HomeMy WebLinkAbout69- Notice of Utility Occupancy and Use of State Highway System Right of Way (2) . ..... .. ,.' . ' ('cT."!""; f.,;";~~"';'.,I'",,t',. .....";,.c:::!,.,..,;.;U,,.. " ~ R/W I 31 !\ JJ NOTICE OF UTILITY OCCUPANCY AND USE OF STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM RIGHT OF WAY TO: DISTRICT ENGINEER Highway Project No. F.A.P. L"1 A Be B Montana Highway Commission Highway Designation Belgrade to Rb~eman Butte ,Montana Highway Shltion 121 + 74 to City of Eozeman, t:ontana, a H'micipali.t;y proposes to occupy and use State (Name of Uti I ity, Cooperative or Common Carrier) Highway System right of way in accordance with the provisions of Section IV of the Montana State Highway Commission's "Regulations Governing Occupancy of State Highway System Riqht of Way by Ut i I i ty Fac i I it i es", as fo I I OVIS: . Description of Faci I ity: I. Overhead ; 2. Underground X a. Telephone c. Natural Gas e. Sewer X ~nc~sed sanitary b. Electric == d. Water - f. Other (specify) sewer cro:"sing. Uti I ity Faci I ity Location: (to be suppl ied by uti I ity) Sect ion 26 , Townsh i p 1 South ,Range 5 E ,County Gdl-">tin Highway Name or route No. U.:-:;. 10 Eoutp 2 MilePost 317.8 iomilepcst (Where available) , Drawings: Uti I ity construction drawings attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference: Pr i nts No. 502-67 FB 1/118 Schedule 11 , Dated Pr j nts No. Photo Sti!. () + 29 3chcdule 11 , Dated Date Submitted hc'rch 5. 1969 ; Sit;; n" '.ozr::;!t:"D, l<cDtl'ln~ ~. ' .' . ~--f0 '. N~me ~f U:. i I ity, .coop or Common Carrier By . <?"..~. .p. cr.. ,--.l.7d</ J Tit Ie. C1ty Mancger / H~lrold FryslLe . . . . .. Preliminary agreement to the location of utility facility given: I. By visit on '"2. -LS-GF-, (date) by k~:~L~~ (name) 2. By telephone cai I on ' (date) by (name) 3. After field inspection on (datel by (name) To: (name and/or title) (name of uti I rty, coop, or common carrier) (mai ling address) I. Occupancy and use of apProv~ /7 / c,"' Date "'- ~7 ; 2. Occupancy and use of State Highway System right of way as described herein is not approved for the reasons I i si"ed on the reverse side hereof. I Date ; By . Districr Engineer, Montana Highway Comm. I. I :..:...,~. X"'R~ xr::po ~~.o ...,., I __ _ , ~~. , , ; , '" i ..~ , ~ _ ..,' ..._.......,;......~..:~'" ;.:.~ ....~~(:..it.~...... 1'.. .'....... .,+ 110. _". _~.....~~.:~~..'J.\~.!....4._....~:~....,...,,; ...... .~... '. 'no" , " ," ' -... ........... , " . :1 ... ; .' \ ; , , " ~ R/W 131 ~ . , I I . ...' .., " .. j April 11, 1969 RichArd L. Miller. Div. Mtce. Supervisor St~te Highway Commission Bozem8n. Montl!lna Re: 1-90-6 (13) 296 FAP 44 A & B Belgr..,de-Bczenum RW Form 131 Dear Dick: I ~ herewith submitting four (4) copies of specifications covering Construction of Railroad end HighWl?Y Crossing to supplement the drawings 8ubrritted previously on our epplicption for pipe cro!5s1ng on No. 10 and Interstate 90 for our )0 inch Interceptor Sewer. \ I believe these specifications will nnswer most of the questions r~!18ed under letter of Richl'lrd. B. Dundas District Engineer dated April 1. The time of completion cannot be answered at this time with any accuracy. We anticipate a bid opening the latter part of July or the first part of August. The successful bidder will hpve to complete the entire project on or before December 1970. He will also be required to submit tor /lIpprovpl ~ progress schedule and being that thi~ portion will be on the lower end of the project end conetructlon would possibly be done during the t~ll and winter ot 1969. Once construction has begun on the crossing it will have to be completed in the shortest poss- UIe time. The Consulting Engineers do have a copy of your Occupancy Regulations with reference to American Water Works Association Stand!rde for Railway & Highwa7 Crossings ~d I h!lve 8 copy in rq office and to my knowledge have designed this installation to contora to the recommendations. If you have any further questions we would be gia.d to hear from you. Sincerely, ~~., ~._'~C ~' - ,-:- .' .~,. ..,. _ ../ '.--' . ~-~---""''''''''9l.' , Roman C. F.'\rgo ..- City Engineer ; , . ~ , , . . , . . . . ^RTICU: 4 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS RAILROAD AN D HIGHWAY CROSSING .L. _(;;pn~'JJ-,-- I:nc,lsempnt pipe shall be constructed of tunnel liner plate dlld the ('drrlt~r plpe shall be constructed of asbestos-cement pipe, The in- stillhtlo:; slielll be In ,wcordtlnc(' with the spectficattons and applicable drawin~ls, L~__.~ 1 d k.r:.~.'~ I ~,_ :,I . 1 _ J, ll(~' !~;L'r~l {, r~~ PiE~~. l:nCdSPrTWnt pipe shilll be slt),ifi1r to ;\rrno Tunnel Uner 1'1 dt. , Tfl" ~;t",'1 linltlq sh(~ll consist of pJJt(~S 18" wide,; c<'!c:h c1r':\lr:lfl'H~ntidl rlnq :;ll,di lH' ('()muosed of thp number dnd lcnqth pldtes shown on drdwlrlCJ, 'l'h" InSldr' di,-lI1lct,'r of the completed rinq sholl be 48" and no part of the pl.'dl' or 1I'1nlofl'loq fibs will bp allowed to extend Jr1side this npt c1iametpr. Thi,'k'li's:; ()f till' IIH'tld for thl~sl.' str~Pl plates shilll Le not k",::: than II. <.JdlJ(jr', 1\11 plotl's shall be punched for bolting on both longitudinal and clrcumferl'ntldl S(~dms und shall be so fabricated oS to permit complHf~ erectton lrorn UI(' Irl~;Ir!,' 01 tl1., tlmn('I, The ionyttudin,ll SetHll sh,Jll be of tLe L1P l'yPC Wlt'l ol!:;I'l "quid to q,HlqC of ll,ptiJl for full widtll of pldtr:. lncludiny flanqes dnd hd VI' :,t,JlFH'rf'd holt constructlon, so fabricoted dS to allow U.(> C[('SS section of tll(' pldtc to be ('ontinuous through the seam. All pl(ltcs sholl be of uniform LdJricntlOn dnd those intended for one size tunnel shall be; inter- dldll(jl}dblt> . 'l'h(~ rni1tl~rial used for the construction of these plotes shall be npw a:ld Urlu:3('d "nd ~"l1t()blf' for the purposl' Intended. I deh tltrldl'r shall furnlsh ,) drawiny ShowlOg a typical section of the tunnel detc111:; of till' pLd('~.;. ]olHjltudlnal and circumferential seams, Size and lenljtlJ of bol t s . 0_f. J' ~i.lh.: s t ~!~.- (;.I,'J!I ~,~, ~l_L~e_~~~ r.1' 1 pc . ^sbestos-cement sewer pipe shall conform to thl: fl'qllll"Ilil'llts of A.S.T.M. DesiqnatLOn C; 428-6ST. Sewer pi pc shall be fllrnlsh,'d 111 st.1Il(Llrd it'nqths of 13 fcct or 6t feet and shall be Class 3300, ~...!_l.__'::l_~ 1'1..1 \ ': (L.(:J~11'.L2~.0..1.I1_J'.U.i~..: Vitriflpd clay draln tile shilll conform to the re- clulr'~nll'nt~; e)l 1\,S.T.M, Dcsiqnation C 4-62. The pipe shall be krnlshed in lengths as shown on tht drawulgs, l-,---'Lr;gIH,'.I, c k'. ~1.Qs.~~!!LY._lJ III t s " Concrete masonry units shal I conform to the n~qlJirr'l1\"nts of ^.S.T.M. Designation CSS-66T. The units shall be of the size shown on the drawlOq s , 4-1 . . . , , . , , . . . . . 2.5 Grout and tv! ortars . 2.5.1 Mortar, Mortar for placing concrete masonry units shall conform to the requirements of A.S.T.M" C 270-64T. ']. . 5~_Grout . Crout for pressurf' grouting the voids outSide of the tunnel liner shall conSist of a mixture of one part Type I cement and five parts sand, con- forming to the requirements of A.S.T.M. Designation C 404-61 for fine aggregate size 2 (m'ln,lfacturcd). The grout shall be lubricated with sufficient bentonite to eliminate resisti"mce to pumping" 2.6 HI oc k i ngI i!!!J~~:r s. Blocking timbers shall be of sound lumber and shall be placed as shown on the drawiogs, 3. Placing [ncasement Pipe. Qualified and experienced personnel should be em played on all tunnel work. An approach tf(~nch or worki ng pit is to be excavated about three feet wider than the pipe diameter and as close to the track as is safe and economical. If the soLl caves it is necessary to protect the trench with wood sheeting. The trench or pit should be large enough to contain lighting equipment II tools and dewaterinq lJump, Provision shall be made for disposing of the excavation from the tunnel, Two tlmb(~rs 4" x 6" or larger shall be set as a cradle on the floor of the tn'nch to the lirw and grade of the tunnel. Five rings of liner plate shall be assembled on the timbers as a guide to subsequent operations. Poling plates shall be placed to cover the top half circumference of the pipe. Wh(~n jacking frame with jack and jacking push-bars are installed, the liner plate structure shelll be braced for the thrust of the jacks. Brea st boards shall be maintained in the heading to the height required by the tendency of the soil to cave-ln. Frequent instrument checks on line and grade shall be required. The excavation for the tunnel should be kept to the outside diameter of the liner plates and any voids that might occur due to boulders. loss of face materials. etc.. should be immediately filled with the grout as specified, to avoid any settlement of the over-burden. The 5/8" diameter I iner plate bolts should be tightened to a minimum of 50 ft. Ibs < torque to draw the plates up snugly. A maximum of 100 ft. Ibs. torque should not be exceeded to avoid excess stress in the bolts. 4 . PIllCiWl Carrier Plpe, The carrier pipe shall be placed within the encase- mc~nt pipe <'IS shown on the drawings. The pipe shall be constructed of asbestos- ccmunt pipe, (;lass 3300, Joints shall be slip-on rubber ring gaskets as supplied 4-2 Ii . . . , .- .. .' .. . L . " . . . " . . . -, by the manufacturer of the pipe clnd conforming to A.S.T.M. Designation L)-1869-66. The carriEn pipe shall be supported on wooden blocks as shown or. the drawings or <.It thp contractor's option on compacted sand. The sand shall form i'i cradle to the lower quarter poi nts of the pi pc. The sand shall have a gradation such that 100 V passes the No.4 sieve and 0 to 15% passes the !\'o. 200">le\i~. The pipe shi"lll bp laid on a true grade dnd alignment grade. All sections of I' pi pe shall be: carefully placed, supported and centered, and jOIOf'd tel form a sewer th"t willlidve a Ufllform inV(~rt grdde. The pIpe shdll Le fJ;otccled <.,- qdlnst irnp,](;t shock and free fall durinq hnndlinq, Prior to i'C1 no placec! in the PilCdS<'ILl'nt pipr~, the dsbestos-cement pipe shall be inspected nnd any dnrnaqed sl'ctions shall be rejected. I 4-3