HomeMy WebLinkAbout81- Beyer Construction Easement , fiLM 61 P~GE 584 EASEMENT AND RIGHI OF WAY AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRI~TION EASEME~T THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this _.~ day of January A. O. 19~, by and between GL~.DYS & CARL part_L of the first part, hereinafter BEYER called the Grantor and THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. a municipal corporation of the State of Montana, in GaUatin County, the party of the second part, hereinafter called the Grantee. WIT N E SSE T H WHEREAS, The Grantor is the legal record title owner of SW~, Section 31, TIS, R6E, M.P.M., Gallatin County, Montana. more particularly described below, and WHEREAS, The Grantee. in the exercise of its power and authority as a municipality of the State of Montana, proposes to construct and install a sanitary sewer and necessary appurtenances to serve various properties located within the Northeast portion of the City of Bozeman and one or more such lines would run across the Grantors land; and WHEREAS, The Grantee desires to acquire from the Grantor , and the Grantor is will ing to grant to the Grantee an easementand right of waY-across the above described property of the Grantor , and his heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, for the purpose of installing, operating, using, repairing. replacing, maintaining, and removing said sanital'y sewer and appurtenances and for such other rights of access and incidental rights as are hereinafter described, all as hereinafter more particularly pro- vided. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of $ and other considerations in hand ~id by the City of Bozeman, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and in further consideration of the covenants and agreements between the parties hereto, the Grantor has granted, bargained, sold, conveyed, and confirmed and by these presents does hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey, and confirm unto the said Grantee and its successors and assigns the follow- ing rights and priVileges forever: 1. A perpetual easement and right of way for the purpose of installing, operating. using, repairing, replacing, maintaining and removing a sanitary sewer thereto upon and across the above described property of the Grantor _ s~ i d easement and ri ght of way to cons i st of a strip of land flfteen tI5) feet in width being more particularly described as follow: A tract of land in the Southwest ~, Section 31, TownShip 1 South, Range 6 East, M.P.M., Gallatin County, Montana. The temporary con- struction easement is more particularly described as a I5-foot temporary easement on either side of a 3D-foot permanent easement centered on the property line between tracts 5b and 6a of the Amended Plat of the Bozeman Industrial Park. This I5-foot temporary easement extends 15 feet south of and parallel to the permanent easement on thevboundary of tract 6a, amended plat of Bozeman Industrial Park. (north) '" FIU~ 61p~GE 585 2~ The perpetunl right of ingress nnd cgreRs tn and fro~ said tract of land at all reasonable times for the purpose of installing, operating, using, repairing, replacing und maintaining said ~______...__ sani tacL sewer'__~_______ and for the rC1110v1 ng of same if a ii(.l when desired by the Grantee, its successors and assigns: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described dE',ht of way h'ith all the appurtenances and privileges Ilnto the ~;aid Crilntcc dud to its SUCCessors nnd assign:~ for('ver. The Grantee lH'reby covenants nnd !lgrccs \;;1 th the' Grantor'; as follm"G: 1. That, in connection with the installing, operating, using, repairing, replacing, maintaining and removing, of said ...2~nHary sewer it will replace at its sole expense, all existing fences, ditches and other appur- tenances of said land that may be disturbed by its operation in a condition equal to the condition thereof exi~ting before said operations were begun, or 8.S nenr thereto 8S S1P111 be reasonably possible. 2. That, during operations involving excavation, it will remove the topsoil from the trench area to a depth of one foot, or to the full depth of the topsoil '_Jhichever is less, and stockpile said topsoil [or replac(}ment: over the trench, and will remove from the site any large rocks or surplus excavated material or any kind of debris that may hnve been exposed by the excavation and remaining after backfilling is completed and will leave the finished surface in substan- tinlly the same condition that existed prior Lo the beginning of operations except that the surface of backfilled aress may be mounded sufficiently to prevent the forn11ltion of deprC~)Slon:J after final settlement has taken place. 3. To operate, use and Maintain said sanitary sewer .m_.__~_~_.__ In Auch manner as will not. hinder or--pre,;;;,t--'ij;~---' proper cultivation of the trnct through Hhi.ch this rtght of ,"ny is hereby granted. {L In t.he event that it shodd become neCCtHwry for the Grantee to re-enter the Grantors premises for the purpose of repairing, replacing, maintaining or removing said utility lines the Grantee will reimburse the Grantors for any actual damage done to the Grantors premises or crops. -2 - I' f :U~ 61~gE 586 5. The Crantor hc'rcby c,-,vC'n<1ntrl flnd ngrccfl with thc Gr,lntl'l' ,1'; 1,-,11,-",.";: 1. Teat at no tir~le tdll they build, cnn~;truct, crc::t or ~,.li[a;lin <lilY pcnn.:lnent structure "VClr or abn'/c the g,:'lid ,:",,'111 i :>iY"( "5l.J1.l2L" ,',_m,' un 1 (> ~ s su c h s t rue t u r r; i~, b 1I i 1 t, ,:::,~~; t ;,:, ct;-rI- '.--- nlld maintnillcd in such a mflnncr thDt it \.;ould ,,<,t int.cricr<' with the operation, use, rcprlir, ma;,ntaineticc, npl.lCernC'llt and l' C' 111 0 V .1 1 0 f 8 aid ...s,i~l.2, !~~_~t ,"~_(.' ~I!~.t,:.._______,_.-.__,.,_______ ., 2. That the Grantee may pell.ceab1y hold and enjoy the right~ and privileges herein granted without any interruption by the Grantor.2- or thei r successnrs and nssigns. J. That they have been 111\.,'fully seized of said prl.lmip(,,~; thdt. they have good riF,ht nnd 111wf\11 authori ty to sell t1H2 :;ili:l(! nnd lrut they and their heir", CXf'cutor!;, adl11ini~;tr-:ltl'r:;, ~,\icce~;c;ors and as~;jgl1:" [JhlJll w.',rrnnt: and defend the ti,t!i' to ~'"lld prelnL;l'G unt'n srlid Grnntcf', nnd it" r;\:cccssnrs ,li"~ ds~;ig[\s forever, .1?,idnst the In'w'ful clnim Ilnd dC';;\Hhl ,-j' ,ej 1. P('t'sons \-1110;:1;;0('\,('1'. T t i f; II n de r ~; t 0 c> d ,] n d i1 g r e c d by .'\ n cl he t (,' (. en t :1 C j! i"! r I.. i c~: h ',' : " t: ,., ,'I i,: L (Iii,>; /\t~re('l~\('nt: ::;\);111 be bilHJing upon the heir,";, excc\lt.nrs, nd::.i'lj':tr'.lLor:;, s l.t C C C~; ~; 0 r at \ d .1 ~~ ~;i g n f, 0 f t h (' G r i\ n t: 0 r B i1 ncl \l p (; nth (' f, \l C C C f, so r~; ,11il a :: Gig Il S 0 f t h C' C r d n t c (' . It is understood between both parties that this temporary construction easement terminates at the time that construction of the parallel line is finished. Should construction be held up and the parties of the first part desire to build upon the said prop- erty, this temporary easement v,ill not interfere with the owners use of his property. -:3- '" , - \\I\""t;f:l1tIiJ \\\ , "'G 11"1 ,.::-" , Q i\- 0 I... 'II/ ", "'.... 110....". IT ~.A .~ ~. ....,'...... .~."\,"'fi'r ......~ } '<-/ ~ ~ '':'~'1 .... ',,~ ,;~' /;f..:,.,."'1.'" '. \ J ; k ~~"' ~C \ ,;;;, ~ d~~LJ ; - ... ;:1" ..- ...~ .e ...-_ ... II t II. ~. ~ ':""~I ...1\ ".;.." .._41 ^ 'Vii "'~ ".. 'Q/';. ......... f)'ft.... '!'I~"" "1" 1(1(:: Of'" "., "~"t \\\\ I.""....,. ", FILM 61p~GE 587 IN WITl-jESS WHEH.EOF, The said pnrtie~-' f'[ thl' first par!; h;1VC~ her e un t 0 set the i r h and san d s C' ill s t h c> d ,'( Y ;Hi dye n r fi n; t a h 0 v (' written, I -' / ,I '2 ~A :YZ YJgr~ ---- \- STATE OF MONTANA ) / 't/t! 'r ,-/- ) . , "" /1<-' - " "7 /~~~s...':J..:- " -__L_~-,- lL ^ a ,-€-/1 -<.~ 55 County of Galldtin) On this J3.~ day (')f~I\Il.(.~':L 191/ , before me, a notdry public in .and--[or said Stau'~;-;:-d'bnally ~~ppcared __S~-' _f.:L..._~__~_.__ G-/~'l-s )3-<"''1-Jtr known ta. me to be the person_.! whose ~~ame :;:,. ;;J l-e... .___ subscribed hD the wi thin instrument, and acknov!ledged to me that ~---"~~__.,,_;}..._"!S_________"_ executed the same. -~ N~~':'h~~~'nTM;;,;;,;; ResiclinV <It Boz(';T]an, tlont,1na :.;)' C (l11~mi ~: {-; i em Ex p i n-' ,'; ________C';:~?" --,'Ii?LI!(. f:;"Uh,:SL:_____ ,;, :'~~\:.\;,:JJi<:~ :~'~. h{i.(t'ltl:JI!, /,;:",:, w;~ OrImllllSSlllli expires Mo:r.:tl iJ. j ~"l -!+ ~ On: t1i ,,; __14 _.__ ell< \' 0 f .1.?1J..ygJ;'Y______, 1913)", 1,,' f (':- C [:1(', the ,", I, . ; f:U~ 61 PAGE 585 TilE CITY OF nOZ1Y/lll /. I I / 41/.. -- _L..L.;c",-' .._.. ./ E'I. I ',/, ..-- . I.. ,"'./_ ,__t ,,~' /./~...,-.,."t/. - ". ..,.,l-....L.c:;"._. ___.._....,_._ >1.~'1. v ~.'1. t7/f!..~ A.1.;,.,.C.':~~~' . 'A~ .' '"' " ~t..~ 1 ~V' ,'~;l }~t- "t... ~ ':~e" to ... 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IN \,,'.1 TN !7.S S WilE H FlIF, l' ha v (; hl~ r ('\ I:: '(, 'i (' t f"V " ",,:, ,'i'l: I r, t' f'i :,:.',,' I,;'; i'; c :. Ii ri d 1 S \ 'iJ Ion L I': e day i] n d y (' 1.1 r i Ii l.ll i [J eel.. L i f i (' :1 t:" f; r ." , a t;; 0 v c \.n '. j ". t- (' n ~ ,; fH. ". '~'\ \ ~ ;., . , .' f\ T . , ,I , I' . J I. ,0, -i-.J~~~;t!c.___.___"."..._..__...,""..__._ NlJtllr~,Olblic. for the ~;tate of ~lontal1n P. C $ i din f, a t II (I Z (>[;11.1 n, :-''h rl t: .'1 nil l,tj C:'rn:-ds s i 011 T-::qi rr'!J ..lanu<U'.y_.6_. _~9..83 ShO', ;~ "!" ~ ; .-.( 1.' J..) ...( '..'~ . ., .. .,...... ", It:' , t.J."1 .... "'h O.'t !'O''''\l\\t,tl''''~ '; ~,., .....;,., ,. ~ t'" \,~. - J ... ~ . . I' T.\,'~~ ;'(!,~l~'~ o lj :~ ~ \,j :.. ~i l: i /'. f I 1.1 1 ~. .- .1 :',! I / I, i\ ij! \ i~ 1-\ H') I I . i i'\ ': r,"ll:'. I:., '.\!\ i \. ", i 'j'\' ; 1'.' . ~ .;1 I',. " \ J, A , ' 1."./ FlUo1 : i . . ',' [ ~. ~ : r : 61PAGE S89 I t ',\ ;1 "J' ~'.. -..... \ \ 1 ,F- -:, 'i // ,.-',,-:; ':;.l'.---------..-' I l: ill ~.) :~ I: :/ . '". , I I 'to:",: .~,' .. ....., ",~ OT' ,..."..:t:F:"....'~..._ ' ...., .. ,~ I 'I r- L) .' "_..I I .: , I (I \. ( " r ! ,,', I" .1 'I j , f. ; I /,1 " ,:i i I' I ;,1 f I 1'::,...,.1 ~, ',~ . ., r I I . ! INDEX~ PLATTED, \ 82fi7!) {-:'<_C_\ -.:'" ,:::_ OFFICE OF COUNTY IUX:ORDER, STATE OF MONTANA COUNTY OF GALLATIN. \ '" -CuciU'e a~ f3~~ TIllS INSTRUMENT WAS FILED FOR REC:ORD IN THIS OFFICE ON THE 23 DAY OF JANUARY , A.D., 19~, 11 : 15 A M., AND WAS DIJL Y RECOHDED IN BC)()K 61 MISCELLANEOUS HECOBDS, PAGE 584 RECORDER. RY __..L~4Xfo)~~ DEPUTY Fee $ City of Bozeman '''It;.3 AT OF