color perspective does not satisfy the color and materials palette requirement. APPLICATION SETS 1. Application sets are independent sets of information that include one copy of all information submitted with the application. 2. Application sets that include legal documents, letters, technical reports, narratives, studies and other documentation in addition to plan sheets must include a copy of each item in each application set. All documentation of this type must have a visible and clear date of preparation on the front sheet of the document or study. 3. Three total sets of all information are required with most applications. Two of the sets must include full size plans, one set may include 11” x 17” plans. Full size plan set sizes must not exceed 24” x 36.” 4. Application sets must be bound and two hole punched at the top of the page. Three ring binders with three hole punch are not accepted. 5. If 11” x 17” plans are included, do not trifold them. Fold them in half, then fold the right half back on itself at a 45 degree angle in order to accommodate a two hole punch at the top. Plans must be accessible to be unfolded when bound in a two hole file. 6. Application sets should be organized and collated in the following general order 1) cover sheet/routing sheet 2) applications and checklists; 3) narratives/responses/photographs; 4) legal docs: CC&R’s, easements, deeds, agreements, CIL water rights, etc.; 5) plans; 6) appendices: standalone technical reports 7. Project narratives and responses must not be overwritten or provided on the application checklists. If responding to a checklist item provide a response on a separate document. 8. Plans must be grouped by discipline: Civil, Architectural, Landscape and Electrical/Lighting. 9. All plans must be stapled together and folded to a final size of 8 ½” x 11” or 8 ½” x 14”.If the plan set is large the plans must be stapled into sets by discipline and folded independently. State law requires us to keep a full size paper copy of all plans in our files. The plan sets must be folded so that they can be filed in the project archives. ACREAGE PARK LAND YET TO BE CONVEYED: PARK MASTER PLAN APPROVAL DATE: ______________ * INDICATE ADDITIONAL PHASES AS APPLICABLE **SHOW ACTUAL CALCULATIONS 529 Plans and Specifications PLS Page 4 of 4 Revision Date 5-1-17 Required Forms: Applies to all applications Other Forms: None. DIGITAL COPIES AND NAMING PROTOCOL The city requires digital copies of all planning applications in order to produce cost savings, eliminate paper waste and enhance the flow of information between the city, external agencies, neighborhoods and the applicant. The digital copy must include a copy of all documents and plan sheets submitted as part of the application. The following requirements apply to digital copies. 1. Two digital copies are required with most applications. The copies may be on CD or on a USB drive. 2. The digital copies must be separated into three categories: Documents, Plans and Appendices. 3. Naming protocol. Each individual document or plan sheet must have a proper name and date. The name should be easily understandable. Groups of plan sheets or document sets with multiple types of documents will not be accepted. Plan sheets must include the sheet number. For example a document might be labeled “A1 Development Review application 05-01-2017” or “City Parkland Deed 05-01-17.” Plan sheets are required to be listed individually. For example a plan sheet might be labeled “A300 Floor Plan level 1 and 2 05-01-2017” or “PM Photometric Plan 05-01-17.” Do not include other tab, section or other references in the digital file names. 4. No individual files will be accepted that are larger than 5 mb. Files that are larger must be broken down into smaller files. 5. Label all CD’s with the project name and date. Attach a small tag to all USB drive with the project name and date. CONTACT US Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive Street 59715 (FED EX and UPS Only) PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 phone 406-582-2260 fax 406-582-2263 planning@bozeman.net www.bozeman.net 530 Proposal _________________________________ Property Owners Adjacent to proposal site and across watercourses, roads*, etc. Within _______ feet of proposal site. Legal Description of Property Property Owner’s Name Mailing Address of Property Owner from Montana Dept. of Revenue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 * If road is a state highway, also include Montana Department of Transportation in property owner list. Page _____ of ______ (If additional pages of this form are needed, download the file entitled "Adjoiner List".) AdjoinerListOnly0514.docx 531 Proposal _________________________________ Property Owners Adjacent to proposal site and across watercourses, roads*, etc. Within _______ feet of proposal site. Legal Description of Property Property Owner’s Name Mailing Address of Property Owner from Montana Dept. of Revenue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 * If road is a state highway, also include Montana Department of Transportation in property owner list. Page _____ of ______ (If additional pages of this form are needed, download the file entitled "Adjoiner List".) AdjoinerListOnly0514.docx 532 Proposal _________________________________ Property Owners Adjacent to proposal site and across watercourses, roads*, etc. Within _______ feet of proposal site. Legal Description of Property Property Owner’s Name Mailing Address of Property Owner from Montana Dept. of Revenue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 * If road is a state highway, also include Montana Department of Transportation in property owner list. Page _____ of ______ (If additional pages of this form are needed, download the file entitled "Adjoiner List".) AdjoinerListOnly0514.docx 533 Proposal _________________________________ Property Owners Adjacent to proposal site and across watercourses, roads*, etc. Within _______ feet of proposal site. Legal Description of Property Property Owner’s Name Mailing Address of Property Owner from Montana Dept. of Revenue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 * If road is a state highway, also include Montana Department of Transportation in property owner list. Page _____ of ______ (If additional pages of this form are needed, download the file entitled "Adjoiner List".) AdjoinerListOnly0514.docx 534 Proposal _________________________________ Property Owners Adjacent to proposal site and across watercourses, roads*, etc. Within _______ feet of proposal site. Legal Description of Property Property Owner’s Name Mailing Address of Property Owner from Montana Dept. of Revenue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 * If road is a state highway, also include Montana Department of Transportation in property owner list. Page _____ of ______ (If additional pages of this form are needed, download the file entitled "Adjoiner List".) AdjoinerListOnly0514.docx 535 Proposal _________________________________ Property Owners Adjacent to proposal site and across watercourses, roads*, etc. Within _______ feet of proposal site. Legal Description of Property Property Owner’s Name Mailing Address of Property Owner from Montana Dept. of Revenue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 * If road is a state highway, also include Montana Department of Transportation in property owner list. Page _____ of ______ (If additional pages of this form are needed, download the file entitled "Adjoiner List".) AdjoinerListOnly0514.docx 536 Proposal _________________________________ Property Owners Adjacent to proposal site and across watercourses, roads*, etc. Within _______ feet of proposal site. Legal Description of Property Property Owner’s Name Mailing Address of Property Owner from Montana Dept. of Revenue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 * If road is a state highway, also include Montana Department of Transportation in property owner list. Page _____ of ______ (If additional pages of this form are needed, download the file entitled "Adjoiner List".) AdjoinerListOnly0514.docx 537 Proposal _________________________________ Property Owners Adjacent to proposal site and across watercourses, roads*, etc. Within _______ feet of proposal site. Legal Description of Property Property Owner’s Name Mailing Address of Property Owner from Montana Dept. of Revenue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 * If road is a state highway, also include Montana Department of Transportation in property owner list. Page _____ of ______ (If additional pages of this form are needed, download the file entitled "Adjoiner List".) AdjoinerListOnly0514.docx 538 Proposal _________________________________ Property Owners Adjacent to proposal site and across watercourses, roads*, etc. Within _______ feet of proposal site. Legal Description of Property Property Owner’s Name Mailing Address of Property Owner from Montana Dept. of Revenue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 * If road is a state highway, also include Montana Department of Transportation in property owner list. Page _____ of ______ (If additional pages of this form are needed, download the file entitled "Adjoiner List".) AdjoinerListOnly0514.docx 539 Proposal _________________________________ Property Owners Adjacent to proposal site and across watercourses, roads*, etc. Within _______ feet of proposal site. Legal Description of Property Property Owner’s Name Mailing Address of Property Owner from Montana Dept. of Revenue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 * If road is a state highway, also include Montana Department of Transportation in property owner list. Page _____ of ______ (If additional pages of this form are needed, download the file entitled "Adjoiner List".) AdjoinerListOnly0514.docx 540 Proposal _________________________________ Property Owners Adjacent to proposal site and across watercourses, roads*, etc. Within _______ feet of proposal site. Legal Description of Property Property Owner’s Name Mailing Address of Property Owner from Montana Dept. of Revenue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 * If road is a state highway, also include Montana Department of Transportation in property owner list. Page _____ of ______ (If additional pages of this form are needed, download the file entitled "Adjoiner List".) AdjoinerListOnly0514.docx 541 Proposal _________________________________ Property Owners Adjacent to proposal site and across watercourses, roads*, etc. Within _______ feet of proposal site. Legal Description of Property Property Owner’s Name Mailing Address of Property Owner from Montana Dept. of Revenue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 * If road is a state highway, also include Montana Department of Transportation in property owner list. Page _____ of ______ (If additional pages of this form are needed, download the file entitled "Adjoiner List".) AdjoinerListOnly0514.docx 542 Proposal _________________________________ Property Owners Adjacent to proposal site and across watercourses, roads*, etc. Within _______ feet of proposal site. Legal Description of Property Property Owner’s Name Mailing Address of Property Owner from Montana Dept. of Revenue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 * If road is a state highway, also include Montana Department of Transportation in property owner list. Page _____ of ______ (If additional pages of this form are needed, download the file entitled "Adjoiner List".) AdjoinerListOnly0514.docx 543