HomeMy WebLinkAbout80- Mountain Bell right of way Easement " ~ NOTE _~ Original f-.iled - Film 58 Page 384 Recorded Sept 8:50 a.m. M,S.T. &. T. co. FORM 7321 (3-69) 5, 198cflw 1 ,1(;:) RIGHT-OF.WA Y EASEMENT Th~ Undersigned Grantor (and each and all of them if more thon one) for and in consideration of Fii tv c.\nd no/ 1 og~..:::.-=-=_--~_.------ dollars ($_2C. CC_) in hand paid by the Grantee. the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants, bargains and conveys unto The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company, a Colorado corporation, 931 14th Street, Denver, Colorado, 80202, Grantee, its successors, assigns, lessees. licensflflS cnd agents 0 Right-of-Way Easement and the right to construct, operate, maintain and remove such communication and other facilities, from time to time, as said Grantee may require upon, over, under and across the following described land which the Grantor owns or in which the Grantor has any int..rest, to wit: The ncrtherly 20 feet of Late ~nd 2 of BJock 2 oi Lukels Subc:ivi,;ion ro. 2 1 u c ;:' t c:~ .......,. -; ~) il .:i r','"") l;. (_ , T. 1 S. , l~. ~) E. , l' . lJj. T.~.. , ~~~ct~C~Yl :l.n situate in County of. Oi-'.ll ",tin ,State of tv:ontSJ;L, TOGETHER with the right of ingress and ogress over and across the Ignds of the Grantor to and from the above-described property, the right to clearand keep cleared 011 trees and other obstructions as may be necessary and the right to permit other utility companies to use the right of way jointly with Grantee for their utility purposes. The Grantor reserves the right to occupy, use, and cultivate said prapflrty for all purposes not inconsistent with the rights herein granted. Signed and delivered this,.. 5 t,h da of \1;nC)1 A. D. 1980. ._~~.",.__~~. y _,~_~_.",..~~I 1_ 'rIlE /CITY OF BOZEMAN A t_J2~) 2 em ,.~~l~ Ml:21 t :l~_'~______'__M_"_'_____'_ N<lyor'---~ (Add below 0 lorm 01 acknawledge"",nt app,apdate 10, the .Iole In which the 'Ighl-ol-woy I. located ond 10, the party who I. granting the dght.ol-way, ...e I.M. 173, S..c. 5 IN prop.r form.) State of l'1ontana County of Callatin ss. On this 6th day of March ..........-...............- ~~--- Notary Pub He in and for the State DUIlcan S. MacNab . known to me t:o b~ the person(.s,) instrument, and acknowledged to of , 19 80, befo~e me, the undersigned, a Mnnt~n~ personally appeared whose name ( s) is subscribed to the wi thin me tha t he exectlted the same" In~J lness Whereof. 1 hElve hereunto set. my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year in this certificate first ..'tbove wrltten,.,,') --'J ft' . -,'- "':>..Lj{~--v.-.(^./ Nolary Public for the State of Hesidinq at My Commission Expires This ~l:ace for_ recor-dinq information This easement is good only if underground wires ~rp 36'1 below ground surface through the area covered by th-j s ed~;f)rTiCnt. Thi s is to acconlnlodate tree pl ant'i nq ilnd other work in the park area by local residpnts. e The fee paid for the ease[Cient l" ,-, ,; $25.00 per lot or $50.00 .. ... . Ci ty of Bozemcm Mountain Bell is engineerine: a new buried long distence . telephone line from Bozeman to Bele:rade. The location our Engineer's have picked is south of and contiguous to the south right of way fence of Interstate 90. The adjoining landowners in this area have been contacted e and easements secured. It will be necessary to cross the northerly 20 feet of Lots 1 clnd 2 of Bloci;: 2 01' lake's Subdivision No.2 which the City of Bozeman owns as a park area. It will be necessary for the City Council to sign the enclosed ease~ent. for the two lots. Thank You, John L. Mortensen RiCht of Way Agent-l"iountain Be11 e e e