HomeMy WebLinkAbout62- Bozeman Deaconess Foundation Easement
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MIS .;\GREEM~T, :Made and entered into this ::5 C da.y of Oc ~~#.'/, .h. D.
1962, by and ~etween
Bozeman n.acon._ Fnnnr1.t.io'n
party ot the first part, hereinafter oalled the Grantor , and THB CITY OF
- -
BOZEMAN, a lILU1icipal oorporatioa of the State of Montana, in Gallatin County,
the party of the seoond part, hereinafter called the Grantee.
1VHEREhS, The Grantor__ i. the le~al reoord title owner__ of portions
~f the Central Addition to the City of Bozeman. Montana and the Prospect ~ill
Addition to the City of Bozeman, M~nt.n.
WHEREAS, the Grantee, in the exeroise of its power and authority a8 a
municipality of the State of Montaaa, proposes to COR.truct and install a
Bani tary sewer 11ne trOll the exl.ting .y.tem at East Tamarack Stre~f: and
North Rouse a.enue, in the City of Bozeman in an easterly and southerly direction
to a point on Highland Boulevard opposite Hillcrest Homes, a portion of which
proposed sanitary sewer line would run across the Grantcr.L... land; and
WHEREAS, the Grantee desires to ac~uire trom the Grantor , and the
Grantor_ 1. willing to grant to the Grantee an easement and right-ot-way
Be ron the aboTe described property ot the Grantor , and
its heir.,
exeoutor., admini.trator., .uco...ore and a.dpa, for the purpose ot install-
~, opera'tin" u.in" repairq. replaoinc, _lntaln1ng, and rellOYil'lc eai.
sani tary .ewer 11,_, and tor suoh other rights ot looe.. and inc1dent81 rights ..
are hereinafter described, all IS hereinatter more particularly J;.l"oTided.
N()!ii, TBEREP'O~, in consideration ot the '\In at . / ~ . ,in hand pal.
by the City of BozemAn, the receipt whereot is hereby acknowledged, and ill
further oonsideration .r the OOTenant. and agreement. between the parties
hereto, the Grantor has granted, bargained, sold, conveyed, and confirmed.
and by these presents doee hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey, and confir.m
-.:.rt::. the-::aid Grantee and its successor. and asslgns the !'ollo''J'in,; rights and.
~rt~i~0'~J forever.
1" 11 perpetual elsement and richq,of-way for the ;t;\4r'p",r'J af installing,
ope!"Eltin~: using, repairing, replac1n&, uintalning and rem()ving a saritary .ewer
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aGJ1{ t:..U i~fitJtdlJ
~,i.:lfl! and appurtenances thereto Up01'1 Illld acr.1II the Above desoribed property of
the Grantor . said easement and right-of-way to consist of a strip of land
.J~i!"ty (30) feet in width lying and bein~ fifteen (16) feet on eaoh side of the
followin~ described oenter linea Beginning at a point on the South line of East
College Street. as platted and of reoord in Central Addition to the City of
Bozeman. said point being 25 feet west of the east Ii.. of ,aid Addition. thence
trom said point of beginning and at a bearing of S ZOll'E a distance of 249.6
feet; thence a t a bearing of S 28006'W a distanoe of 800.7 feet; thence at a
bearing of S 59019'W a distance of 669.3 feet; thenoe S 55006' W a distance of
648.2 feet. more or less to Manhole # 8A as looated and constructed on Hillcrest
Homes Prope~ty adjacent to Highland Boulevard.
2. The perpetual ri&ht of ingress ani e,ress to and from Isid tract of
land at all rea.onable times for the purpose of in8tallln~. operatin~. usin,
repairinE. replacing ~nd maintaining said Banitar,y sewer line and appurtenanoes
thereto and for the removin~ of some 11 end when desired by the Grantee. i t8
succeSBorB and assignsl
TO H.tVE AND TO HOLD the above described right-of..way with all the appur-
tenances and privileges unto the said Grantee and to its succes8Qrs and assign.
The Grantee hereby OOT8nsnts and agree. with the Grantor 88 followSI
1. That in connection with the installing, operating. using. repair.
ing, replacin~, maintaining and removing of said sf\nitery sewer line it
will replace. at its lole expense, all existing fences. ditches and
other appurtenances of said land that may be dietuTbed by its opera-
tion in a condition equal to the condition thereot existing before
Baid operations were begun. or as near thereto as shall be reasonably
possible. and in the event that the same cannot be so replaced the
Grantee will pay to the Grantor the reasonable value of the damage
done by it to the same.
2. That during .peratians involving excavation. it will remove tram
the site any large stones or any kind of debris that may have been
exposed by the excavation and remaining atter backfilling is oo~
pleted; and shall leave the finished surface in substantially the
same condition that existed prior to the beginning of oferations.
except that the surface of backfilled areas may be mounded sutfi-
e iently to prevent the :i:o:amation 'ot depJJBSslOns ,'dter final' .ettle-
ment has taken place.
3. To install said sanitary sewer line at such a reasonable depth below
the surface of the earth as will permit normal cultivation of the
4. To operate, use and maintain said sanitary sewer line in Buch a manner
a8 will not hinder or prevent the pr4per cultivation of the traot
through which this right-of-way is hereby granted~ it being under-
stood that the Grantor shall be reimbursed in full by the Grantee
for any actual damage dOne to the crops or the prem:i.ses by virtue of
the Grantee's entr,y thereon.
The Grantor hereby covenant 8 and agree s with the Grantee as
followsJ - --
1. '!hat at no time will thev build, construot. erect or maintain
any perL18nent structure over or above the said I"a:a:cta~y ReWp.r J.in.e
unless 3uch structure is built. constructed and ml;::;.crLled. in I'lu~h
a manner that it would not interfere with the oper~ticn. use. repair.
mainteaaaee. replacement and removal of Baid sanitary sewer line.
,. .
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2. That the Grantee may peaoeably hold and enj~ the rights and
privileges herein granted wi~out any interruption by the Grantor
or it, successors and asslgn.. ---
3. Th~t it i. lawfully 8e1zed of said premises; that it
has ~o~d ~ight and lawfUl authority to aell the same ~nd that
~- and it. h~lr8, executor., administrators, successor. and
aesi[J.'ls. tlhall warrant and defend the title to said premises unto
said Gr8nt~e, and 1ta successors and assigns forever, a,a1nst the
lawful olaia and demand of all perlons whomBoever.
It 1. underFtood and agree. by and between the parties hereto that thl.
Jlsreement shall be b1iulin't upon the' heirs, exeoutors, 'nd:--.1nlstrators. 8uooea-
~or8 and aS8isna of the Grantor and upon the lucoesaor. and ..Iigna of the
Grantee. ---
IN yn:mESS mmRBOF', the Grantor. hayehereunto set their hand and
scal and the Grantee, The City oi~ozeman, hu hereunto set ita hand"; by
i ~s Mayor and its Clerk of the City COllll'll..ion, eaoh thereunto ~ulL-author1zed.
and has caused ita corporate leal to b. affixed, all on thil~~~ day of
C1d~dh&/'l , 1962.
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Clerk of the City Commi..1on
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City Atto~
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On thl.JO -c!-- __, orCl-c-r--- . 1962, before me, the under.tped a
Pub or State of Mon~aD& , pers(\nally ap::,eared
. perlon d..or ~e. in !'.lld ..In'" s:\ b"'l'.j~ -';J.l€ ;"~C:"ct"ll'g
um~n~.- ac Grantor_ ani-acknowledgcd to l:le -l;}:at, ~.~._ hf\.C ey,.w,'..-ted the
freely 8.;ld voluntarily.. for the u.es and pu::;,o,"€'s '~~.-:"s :.n ,~xp.p.c .e..:..
County of
val l.t ill
IN WITNESS vmr.;REOF, I ha.... hereunto set mv hnnd and a:tfixed my Notarial
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'b'U",i' ,'1'1'" ",.Ii)" (i^"E'J4),d.'. )
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Seal on the day and year in this Certificate first above written.
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My ~;:;;'.:rI.~' ~.~;I n...,~.;; ;,.,.',;mb'::i ~;:;, P(},~
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Residing at
My Commission
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County of Gallatin )
On this ;'{..1"~ay ot d~r- . 1962. before me. the undersigned. a
Notary Publio or e State ~f';Montana. personally appeared. Fred M. Staudaher
and C. K. Wilson. known to me to be the Mayor and Clerk of the City Commission
respec~ively. of the City of Boze~n. whose name is subscribed to the within
;instrument and aoknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf
of said City.
IN WI'mESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial
Seal on the d~ and year in this Certificate first above written.
Rotary pU . c or the Saate of Montana
Residing at
~ Commission expires
r.u r/lii; PU'-)l.iC far the; Statc~ of Montana
Residing at Bozeman, Montana
My Commis~ion Expires May 26, 1965
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~., ,< "'~~_,.,\ November __1~._-_-, 1962
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State of ~.~:~-'. C . . 20, I-iIisce11aneo%_"",379
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