HomeMy WebLinkAbout76- Mountain States Telephone & Telegragh Right of Way Easement "'.S.T. a T. co, FOAM 7321 ., (3-69) ~ . '- A/W 8793 ' hiV';> ~-rt& -~ ( 14' t. "' V1;;J' " V --/' I' J 11/-' . (/ ''1-/-/ -g:J- RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT The Undersigned Grantor/{and each and all of them if more than one) for ond in consideration of (-"'~ .' .,,-1'-,,>/ J~tl ($ / ,,\,0 . , . - .-( L(.' <~ {." k /',- I-~ -. ao ars , , . ):) ) 'n hand pa ,d by the Grontee, the receipt whereof is hereby od:nowledged, hereby grants, bargains and conveys unto The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company, a Colorado corporation, 931 14th Street, Denver, Colorado, 80202, Grantee, its successors, assigns, lessees, licensees and agents a Right.of.Way Easement and the right to construct, operate, maintain and remove such communication and other facilities, from time to time, as said Grantee may require upon, over, under and. across the following described land which the Grantor owns or in which the Grantor has any interest, to wit: A strip of land being the South 20 feet of the North 40 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, Gardner Park Subdivision. LGcated in the NE~, Section 30, T.2S., R.6E., M.P.M. G 11 t. Montana situate in County of a a 1 n , State of , TOGETHER with the right of ingress and egress over and across the londs of the Grantor to ond from the above.described property, the right to c1earand keep cleared all trees and other obstructions as may be necessary and the right to permit other utility companies to use the right of way jointly with Grantee for their utility purposes. The Grantor reserves the right to ace upy, use, and cult ivate sa id property for a II purposes not incons istent with the rights herein granted. Signed and delivered this /6/J. day of ;'",' . A. D., 19'7(... -::--~ ~. ~'-" r' "'. . -/<- .'~ ,. / ',- " . .' . AtL.:?c: .-C'-L" .--'- " t- 'c'. .----V / .,r;.->. .,-;,( '.c' _ ,/.,- (,'C '. ..~---.-/ ?-.j , (:..-..- ./ .- , -"" 'Y o"'-"? - i"",.(.- #I- r"/'t..: .... (Add below a for... of acknowl..dg....,.,nt oppropriate for thot stote in which thot right-of-woy is locoted ond for t.... porty who i. gronting thot right-of-way, s.... I.M. 173, S..c. 5 fo, proper for....) State Qf ) ss. County of ) On this I~ Ij. day of A,v , 19 ?!., before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of /JIl)/J>"_'-'.A personally appeared :1;,,,,,,0\ 0'11/M':,~/';'V ("r( clr j} ,,'" 1..>"11 tv known to me to be the person s) whose name(s) If subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. No"tJ ry Public for the State of ftl{).,;/"f'" /~ R,,;.; i ding [1 t .J} d'~:::::'!!_:::_'"m___._.___.___. My," C"'.)rrrrn:~ ,/".~:~ ':i. ~)"Cl E~.(.;! '!. re'~ ,,,___".l?~..s.._......L.~~7 " ) This spac~ fo.u.ecordinfL-j.nf0~atj2]];.. ._~____.. ~ ....., .. 0 ~ I I u (lJ . . E .. . ....., .----I ... (lJ cl) E-' 0.. 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E-< ....J 0' r:Q U) E-' E-' p-:; "iLl 0 ....J I'.J UJ p-. . . . State of ) County of ) : Ss. On this day of , 19 -' before me, the undersigned, a Notary Puhlic in and for the S ta te or , personally appeared , known to me to be the (President, Vice President or Secretary) of the corporation executed the same. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year in this certificate firs t above written. Notary Public for tllE' StaLe of ..-. ~:Zesiding , D.t - i\;y CemIni s ~~ i I'~" --- - -- n~' ~___~__~~.~~_____ ........-.~ ---_.~~~.. .,~.~-_, .- ."_____,~.~,~..__.~__r.~~'_.. .__................._,..._.....